▼ docs | |
► testDoxygen | |
AST_FILE_IO.docs | |
AstSimpleProcessing.docs | |
ROSE_DownloadPage.docs | |
SgAggregateInitializer.docs | |
SgAsmGenericSection.docs | |
SgAsmStmt.docs | |
SgAssignInitializer.docs | |
SgBasicBlock.docs | |
SgBinaryNode.docs | |
SgBinaryOp.docs | |
SgBoolValExp.docs | |
SgBreakStatement.docs | |
SgCallExpression.docs | |
SgCaseOptionStmt.docs | |
SgCastExp.docs | |
SgCatchOptionStmt.docs | |
SgCatchStatementSeq.docs | |
SgClassDeclaration.docs | |
SgClassDefinition.docs | |
SgClassNameRefExp.docs | |
SgClassSymbol.docs | |
SgClinkageStartStatement.docs | |
SgConditionalExp.docs | |
SgConstructorInitializer.docs | |
SgContinueStmt.docs | |
SgCtorInitializerList.docs | |
SgDeclarationModifier.docs | |
SgDeclarationStatement.docs | |
SgDefaultOptionStmt.docs | |
SgDeleteExp.docs | |
SgDirectory.docs | |
SgDoubleVal.docs | |
SgDoWhileStmt.docs | |
SgEnumDeclaration.docs | |
SgExecStatement.docs | |
SgExpression.docs | |
SgExprListExp.docs | |
SgExprStatement.docs | |
SgFile.docs | |
SgFileInfo.docs | |
SgFloatVal.docs | |
SgForInitStatement.docs | |
SgForStatement.docs | |
SgFunctionCallExp.docs | |
SgFunctionDeclaration.docs | |
SgFunctionDefinition.docs | |
SgFunctionParameterList.docs | |
SgFunctionRefExp.docs | |
SgFunctionType.docs | |
SgFunctionTypeSymbol.docs | |
SgFunctionTypeTable.docs | |
SgGlobal.docs | |
SgGotoStatement.docs | |
SgIfStmt.docs | |
SgInitializedName.docs | |
SgInitializer.docs | |
SgIsNotOp.docs | |
SgIsOp.docs | |
SgLabelStatement.docs | |
SgLambdaRefExp.docs | |
SgListExp.docs | |
SgLocatedNode.docs | |
SgLongDoubleVal.docs | |
SgMemberFunctionDeclaration.docs | |
SgMemberFunctionRefExp.docs | |
SgMinusOp.docs | |
SgModifier.docs | |
SgModifierNodes.docs | |
SgName.docs | |
SgNamespaceAliasDeclarationStatement.docs | |
SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement.docs | |
SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement.docs | |
SgNamespaceSymbol.docs | |
SgNaryBooleanOp.docs | |
SgNaryComparisonOp.docs | |
SgNaryOp.docs | |
SgNewExp.docs | |
SgNode.docs | |
SgOptions.docs | |
SgPointerAssignOp.docs | |
SgPragmaDeclaration.docs | |
SgProject.docs | |
SgPythonGlobalStmt.docs | |
SgQualifiedName.docs | |
SgQualifiedNameType.docs | |
SgRefExp.docs | |
SgReturnStmt.docs | |
SgScopeOp.docs | |
SgScopeStatement.docs | |
SgSizeOfOp.docs | |
SgSpawnStmt.docs | |
SgStatement.docs | |
SgStatementExpression.docs | |
SgStmtDeclarationStmt.docs | |
SgStorageModifier.docs | |
SgStringConversion.docs | |
SgSupport.docs | |
SgSwitchStatement.docs | |
SgSymbol.docs | |
SgSymbolTable.docs | |
SgTemplateArgument.docs | |
SgTemplateDeclaration.docs | |
SgTemplateInstantiationDecl.docs | |
SgTemplateInstantiationDefn.docs | |
SgTemplateInstantiationDirectiveStatement.docs | |
SgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDecl.docs | |
SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl.docs | |
SgThisExp.docs | |
SgThrowOp.docs | |
SgTryStmt.docs | |
SgTupleExp.docs | |
SgType.docs | |
SgTypeComplex.docs | |
SgTypeDefault.docs | |
SgTypedefDeclaration.docs | |
SgTypedefSeq.docs | |
SgTypeImaginary.docs | |
SgTypeString.docs | |
SgUnaryOp.docs | |
SgUsingDeclarationStatement.docs | |
SgUsingDirectiveStatement.docs | |
SgValueExp.docs | |
SgVariableDeclaration.docs | |
SgVariableDefinition.docs | |
SgVariableSymbol.docs | |
SgVarRefExp.docs | |
SgWhileStmt.docs | |
▼ src | |
► frontend | |
► SageIII | |
► Rose | |
► Traits | |
generated.h | |
AstQueryMemoryPool.h | |
Cxx_Grammar.h | |
Cxx_GrammarDeclarations.h | |
Cxx_GrammarDowncast.h | |
Cxx_GrammarMemoryPoolSupport.h | |
Cxx_GrammarSerialization.h | |
Cxx_GrammarSgAsmCilNodeDefinitions.h | |
Cxx_GrammarSgAsmDwarfNodeDefinitions.h | |
Cxx_GrammarSgAsmJvmNodeDefinitions.h | |
Cxx_GrammarSgAsmNodeDefinitions.h | |
Cxx_GrammarSgNodeDefinitions.h | |
Cxx_GrammarStorageClasses.h | |
Cxx_GrammarTreeTraversalAccessEnums.h | |
Cxx_GrammarVariants.h | |
Cxx_GrammarVisitorSupport.h | |
ompparser.h | |
ompparser.hh | |
sage.docs | |
SgAsmAarch32Coprocessor.h | |
SgAsmAarch32Instruction.h | |
SgAsmAarch64AtOperand.h | |
SgAsmAarch64BarrierOperand.h | |
SgAsmAarch64CImmediateOperand.h | |
SgAsmAarch64Instruction.h | |
SgAsmAarch64PrefetchOperand.h | |
SgAsmAarch64PState.h | |
SgAsmAarch64SysMoveOperand.h | |
SgAsmBasicString.h | |
SgAsmBinaryAdd.h | |
SgAsmBinaryAsr.h | |
SgAsmBinaryConcat.h | |
SgAsmBinaryDivide.h | |
SgAsmBinaryExpression.h | |
SgAsmBinaryLsl.h | |
SgAsmBinaryLsr.h | |
SgAsmBinaryMod.h | |
SgAsmBinaryMsl.h | |
SgAsmBinaryMultiply.h | |
SgAsmBinaryPostupdate.h | |
SgAsmBinaryPreupdate.h | |
SgAsmBinaryRor.h | |
SgAsmBinarySubtract.h | |
SgAsmBlock.h | |
SgAsmByteOrder.h | |
SgAsmCilAssembly.h | |
SgAsmCilAssemblyOS.h | |
SgAsmCilAssemblyOSTable.h | |
SgAsmCilAssemblyProcessor.h | |
SgAsmCilAssemblyProcessorTable.h | |
SgAsmCilAssemblyRef.h | |
SgAsmCilAssemblyRefOS.h | |
SgAsmCilAssemblyRefOSTable.h | |
SgAsmCilAssemblyRefProcessor.h | |
SgAsmCilAssemblyRefProcessorTable.h | |
SgAsmCilAssemblyRefTable.h | |
SgAsmCilAssemblyTable.h | |
SgAsmCilClassLayout.h | |
SgAsmCilClassLayoutTable.h | |
SgAsmCilConstant.h | |
SgAsmCilConstantTable.h | |
SgAsmCilCustomAttribute.h | |
SgAsmCilCustomAttributeTable.h | |
SgAsmCilDataStream.h | |
SgAsmCilDeclSecurity.h | |
SgAsmCilDeclSecurityTable.h | |
SgAsmCilEvent.h | |
SgAsmCilEventMap.h | |
SgAsmCilEventMapTable.h | |
SgAsmCilEventTable.h | |
SgAsmCilExceptionData.h | |
SgAsmCilExportedType.h | |
SgAsmCilExportedTypeTable.h | |
SgAsmCilField.h | |
SgAsmCilFieldLayout.h | |
SgAsmCilFieldLayoutTable.h | |
SgAsmCilFieldMarshal.h | |
SgAsmCilFieldMarshalTable.h | |
SgAsmCilFieldRVA.h | |
SgAsmCilFieldRVATable.h | |
SgAsmCilFieldTable.h | |
SgAsmCilFile.h | |
SgAsmCilFileTable.h | |
SgAsmCilGenericParam.h | |
SgAsmCilGenericParamConstraint.h | |
SgAsmCilGenericParamConstraintTable.h | |
SgAsmCilGenericParamTable.h | |
SgAsmCilImplMap.h | |
SgAsmCilImplMapTable.h | |
SgAsmCilInstruction.h | |
SgAsmCilInterfaceImpl.h | |
SgAsmCilInterfaceImplTable.h | |
SgAsmCilManifestResource.h | |
SgAsmCilManifestResourceTable.h | |
SgAsmCilMemberRef.h | |
SgAsmCilMemberRefTable.h | |
SgAsmCilMetadata.h | |
SgAsmCilMetadataHeap.h | |
SgAsmCilMetadataRoot.h | |
SgAsmCilMethodData.h | |
SgAsmCilMethodDef.h | |
SgAsmCilMethodDefTable.h | |
SgAsmCilMethodImpl.h | |
SgAsmCilMethodImplTable.h | |
SgAsmCilMethodSemantics.h | |
SgAsmCilMethodSemanticsTable.h | |
SgAsmCilMethodSpec.h | |
SgAsmCilMethodSpecTable.h | |
SgAsmCilModule.h | |
SgAsmCilModuleRef.h | |
SgAsmCilModuleRefTable.h | |
SgAsmCilModuleTable.h | |
SgAsmCilNestedClass.h | |
SgAsmCilNestedClassTable.h | |
SgAsmCilNode.h | |
SgAsmCilParam.h | |
SgAsmCilParamTable.h | |
SgAsmCilProperty.h | |
SgAsmCilPropertyMap.h | |
SgAsmCilPropertyMapTable.h | |
SgAsmCilPropertyTable.h | |
SgAsmCilStandAloneSig.h | |
SgAsmCilStandAloneSigTable.h | |
SgAsmCilTypeDef.h | |
SgAsmCilTypeDefTable.h | |
SgAsmCilTypeRef.h | |
SgAsmCilTypeRefTable.h | |
SgAsmCilTypeSpec.h | |
SgAsmCilTypeSpecTable.h | |
SgAsmCilUint32Heap.h | |
SgAsmCilUint8Heap.h | |
SgAsmCliHeader.h | |
SgAsmCoffStrtab.h | |
SgAsmCoffSymbol.h | |
SgAsmCoffSymbolList.h | |
SgAsmCoffSymbolTable.h | |
SgAsmCommonSubExpression.h | |
SgAsmConstantExpression.h | |
SgAsmControlFlagsExpression.h | |
SgAsmDirectRegisterExpression.h | |
SgAsmDOSExtendedHeader.h | |
SgAsmDOSFileHeader.h | |
SgAsmDwarfAccessDeclaration.h | |
SgAsmDwarfArrayType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfBaseType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfCatchBlock.h | |
SgAsmDwarfClassTemplate.h | |
SgAsmDwarfClassType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfCommonBlock.h | |
SgAsmDwarfCommonInclusion.h | |
SgAsmDwarfCompilationUnit.h | |
SgAsmDwarfCompilationUnitList.h | |
SgAsmDwarfCondition.h | |
SgAsmDwarfConstant.h | |
SgAsmDwarfConstruct.h | |
SgAsmDwarfConstructList.h | |
SgAsmDwarfConstType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfDwarfProcedure.h | |
SgAsmDwarfEntryPoint.h | |
SgAsmDwarfEnumerationType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfEnumerator.h | |
SgAsmDwarfFileType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfFormalParameter.h | |
SgAsmDwarfFormatLabel.h | |
SgAsmDwarfFriend.h | |
SgAsmDwarfFunctionTemplate.h | |
SgAsmDwarfImportedDeclaration.h | |
SgAsmDwarfImportedModule.h | |
SgAsmDwarfImportedUnit.h | |
SgAsmDwarfInformation.h | |
SgAsmDwarfInheritance.h | |
SgAsmDwarfInlinedSubroutine.h | |
SgAsmDwarfInterfaceType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfLabel.h | |
SgAsmDwarfLexicalBlock.h | |
SgAsmDwarfLine.h | |
SgAsmDwarfLineList.h | |
SgAsmDwarfMacro.h | |
SgAsmDwarfMacroList.h | |
SgAsmDwarfMember.h | |
SgAsmDwarfModule.h | |
SgAsmDwarfMutableType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfNamelist.h | |
SgAsmDwarfNamelistItem.h | |
SgAsmDwarfNamespace.h | |
SgAsmDwarfPackedType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfPartialUnit.h | |
SgAsmDwarfPointerType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfPtrToMemberType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfReferenceType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfRestrictType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfSetType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfSharedType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfStringType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfStructureType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfSubprogram.h | |
SgAsmDwarfSubrangeType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfSubroutineType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfTemplateTypeParameter.h | |
SgAsmDwarfTemplateValueParameter.h | |
SgAsmDwarfThrownType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfTryBlock.h | |
SgAsmDwarfTypedef.h | |
SgAsmDwarfUnionType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfUnknownConstruct.h | |
SgAsmDwarfUnspecifiedParameters.h | |
SgAsmDwarfUnspecifiedType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfUpcRelaxedType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfUpcSharedType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfUpcStrictType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfVariable.h | |
SgAsmDwarfVariant.h | |
SgAsmDwarfVariantPart.h | |
SgAsmDwarfVolatileType.h | |
SgAsmDwarfWithStmt.h | |
SgAsmElfDynamicEntry.h | |
SgAsmElfDynamicEntryList.h | |
SgAsmElfDynamicSection.h | |
SgAsmElfEHFrameEntryCI.h | |
SgAsmElfEHFrameEntryCIList.h | |
SgAsmElfEHFrameEntryFD.h | |
SgAsmElfEHFrameEntryFDList.h | |
SgAsmElfEHFrameSection.h | |
SgAsmElfFileHeader.h | |
SgAsmElfNoteEntry.h | |
SgAsmElfNoteEntryList.h | |
SgAsmElfNoteSection.h | |
SgAsmElfRelocEntry.h | |
SgAsmElfRelocEntryList.h | |
SgAsmElfRelocSection.h | |
SgAsmElfSection.h | |
SgAsmElfSectionTable.h | |
SgAsmElfSectionTableEntry.h | |
SgAsmElfSegmentTable.h | |
SgAsmElfSegmentTableEntry.h | |
SgAsmElfSegmentTableEntryList.h | |
SgAsmElfStringSection.h | |
SgAsmElfStrtab.h | |
SgAsmElfSymbol.h | |
SgAsmElfSymbolList.h | |
SgAsmElfSymbolSection.h | |
SgAsmElfSymverDefinedAux.h | |
SgAsmElfSymverDefinedAuxList.h | |
SgAsmElfSymverDefinedEntry.h | |
SgAsmElfSymverDefinedEntryList.h | |
SgAsmElfSymverDefinedSection.h | |
SgAsmElfSymverEntry.h | |
SgAsmElfSymverEntryList.h | |
SgAsmElfSymverNeededAux.h | |
SgAsmElfSymverNeededAuxList.h | |
SgAsmElfSymverNeededEntry.h | |
SgAsmElfSymverNeededEntryList.h | |
SgAsmElfSymverNeededSection.h | |
SgAsmElfSymverSection.h | |
SgAsmExecutableFileFormat.h | |
SgAsmExpression.h | |
SgAsmExprListExp.h | |
SgAsmFloatType.h | |
SgAsmFloatValueExpression.h | |
SgAsmFunction.h | |
SgAsmGenericDLL.h | |
SgAsmGenericDLLList.h | |
SgAsmGenericFile.h | |
SgAsmGenericFileList.h | |
SgAsmGenericFormat.h | |
SgAsmGenericHeader.h | |
SgAsmGenericHeaderList.h | |
SgAsmGenericSection.h | |
SgAsmGenericSectionList.h | |
SgAsmGenericString.h | |
SgAsmGenericStrtab.h | |
SgAsmGenericSymbol.h | |
SgAsmGenericSymbolList.h | |
SgAsmIndirectRegisterExpression.h | |
SgAsmInstruction.h | |
SgAsmInstructionList.h | |
SgAsmIntegerType.h | |
SgAsmIntegerValueExpression.h | |
SgAsmInterpretation.h | |
SgAsmInterpretationList.h | |
SgAsmJvmAttribute.h | |
SgAsmJvmAttributeTable.h | |
SgAsmJvmBootstrapMethod.h | |
SgAsmJvmBootstrapMethods.h | |
SgAsmJvmClass.h | |
SgAsmJvmCodeAttribute.h | |
SgAsmJvmConstantPool.h | |
SgAsmJvmConstantPoolEntry.h | |
SgAsmJvmConstantValue.h | |
SgAsmJvmEnclosingMethod.h | |
SgAsmJvmExceptionHandler.h | |
SgAsmJvmExceptions.h | |
SgAsmJvmExceptionTable.h | |
SgAsmJvmField.h | |
SgAsmJvmFieldTable.h | |
SgAsmJvmFileHeader.h | |
SgAsmJvmInnerClasses.h | |
SgAsmJvmInnerClassesEntry.h | |
SgAsmJvmInstruction.h | |
SgAsmJvmLineNumberEntry.h | |
SgAsmJvmLineNumberTable.h | |
SgAsmJvmLocalVariableEntry.h | |
SgAsmJvmLocalVariableTable.h | |
SgAsmJvmLocalVariableTypeEntry.h | |
SgAsmJvmLocalVariableTypeTable.h | |
SgAsmJvmMethod.h | |
SgAsmJvmMethodParameters.h | |
SgAsmJvmMethodParametersEntry.h | |
SgAsmJvmMethodTable.h | |
SgAsmJvmModuleMainClass.h | |
SgAsmJvmNestHost.h | |
SgAsmJvmNestMembers.h | |
SgAsmJvmNode.h | |
SgAsmJvmSignature.h | |
SgAsmJvmSourceFile.h | |
SgAsmJvmStackMapFrame.h | |
SgAsmJvmStackMapTable.h | |
SgAsmJvmStackMapVerificationType.h | |
SgAsmLEEntryPoint.h | |
SgAsmLEEntryTable.h | |
SgAsmLEFileHeader.h | |
SgAsmLENameTable.h | |
SgAsmLEPageTable.h | |
SgAsmLEPageTableEntry.h | |
SgAsmLERelocTable.h | |
SgAsmLESection.h | |
SgAsmLESectionTable.h | |
SgAsmLESectionTableEntry.h | |
SgAsmM68kInstruction.h | |
SgAsmMemoryReferenceExpression.h | |
SgAsmMipsInstruction.h | |
SgAsmNEEntryPoint.h | |
SgAsmNEEntryTable.h | |
SgAsmNEFileHeader.h | |
SgAsmNEModuleTable.h | |
SgAsmNENameTable.h | |
SgAsmNERelocEntry.h | |
SgAsmNERelocTable.h | |
SgAsmNESection.h | |
SgAsmNESectionTable.h | |
SgAsmNESectionTableEntry.h | |
SgAsmNEStringTable.h | |
SgAsmNode.h | |
SgAsmNullInstruction.h | |
SgAsmOperandList.h | |
SgAsmPEExportDirectory.h | |
SgAsmPEExportEntry.h | |
SgAsmPEExportEntryList.h | |
SgAsmPEExportSection.h | |
SgAsmPEFileHeader.h | |
SgAsmPEImportDirectory.h | |
SgAsmPEImportDirectoryList.h | |
SgAsmPEImportItem.h | |
SgAsmPEImportItemList.h | |
SgAsmPEImportSection.h | |
SgAsmPERVASizePair.h | |
SgAsmPERVASizePairList.h | |
SgAsmPESection.h | |
SgAsmPESectionTable.h | |
SgAsmPESectionTableEntry.h | |
SgAsmPEStringSection.h | |
SgAsmPointerType.h | |
SgAsmPowerpcInstruction.h | |
SgAsmRegisterNames.h | |
SgAsmRegisterReferenceExpression.h | |
SgAsmRiscOperation.h | |
SgAsmScalarType.h | |
SgAsmStackExpression.h | |
SgAsmStatement.h | |
SgAsmStaticData.h | |
SgAsmStoredString.h | |
SgAsmStringStorage.h | |
SgAsmSynthesizedDataStructureDeclaration.h | |
SgAsmSynthesizedDeclaration.h | |
SgAsmSynthesizedFieldDeclaration.h | |
SgAsmType.h | |
SgAsmUnaryExpression.h | |
SgAsmUnaryMinus.h | |
SgAsmUnaryPlus.h | |
SgAsmUnaryRrx.h | |
SgAsmUnarySignedExtend.h | |
SgAsmUnaryTruncate.h | |
SgAsmUnaryUnsignedExtend.h | |
SgAsmUserInstruction.h | |
SgAsmValueExpression.h | |
SgAsmVectorType.h | |
SgAsmVoidType.h | |
SgAsmX86Instruction.h | |
SgNode.h | |
▼ src | |
► 3rdPartyLibraries | |
► MSTL | |
MSTL.docs | |
3rdPartyLibraries.docs | |
► backend | |
► asmUnparser | |
AsmUnparser.h | |
AsmUnparser_compat.h | |
► unparser | |
► CxxCodeGeneration | |
documentation.docs | |
► FortranCodeGeneration | |
documentation.docs | |
► languageIndependenceSupport | |
documentation.docs | |
unparser.docs | |
backend.docs | |
► frontend | |
► BinaryFormats | |
BinaryVxcoreParser.h | |
DataConversion.h | |
IntelPinSupport.h | |
Jvm.h | |
SgSharedVector.h | |
StatSerializer.h | |
WorkLists.h | |
► Disassemblers | |
Assembler.h | |
AssemblerX86.h | |
AssemblerX86Init.h | |
BitPattern.h | |
x86InstructionProperties.h | |
► SageIII | |
► astFromString | |
AstFromString.h | |
► astPostProcessing | |
checkIsModifiedFlag.C | |
► sageInterface | |
abiStuff.h | |
integerOps.h | |
JeremiahContribution.h | |
sageBuilder.C | |
sageBuilder.h | |
SageBuilderAsm.h | |
sageContainer.h | |
sageCopy.h | |
sageFunctors.h | This file implements utility functors for using sage containers with STL functions: |
sageGeneric.h | This file implements generic (template) sage query functions Currently this includes functions for: |
sageHash.h | |
sageInterface.C | |
sageInterface.h | |
sageInterfaceAda.h | |
sageInterfaceAsm.h | |
sageMemory.h | |
sageRti.h | |
sageTraversal.h | |
► virtualCFG | |
cfgToDot.h | |
customFilteredCFG.h | |
filteredCFG.h | |
filteredCFGImpl.h | |
interproceduralCFG.h | |
staticCFG.h | |
virtualBinCFG.C | |
virtualBinCFG.h | |
virtualCFG.h | |
advanced_preprocessing_hooks.h | |
attach_all_info.h | |
attachPreprocessingInfo.h | |
attachPreprocessingInfoTraversal.h | |
attributeListMap.h | |
C++_include_files.h | |
fake_EDG.h | |
fileoffsetbits.h | |
fixupCopy.h | |
general_token_defs.h | |
grammarBaseClass.h | |
headerFileSupportReport.h | |
manglingSupport.h | |
omp.h | |
omp_lib.h | |
omp_lib_kinds.h | |
ompAstConstruction.h | |
OmpAttribute.h | |
rose_attributes_list.h | |
rosedefs.h | |
rosedll.h | |
rtiHelpers.h | |
sage3.h | |
sage3basic.h | |
Utf8.h | |
frontend.docs | |
► midend | |
► abstractHandle | |
abstract_handle.h | |
loopAdapter.h | |
myloop.h | |
roseAdapter.h | |
► astDiagnostics | |
AstDiagnostics.docs | |
► astMatching | |
AstMatching.h | |
AstTerm.h | |
matcherparser.h | |
matcherparser_decls.h | |
MatchOperation.h | |
RoseAst.h | |
► astProcessing | |
AstAttributeMechanism.h | |
AstClearVisitFlags.h | |
AstCombinedProcessing.h | |
AstCombinedProcessingImpl.h | |
AstCombinedSimpleProcessing.h | |
AstDOTGeneration.h | |
AstJSONGeneration.h | |
AstNodePtrs.h | |
AstNodeVisitMapping.h | |
AstProcessing.docs | |
AstProcessing.h | |
AstRestructure.h | |
AstReverseProcessing.h | |
AstReverseSimpleProcessing.h | |
AstSharedMemoryParallelProcessing.h | |
AstSharedMemoryParallelProcessingImpl.h | |
AstSharedMemoryParallelSimpleProcessing.h | |
AstSimpleProcessing.h | |
AstSuccessorsSelectors.h | |
AstTextAttributesHandling.h | |
AstTraversal.h | |
AstTraverseToRoot.h | |
graphProcessing.h | Brief Overview of Algorithm: |
graphProcessingSgIncGraph.h | |
graphTemplate.h | |
plugin.h | |
SgGraphTemplate.h | |
StackFrameVector.h | |
yicesParserLib.h | |
► astQuery | |
QueryLib.docs | |
► BinaryAnalysis | |
► libraryIdentification | |
FunctionInfo.h | |
libraryIdentification.h | |
LibraryInfo.h | |
ether.h | |
► programAnalysis | |
► CallGraphAnalysis | |
CallGraph.h | |
ClassHierarchyGraph.h | |
newCallGraph.h | |
► genericDataflow | |
► analysis | |
analysis.h | |
analysisCommon.h | |
dataflow.h | |
partitionedAnalysis.h | |
► arrIndexLabeler | |
arrIndexLabeler.h | |
► cfgUtils | |
baseCFGIterator.h | |
CallGraphTraverse.h | |
CFGRewrite.h | |
cfgUtils.h | |
DataflowCFG.h | |
VirtualCFGIterator.h | |
► lattice | |
affineInequality.h | |
ConstrGraph.h | |
intArithLogical.h | |
lattice.h | |
latticeFull.h | |
► rwAccessLabeler | |
rwAccessLabeler.h | |
► simpleAnalyses | |
ConstrGraphAnalysis.h | |
divAnalysis.h | |
dominatorAnalysis.h | |
liveDeadVarAnalysis.h | |
nodeConstAnalysis.h | |
placeUIDs.h | |
printAnalysisStates.h | |
saveDotAnalysis.h | |
sequenceStructAnalysis.h | |
sgnAnalysis.h | |
taintAnalysis.h | |
VariableStateTransfer.h | |
► state | |
functionState.h | |
LogicalCond.h | |
nodeState.h | |
► variables | |
variables.h | |
varSets.h | |
AnalysisDebuggingUtils.h | |
genericDataflowCommon.h | |
genUID.h | |
► ssaUnfilteredCfg | |
defsAndUsesUnfilteredCfg.h | |
reachingDefUnfilteredCfg.h | |
ssaUnfilteredCfg.h | |
► staticSingleAssignment | |
boostGraphCFG.h | |
controlDependence.h | |
dataflowCfgFilter.h | |
defsAndUsesTraversal.h | |
iteratedDominanceFrontier.h | |
reachingDef.h | |
staticSingleAssignment.h | |
uniqueNameTraversal.h | |
► programTransformation | |
► extractFunctionArgumentsNormalization | |
ExtractFunctionArguments.h | |
functionEvaluationOrderTraversal.h | |
► ompLowering | |
libgomp_g.h | |
libompc.h | |
libxomp.h | |
libxompf.h | |
omp_lowering.h | |
OmpSupport.h | |
documentation.docs | |
midend.docs | |
► Rose | |
► AST | |
Checker.h | |
cmdline.h | |
Defect.h | |
IO.h | |
NodeId.h | |
Traversal.h | |
Utility.h | |
► BinaryAnalysis | |
► Architecture | |
Amd64.h | |
ArmAarch32.h | |
ArmAarch64.h | |
Base.h | |
BasicTypes.h | |
Cil.h | |
Exception.h | |
Intel80286.h | |
Intel8086.h | |
Intel8088.h | |
IntelI386.h | |
IntelI486.h | |
IntelPentium.h | |
IntelPentium4.h | |
IntelPentiumii.h | |
IntelPentiumiii.h | |
Jvm.h | |
Mips32.h | |
Motorola.h | |
Motorola68040.h | |
NxpColdfire.h | |
Powerpc.h | |
Powerpc32.h | |
Powerpc64.h | |
X86.h | |
► ByteCode | |
Analysis.h | |
Cil.h | |
Jvm.h | |
► CallingConvention | |
Analysis.h | |
BasicTypes.h | |
Declaration.h | |
Definition.h | |
Exception.h | |
StoragePool.h | |
► Concolic | |
► Callback | |
BasicTypes.h | |
MemoryExit.h | |
MemoryInput.h | |
MemoryTime.h | |
► I386Linux | |
Architecture.h | |
BasicTypes.h | |
ExitStatusExecutor.h | |
ExitStatusResult.h | |
TracingExecutor.h | |
TracingResult.h | |
► M68kSystem | |
Architecture.h | |
BasicTypes.h | |
TracingExecutor.h | |
TracingResult.h | |
Architecture.h | |
BasicTypes.h | |
Callback.h | |
ConcolicExecutor.h | |
ConcreteExecutor.h | |
ConcreteResult.h | |
Database.h | |
Emulation.h | |
ExecutionEvent.h | |
ExecutionLocation.h | |
ExecutionManager.h | |
I386Linux.h | |
InputVariables.h | |
M68kSystem.h | |
Settings.h | |
SharedMemory.h | |
Specimen.h | |
SystemCall.h | |
TestCase.h | |
TestSuite.h | |
► Debugger | |
Base.h | |
BasicTypes.h | |
Exception.h | |
Gdb.h | |
GdbResponse.h | |
Linux.h | |
ThreadId.h | |
► Disassembler | |
Aarch32.h | |
Aarch64.h | |
Base.h | |
BasicTypes.h | |
Cil.h | |
Exception.h | |
Jvm.h | |
M68k.h | |
Mips.h | |
Null.h | |
Powerpc.h | |
X86.h | |
► Dwarf | |
BasicTypes.h | |
Constants.h | |
Exception.h | |
► InstructionSemantics | |
► BaseSemantics | |
AddressSpace.h | |
BasicTypes.h | |
Dispatcher.h | |
Exception.h | |
Formatter.h | |
MemoryCell.h | |
MemoryCellList.h | |
MemoryCellMap.h | |
MemoryCellState.h | |
MemoryState.h | |
Merger.h | |
RegisterState.h | |
RegisterStateGeneric.h | |
RiscOperators.h | |
State.h | |
SValue.h | |
SymbolicMemory.h | |
BaseSemantics.h | |
ConcreteSemantics.h | |
DataFlowSemantics.h | |
DispatcherAarch32.h | |
DispatcherAarch64.h | |
DispatcherCil.h | |
DispatcherM68k.h | |
DispatcherMips.h | |
DispatcherPowerpc.h | |
DispatcherX86.h | |
IntervalSemantics.h | |
LlvmSemantics.h | |
MemoryCellState.h | |
MultiSemantics.h | |
NativeSemantics.h | |
NullSemantics.h | |
PartialSymbolicSemantics.h | |
SourceAstSemantics.h | |
StaticSemantics.h | |
SymbolicSemantics.h | |
TaintSemantics.h | |
TestSemantics.h | |
TraceSemantics.h | |
Utility.h | |
► ModelChecker | |
BasicBlockUnit.h | |
BasicTypes.h | |
Engine.h | |
ErrorTag.h | |
Exception.h | |
ExecutionUnit.h | |
ExternalFunctionUnit.h | |
FailureUnit.h | |
InstructionUnit.h | |
NullDereferenceTag.h | |
OutOfBoundsTag.h | |
PartitionerModel.h | |
Path.h | |
PathNode.h | |
PathPredicate.h | |
PathPrioritizer.h | |
PathQueue.h | |
Periodic.h | |
SemanticCallbacks.h | |
Settings.h | |
SourceLister.h | |
Tag.h | |
UninitializedVariableTag.h | |
Variables.h | |
WorkerStatus.h | |
► Partitioner2 | |
AddressUsageMap.h | |
BasicBlock.h | |
BasicTypes.h | |
CfgPath.h | |
Configuration.h | |
ControlFlowGraph.h | |
DataBlock.h | |
DataFlow.h | |
Engine.h | |
EngineBinary.h | |
EngineJvm.h | |
Exception.h | |
Function.h | |
FunctionCallGraph.h | |
GraphViz.h | |
Modules.h | |
ModulesElf.h | |
ModulesJvm.h | |
ModulesLinux.h | |
ModulesM68k.h | |
ModulesMips.h | |
ModulesPe.h | |
ModulesPowerpc.h | |
ModulesX86.h | |
Partitioner.h | |
Reference.h | |
Semantics.h | |
Thunk.h | |
Utility.h | |
► Unparser | |
Aarch32.h | |
Aarch64.h | |
Base.h | |
Cil.h | |
EdgeArrows.h | |
Jvm.h | |
M68k.h | |
Mips.h | |
Null.h | |
Powerpc.h | |
Settings.h | |
X86.h | |
► Variables | |
BaseVariable.h | |
BasicTypes.h | |
GlobalVariable.h | |
InstructionAccess.h | |
StackFrame.h | |
StackVariable.h | |
VariableFinder.h | |
AbstractLocation.h | |
Address.h | |
AddressInterval.h | |
AddressIntervalSet.h | |
AddressSet.h | |
Alignment.h | |
Architecture.h | |
AsmFunctionIndex.h | |
AstHasher.h | |
BasicTypes.h | |
BestMapAddress.h | |
BinaryLoader.h | |
BinaryLoaderElf.h | |
BinaryLoaderElfObj.h | |
BinaryLoaderPe.h | |
ByteCode.h | |
ByteOrder.h | |
CallingConvention.h | |
CodeInserter.h | |
Concolic.h | |
ConcreteLocation.h | |
ControlFlow.h | |
DataFlow.h | |
Debugger.h | |
Demangler.h | |
Disassembler.h | |
Dwarf.h | |
FeasiblePath.h | |
FunctionCall.h | |
FunctionSimilarity.h | |
Hexdump.h | |
HotPatch.h | |
InstructionEnumsAarch32.h | |
InstructionEnumsAarch64.h | |
InstructionEnumsCil.h | |
InstructionEnumsJvm.h | |
InstructionEnumsM68k.h | |
InstructionEnumsMips.h | |
InstructionEnumsPowerpc.h | |
InstructionEnumsX86.h | |
InstructionMap.h | |
InstructionProvider.h | |
InstructionSemantics.h | |
InstructionSemantics2.h | |
LibraryIdentification.h | |
MagicNumber.h | |
Matrix.h | |
MemoryMap.h | |
ModelChecker.h | |
NoOperation.h | |
Partitioner2.h | |
PointerDetection.h | |
Reachability.h | |
ReadWriteSets.h | |
RegisterDescriptor.h | |
RegisterDictionary.h | |
RegisterNames.h | |
RegisterParts.h | |
RelativeVirtualAddress.h | |
ReturnValueUsed.h | |
SerialIo.h | |
SmtCommandLine.h | |
SmtlibSolver.h | |
SmtSolver.h | |
SourceLocations.h | |
SRecord.h | |
StackDelta.h | |
String.h | |
SymbolicExpr.h | |
SymbolicExpression.h | |
SymbolicExpressionParser.h | |
SymbolicExprParser.h | |
SystemCall.h | |
TaintedFlow.h | |
ToSource.h | |
Unparser.h | |
Utility.h | |
Variables.h | |
Z3Solver.h | |
► CodeGen | |
API.h | |
Driver.h | |
Factory.h | |
Object.h | |
► CommandLine | |
DurationParser.h | |
IntervalParser.h | |
License.h | |
Parser.h | |
SelfTest.h | |
SuffixMultiplierParser.h | |
Version.h | |
► Sarif | |
BasicTypes.h | |
Exception.h | |
► StringUtility | |
Convert.h | |
Diagnostics.h | |
Escape.h | |
NumberToString.h | |
Predicate.h | |
SplitJoin.h | |
StringToNumber.h | |
► Traits | |
Describe.h | |
Traversal.h | |
Affirm.h | |
As.h | |
AST.h | |
BasicTypes.h | |
BinaryAnalysis.h | |
BitFlags.h | |
BitOps.h | |
CodeGen.h | |
Color.h | |
CommandLine.h | |
Constants.h | |
Diagnostics.h | |
Exception.h | |
FileSystem.h | |
FormatRestorer.h | |
FormattedTable.h | |
GraphUtility.h | |
Initialize.h | |
Location.h | |
Logger.h | |
metaprog.h | |
ParallelSort.h | |
Progress.h | |
RecursionCounter.h | |
Sarif.h | |
SourceLocation.h | |
StringUtility.h | |
Traits.h | |
Yaml.h | |
► Rosebud | |
Ast.h | |
BasicTypes.h | |
BoostSerializer.h | |
CerealSerializer.h | |
CxxGenerator.h | |
Generator.h | |
NoneGenerator.h | |
NoneSerializer.h | |
RosettaGenerator.h | |
SawyerGenerator.h | |
Serializer.h | |
Utility.h | |
YamlGenerator.h | |
► roseSupport | |
callbacks.h | |
Combinatorics.h | |
IncludeDirective.h | |
optionDeclaration.h | |
rangemap.h | |
roseTranslators.h | |
sourceLocationInheritedAttribute.h | |
stringify.h | |
templateSupport.h | |
transformationSupport.h | |
utility_functions.h | |
► src | |
binaryInstruction.C | |
► Sawyer | |
Access.h | |
AddressMap.h | |
AddressSegment.h | |
AllocatingBuffer.h | |
Assert.h | |
Attribute.h | |
BiMap.h | |
BitFlags.h | |
BitVector.h | |
BitVectorSupport.h | |
Buffer.h | |
Cached.h | |
Callbacks.h | |
Clexer.h | |
CommandLine.h | |
CommandLineBoost.h | |
Database.h | |
DatabasePostgresql.h | |
DatabaseSqlite.h | |
DefaultAllocator.h | |
DenseIntegerSet.h | |
DistinctList.h | |
DocumentBaseMarkup.h | |
DocumentMarkup.h | |
DocumentPodMarkup.h | |
DocumentTextMarkup.h | |
Exception.h | |
FileSystem.h | |
Graph.h | |
GraphAlgorithm.h | |
GraphBoost.h | |
GraphIteratorBiMap.h | |
GraphIteratorMap.h | |
GraphIteratorSet.h | |
GraphTraversal.h | |
HashMap.h | |
IndexedList.h | |
Interval.h | |
IntervalMap.h | |
IntervalSet.h | |
IntervalSetMap.h | |
Lexer.h | |
LineVector.h | |
Map.h | |
MappedBuffer.h | |
Message.h | |
NullBuffer.h | |
Optional.h | |
Parse.h | |
PoolAllocator.h | |
ProgressBar.h | |
Result.h | |
Sawyer.h | |
Set.h | |
SharedObject.h | |
SharedPointer.h | |
SmallObject.h | |
Stack.h | |
StackAllocator.h | |
StaticBuffer.h | |
Stopwatch.h | |
Synchronization.h | |
ThreadWorkers.h | |
Time.h | |
Trace.h | |
Tracker.h | |
Tree.h | |
Type.h | |
WarningsOff.h | |
WarningsRestore.h | |
WorkList.h | |
Yaml.h | |
► util | |
► commandlineProcessing | |
commandline_processing.h | |
sla.h | |
► stringSupport | |
escape.h | |
FileUtility.h | |
stringSupportDocumentation.docs | |
compilationFileDatabase.h | |
LinearCongruentialGenerator.h | |
Map.h | |
processSupport.h | |
rose_extent.h | |
rose_getline.h | |
rose_isnan.h | |
rose_paths.h | |
rose_pragma_message.h | |
rose_serialize_path.h | |
rose_serialize_uuid.h | |
rose_strtoull.h | |
setup.h | |
timing.h | |
utilDocumentation.docs | |
extra.docs | |