Writing Git commit messages

This document describes how to write good, useful commit messages.

The script that checks the policies stated here is called in the ROSE "scripts" directory, and its usage is described below.


The parenthesized category is one or more words. The category's purpose is to make it easier for humans to quickly scan a long list of commits and see what they concern. The category names can be made up on the fly. Here are some examples:

ExamplesWhat they might mean
Frontend, Binary AnalysisSome broad part of the ROSE library.
codethorn, compass2A particular project that uses ROSE.
Attribute, Stack DeltaSome specific feature.

The titles are intentionally short, but not as short as some best practices recommend. Some reasons for such short titles are:

Some examples of good titles:


The body provides details that are missing from the title and which are not easily evident from the patch. Some examples about what is good for a commit message body:

Make sure your message is spelled correctly since it cannot be changed once it's merged into a release branch–at least not without a very disruptive history rewrite. Commit messages are for posterity, so be careful. "I hate git", commit a53823f, was unprofessional but is now effectively permanent.

Issue references

Every commit must reference at least one issue, and may reference multiple issues. The issues are listed after the message body and are separated from the body by a blank line. Issues are listed one per line. Each issue line has one of two forms:

Some examples of issue references:

ExampleWhat it means
Issue #123An issue in the ROSE Gitlab project at
Issue #123+Similar, but will expand to the issue title when viewed in Gitlab.
ROSE#123+An issue in the ROSE project changed to a reference by Gitlab.
RC-123An issue in the ROSE Confluence instance.
JIRA-123Issue number 123 in JIRA, which the ROSE team no longer uses.

The purpose of issue references in commit messages is to provide context and help trace the history of changes. For instance, in Gitlab it's easy for developers to hold a lengthy discussion about an issue, but it's not as easy to change a commit message.

To search for commits that implement a certain issue, use a command like this:

git log --grep '^Issue #1234'

Commit message policy checker

The script in ROSE's "scripts" directory checks that commits follow the policy outlined here. It should be run from inside the ROSE repository.

When run with no arguments it will show one line per commit over the last 30 days for the current user and indicate whether the commit passes the policy checks, or why it fails.

To create a summary table with one row per author, run the script with the "--histogram" switch plus any additional commit-selecting switches that are passed to the git rev-list command. For instance, the table that we create for the weekly ROSE meetings is generated by running: --histogram --no-merges --since '1 month ago' origin/master

Examples of good commit messages

This commit message makes it clear what users must change in their code:

   (Binary Analysis) Changed names for some classes in the new SymbolicExpr

   SymbolicExpr::TreeNode         -> SymbolicExpr::Node
   SymbolicExpr::TreeNodePtr      -> SymbolicExpr::Ptr
   SymbolicExpr::LeafNodePtr      -> SymbolicExpr::LeafPtr
   SymbolicExpr::InternalNodePtr  -> SymbolicExpr::InternalPtr

   Issue #123

This commit makes it clear to the simulator2 project maintainer why a change was made since it was changed by someone that doesn't normally work on that project:

   (Simulator2) Add Linux conditional around statfs::f_flags
   `statfs::f_flags` is only available since Linux 2.6.36.
   Our internal RHEL5 testing servers are Linux 2.6.18.


This commit explains why a change was made, which is not evident from the change itself:

   (Git) Update .gitmodules to point to release repositories
   This decision was reached during a team meeting with Dan,
   Markus, Leo, Justin, and Pei-Hung.
   The solution:
   1. Merge the rose/scratch/edg.git branches into the
      rose/edg4x/edg.git repository.
   2. Update .gitmodules to point to the rose/edg4x/edg.git
      release repository.
   3. Remove the rose/scratch/edg.git repository once it
      has been entirely merged into the rose/edg4x/edg.git

Collaboration diagram for Writing Git commit messages: