1#ifndef ROSE_BitPattern_H
2#define ROSE_BitPattern_H
4#include <featureTests.h>
7#include "integerOps.h"
8#include <Rose/StringUtility.h>
10#include <iostream>
11#include <vector>
13namespace Rose {
55template<typename T>
57 typedef std::vector<T> Words;
58 typedef std::vector<Words> Alternatives;
59 Words mask_; // significant bits
60 Alternatives patterns_; // set of alternative patterns; each pattern has the same size as the mask
68 BitPattern(T msk, T pat, size_t wordnum) {
69 insert(msk, pat, wordnum);
70 }
75 BitPattern(size_t lo_bit, size_t hi_bit, T pat, size_t wordnum) {
76 bits(lo_bit, hi_bit, pat, wordnum);
77 }
80 bool is_consistent() const {
81 for (size_t i=0; i<patterns_.size(); ++i) {
82 if (patterns_[i].size()!=mask_.size()) {
83 std::cerr <<"BitPattern::is_consistent failed\n"
84 <<" mask_.size() = " <<mask_.size() <<"\n"
85 <<" patterns_[" <<i <<"].size() = " <<patterns_[i].size() <<"\n"
86 <<" these two vectors should have been the same size\n";
87 std::cerr <<" this = ";
88 print(std::cerr); // printing might fail
89 std::cerr <<"\n";
90 return false;
91 }
92 }
93 return true;
94 }
97 size_t nsignificant() const {
98 size_t retval = 0;
99 for (size_t i=0; i<mask_.size(); ++i)
100 retval += IntegerOps::countSet(mask_[i]);
101 return retval;
102 }
106 size_t nwords() const {
107 return mask_.size();
108 }
112 size_t width() const {
113 if (0==mask_.size())
114 return 0;
115 assert(mask_.back()!=0);
116 return 8*sizeof(T)*(mask_.size()-1) + IntegerOps::msb_set(mask_.back()).get() + 1;
117 }
120 T mask(size_t wordnum) {
121 if (wordnum >= mask_.size())
122 return 0;
123 return mask_[wordnum];
124 }
131 std::pair<T, T> invariants(T msk, size_t wordnum) {
132 if (msk==0 || wordnum>mask_.size() || patterns_.empty())
133 return std::pair<T, T>(0, 0);
134 T retmsk = msk & mask_[wordnum];
135 T retpat = retmsk & patterns_[0][wordnum];
136 for (size_t i=1; i<patterns_.size() && retmsk!=0; ++i)
137 retmsk &= ~(retpat ^ patterns_[i][wordnum]); // retmsk reduced to set of bits that are the same
138 return std::pair<T, T>(retpat & retmsk, retmsk);
139 }
142 size_t nalternatives() const {
143 return patterns_.size();
144 }
149 T conflict(T msk, T pat, size_t wordnum, size_t altnum) const {
150 if (wordnum < mask_.size()) {
151 if (T overlap = mask_[wordnum] & msk) {
152 assert(altnum < patterns_.size());
153 if (T differ = (patterns_[altnum][wordnum] & overlap) ^ (pat & overlap))
154 return differ;
155 }
156 }
157 return 0;
158 }
163 T conflict(T msk, T pat, size_t wordnum) const {
164 if (wordnum < mask_.size()) {
165 for (size_t altnum=0; altnum<nalternatives(); ++altnum) {
166 if (T differ = conflict(msk, pat, wordnum, altnum))
167 return differ;
168 }
169 }
170 return 0;
171 }
175 void check_insertion(T msk, T pat, size_t wordnum) const {
176 if (0!=msk && wordnum<mask_.size()) {
177 if (T differ = conflict(msk, pat, wordnum)) {
178 std::cerr <<"BitPattern::insert(msk=" <<Rose::StringUtility::addrToString(msk, 8*sizeof(T))
179 <<", pat=" <<Rose::StringUtility::addrToString(pat, 8*sizeof(T))
180 <<", wordnum=" <<wordnum <<") conflicts with existing pattern ";
181 print(std::cerr);
182 std::cerr <<" at bits " <<Rose::StringUtility::addrToString(differ, 8*sizeof(T)) <<"\n";
183 assert(!"new bit pattern conflicts with existing pattern");
184 abort();
185 }
186 }
187 }
191 bool any_same(const BitPattern &other, std::pair<size_t, size_t> *alternatives=NULL) const {
192 if (nwords()!=other.nwords())
193 return false;
194 for (size_t wordnum=0; wordnum<nwords(); ++wordnum) {
195 if (mask_[wordnum]!=other.mask_[wordnum])
196 return false;
197 }
198 for (size_t a1=0; a1<nalternatives(); ++a1) {
199 for (size_t a2=0; a2<other.nalternatives(); ++a2) {
200 bool are_same = true;
201 for (size_t wordnum=0; are_same && wordnum<nwords(); ++wordnum)
202 are_same = patterns_[a1][wordnum] == other.patterns_[a2][wordnum];
203 if (are_same) {
204 if (alternatives!=NULL)
205 *alternatives = std::make_pair(a1, a2);
206 return true;
207 }
208 }
209 }
210 return false;
211 }
215 BitPattern& insert(T msk, T pat, size_t wordnum=0) {
216 assert(is_consistent());
217 assert(0 == (pat & ~msk));
218 check_insertion(msk, pat, wordnum);
219 if (msk != 0) {
220 if (wordnum >= mask_.size())
221 mask_.resize(wordnum+1, T(0));
222 mask_[wordnum] |= msk;
223 if (patterns_.empty()) {
224 patterns_.resize(1);
225 patterns_[0].resize(wordnum+1, T(0));
226 patterns_[0][wordnum] = pat;
227 } else {
228 for (size_t altnum=0; altnum<nalternatives(); ++altnum) {
229 if (wordnum >= patterns_[altnum].size())
230 patterns_[altnum].resize(wordnum+1, T(0));
231 patterns_[altnum][wordnum] |= pat;
232 }
233 }
234 }
235 assert(is_consistent());
236 return *this;
237 }
242 BitPattern& bits(size_t lo_bit, size_t hi_bit, T value, size_t wordnum) {
243 T msk = IntegerOps::genMask<T>(lo_bit, hi_bit);
244 value = IntegerOps::shiftLeft2(value, lo_bit);
245 return insert(msk, value, wordnum);
246 }
249 BitPattern shift_left(size_t nbits) const {
250 assert(is_consistent());
251 if (0==nbits || patterns_.empty())
252 return *this;
253 static const size_t word_size = 8*sizeof(T);
254 size_t need_nbits = width() + nbits;
255 size_t need_nwords = (need_nbits + word_size - 1) / word_size;
256 size_t word_delta = nbits / word_size;
257 size_t bit_delta_lt = nbits % word_size;
258 size_t bit_delta_rt = word_size - bit_delta_lt;
259 BitPattern retval;
261 // shift the mask
262 retval.mask_.resize(need_nwords, 0);
263 for (size_t i=0; i<mask_.size(); ++i) {
264 retval.mask_[i+word_delta] |= IntegerOps::shiftLeft2(mask_[i], bit_delta_lt);
265 if (i+word_delta+1<need_nwords)
266 retval.mask_[i+word_delta+1] = IntegerOps::shiftRightLogical2(mask_[i], bit_delta_rt);
267 }
269 // shift each pattern
270 retval.patterns_.resize(patterns_.size());
271 for (size_t i=0; i<patterns_.size(); ++i) {
272 retval.patterns_[i].resize(need_nwords, 0);
273 for (size_t j=0; j<patterns_[i].size(); ++j) {
274 retval.patterns_[i][j+word_delta] |= IntegerOps::shiftLeft2(patterns_[i][j], bit_delta_lt);
275 if (j+word_delta+1<need_nwords)
276 retval.patterns_[i][j+word_delta+1] = IntegerOps::shiftRightLogical2(patterns_[i][j], bit_delta_rt);
277 }
278 }
279 assert(is_consistent());
280 return retval;
281 }
289 assert(is_consistent());
290 assert(other.is_consistent());
291 // check that the operation is possible
292 for (size_t altnum=0; altnum<other.nalternatives(); ++altnum) {
293 for (size_t wordnum=0; wordnum<other.nwords(); ++wordnum)
294 check_insertion(other.mask_[wordnum], other.patterns_[altnum][wordnum], wordnum);
295 }
297 // merge masks
298 size_t this_nwords = mask_.size();
299 size_t result_nwords = std::max(this_nwords, other.mask_.size());
300 mask_.resize(result_nwords, T(0));
301 for (size_t wordnum=0; wordnum<other.mask_.size(); ++wordnum)
302 mask_[wordnum] |= other.mask_[wordnum];
304 // do the conjunction
305 Alternatives retval;
306 for (size_t a1=0; a1<patterns_.size(); ++a1) {
307 for (size_t a2=0; a2<other.patterns_.size(); ++a2) {
308 retval.push_back(Words(result_nwords, T(0)));
309 for (size_t i=0; i<this_nwords; ++i)
310 retval.back()[i] = patterns_[a1][i];
311 for (size_t i=0; i<other.nwords(); ++i)
312 retval.back()[i] |= other.patterns_[a2][i];
314 // check for and remove duplicate pattern
315 for (size_t a3=0; a3+1<retval.size(); ++a3) {
316 bool isdup = true;
317 for (size_t i=0; isdup && i<result_nwords; ++i)
318 isdup = retval[a3][i] == retval.back()[i];
319 if (isdup) {
320 retval.pop_back();
321 break;
322 }
323 }
324 }
325 }
326 patterns_ = retval;
327 assert(is_consistent());
328 return *this;
329 }
335 assert(is_consistent());
336 assert(other.is_consistent());
337 if (0==nalternatives()) {
338 *this = other;
339 } else if (0==other.nalternatives()) {
340 // void
341 } else {
342 assert(nwords()==other.nwords());
343 for (size_t wordnum=0; wordnum<nwords(); ++wordnum)
344 assert(mask_[wordnum]==other.mask_[wordnum]);
345 size_t na = nalternatives();
346 for (size_t a1=0; a1<other.nalternatives(); ++a1) {
347 bool isdup = false;
348 for (size_t a2=0; !isdup && a2<na; ++a2) {
349 isdup = true;
350 for (size_t wordnum=0; isdup && wordnum<nwords(); ++wordnum)
351 isdup = patterns_[a2][wordnum] == other.patterns_[a1][wordnum];
352 }
353 if (!isdup)
354 patterns_.push_back(other.patterns_[a1]);
355 }
356 }
357 assert(is_consistent());
358 return *this;
359 }
364 BitPattern operator&(const BitPattern &other) const {
365 BitPattern retval = *this;
366 return retval.conjunction(other);
367 }
369 return conjunction(other);
370 }
376 BitPattern operator|(const BitPattern &other) const {
377 BitPattern retval = *this;
378 return retval.disjunction(other);
379 }
381 return disjunction(other);
382 }
387 bool matches(const std::vector<T> value_words) const {
388 if (0==nalternatives())
389 return true;
390 if (value_words.size() < nwords())
391 return false;
392 for (size_t altnum=0; altnum<nalternatives(); ++altnum) {
393 bool eq = true;
394 for (size_t wordnum=0; eq && wordnum<nwords(); ++wordnum)
395 eq = (value_words[wordnum] & mask_[wordnum]) == (patterns_[altnum][wordnum] & mask_[wordnum]);
396 if (eq)
397 return true;
398 }
399 return false;
400 }
401 bool matches(const T *value_words, size_t sz) const {
402 std::vector<T> vv;
403 for (size_t i=0; i<sz; ++i)
404 vv.push_back(value_words[i]);
405 return matches(vv);
406 }
410 bool matches_word(T value, size_t wordnum) const {
411 if (0==nalternatives() || wordnum>=nwords())
412 return true;
413 for (size_t altnum=0; altnum<nalternatives(); ++altnum) {
414 if ((value & mask_[wordnum]) == (patterns_[altnum][wordnum] & mask_[wordnum]))
415 return true;
416 }
417 return false;
418 }
421 void print(std::ostream &o, size_t altnum, bool with_mask=true) const {
422 assert(altnum<nalternatives());
423 o <<(1==nwords()?"":"{");
424 for (size_t wordnum=0; wordnum<nwords(); ++wordnum) {
425 o <<(0==wordnum?"":",") <<Rose::StringUtility::addrToString(patterns_[altnum][wordnum], 8*sizeof(T));
426 if (with_mask)
427 o <<"/" <<Rose::StringUtility::addrToString(mask_[wordnum], 8*sizeof(T));
428 }
429 o <<(1==nwords()?"":"}");
430 }
433 void print(std::ostream &o) const {
434 if (0==nwords()) {
435 o <<"empty";
436 } else {
437 o <<(1==nalternatives()?"":"(");
438 for (size_t altnum=0; altnum<nalternatives(); ++altnum) {
439 o <<(0==altnum?"":" | ");
440 print(o, altnum, false);
441 }
442 o <<(1==nalternatives()?"":")");
443 o <<"/" <<(1==nwords()?"":"{");
444 for (size_t wordnum=0; wordnum<nwords(); ++wordnum)
445 o <<(wordnum>0?",":"") <<Rose::StringUtility::addrToString(mask_[wordnum], 8*sizeof(T));
446 o <<(1==nwords()?"":"}");
447 }
448 }
451} // namespace
453template<typename T>
454std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &o, const Rose::BitPattern<T> &bp)
456 bp.print(o);
457 return o;
Describes a pattern of bits in a finite number of words.
Definition BitPattern.h:56
void print(std::ostream &o) const
Print all alternatives of the pattern.
Definition BitPattern.h:433
BitPattern(T msk, T pat, size_t wordnum)
Creates a new bit pattern for a single word using a mask and value.
Definition BitPattern.h:68
size_t nwords() const
Returns the number of words in the pattern.
Definition BitPattern.h:106
bool matches_word(T value, size_t wordnum) const
Returns true if one word of this pattern matches the specified value.
Definition BitPattern.h:410
BitPattern & operator&=(const BitPattern &other)
Creates a new BitPattern that is the conjunction of two bit patterns.
Definition BitPattern.h:368
void check_insertion(T msk, T pat, size_t wordnum) const
Check that a pattern insertion does not conflict with an existing pattern.
Definition BitPattern.h:175
BitPattern(size_t lo_bit, size_t hi_bit, T pat, size_t wordnum)
Create a new bit pattern for a single word using bit offsets.
Definition BitPattern.h:75
Creates a new, empty bit pattern.
Definition BitPattern.h:64
size_t nsignificant() const
Returns the number of significant bits.
Definition BitPattern.h:97
BitPattern & insert(T msk, T pat, size_t wordnum=0)
Creates a new pattern by adding significant bits to all alternatives of a pattern.
Definition BitPattern.h:215
bool matches(const T *value_words, size_t sz) const
Returns true if this pattern matches the specified values.
Definition BitPattern.h:401
T conflict(T msk, T pat, size_t wordnum, size_t altnum) const
Determines if the specified bits conflict with a particular pattern alternative.
Definition BitPattern.h:149
bool is_consistent() const
Verify internal consistency.
Definition BitPattern.h:80
size_t nalternatives() const
Returns the number of alternatives.
Definition BitPattern.h:142
BitPattern & disjunction(const BitPattern &other)
Combines this BitPattern with another by forming their disjunction.
Definition BitPattern.h:334
BitPattern operator|(const BitPattern &other) const
Creates a new BitPattern that is the inclusive disjunction of two bit patterns.
Definition BitPattern.h:376
bool any_same(const BitPattern &other, std::pair< size_t, size_t > *alternatives=NULL) const
Determines whether two patterns can match the same input.
Definition BitPattern.h:191
BitPattern shift_left(size_t nbits) const
Return a new BitPattern with the pattern bits shifted left by the indicated amount.
Definition BitPattern.h:249
BitPattern operator&(const BitPattern &other) const
Creates a new BitPattern that is the conjunction of two bit patterns.
Definition BitPattern.h:364
BitPattern & conjunction(const BitPattern &other)
Combines this BitPattern with another by forming their conjunction.
Definition BitPattern.h:288
void print(std::ostream &o, size_t altnum, bool with_mask=true) const
Print one pattern alternative.
Definition BitPattern.h:421
BitPattern & operator|=(const BitPattern &other)
Creates a new BitPattern that is the inclusive disjunction of two bit patterns.
Definition BitPattern.h:380
std::pair< T, T > invariants(T msk, size_t wordnum)
Returns invariant bits.
Definition BitPattern.h:131
bool matches(const std::vector< T > value_words) const
Returns true if this pattern matches the specified values.
Definition BitPattern.h:387
BitPattern & bits(size_t lo_bit, size_t hi_bit, T value, size_t wordnum)
Adds significant bits to all alternatives of a pattern.
Definition BitPattern.h:242
T mask(size_t wordnum)
Returns the mask for the specified word.
Definition BitPattern.h:120
T conflict(T msk, T pat, size_t wordnum) const
Determines if the specified significant bits conflict with any of the existing pattern alternatives.
Definition BitPattern.h:163
size_t width() const
Returns the size of the pattern in bits.
Definition BitPattern.h:112
boost::optional< size_t > msb_set(T val)
Optionally returns the zero-origin position of the most significant set bit.
Definition integerOps.h:303
size_t countSet(T val)
Counts how many bits are set (one).
Definition integerOps.h:279
T shiftLeft2(T value, size_t count, size_t width=8 *sizeof(T))
Shifts bits of value left by count bits.
Definition integerOps.h:108
T shiftRightLogical2(T value, size_t count, size_t width=8 *sizeof(T))
Shifts bits of value right by count bits without sign extension.
Definition integerOps.h:122
ROSE_UTIL_API std::string addrToString(uint64_t value, size_t nbits=0)
Convert a virtual address to a string.
The ROSE library.