2 #include <vector>
4 /*
5  Additional code to extract from some of Jeremiah's work:
6 From src/midend/astInlining/inlinerSupport.h:
7  isPotentiallyModified
8  hasAddressTaken
9  flattenBlocks
10  isMemberVariable
11  renameVariables
12  rebindVariableAndLabelReferences
13  fixReturnStatements (maybe)
14  changeAllMembersToPublic
15  myRemoveStatement (probably rename)
16  removeVariableDeclaration
17 From src/midend/astInlining/inlinerSupport.C
18  containsVariableReference
19  isDeclarationOf
20  isPotentiallyModifiedDuringLifeOf
21 From src/midend/astInlining/replaceExpressionWithStatement.h:
22  getRootOfExpression
23  changeContinuesToGotos
24  pushTestIntoBody
25  addStepToLoopBody
26  myStatementInsert (should be renamed or merged into another function)
27  convertInitializerIntoAssignment
28  getStatementOfExpression
29  replaceExpressionWithExpression (maybe)
30 From src/midend/astInlining/replaceExpressionWithStatement.C:
31  getInitializerOfExpression
32  addAllVariablesAsSymbols
33 Everything from src/midend/programTransformation/partialRedundancyElimination/expressionTreeEqual.h
34 From src/midend/programTransformation/partialRedundancyElimination/pre.h:
35  anyOfListPotentiallyModifiedIn
36  getSymbolsUsedInExpression
37  PRE::getFunctionDefinition (there is a function doing the same thing in the CFG view code, and they should be merged)
38 From src/midend/programTransformation/finiteDifferencing/patternRewrite.h:
39  replaceChild
40 From src/midend/programTransformation/finiteDifferencing/finiteDifferencing.h:
41  moveForDeclaredVariables
42 From constantPropagation.C (written when I was here last time, attached to this email):
43  enum dead_code_kind
44  DeadCodeFindingVisitor
45  A function "void removeDeadCode(SgStatement* scope)" containing the relevant code from main in that file (i.e., lines 394 to 420), with "vis.funs[funnum]" replaced by "scope"
47 -- Jeremiah Willcock
49 */