Sawyer::Result< T, E > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Sawyer::Result< T, E >, including all inherited members.

andThen(Fn fn) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
andThen(const Result< U, E > &other) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
assignTo(U &out) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
assignTo(U &out) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
contains(const U &value) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
containsError(const F &error) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
error() constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
ErrorType typedef (defined in Sawyer::Result< T, E >)Sawyer::Result< T, E >
ErrorValue typedef (defined in Sawyer::Result< T, E >)Sawyer::Result< T, E >
expect(const std::string &mesg) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
expectError(const std::string &mesg) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
fmap(F &&f) -> Result< decltype(f(unwrap())), E >Sawyer::Result< T, E >inline
isError() constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
isOk() constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
ok() constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
OkType typedef (defined in Sawyer::Result< T, E >)Sawyer::Result< T, E >
OkValue typedef (defined in Sawyer::Result< T, E >)Sawyer::Result< T, E >
operator bool() constSawyer::Result< T, E >inlineexplicit
operator!=(const Ok< U > &ok) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
operator!=(const Error< F > &error) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
operator!=(const Result< U, F > &other) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
operator*() constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
operator->() constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
operator=(const Ok< U > &ok)Sawyer::Result< T, E >inline
operator=(const Error< F > &error)Sawyer::Result< T, E >inline
operator==(const Ok< U > &ok) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
operator==(const Error< F > &error) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
operator==(const Result< U, F > &other) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
orDefault() constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
orElse(const T &dflt) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
orElse(Fn fn) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
orElse(const Result< T, F > &other) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
orThrow() constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
orThrow(const Exception &e) constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
Result(const Ok< U > &ok) (defined in Sawyer::Result< T, E >)Sawyer::Result< T, E >inline
Result(const Error< F > &error) (defined in Sawyer::Result< T, E >)Sawyer::Result< T, E >inline
unwrap() constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline
unwrapError() constSawyer::Result< T, E >inline