Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NAbstractHandleString annotations to uniquely indicate any source constructs
 NIntegerOpsBit-wise operations on integers
 NOmpSupportTypes and functions to support OpenMP
 NRoseThe ROSE library
 NRosebudRosebud is a tool to generate abstract syntax trees
 NSageInterfaceFunctions that are useful when operating on the AST
 NSawyerSawyer support library
 NsgThis namespace contains template functions that operate on the ROSE AST
 CAST_FILE_IOClass holding static data and functions supporting File I/O
 CAstAttributeBase class for all IR node attribute values
 CAstAttributeMechanismStores named attributes in Sage IR nodes
 CAstBottomUpProcessingAttribute Evaluator for synthesized attributes
 CAstCycleTestAstCycleTest is based on the successor information of SgNodes (the same information that is used by the traversals)
 CAstMatchingAllows to specify arbitrary large patterns to be matched on any subtree in the AST
 CAstRegExAttributeAttribute containing a regex expression as a string
 CAstSgNodeAttributeAttribute storing an SgNode
 CAstSimpleProcessingClass for traversing the AST
 CAstTopDownBottomUpProcessingAttribute Evaluator for inherited and synthesized attributes
 CAstTopDownProcessingAttribute Evaluator for inherited attributes
 CAstValueAttributeIR node attribute that stores a copyable value
 CbuiltinFilterA function object to filter out builtin functions in a call graph (only non-builtin functions will be considered)
 CChainableTypeLayoutGeneratorBasic type layout engine – handles bookkeeping, plus handing typedefs and
 CContextVis_RStrategy pattern applied to visitors
 CCppToCppTranslatorDefault Cpp2Cpp Translator
 CCustomizedPrimitiveTypeLayoutGeneratorLayout generator for customized primitive types, mostly for UPC relying on Berkeley runtime library now
 CDataConverterEncodes and decodes a buffer using an algorithm defined in subclasses
 CDOTGenerationThis class defines the DOT output (graphical representation) of the AST
 CDOTInheritedAttributeThis class defines the DOT output (graphical representation) of the AST
 CDOTRepresentationThis class defines the DOT output (graphical representation) of the AST
 CDOTSynthesizedAttributeThis class defines the DOT output (graphical representation) of the AST
 CdummyFilterA function object to be used as a predicate to filter out functions in a call graph: it does not filter out anything
 CeqstrName equality operator support for symbol tables within ROSE
 CExtractFunctionArgumentsThis normalization makes sure each function call argument is a side-effect free expression of only one variable
 CFormatRestorerRestores output stream flags to original values
 CFunctionCallInfoStores a function call expression, along with associated information about its context
 CFunctionEvaluationOrderTraversalTraverses a given AST and finds all function calls in the order in which they're evaluated Also, for each function we find where to put declarations of temporary variables so that they're accessible at the function call
 Chash_NameHash name support for symbol tables within ROSE
 CI386_VSPrimitiveTypeLayoutGeneratorSlight modification for Visual Studio – doubles are 8-byte aligned
 CI386PrimitiveTypeLayoutGeneratorLayout generator for i386 primitive types
 CIntraDFTransferVisitorApply an analysis A's transfer function at a particular AST node type
 CLinearCongruentialGeneratorLinear congruential generator
 CMapExtends std::map with methods that return optional values
 CMetricAttributeAttribute corresponding to a metric
 CNonpackedTypeLayoutGeneratorLayout generator for i386 ABI-like struct layout
 CPDFGenerationThis class defines the PDF output of the AST
 CPDFInheritedAttributeThis class defines the PDF output (graphical representation) of the AST
 CPreprocessingInfoFor preprocessing information including source comments, include , if, define, etc
 CRangeA contiguous range of values
 CRangeMapA container of ranges, somewhat like a set
 CRangeMapNumericScalar value type for a RangeMap
 CRangeMapValueScalar value type for a RangeMap
 CRangeMapVoidValue type for a RangeMap with no useful data attached to the ranges
 Crose_hash_multimapHash table support for symbol tables within ROSE
 CRoseAstInterface for iterating over an AST
 CRot13The ROT-13 algorithm, extended to operate over the entire 8-bit domain/range
 CRTIMemberDataAccess to C++ Run Time Information (RTI)
 CSg_File_InfoThis class represents the location of the code associated with the IR node in the original source code
 CSgAsmAarch32CoprocessorOperand referencing a Co-processor
 CSgAsmBasicStringString associated with a binary file
 CSgAsmBinaryAddExpression that adds two operands
 CSgAsmBinaryAsrExpression that performs an arithmetic, sign-bit preserving right shift
 CSgAsmBinaryConcatExpression that concatenates two values to form a wider value
 CSgAsmBinaryDivideExpression that divides the first operand by the second
 CSgAsmBinaryExpressionBase class for binary expressions
 CSgAsmBinaryLslExpression that performs a logical left shift operation
 CSgAsmBinaryLsrExpression that performs a logical, sign-bit non-preserving right shift
 CSgAsmBinaryModExpression that returns the remainder when dividing the first operand by the second
 CSgAsmBinaryMslExpression that performs a logical left shift operation filling low-order bits with one
 CSgAsmBinaryMultiplyExpression that multiplies two operands
 CSgAsmBinaryPostupdateExpression that represents an update to a storage location
 CSgAsmBinaryPreupdateExpression that represents an update to a storage location
 CSgAsmBinaryRorExpression that performs a right rotate
 CSgAsmBinarySubtractExpression that subtracts the second operand from the first
 CSgAsmBlockInstruction basic block
 CSgAsmByteOrderByte order specification
 CSgAsmCilAssemblyCIL Assembly node (II.22.2)
 CSgAsmCilAssemblyOSCIL AssemblyOS node (II.22.3)
 CSgAsmCilAssemblyOSTableCIL AssemblyOS tables
 CSgAsmCilAssemblyProcessorCIL AssemblyProcessor node (II.22.4)
 CSgAsmCilAssemblyProcessorTableCIL AssemblyProcessor tables
 CSgAsmCilAssemblyRefCIL AssemblyRef node (II.22.5)
 CSgAsmCilAssemblyRefOSCIL AssemblyRefOS node (II.22.6)
 CSgAsmCilAssemblyRefOSTableCIL AssemblyRefOS tables
 CSgAsmCilAssemblyRefProcessorCIL AssemblyRefProcessor node (II.22.7)
 CSgAsmCilAssemblyRefProcessorTableCIL AssemblyRefProcessor tables
 CSgAsmCilAssemblyRefTableCIL AssemblyRef tables
 CSgAsmCilAssemblyTableCIL Assembly tables
 CSgAsmCilClassLayoutCIL ClassLayout node (II.22.8)
 CSgAsmCilClassLayoutTableCIL ClassLayout tables
 CSgAsmCilConstantCIL Constant node (II.22.9)
 CSgAsmCilConstantTableCIL Constant tables
 CSgAsmCilCustomAttributeCIL CustomAttribute node (II.22.10)
 CSgAsmCilCustomAttributeTableCIL CustomAttribute tables
 CSgAsmCilDataStreamBase class for CIL branch of binary analysis IR nodes
 CSgAsmCilDeclSecurityCIL DeclSecurity node (II.22.11)
 CSgAsmCilDeclSecurityTableCIL DeclSecurity tables
 CSgAsmCilEventCIL Event node (II.22.13)
 CSgAsmCilEventMapCIL EventMap node (II.22.12)
 CSgAsmCilEventMapTableCIL EventMap tables
 CSgAsmCilEventTableCIL Event tables
 CSgAsmCilExceptionDataProperty class representing CIL Exception clauses (II.25.4.6)
 CSgAsmCilExportedTypeCIL ExportedType node (II.22.14)
 CSgAsmCilExportedTypeTableCIL ExportedType tables
 CSgAsmCilFieldCIL Field node (II.22.15)
 CSgAsmCilFieldLayoutCIL FieldLayout node (II.22.16)
 CSgAsmCilFieldLayoutTableCIL FieldLayout tables
 CSgAsmCilFieldMarshalCIL FieldMarshal node (II.22.17)
 CSgAsmCilFieldMarshalTableCIL FieldMarshal tables
 CSgAsmCilFieldRVACIL FieldRVA node (II.22.18)
 CSgAsmCilFieldRVATableCIL FieldRVA tables
 CSgAsmCilFieldTableCIL Field tables
 CSgAsmCilFileCIL File node (II.22.19)
 CSgAsmCilFileTableCIL File tables
 CSgAsmCilGenericParamCIL GenericParam node (II.22.20)
 CSgAsmCilGenericParamConstraintCIL GenericParamConstraint node (II.22.21)
 CSgAsmCilGenericParamConstraintTableCIL GenericParamConstraint tables
 CSgAsmCilGenericParamTableCIL GenericParam tables
 CSgAsmCilImplMapCIL ImplMap node (II.22.22)
 CSgAsmCilImplMapTableCIL ImplMap tables
 CSgAsmCilInterfaceImplCIL InterfaceImpl node (II.22.23)
 CSgAsmCilInterfaceImplTableCIL InterfaceImpl tables
 CSgAsmCilManifestResourceCIL ManifestResource node (II.22.24)
 CSgAsmCilManifestResourceTableCIL ManifestResource tables
 CSgAsmCilMemberRefCIL MemberRef node (II.22.25)
 CSgAsmCilMemberRefTableCIL MemberRef tables
 CSgAsmCilMetadataBase class for CIL branch of binary analysis IR nodes
 CSgAsmCilMetadataHeapCIL SgAsmCilMetadataHeap node
 CSgAsmCilMetadataRootCIL SgAsmCilMetadataRoot
 CSgAsmCilMethodDataProperty class representing CIL Extra Sections (II.25.4.5)
 CSgAsmCilMethodDefCIL MethodDef node (II.22.26)
 CSgAsmCilMethodDefTableCIL MethodDef tables
 CSgAsmCilMethodImplCIL MethodImpl node (II.22.27)
 CSgAsmCilMethodImplTableCIL MethodImpl tables
 CSgAsmCilMethodSemanticsCIL MethodSemantics node (II.22.28)
 CSgAsmCilMethodSemanticsTableCIL MethodSemantics tables
 CSgAsmCilMethodSpecCIL MethodSpec node (II.22.29)
 CSgAsmCilMethodSpecTableCIL MethodSpec tables
 CSgAsmCilModuleCIL Module node (II.22.30)
 CSgAsmCilModuleRefCIL ModuleRef node (II.22.31)
 CSgAsmCilModuleRefTableCIL ModuleRef tables
 CSgAsmCilModuleTableCIL Module tables
 CSgAsmCilNestedClassCIL NestedClass node (II.22.32)
 CSgAsmCilNestedClassTableCIL NestedClass tables
 CSgAsmCilNodeBase class for CIL branch of binary analysis IR nodes
 CSgAsmCilParamCIL Param node (II.22.33)
 CSgAsmCilParamTableCIL Param tables
 CSgAsmCilPropertyCIL Property node (II.22.34)
 CSgAsmCilPropertyMapCIL PropertyMap node (II.22.35)
 CSgAsmCilPropertyMapTableCIL PropertyMap tables
 CSgAsmCilPropertyTableCIL Property tables
 CSgAsmCilStandAloneSigCIL StandAloneSig node (II.22.36)
 CSgAsmCilStandAloneSigTableCIL StandAloneSig tables
 CSgAsmCilTypeDefCIL TypeDef node (II.22.37)
 CSgAsmCilTypeDefTableCIL TypeDef tables
 CSgAsmCilTypeRefCIL TypeRef node (II.22.38)
 CSgAsmCilTypeRefTableCIL TypeRef tables
 CSgAsmCilTypeSpecCIL TypeSpec node (II.22.39)
 CSgAsmCilTypeSpecTableCIL TypeSpec tables
 CSgAsmCilUint32HeapBase class for CIL branch of binary analysis IR nodes
 CSgAsmCilUint8HeapBase class for CIL branch of binary analysis IR nodes
 CSgAsmCliHeaderCIL Managed Code section
 CSgAsmCoffStrtabCOFF symbol string table
 CSgAsmCoffSymbolCOFF symbol
 CSgAsmCoffSymbolListList of COFF symbols
 CSgAsmCoffSymbolTableCOFF symbol table
 CSgAsmConstantExpressionBase class for constants
 CSgAsmDirectRegisterExpressionExpression representing a machine register
 CSgAsmDOSExtendedHeaderDOS exteded header
 CSgAsmDOSFileHeaderRepresents the file header for DOS executables
 CSgAsmElfDynamicEntryOne entry from the dynamic linking table
 CSgAsmElfDynamicEntryListList of dynamic linking section entries
 CSgAsmElfDynamicSectionELF section containing dynamic linking information
 CSgAsmElfEHFrameEntryCIELF error handling frame entry, common information entry
 CSgAsmElfEHFrameEntryCIListList of ELF EH frame CI entries
 CSgAsmElfEHFrameEntryFDELF error handling frame entry frame description entry
 CSgAsmElfEHFrameEntryFDListList of ELF error handling frame descriptor entries
 CSgAsmElfEHFrameSectionRepresents an ELF EH frame section
 CSgAsmElfFileHeaderRepresents the file header of an ELF binary container
 CSgAsmElfNoteEntryOne entry of an ELF notes table
 CSgAsmElfNoteEntryListNode to hold list of ELF note entries
 CSgAsmElfRelocEntryOne entry of an ELF relocation table
 CSgAsmElfRelocEntryListList of ELF relocation entries
 CSgAsmElfRelocSectionRepresents an ELF relocation section
 CSgAsmElfSectionBase class for ELF file sections
 CSgAsmElfSectionTableRepresents an ELF section table
 CSgAsmElfSectionTableEntryRepresents one entry in an ELF section table
 CSgAsmElfSegmentTableRepresents an ELF segment table
 CSgAsmElfSegmentTableEntryRepresents one entry of a segment table
 CSgAsmElfStringSectionELF string table section
 CSgAsmElfStrtabELF string table
 CSgAsmElfSymbolRepresents a single ELF symbol
 CSgAsmElfSymbolSectionELF file section containing symbols
 CSgAsmElfSymverDefinedAuxAuxiliary data for an ELF Symbol Version
 CSgAsmElfSymverDefinedAuxListList of symbol version aux entries
 CSgAsmElfSymverDefinedEntryOne entry from an ELF symbol version definition table
 CSgAsmElfSymverDefinedEntryListList of entries for the ELF symbol version definition table
 CSgAsmElfSymverDefinedSectionThe GNU symbol version definitions
 CSgAsmElfSymverEntryEntry in an ELF symbol version table
 CSgAsmElfSymverEntryListList of entries from a symbol version table
 CSgAsmElfSymverNeededAuxAuxiliary info for needed symbol version
 CSgAsmElfSymverNeededAuxListHods a list of symbol version aux entries
 CSgAsmElfSymverNeededEntryOne entry of the ELF symbol version needed table
 CSgAsmElfSymverNeededEntryListList of symbol version needed entries
 CSgAsmElfSymverNeededSectionGNU symbol version requirements table
 CSgAsmElfSymverSectionThe ELF symbol version table
 CSgAsmExecutableFileFormatBase class for many binary analysis nodes
 CSgAsmExpressionBase class for expressions
 CSgAsmExprListExpList of expression nodes
 CSgAsmFloatTypeFloating point types
 CSgAsmFloatValueExpressionFloating-point value
 CSgAsmFunctionRepresents a synthesized function
 CSgAsmGenericDLLBase class for dynamically linked library information
 CSgAsmGenericDLLListList of pointers to other nodes
 CSgAsmGenericFileBase class for binary files
 CSgAsmGenericFileListList of AST file node pointers
 CSgAsmGenericFormatBasic information about an executable container
 CSgAsmGenericHeaderBase class for container file headers
 CSgAsmGenericHeaderListList of generic file headers
 CSgAsmGenericSectionContiguous region of a file
 CSgAsmGenericSectionListList of pointers to file sections
 CSgAsmGenericStringBase class for strings related to binary specimens
 CSgAsmGenericStrtabBase class for string tables
 CSgAsmGenericSymbolListNode to hold a list of symbol node pointers
 CSgAsmIndirectRegisterExpressionRegisters accessed indirectly
 CSgAsmInstructionBase class for machine instructions
 CSgAsmInstructionListList of SgAsmInstruction nodes
 CSgAsmIntegerTypeInteger types
 CSgAsmIntegerValueExpressionBase class for integer values
 CSgAsmInterpretationRepresents an interpretation of a binary container
 CSgAsmJvmAttributeBase class for a JVM attribute
 CSgAsmJvmAttributeTableRepresents a JVM attribute_info table/array
 CSgAsmJvmBootstrapMethodJVM BootstrapMethod
 CSgAsmJvmBootstrapMethodsThe BootstrapMethods attribute is a variable-length attribute in the attributes table of a ClassFile structure (Section 4.1)
 CSgAsmJvmClassJVM Class
 CSgAsmJvmCodeAttributeJVM Code attribute
 CSgAsmJvmConstantPoolRepresents an JVM constant pool
 CSgAsmJvmConstantPoolEntryRepresents an entry in a JVM constant pool
 CSgAsmJvmConstantValueJVM ConstantValue attribute
 CSgAsmJvmEnclosingMethodJVM EnclosingMethod attribute
 CSgAsmJvmExceptionHandlerJVM ExceptionHandler
 CSgAsmJvmExceptionsJVM Exceptions attribute
 CSgAsmJvmExceptionTableRepresents a JVM exception_info table/array
 CSgAsmJvmFieldJVM Field
 CSgAsmJvmFieldTableRepresents a JVM field_info table/array
 CSgAsmJvmFileHeaderRepresents the file header of an JVM binary container
 CSgAsmJvmInnerClassesRepresents a JVM InnerClasses attribute
 CSgAsmJvmInnerClassesEntryA JVM InnerClasses attribute array entry
 CSgAsmJvmInstructionRepresents one JVS machine instruction
 CSgAsmJvmLineNumberEntryJVM LineNumberEntry
 CSgAsmJvmLineNumberTableJVM LineNumberTable attribute
 CSgAsmJvmLocalVariableEntryJVM LocalVariableEntry
 CSgAsmJvmLocalVariableTableJVM LocalVariableTable attribute
 CSgAsmJvmLocalVariableTypeEntryJVM LocalVariableTypeEntry
 CSgAsmJvmLocalVariableTypeTableJVM LocalVariableTypeTable attribute
 CSgAsmJvmMethodJVM Method
 CSgAsmJvmMethodParametersJVM MethodParameters attribute
 CSgAsmJvmMethodParametersEntryJVM MethodParametersEntry
 CSgAsmJvmMethodTableRepresents a JVM method_info table/array
 CSgAsmJvmModuleMainClassJVM ModuleMainClass attribute
 CSgAsmJvmNestHostJVM NestHost attribute
 CSgAsmJvmNestMembersJVM NestMembers attribute
 CSgAsmJvmNodeBase class for JVM branch of binary analysis IR nodes
 CSgAsmJvmSignatureJVM Signature attribute
 CSgAsmJvmSourceFileJVM SourceFile attribute
 CSgAsmJvmStackMapFrameRepresents a frame in a stack map table
 CSgAsmJvmStackMapTableThe StackMapTable attribute is a variable-length attribute in the attributes table of a Code attribute (see section 4.7.3)
 CSgAsmJvmStackMapVerificationTypeRepresents an entry in a stack map table
 CSgAsmMemoryReferenceExpressionReference to memory locations
 CSgAsmMipsInstructionRepresents one MIPS machine instruction
 CSgAsmNodeBase class for all binary analysis IR nodes
 CSgAsmOperandListList of operands for an instruction
 CSgAsmPEExportDirectoryExport directory
 CSgAsmPEExportEntryExport entry
 CSgAsmPEExportEntryListList of pointers to other AST nodes
 CSgAsmPEExportSectionExport file section
 CSgAsmPEFileHeaderWindows PE file header
 CSgAsmPEImportDirectoryOne import directory per library
 CSgAsmPEImportDirectoryListA list of PE Import Directories
 CSgAsmPEImportItemA single imported object
 CSgAsmPEImportItemListA list of imported items
 CSgAsmPEImportSectionPortable Executable Import Section
 CSgAsmPERVASizePairRVA/size pair
 CSgAsmPERVASizePairListList of SgAsmPERVASizePair AST nodes
 CSgAsmPESectionBase class for PE sections
 CSgAsmPESectionTableSection table
 CSgAsmPESectionTableEntrySection table entry
 CSgAsmPEStringSectionString section
 CSgAsmPointerTypePointer type
 CSgAsmPowerpcInstructionRepresents one PowerPC machine instruction
 CSgAsmRegisterNamesAn ordered list of registers
 CSgAsmRegisterReferenceExpressionBase class for references to a machine register
 CSgAsmRiscOperationStatic representation of instruction semantics
 CSgAsmScalarTypeBase class for scalar types
 CSgAsmStackExpressionBase class for references to a machine register
 CSgAsmStatementBase class for statement-like subclasses
 CSgAsmStaticDataRepresents static data in an executable
 CSgAsmStmtThis class represents the concept of a C Assembler statement
 CSgAsmStoredStringStrings stored in an ELF or PE container
 CSgAsmStringStorageStrings stored in an ELF or PE container
 CSgAsmSynthesizedDataStructureDeclarationDeclaration-like nodes that encapsulate multiple instructions
 CSgAsmSynthesizedDeclarationBase class for synthesized declarations
 CSgAsmTypeBase class for binary types
 CSgAsmUnaryExpressionBase class for unary expressions
 CSgAsmUnaryMinusExpression represting negation
 CSgAsmUnaryPlusExpression representing a (no-op) unary plus operation
 CSgAsmUnarySignedExtendExpression representing sign extending
 CSgAsmUnaryTruncateExpression representing truncation
 CSgAsmUnaryUnsignedExtendExpression representing unsigned extending
 CSgAsmUserInstructionInstructions defined at runtime
 CSgAsmValueExpressionBase class for values
 CSgAsmVectorTypeBase class for vector types
 CSgAsmVoidTypeA type that doesn't represent any data
 CSgAsmX86InstructionRepresents one Intel x86 machine instruction
 CSgAssignInitializerThis class represents the rhs of a variable declaration which includes an optional assignment (e.g. "int x = 1;"). In this case the SgValue ("1") is wrapped in an SgAssignInitializer
 CSgBasicBlockThis class represents the concept of a block (not a basic block from control flow analysis)
 CSgBinaryNodeThis class represents the base class for all IR nodes supporting the binary representation of software within Sage III
 CSgBinaryOpThis class represents the notion of a binary operator. It is derived from a SgExpression because operators are expressions
 CSgBoolValExpThis class represents a boolean value (expression value)
 CSgBreakStmtThis class represents the notion of a break statement (typically used in a switch statment)
 CSgCallExpressionThis class represents the concept of a generic call expression
 CSgCapturingCopySupporting template class for "capturing" copies of the AST
 CSgCaseOptionStmtThis class represents the concept of a C and C++ case option (used within a switch statement)
 CSgCastExpThis class represents a cast of one type to another.
 CSgCatchOptionStmtThis class represents the concept of a catch within a try-catch construct used in C++ exception handling
 CSgCatchStatementSeqThis class represents the concept of a C++ sequence of catch statements
 CSgClassDeclarationThis class represents the concept of a class declaration statement. It includes the concept of an instantiated class template as well
 CSgClassDefinitionThis class represents the concept of a class definition in C++
 CSgClassNameRefExpThis class represents the concept of a C++ expression built from a class name
 CSgClassSymbolThis class represents the concept of a class name within the compiler
 CSgClinkageStartStatementThis class represents the concept of a C style extern "C" declaration. But such information (linkage) is stored within linkage modifiers currently
 CSgConditionalExpThis class represents the concept of a C trinary conditional expression (e.g. "test ? true : false")
 CSgConstructorInitializerThis class represents the call of a class constructor to initialize a variable. For example "Foo foo;" or "Bar bar(1,2,3);" to initialize foo and bar respecitively.
 CSgContinueStmtThis class represents the concept of a C or C++ continue statement
 CSgCopyHelpSupporting class from copy mechanism within ROSE
 CSgCtorInitializerListThis class represents the concept of a contructor initializer list (used in constructor (member function) definitions)
 CSgDeclarationModifierThis class represents modifiers for SgDeclaration (declaration statements)
 CSgDeclarationStatementThis class represents the concept of a declaration statement
 CSgDefaultOptionStmtThis class represents the concept of a C or C++ default case within a switch statement
 CSgDeleteExpThis class represents the concept of a C++ call to the delete operator
 CSgDirectoryThis class represents a directory within a projects file structure of files and directories
 CSgDoubleValThis class represents the notion of an value (expression value)
 CSgDoWhileStmtThis class represents the concept of a do-while statement
 CSgEnumDeclarationThis class represents the concept of an enum declaration
 CSgExecStatementThis class represents the concept of the dynamic execution of a string, file, or code object. This node is intended for use with Python
 CSgExpressionThis class represents the notion of an expression. Expressions are derived from SgLocatedNodes, since similar to statement, expressions have a concrete location within the user's source code
 CSgExprListExpThis class represents the concept of a C and C++ expression list
 CSgExprStatementThis class represents the concept of a C or C++ statement which contains a expression
 CSgFileThis class represents a source file for a project (which may contian many source files and or directories)
 CSgFloatValThis class represents the notion of an value (expression value)
 CSgForInitStatementThis class represents the variable declaration or variable initialization withn a for loop
 CSgForStatementThis class represents the concept of a for loop
 CSgFunctionCallExpThis class represents the concept of a C++ function call (which is an expression)
 CSgFunctionDeclarationThis class represents the concept of a function declaration statement
 CSgFunctionDefinitionThis class represents the concept of a scope in C++ (e.g. global scope, fuction scope, etc.)
 CSgFunctionParameterListThis class represents the concept of a declaration list
 CSgFunctionRefExpThis class represents the function being called and must be assembled in the SgFunctionCall with the function arguments
 CSgFunctionTypeThis class represents a type for all functions
 CSgFunctionTypeSymbolThis class represents the concept of a name and a type. It may be renamed in the future to SgTypeSymbol (since it is ued for both functions types and more general types)
 CSgFunctionTypeTableThis class represents the function type table (stores all function types so that they can be shared internally)
 CSgGlobalThis class represents the concept of a namespace definition.
 CSgGotoStatementThis class represents the concept of a C or C++ goto statement
 CSgIfStmtThis class represents the concept of an "if" construct
 CSgInitializedNameThis class represents the notion of a declared variable.
 CSgInitializerThis class represents the notion of an initializer for a variable declaration or expression in a function call argument list
 CSgIsNotOpThis class represents the physical disequality (often called pointer disequality) operator for languages that also define a content disequality operator
 CSgIsOpThis class represents the physical equality (often called pointer equality) operator for languages that also define a content equality operator
 CSgLabelStatementThis class represents the concept of a C or C++ label statement
 CSgLambdaRefExpThis class represents a lambda expression
 CSgListExpThis class represents a list display
 CSgLocatedNodeThis class represents the notion of an expression or statement which has a position within the source code
 CSgLongDoubleValThis class represents the notion of an value (expression value)
 CSgMemberFunctionDeclarationThis class represents the concept of a member function declaration statement
 CSgMemberFunctionRefExpThis class represents the member function being called and must be assembled in the SgFunctionCall with the function arguments
 CSgMinusOpThis class represents the numeric negation of a value. Not to be confused with SgSubtractOp
 CSgModifierThis class represents the base class of a number of IR nodes define modifiers within the C++ grammar
 CSgModifierNodesThis class is not used in ROSE, but is intended to represent a list of SgModifierTypes (similar to the SgTypedefSeq IR node) used for the SgType IR node that points to this SgModifierNodes. In the future, we may either support this concept (similar to SgTypedefSeq) or we may remove the related implementation of SgTypedefSeq to be consistant by design)
 CSgNameThis class represents strings within the IR nodes
 CSgNamespaceAliasDeclarationStatementThis class represents the concept of a C++ namespace alias declaration statement
 CSgNamespaceDeclarationStatementThis class represents the concept of a C++ namespace declaration
 CSgNamespaceDefinitionStatementThis class represents the concept of a namespace definition.
 CSgNamespaceSymbolThis class represents the concept of a namespace name within the compiler
 CSgNaryBooleanOpThis class represents the notion of an n-ary boolean operation. This node is intended for use with Python
 CSgNaryComparisonOpThis class represents the notion of an n-ary comparison operation. This node is intended for use with Python
 CSgNaryOpThis class represents the notion of an n-ary operator. This node is intended for use with Python
 CSgNewExpThis class represents the concept of a C++ call to the new operator
 CSgNodeThis class represents the base class for all IR nodes within Sage III
 CSgOptionsThis class represents an object used to initialize the unparsing
 CSgPointerAssignOpThis class represents a Fortran pointer assignment. It is not some weird compound assignment operator like C's +=
 CSgPragmaDeclarationThis class represents the concept of a C Assembler statement (untested)
 CSgProjectThis class represents a source project, with a list of SgFile objects and global information about the project (commandline details, AST merge options, etc.)
 CSgPythonGlobalStmtThis class represents the concept of a 'global' stmt in Python
 CSgQualifiedNameThis class represents a OLD concept of the structure require for qualified names when they were in the AST, they are not used now (name qualification was reimplemented in 2011 as a step before the unparser and is no longer a part of the structure in the AST)
 CSgQualifiedNameTypeThis class represents a OLD concept of the structure require for qualified names when they were in the AST, they are not used now (name qualification was reimplemented in 2011 as a step before the unparser and is no longer a part of the structure in the AST)
 CSgRefExpThis class represents the "&" operator (applied to any lvalue)
 CSgReturnStmtThis class represents the concept of a C Assembler statement (untested)
 CSgScopeOpThis class was part of CC++ support from a long time ago
 CSgScopeStatementThis class represents the concept of a scope in C++ (e.g. global scope, fuction scope, etc.)
 CSgShallowCopySupporting class for "Shallow" copies of the AST. This class supports only shallow copies of the AST
 CSgSizeOfOpThis class represents the "sizeof()" operator (applied to any type)
 CSgSpawnStmtThis class is part of the older CC++ concept. It is not a part of C or C++ (this IR node is not used and will be removed in a future release)
 CSgStatementThis class represents the notion of a statement
 CSgStatementExpressionThis class represents the GNU extension "statement expression" (thus is non-standard C and C++)
 CSgStmtDeclarationStatementThis class is intended to be a wrapper around SgStatements, allowing them to exist in scopes that only allow SgDeclarationStatements
 CSgStorageModifierThis class represents modifiers specific to storage
 CSgStringConversionThis class represents the conversion of an arbitrary expression to a string. This node is intended for use with Python
 CSgSupportThis class represents the base class of a numbr of IR nodes that don't otherwise fit into the existing hierarchy of statement, expression, types, and symbols
 CSgSwitchStatementThis class represents the concept of a switch
 CSgSymbolThis class represents the concept of a name within the compiler
 CSgSymbolTableThis class represents the symbol tables used in both SgScopeStatement and the SgFunctionTypeSymbolTable IR node
 CSgTemplateArgumentThis class represents template argument within the use of a template to build an instantiation
 CSgTemplateDeclarationThis class represents the concept of a template declaration
 CSgTemplateInstantiationDeclThis class represents the concept of an instantiated class template
 CSgTemplateInstantiationDefnThis class represents the concept of a class definition in C++
 CSgTemplateInstantiationDirectiveStatementThis class represents the concept of a C++ template instantiation directive
 CSgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDeclThis class represents the concept of an instantiation of function template
 CSgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDeclThis class represents the concept of an instantiation of member function template or a member function of an instantiation of a template class
 CSgThisExpThis class represents the "this" operator (can be applied to any member data)
 CSgThrowOpThis class represents the C++ throw expression (handled as a unary operator)
 CSgTreeCopySupporting class for "Deep" copies of the AST
 CSgTreeTraversalThis class is temporary. Do not use
 CSgTryStmtThis class represents the concept of try statement within the try-catch support for exception handling in C++
 CSgTupleExpThis class represents a tuple display
 CSgTypeThis class represents the base class for all types
 CSgTypeComplexThis class represents a C99 complex type
 CSgTypeDefaultThis class represents a default type used for some IR nodes (see below)
 CSgTypedefDeclarationThis class represents the notion of a typedef declaration
 CSgTypedefSeqThis class represents a list of associated typedefs for the SgType IR nodes which reference this list
 CSgTypeImaginaryThis class represents a C99 complex type
 CSgTypeStringThis class represents a string type used for SgStringVal IR node
 CSgUnaryOpThis class represents the notion of a unary operator. It is derived from a SgExpression because operators are expressions
 CSgUsingDeclarationStatementThis class represents the concept of a C++ using declaration
 CSgUsingDirectiveStatementThis class represents the concept of a C++ using directive
 CSgValueExpThis class represents the notion of an value (expression value)
 CSgVariableDeclarationThis class represents the concept of a C or C++ variable declaration
 CSgVariableDefinitionThis class represents the definition (initialization) of a variable
 CSgVariableSymbolThis class represents the concept of a variable name within the compiler (a shared container for the declaration of a variable (SgInitializedName))
 CSgVarRefExpThis class represents the variable refernece in expressions
 CSgWhileStmtThis class represents the concept of a do-while statement
 CStaticSingleAssignmentStatic single assignment analysis
 CStructCustomizedSizesSupport for cross compilation or extended UPC support
 CSystemPrimitiveTypeLayoutGeneratorLayout generator for the native system (uses sizeof)
 CTaintLatticeA pointer to a vertex of the static taint lattice
 CTransformationSupportThis class simplifies the development of queries on the AST resulting in a list of AST nodes
 CWorkListList of things to work on
 CWorkListNonUniqueA version of WorkList that does not check for uniqueness by default
 CWorkListUniqueA version of WorkList that checks for uniqueness by default
 CX86_64_VSPrimitiveTypeLayoutGeneratorSlight modification for Visual Studio – long is 4 bytes, not 8
 CX86_64PrimitiveTypeLayoutGeneratorLayout generator for x86-64 primitive types