1#include <featureTests.h>
4#ifndef NODE_STATE_H
5#define NODE_STATE_H
7#include "DataflowCFG.h"
8class NodeFact;
9class NodeState;
11#include "lattice.h"
12#include "analysis.h"
13#include <map>
14#include <vector>
15#include <string>
16#include <set>
18#ifdef THREADED
19#include "tbb/concurrent_hash_map.h"
20#include "tbb/atomic.h"
24//template<class factType>
26 *** NodeFact ***
27 *** A fact associated with a CFG node by ***
28 *** some analysis thatis not evolved as part ***
29 *** of a dataflow analysis (i.e. it should ***
30 *** stay constant throughout the analysis). ***
31 ************************************************/
32// A fact associated with a CFG node that is not part of a dataflow analysis. In other words,
33// it is not a lattice and is not meant to evolve during the course of a dataflow analysis.
34class NodeFact: public printable
36 public:
38 // The string that represents this object.
39 // Every line of this string must be prefixed by indent.
40 // The last character of the returned string must not be '\n', even if it is a multi-line string.
41 //virtual string str(string indent="")=0;
43 // returns a copy of this node fact
44 virtual NodeFact* copy() const=0;
46/* void* fact;
48 public:
49 NodeFact(void* fact)
50 {
51 this->fact = fact;
52 }
54 NodeFact(factType* fact)
55 {
56 this->fact = *fact;
57 }
59 void* getFact()
60 {
61 return fact;
62 }*/
67 *** NodeState ***
68 *** The state of all the Lattice elements ***
69 *** associated by dataflow analyses with a ***
70 *** given node. This state will evolve as ***
71 *** a result of the dataflow analysis. ***
72 **********************************************/
73#ifdef THREADED
74class NodeStateHashCompare
76 public:
77 NodeStateHashCompare() {}
78 NodeStateHashCompare(const NodeStateHashCompare & that) {}
80 ~NodeStateHashCompare(){}
82 static bool equal(const Analysis* & j, const Analysis* & k )
83 { return j==k; }
85 static bool equal(const Analysis* const & j, const Analysis* const & k )
86 { return j==k; }
88 static size_t hash( const Analysis* k ) { return (size_t) k; }
94 #ifdef THREADED
95 typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map <Analysis*, std::vector<Lattice*>, NodeStateHashCompare > LatticeMap;
96 //typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map <Analysis*, map <int, NodeFact*>, NodeStateHashCompare > NodeFactMap;
97 typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map <Analysis*, std::vector<NodeFact*>, NodeStateHashCompare > NodeFactMap;
98 typedef tbb::concurrent_hash_map <Analysis*, bool, NodeStateHashCompare > BoolMap;
99 #else
100 typedef std::map<Analysis*, std::vector<Lattice*> > LatticeMap;
101 //typedef std::map<Analysis*, std::map<int, NodeFact*> > NodeFactMap;
102 typedef std::map<Analysis*, std::vector<NodeFact*> > NodeFactMap;
103 typedef std::map<Analysis*, bool > BoolMap;
104 #endif
106 // the dataflow information Above the node, for each analysis that
107 // may be interested in the current node
108 LatticeMap dfInfoAbove;
110 // the Analysis information Below the node, for each analysis that
111 // may be interested in the current node
112 LatticeMap dfInfoBelow;
114 // the facts that are true at this node, for each analysis that
115 // may be interested in the current node
116 NodeFactMap facts;
118 // Contains all the Analyses that have initialized their state at this node. It is a map because
119 // TBB doesn't provide a concurrent set.
120 BoolMap initializedAnalyses;
122 // the dataflow node that this NodeState object corresponds to
123 //DataflowNode parentNode;
125 public:
126 /*NodeState(DataflowNode& parentNode) : parentNode(parentNode)
127 {}
129 NodeState(CFGNode& parentNode) : parentNode(parentNode)
130 {}
132 NodeState(CFGNode parentNode) : parentNode(parentNode)
133 {}*/
135 NodeState()
136 {}
138/* void initialize(Analysis* analysis, int latticeName)
139 {
140 initDfMap(dfInfoAbove);
141 initDfMap(dfInfoBelow);
142 }
144 private:
145 // initializes the given lattice owned by the given analysis in the given map
146 // dfMap may be either dfInfoAbove or dfInfoBelow
147 void initDfMap(std::map<Analysis*, std::vector<Lattice*> >& dfMap)
148 {
149 std::map<Analysis*, std::vector<Lattice*> >::iterator dfLattices;
150 // if this analysis has registered some Lattices at this node
151 if((dfLattices = dfMap.find(analysis)) != dfInfoAbove.end())
152 {
153 std::map<int, Lattice>::iterator it;
154 // if the given lattice name was registered by this analysis
155 if((it = (*dfLattices).find(latticeName) != (*dfLattices).end())
156 {
157 (*it)->initialize();
158 }
159 else
160 {
161 (*dfLattices)[latticeName] = new Lattice();
162 }
163 }
164 else
165 {
166 std::map<int, Lattice> newMap;
167 Lattice newLattice;
168 newMap[latticeName] = newLattice;
169 dfMap[analysis] = newMap;
170 }
171 }*/
173 public:
174 // Records that this analysis has initializedAnalyses its state at this node
175 void initialized(Analysis* analysis);
177 // Returns true if this analysis has initialized its state at this node and false otherwise
178 bool isInitialized(Analysis* analysis);
180 // adds the given lattice, organizing it under the given analysis and lattice name
181 //void addLattice(const Analysis* analysis, int latticeName, Lattice* l);
184 // Set this node's lattices for this analysis (possibly above or below only, replacing previous mappings)
185 // These methods take ownership of the pointed-to lattices.
186 void setLattices(const Analysis* analysis, std::vector<Lattice*>& lattices);
187 void setLatticeAbove(const Analysis* analysis, std::vector<Lattice*>& lattices);
188 void setLatticeBelow(const Analysis* analysis, std::vector<Lattice*>& lattices);
190 // returns the given lattice from above the node that is owned by the given analysis
191 Lattice* getLatticeAbove(const Analysis* analysis, int latticeName) const;
192 // returns the given lattice from below the node that is owned by the given analysis
193 Lattice* getLatticeBelow(const Analysis* analysis, int latticeName) const;
196 // (read-only access)
197 static const std::vector<Lattice*>& getLatticeAbove(const Analysis* analysis, SgNode* n, unsigned int index ) ;
199 // returns all the lattices from below the CFG node (corresponding to SgNode and an CFG index) that are owned by the given analysis
200 // (read-only access)
201 static const std::vector<Lattice*>& getLatticeBelow(const Analysis* analysis, SgNode* n, unsigned int index) ;
204 // returns the map containing all the lattices from above the node that are owned by the given analysis
205 // (read-only access)
206 const std::vector<Lattice*>& getLatticeAbove(const Analysis* analysis) const;
207 // returns the map containing all the lattices from below the node that are owned by the given analysis
208 // (read-only access)
209 const std::vector<Lattice*>& getLatticeBelow(const Analysis* analysis) const;
211 // returns the map containing all the lattices from above the node that are owned by the given analysis
212 // (read/write access)
213 std::vector<Lattice*>& getLatticeAboveMod(const Analysis* analysis);
214 // returns the map containing all the lattices from below the node that are owned by the given analysis
215 // (read/write access)
216 std::vector<Lattice*>& getLatticeBelowMod(const Analysis* analysis);
218 // deletes all lattices above this node associated with the given analysis
219 void deleteLatticeAbove(const Analysis* analysis);
221 // deletes all lattices below this node associated with the given analysis
222 void deleteLatticeBelow(const Analysis* analysis);
224 // returns true if the two lattices vectors are the same and false otherwise
225 static bool eqLattices(const std::vector<Lattice*>& latticesA,
226 const std::vector<Lattice*>& latticesB);
228 // Creates a copy of all the dataflow state (Lattices and Facts) associated with
229 // analysis srcA and associates this copied state with analysis tgtA.
230 void cloneAnalysisState(const Analysis* srcA, const Analysis* tgtA);
232 // Given a set of analyses, one of which is designated as a master, unions together the
233 // lattices associated with each of these analyses. The results are associated on each
234 // CFG node with the master analysis.
235 void unionLattices(std::set<Analysis*>& unionSet, const Analysis* master);
237 //void removeLattice(const Analysis* analysis, int latticeName);
239 private:
240 /*// adds the given lattice to the given dfInfo structure (dfInfoAbove or dfInfoBelow),
241 // organizing it under the given analysis and lattice name
242 void addLattice_ex(std::map<Analysis*, std::vector<Lattice*> >& dfMap,
243 const Analysis* analysis, int latticeName, Lattice* l);
244 */
245 // returns the given lattice, which owned by the given analysis
246 Lattice* getLattice_ex(const LatticeMap& dfMap,
247 const Analysis* analysis, int latticeName) const;
249 /*// removes the given lattice, owned by the given analysis
250 // returns true if the given lattice was found and removed and false if it was not found
251 bool removeLattice_ex(LatticeMap& dfMap,
252 const Analysis* analysis, int latticeName);
253 */
254 public:
255 // associates the given analysis/fact name with the given NodeFact,
256 // deleting any previous association (the previous NodeFact is freed)
257 void addFact(const Analysis* analysis, int factName, NodeFact* f);
259 // associates the given analysis with the given map of fact names to NodeFacts,
260 // deleting any previous association (the previous NodeFacts are freed). This call
261 // takes the actual provided facts and does not make a copy of them.
262 //void setFacts(const Analysis* analysis, const std::map<int, NodeFact*>& newFacts);
263 void setFacts(const Analysis* analysis, const std::vector<NodeFact*>& newFacts);
265 // returns the given fact, which owned by the given analysis
266 NodeFact* getFact(const Analysis* analysis, int factName) const ;
268 // returns the map of all the facts owned by the given analysis at this NodeState
269 // (read-only access)
270 //const std::map<int, NodeFact*>& getFacts(const Analysis* analysis) const;
271 const std::vector<NodeFact*>& getFacts(const Analysis* analysis) const;
273 // returns the map of all the facts owned by the given analysis at this NodeState
274 // (read/write access)
275 //std::map<int, NodeFact*>& getFactsMod(const Analysis* analysis);
276 std::vector<NodeFact*>& getFactsMod(const Analysis* analysis);
278 // removes the given fact, owned by the given analysis
279 // returns true if the given fact was found and removed and false if it was not found
280 //bool removeFact(const Analysis* analysis, int factName);
282 // deletes all facts at this node associated with the given analysis
283 void deleteFacts(const Analysis* analysis);
285 // delete all state at this node associated with the given analysis
286 void deleteState(const Analysis* analysis);
288 // ====== STATIC ======
289 private:
290 static std::map<DataflowNode, std::vector<NodeState*> > nodeStateMap;
291 static bool nodeStateMapInit;
293 public:
294 // returns the NodeState object associated with the given dataflow node.
295 // index is used when multiple NodeState objects are associated with a given node
296 // (ex: SgFunctionCallExp has 3 NodeStates: entry, function body, exit)
297 static NodeState* getNodeState(const DataflowNode& n, int index=0);
300 //returns the NodeState object associated with a given SgNode
301 //index is used when multiple Control flow nodes (and consequently multiple NodeStates) are associated with a given node
302 static NodeState* getNodeState(SgNode * n, int index=0);
304 // returns a vector of NodeState objects associated with the given dataflow node.
305 static const std::vector<NodeState*> getNodeStates(const DataflowNode& n);
307 // returns the number of NodeStates associated with the given DataflowNode
308 static int numNodeStates(DataflowNode& n);
310 private:
311 // initializes the nodeStateMap
312 static void initNodeStateMap(bool (*filter) (CFGNode cfgn));
314 public:
315 /*// copies the facts from that to this
316 void copyFacts(NodeState &that);
318 // copies the dfInfoBelow lattices from that to this
319 void copyLatticesBelow(NodeState &that);
321 // copies the dfInfoAbove lattices from the given map to this
322 void copyLatticesAbove(const LatticeMap& thatInfo);
324 // copies the dfInfoBelow lattices from the given map to this
325 void copyLatticesBelow(const LatticeMap& thatInfo);
327 protected:
328 // copies the dfInfoAbove or dfInfoBelow lattices from that to this
329 void copyLattices(const LatticeMap& dfInfo,
330 const LatticeMap& thatInfo);
331 */
333 // copies from's above lattices for the given analysis to to's above lattices for the same analysis
334 static void copyLattices_aEQa(Analysis* analysis, NodeState& to, const NodeState& from);
336 // copies from's above lattices for analysisA to to's above lattices for analysisB
337 static void copyLattices_aEQa(Analysis* analysisA, NodeState& to, Analysis* analysisB, const NodeState& from);
339 // copies from's above lattices for the given analysis to to's below lattices for the same analysis
340 static void copyLattices_bEQa(Analysis* analysis, NodeState& to, const NodeState& from);
342 // copies from's above lattices for analysisA to to's below lattices for analysisB
343 static void copyLattices_bEQa(Analysis* analysisA, NodeState& to, Analysis* analysisB, const NodeState& from);
345 // copies from's below lattices for the given analysis to to's below lattices for the same analysis
346 static void copyLattices_bEQb(Analysis* analysis, NodeState& to, const NodeState& from);
348 // copies from's below lattices for the given analysis to to's above lattices for the same analysis
349 static void copyLattices_aEQb(Analysis* analysis, NodeState& to, const NodeState& from);
351 protected:
352 // makes dfInfoX a copy of dfInfoY
353 static void copyLattices(std::vector<Lattice*>& dfInfoX, const std::vector<Lattice*>& dfInfoY);
355 /*public:
356 void operator=(NodeState& that);*/
357 public:
358 std::string str(Analysis* analysis, std::string indent="") const;
static const std::vector< Lattice * > & getLatticeAbove(const Analysis *analysis, SgNode *n, unsigned int index)
returns all the lattices from above the CFG node (corresponding to SgNode and an CFG index) that are ...
This class represents the base class for all IR nodes within Sage III.
A node in the control flow graph.
Definition virtualCFG.h:70
Hash hash(const std::vector< Ptr > &)
Hash zero or more expressions.