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Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver Class Referenceabstract


Interface to Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) solvers.

The purpose of an SMT solver is to determine if an expression is satisfiable. Solvers are reference counted objects that are allocated with instance static methods or create virtual constructors and should not be explicitly deleted.

Definition at line 39 of file SmtSolver.h.

#include <Rose/BinaryAnalysis/SmtSolver.h>

Inheritance diagram for Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver:
Collaboration graph


struct  Exception
 Exceptions for all things SMT related. More...
class  Memoizer
 Memoizes calls to an SMT solver. More...
struct  ParseError
 Exception for parse errors when reading SMT solver output. More...
class  SExpr
 S-Expr parsed from SMT solver text output. More...
struct  Stats
 SMT solver statistics. More...
class  Transaction
 RAII guard for solver stack. More...

Public Types

enum  LinkMode {
  LM_NONE = 0x0000 ,
  LM_LIBRARY = 0x0001 ,
  LM_EXECUTABLE = 0x0002 ,
  LM_ANY = 0x0003
 Bit flags to indicate the kind of solver interface. More...
enum  Type {
 Type (sort) of expression. More...
enum  Satisfiable {
  SAT_NO =0 ,
 Satisfiability constants. More...
using ExprList = std::vector< SymbolicExpression::Ptr >
 Ordered list of expressions.
using Ptr = SmtSolverPtr
 Reference counting pointer for SMT solvers.
using Availability = std::map< std::string, bool >
 Solver availability map.
using StringTypePair = std::pair< std::string, Type >
 Maps expression nodes to term names.
using TermNames = Sawyer::Container::Map< SymbolicExpression::Ptr, StringTypePair >
using ExprExprMap = Sawyer::Container::Map< SymbolicExpression::Ptr, SymbolicExpression::Ptr >
 Maps one symbolic expression to another.
using VariableSet = Sawyer::Container::Set< SymbolicExpression::LeafPtr, CompareLeavesByName >
 Set of variables.
using Definitions = std::set< uint64_t >
 Free variables that have been defined.
using SExprTypePair = std::pair< SExpr::Ptr, Type >
using Evidence = Sawyer::Container::Map< std::string, SymbolicExpression::Ptr >
 Evidence of satisfiability.

Public Member Functions

virtual Ptr create () const =0
 Virtual constructor.
LinkMode linkage () const
 Property: How ROSE communicates with the solver.
void requireLinkage (LinkMode) const
 Assert required linkage.
virtual void timeout (boost::chrono::duration< double > seconds)=0
 Set the timeout for the solver.
virtual Satisfiable triviallySatisfiable (const ExprList &exprs)
 Determines if expressions are trivially satisfiable or unsatisfiable.
virtual void reset ()
 Reset solver state.
virtual void push ()
 Create a backtracking point.
virtual void pop ()
 Pop a backtracking point.
virtual size_t nLevels () const
 Number of backtracking levels.
virtual size_t nAssertions (size_t backtrackingLevel)
 Number of assertions at a specific backtracking level.
virtual size_t nAssertions () const
 Total number of assertions across all backtracking levels.
virtual ExprList assertions () const
 All assertions.
virtual const ExprListassertions (size_t level) const
 Assertions for a particular level.
virtual Satisfiable check ()
 Check satisfiability of current stack.
virtual Satisfiable checkTrivial ()
 Check whether the stack of assertions is trivially satisfiable.
virtual std::vector< std::string > evidenceNames () const
 Names of items for which satisfiability evidence exists.
virtual SymbolicExpression::Ptr evidenceForName (const std::string &) const
 Evidence of satisfiability for a variable or memory address.
virtual void clearEvidence ()
 Clears evidence information.
virtual SymbolicExpression::Ptr evidenceForAddress (uint64_t addr)
 Evidence of satisfiability for a memory address.
const Statsstatistics () const
 Property: Statistics for this solver.
void resetStatistics ()
 Resets statistics for this solver.
virtual void generateFile (std::ostream &, const ExprList &exprs, Definitions *)=0
 Generates an input file for for the solver.
virtual void selfTest ()
 Unit tests.
const std::string & name () const
 Property: Name of solver for debugging.
void name (const std::string &s)
 Property: Name of solver for debugging.
Memoizer::Ptr memoizer () const
 Property: Memoizer.
void memoizer (const Memoizer::Ptr &)
 Property: Memoizer.
virtual Satisfiable satisfiable (const SymbolicExpression::Ptr &)
 Determines if the specified expressions are all satisfiable, unsatisfiable, or unknown.
virtual Satisfiable satisfiable (const ExprList &)
 Determines if the specified expressions are all satisfiable, unsatisfiable, or unknown.
bool errorIfReset () const
 Property: Throw an exception if the solver is reset.
void errorIfReset (bool b)
 Property: Throw an exception if the solver is reset.
virtual void insert (const SymbolicExpression::Ptr &)
 Insert assertions.
virtual void insert (const ExprList &)
 Insert assertions.
Evidence evidenceByName () const
 All evidence of satisfiability.
ExprExprMap evidence () const
 All evidence of satisfiability.
virtual SymbolicExpression::Ptr evidenceForVariable (const SymbolicExpression::Ptr &var)
 Evidence of satisfiability for a bitvector variable.
virtual SymbolicExpression::Ptr evidenceForVariable (uint64_t varno)
 Evidence of satisfiability for a bitvector variable.
Progress::Ptr progress () const
 Progress reporting object.
void progress (const Progress::Ptr &progress)
 Progress reporting object.

Static Public Member Functions

static Availability availability ()
 Availability of all known solvers.
static Ptr instance (const std::string &name)
 Allocate a new solver by name.
static Ptr bestAvailable ()
 Best available solver.
static LinkMode bestLinkage (unsigned linkages)
 Given a bit vector of linkages, return the best one.
static Stats classStatistics ()
 Property: Statistics across all solvers.
static void resetClassStatistics ()
 Resets statistics for the class.
static void initDiagnostics ()
 Initialize diagnostic output facilities.

Static Public Attributes

static Sawyer::Message::Facility mlog
 Diagnostic facility.

Protected Member Functions

 SmtSolver (const std::string &name, unsigned linkages)
 Construct with name and linkage.
virtual Satisfiable checkExe ()
 Check satisfiability using text files and an executable.
virtual Satisfiable checkLib ()
 Check satisfiability using a library API.
virtual std::string getErrorMessage (int exitStatus)
 Error message from running a solver executable.
virtual void findVariables (const SymbolicExpression::Ptr &, VariableSet &)
 Return all variables that need declarations.
virtual std::string getCommand (const std::string &config_name)=0
 Given the name of a configuration file, return the command that is needed to run the solver.
std::vector< SExpr::PtrparseSExpressions (const std::string &)
 Parse all SExprs from the specified string.
virtual void parseEvidence ()
 Parses evidence of satisfiability.

Static Protected Member Functions

static void printSExpression (std::ostream &, const SExpr::Ptr &)
 Print an S-Expr for debugging.
static ExprList normalizeVariables (const ExprList &, SymbolicExpression::ExprExprHashMap &index)
 Normalize expressions by renaming variables.
static ExprList undoNormalization (const ExprList &, const SymbolicExpression::ExprExprHashMap &index)
 Undo the normalizations that were performed earlier.

Protected Attributes

LinkMode linkage_
std::string outputText_
 Additional output obtained by satisfiable().
std::vector< SExpr::PtrparsedOutput_
ExprExprMap evidence_
TermNames termNames_
Memoizer::Ptr memoizer_
Progress::Ptr progress_
Stats stats

Static Protected Attributes

static boost::mutex classStatsMutex
static Stats classStats

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ExprList

Ordered list of expressions.

Definition at line 42 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ Ptr

Reference counting pointer for SMT solvers.

Definition at line 45 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ Availability

using Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::Availability = std::map<std::string, bool>

Solver availability map.

Definition at line 48 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ StringTypePair

using Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::StringTypePair = std::pair<std::string, Type>

Maps expression nodes to term names.

This map is populated for common subexpressions.

Definition at line 66 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ TermNames

Definition at line 67 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ ExprExprMap

Maps one symbolic expression to another.

Definition at line 70 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ VariableSet

Set of variables.

Definition at line 178 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ Definitions

Free variables that have been defined.

Definition at line 180 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ SExprTypePair

using Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::SExprTypePair = std::pair<SExpr::Ptr, Type>

Definition at line 202 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ Evidence

Evidence of satisfiability.

Definition at line 566 of file SmtSolver.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ LinkMode

Bit flags to indicate the kind of solver interface.


No available linkage.


A runtime library is available.


An executable is available.


Any available mode.

Definition at line 51 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ Type

Type (sort) of expression.

ROSE uses bit constants "#b1" and "#b0" (in SMT-LIB syntax) to represent Boolean true and false, but most solvers distinguish between bit vector and Boolean types and don't allow them to be mixed (e.g., "(and #b1 true)" is an error).

Definition at line 63 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ Satisfiable

Satisfiability constants.


Provably unsatisfiable.


Satisfiable and evidence of satisfiability may be available.


Could not be proved satisfiable or unsatisfiable.

Definition at line 87 of file SmtSolver.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SmtSolver()

Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::SmtSolver ( const std::string &  name,
unsigned  linkages 

Construct with name and linkage.

Every solver should have a name that will appear in diagnostic messages, such as "z3", and a linkage mode that describes how ROSE communicates with the solver. The linkage mode is chosen as the least significant set bit of linkages, therefore the subclass should ensure that linkages contains only valid bits. If linkages is zero then the constructed object will be useless since it has no way to communicate with the solver. You can check for this situation by reading the linkage property, or just wait for one of the other methods to throw an SmtSolver::Exception.

Definition at line 359 of file SmtSolver.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ create()

virtual Ptr Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::create ( ) const
pure virtual

Virtual constructor.

The new solver will have the same settings as the source solver.

Implemented in Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver, and Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Z3Solver.

◆ availability()

static Availability Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::availability ( )

Availability of all known solvers.

Returns a map whose keys are the names of the SMT solver APIs and whose value is true if the solver is avilable or false if not available.

◆ instance()

static Ptr Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::instance ( const std::string &  name)

Allocate a new solver by name.

Create a new solver using one of the names returned by availability. The special name "" means no solver (return null) and "best" means return bestAvailable (which might also be null). It may be possible to create solvers by name that are not available, but attempting to use such a solver will fail loudly by calling requireLinkage. If an invalid name is supplied then an SmtSolver::Exception is thrown.

◆ bestAvailable()

static Ptr Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::bestAvailable ( )

Best available solver.

Returns a new solver, an instance of the best available solver. If no solver is possible then returns null.

◆ name() [1/2]

const std::string & Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::name ( ) const

Property: Name of solver for debugging.

This name gets printed in various diagnostic messages. It's initialized to something reasonable by constructors, but can be changed at any time by the user.

Definition at line 404 of file SmtSolver.h.

Referenced by Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver::instance().

◆ name() [2/2]

void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::name ( const std::string &  s)

Property: Name of solver for debugging.

This name gets printed in various diagnostic messages. It's initialized to something reasonable by constructors, but can be changed at any time by the user.

Definition at line 405 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ linkage()

LinkMode Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::linkage ( ) const

Property: How ROSE communicates with the solver.

The linkage is set when the solver object is created, and is read-only.

Definition at line 411 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ requireLinkage()

void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::requireLinkage ( LinkMode  ) const

Assert required linkage.

If the specified linkage is not available, then throw an exception.

◆ bestLinkage()

static LinkMode Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::bestLinkage ( unsigned  linkages)

Given a bit vector of linkages, return the best one.

"Best" is defined as that with the best performance, which is usually direct calls to the solver's API.

◆ memoizer() [1/2]

Memoizer::Ptr Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::memoizer ( ) const

Property: Memoizer.

The value of this property is a pointer to the object that caches the memoization for this solver. Setting it to a non-null pointer turns on memoization (using that object) and setting it to a null pointer turns off memoization. Memoization can be turned on or off at any time, and multiple SMT solvers can share the same memoizer.

◆ memoizer() [2/2]

void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::memoizer ( const Memoizer::Ptr )

Property: Memoizer.

The value of this property is a pointer to the object that caches the memoization for this solver. Setting it to a non-null pointer turns on memoization (using that object) and setting it to a null pointer turns off memoization. Memoization can be turned on or off at any time, and multiple SMT solvers can share the same memoizer.

◆ timeout()

virtual void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::timeout ( boost::chrono::duration< double >  seconds)
pure virtual

Set the timeout for the solver.

This sets the maximum time that the solver will try to find a solution before returning "unknown".

Implemented in Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver, and Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Z3Solver.

◆ triviallySatisfiable()

virtual Satisfiable Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::triviallySatisfiable ( const ExprList exprs)

Determines if expressions are trivially satisfiable or unsatisfiable.

If all expressions are known 1-bit values that are true, then this function returns SAT_YES. If any expression is a known 1-bit value that is false, then this function returns SAT_NO. Otherwise this function returns SAT_UNKNOWN.

This is a high-level abstraction that resets this object state so it contains a single assertion set on its stack, and clears evidence of satisfiability.

◆ satisfiable() [1/2]

virtual Satisfiable Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::satisfiable ( const SymbolicExpression::Ptr )

Determines if the specified expressions are all satisfiable, unsatisfiable, or unknown.

This is a high-level abstraction that starts a new SMT solver session. For text-based interfaces, this solver object is reset, a temporary text file is created, the solver is run with the file as input, text output is read, and the evidence of satisfiability is parsed and stored in this object.

◆ satisfiable() [2/2]

virtual Satisfiable Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::satisfiable ( const ExprList )

Determines if the specified expressions are all satisfiable, unsatisfiable, or unknown.

This is a high-level abstraction that starts a new SMT solver session. For text-based interfaces, this solver object is reset, a temporary text file is created, the solver is run with the file as input, text output is read, and the evidence of satisfiability is parsed and stored in this object.

◆ reset()

virtual void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::reset ( )

Reset solver state.

Resets the solver to an initial state containing no assertions. The evidence of satisfiability is cleared. For API-based solvers, this function might also create a new solver and/or solver context.

Reimplemented in Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver, and Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Z3Solver.

◆ errorIfReset() [1/2]

bool Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::errorIfReset ( ) const

Property: Throw an exception if the solver is reset.

This is used mostly for debugging solvers that are intending to use transactions. If the solver is ever reset, say by accidentally invoking its satisfiable method, then an exception is thrown.

Definition at line 485 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ errorIfReset() [2/2]

void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::errorIfReset ( bool  b)

Property: Throw an exception if the solver is reset.

This is used mostly for debugging solvers that are intending to use transactions. If the solver is ever reset, say by accidentally invoking its satisfiable method, then an exception is thrown.

Definition at line 488 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ push()

virtual void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::push ( )

Create a backtracking point.

Pushes a new, empty set of assertions onto the solver stack.

Note that although text-based solvers (executables) accept push and pop methods, they have no effect on the speed of the solver because ROSE invokes the executable in batch mode. In this case the push and pop apply to the stack within this solver object in ROSE.

See also, pop.

◆ pop()

virtual void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::pop ( )

Pop a backtracking point.

Pops the top set of assertions from the solver stack. It is not legal to call pop when the assertion stack is only one level deep; use reset in that case instead.

See also, push and reset.

Reimplemented in Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Z3Solver.

◆ nLevels()

virtual size_t Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::nLevels ( ) const

Number of backtracking levels.

This is the number of sets of assertions. The push and pop increment and decrement this number. The return valued is always positive.

Definition at line 516 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ nAssertions()

virtual size_t Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::nAssertions ( size_t  backtrackingLevel)

Number of assertions at a specific backtracking level.

Backtracking levels are numbered starting at zero up to one less than the value returned by nLevels.

◆ insert() [1/2]

virtual void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::insert ( const SymbolicExpression::Ptr )

Insert assertions.

Inserts assertions into the set of assertions at the top of the backtracking stack.

◆ insert() [2/2]

virtual void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::insert ( const ExprList )

Insert assertions.

Inserts assertions into the set of assertions at the top of the backtracking stack.

◆ assertions() [1/2]

virtual ExprList Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::assertions ( ) const

All assertions.

Returns the list of all assertions across all backtracking points.

◆ assertions() [2/2]

virtual const ExprList & Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::assertions ( size_t  level) const

Assertions for a particular level.

Returns the assertions associated with a particular level of the stack. Level zero is the oldest entry in the stack; all smt objects have a level zero. See also, nLevels.

◆ check()

virtual Satisfiable Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::check ( )

Check satisfiability of current stack.

Checks whether all assertions in the entire stack of assertion sets are satisfiable. A set of no assertions is trivially satisfiable. Errors are emitted on mlog once per error message and returned as SAT_UNKNOWN.

◆ checkTrivial()

virtual Satisfiable Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::checkTrivial ( )

Check whether the stack of assertions is trivially satisfiable.

This function returns true if all assertions have already been simplified in ROSE to the single bit "1", and returns true if so; false otherwise. If no assertions are present, this function returns true. This function does not invoke any functions in the underlying SMT solver.

◆ evidenceNames()

virtual std::vector< std::string > Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::evidenceNames ( ) const

Names of items for which satisfiability evidence exists.

Returns a vector of strings (variable names or memory addresses) that can be passed to evidenceForName. Not all SMT solvers can return this information, in which case they return an empty vector.

The returned names are only for those variables and addresses whose evidence of satisfiability can be parsed by ROSE. The subclasses provide additional methods for obtaining more detailed information.

◆ evidenceForName()

virtual SymbolicExpression::Ptr Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::evidenceForName ( const std::string &  ) const

Evidence of satisfiability for a variable or memory address.

If the string starts with the letter 'v' then variable evidence is returned, otherwise the string must be an address. Valid strings are those returned by the evidenceNames method; other strings result in a null return value. Subclasses might define additional methods for obtaining evidence of satisfiability.

Referenced by evidenceForVariable().

◆ evidenceByName()

Evidence Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::evidenceByName ( ) const

All evidence of satisfiability.

The version that returns a map indexed by variable name is the same as calling evidenceNames and then evidenceForName for each of those names.

The version that returns a map indexed by symbolic expression returns all the evidence in symbolic form. The keys for that return value are symbolic expressions that are simply variables.

Evidence is only returned if the previous check was satisfiable. Otherwise the return value is an empty map.

◆ evidence()

ExprExprMap Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::evidence ( ) const

All evidence of satisfiability.

The version that returns a map indexed by variable name is the same as calling evidenceNames and then evidenceForName for each of those names.

The version that returns a map indexed by symbolic expression returns all the evidence in symbolic form. The keys for that return value are symbolic expressions that are simply variables.

Evidence is only returned if the previous check was satisfiable. Otherwise the return value is an empty map.

◆ clearEvidence()

virtual void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::clearEvidence ( )

Clears evidence information.

Evidence of satisfiability is cleared by calling this function or by calling any function that changes the state of the solver, such as pushing or popping assertion sets, inserting new assertions, or checking satisfiability. Checking satisfiability re-initializes the evidence.

Reimplemented in Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Z3Solver.

◆ evidenceForVariable() [1/2]

virtual SymbolicExpression::Ptr Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::evidenceForVariable ( const SymbolicExpression::Ptr var)

Evidence of satisfiability for a bitvector variable.

If an expression is satisfiable, this function will return a value for the specified bitvector variable that satisfies the expression in conjunction with the other evidence. Not all SMT solvers can return this information. Returns the null pointer if no evidence is available for the variable.

Definition at line 617 of file SmtSolver.h.

References evidenceForVariable().

Referenced by evidenceForVariable().

◆ evidenceForVariable() [2/2]

virtual SymbolicExpression::Ptr Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::evidenceForVariable ( uint64_t  varno)

Evidence of satisfiability for a bitvector variable.

If an expression is satisfiable, this function will return a value for the specified bitvector variable that satisfies the expression in conjunction with the other evidence. Not all SMT solvers can return this information. Returns the null pointer if no evidence is available for the variable.

Definition at line 622 of file SmtSolver.h.

References evidenceForName().

◆ evidenceForAddress()

virtual SymbolicExpression::Ptr Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::evidenceForAddress ( uint64_t  addr)

Evidence of satisfiability for a memory address.

If an expression is satisfiable, this function will return a value for the specified memory address that satisfies the expression in conjunction with the other evidence. Not all SMT solvers can return this information. Returns the null pointer if no evidence is available for the memory address.

◆ statistics()

const Stats & Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::statistics ( ) const

Property: Statistics for this solver.

The statistics are not reset by this call, but continue to accumulate.

Definition at line 645 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ classStatistics()

static Stats Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::classStatistics ( )

Property: Statistics across all solvers.

The class statistics are updated whenever a solver is destroyed or its resetStatistics method is invoked. However, the nSolversCreated member is updated as soon as a solver is created.

The statistics are not reset by this call, but continue to accumulate.

◆ resetClassStatistics()

static void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::resetClassStatistics ( )

Resets statistics for the class.

Statistics are reset to initial values for the class as a whole. Resetting statistics for the class does not affect statistics of any particular SMT solver object.

◆ progress() [1/2]

Progress::Ptr Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::progress ( ) const

Progress reporting object.

If non-null, certain types of actions are reported to this progress object by pushing subtask progress objects.

◆ progress() [2/2]

void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::progress ( const Progress::Ptr progress)

Progress reporting object.

If non-null, certain types of actions are reported to this progress object by pushing subtask progress objects.

◆ generateFile()

virtual void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::generateFile ( std::ostream &  ,
const ExprList exprs,
pure virtual

Generates an input file for for the solver.

Usually the input file will be SMT-LIB format, but subclasses might override this to generate some other kind of input. Throws Excecption if the solver does not support an operation that is necessary to determine the satisfiability.

This function is also useful for debugging because it will convert ROSE's symbolic expressions to whatever format is used by the SMT solver.

◆ checkLib()

virtual Satisfiable Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::checkLib ( )

Check satisfiability using a library API.

Reimplemented in Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Z3Solver.

◆ getErrorMessage()

virtual std::string Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::getErrorMessage ( int  exitStatus)

Error message from running a solver executable.

Given the solver exit status and (implicitly) the output of the solver, either return an error message or the empty string. This can be overridden by subclasses because some solvers exit with non-zero status if you try to get the model when (check-sat) returns not-satisfiable.

Reimplemented in Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver.

◆ findVariables()

virtual void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::findVariables ( const SymbolicExpression::Ptr ,

Return all variables that need declarations.

Reimplemented in Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver.

Definition at line 703 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ printSExpression()

static void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::printSExpression ( std::ostream &  ,
const SExpr::Ptr  

Print an S-Expr for debugging.

A null pointer is printed as "nil" and an empty list is printed as "()" in order to distinguish the two cases. There should be no null pointers though in well-formed S-Exprs.

◆ getCommand()

virtual std::string Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::getCommand ( const std::string &  config_name)
protectedpure virtual

Given the name of a configuration file, return the command that is needed to run the solver.

The first line of stdout emitted by the solver should be the word "sat" or "unsat".

Implemented in Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver.

◆ parseEvidence()

virtual void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::parseEvidence ( )

Parses evidence of satisfiability.

Some solvers can emit information about what variable bindings satisfy the expression. This information is parsed by this function and added to a mapping of variable to value.

Reimplemented in Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver, and Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Z3Solver.

Definition at line 720 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ normalizeVariables()

static ExprList Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::normalizeVariables ( const ExprList ,
SymbolicExpression::ExprExprHashMap index 

Normalize expressions by renaming variables.

This is used during memoization to rename all the variables. It performs a depth-first search and renames each variable it encounters. The variables are renumbered starting at zero. The return value is a vector new new expressions, some of which may be the unmodified original expressions if there were no variables. The index is also a return value which indicates how original variables were mapped to new variables.

◆ undoNormalization()

static ExprList Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::undoNormalization ( const ExprList ,
const SymbolicExpression::ExprExprHashMap index 

Undo the normalizations that were performed earlier.

Each of the specified expressions are rewritten by undoing the variable renaming that was done by normalizeVariables. The index is the same index as returned by normalizeVariables, although the input expressions need not be those same expressions. For each input expression, the expression is rewritten by substituting the inverse of the index. That is, a depth first search is performed on the expression and if the subexpression matches a value of the index, then it's replaced by the corresponding key.

◆ selfTest()

virtual void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::selfTest ( )

Unit tests.

Reimplemented in Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Z3Solver.

◆ initDiagnostics()

static void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::initDiagnostics ( )

Initialize diagnostic output facilities.

Called when the ROSE library is initialized.

Member Data Documentation

◆ linkage_

LinkMode Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::linkage_

Definition at line 312 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ outputText_

std::string Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::outputText_

Additional output obtained by satisfiable().

Definition at line 313 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ parsedOutput_

std::vector<SExpr::Ptr> Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::parsedOutput_

Definition at line 314 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ evidence_

ExprExprMap Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::evidence_

Definition at line 315 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ termNames_

TermNames Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::termNames_

Definition at line 316 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ memoizer_

Memoizer::Ptr Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::memoizer_

Definition at line 317 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ progress_

Progress::Ptr Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::progress_

Definition at line 318 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ classStatsMutex

boost::mutex Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::classStatsMutex

Definition at line 321 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ classStats

Stats Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::classStats

Definition at line 322 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ stats

Stats Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::stats

Definition at line 323 of file SmtSolver.h.

◆ mlog

Sawyer::Message::Facility Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::mlog

Diagnostic facility.

Definition at line 327 of file SmtSolver.h.

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