Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver Class Reference


Wrapper around solvers that speak SMT-LIB.

Definition at line 14 of file SmtlibSolver.h.

#include <Rose/BinaryAnalysis/SmtlibSolver.h>

Inheritance diagram for Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

virtual Ptr create () const override
 Virtual constructor.
virtual void reset () override
 Reset solver state.
virtual void generateFile (std::ostream &, const std::vector< SymbolicExpression::Ptr > &exprs, Definitions *) override
virtual std::string getCommand (const std::string &configName) override
 Given the name of a configuration file, return the command that is needed to run the solver.
virtual std::string getErrorMessage (int exitStatus) override
 Error message from running a solver executable.
virtual void findVariables (const SymbolicExpression::Ptr &, VariableSet &) override
 Return all variables that need declarations.
virtual void timeout (boost::chrono::duration< double >) override
 Set the timeout for the solver.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver
LinkMode linkage () const
 Property: How ROSE communicates with the solver.
void requireLinkage (LinkMode) const
 Assert required linkage.
virtual Satisfiable triviallySatisfiable (const ExprList &exprs)
 Determines if expressions are trivially satisfiable or unsatisfiable.
virtual void push ()
 Create a backtracking point.
virtual void pop ()
 Pop a backtracking point.
virtual size_t nLevels () const
 Number of backtracking levels.
virtual size_t nAssertions (size_t backtrackingLevel)
 Number of assertions at a specific backtracking level.
virtual size_t nAssertions () const
 Total number of assertions across all backtracking levels.
virtual ExprList assertions () const
 All assertions.
virtual const ExprListassertions (size_t level) const
 Assertions for a particular level.
virtual Satisfiable check ()
 Check satisfiability of current stack.
virtual Satisfiable checkTrivial ()
 Check whether the stack of assertions is trivially satisfiable.
virtual std::vector< std::string > evidenceNames () const
 Names of items for which satisfiability evidence exists.
virtual SymbolicExpression::Ptr evidenceForName (const std::string &) const
 Evidence of satisfiability for a variable or memory address.
virtual void clearEvidence ()
 Clears evidence information.
virtual SymbolicExpression::Ptr evidenceForAddress (uint64_t addr)
 Evidence of satisfiability for a memory address.
const Statsstatistics () const
 Property: Statistics for this solver.
void resetStatistics ()
 Resets statistics for this solver.
virtual void generateFile (std::ostream &, const ExprList &exprs, Definitions *)=0
 Generates an input file for for the solver.
virtual void selfTest ()
 Unit tests.
const std::string & name () const
 Property: Name of solver for debugging.
void name (const std::string &s)
 Property: Name of solver for debugging.
Memoizer::Ptr memoizer () const
 Property: Memoizer.
void memoizer (const Memoizer::Ptr &)
 Property: Memoizer.
virtual Satisfiable satisfiable (const SymbolicExpression::Ptr &)
 Determines if the specified expressions are all satisfiable, unsatisfiable, or unknown.
virtual Satisfiable satisfiable (const ExprList &)
 Determines if the specified expressions are all satisfiable, unsatisfiable, or unknown.
bool errorIfReset () const
 Property: Throw an exception if the solver is reset.
void errorIfReset (bool b)
 Property: Throw an exception if the solver is reset.
virtual void insert (const SymbolicExpression::Ptr &)
 Insert assertions.
virtual void insert (const ExprList &)
 Insert assertions.
Evidence evidenceByName () const
 All evidence of satisfiability.
ExprExprMap evidence () const
 All evidence of satisfiability.
virtual SymbolicExpression::Ptr evidenceForVariable (const SymbolicExpression::Ptr &var)
 Evidence of satisfiability for a bitvector variable.
virtual SymbolicExpression::Ptr evidenceForVariable (uint64_t varno)
 Evidence of satisfiability for a bitvector variable.
Progress::Ptr progress () const
 Progress reporting object.
void progress (const Progress::Ptr &progress)
 Progress reporting object.

Static Public Member Functions

static Ptr instance (const std::string &name, const boost::filesystem::path &executable, const std::string &shellArgs="", unsigned linkages=LM_EXECUTABLE)
 Construct a solver using the specified program.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver
static Availability availability ()
 Availability of all known solvers.
static Ptr instance (const std::string &name)
 Allocate a new solver by name.
static Ptr bestAvailable ()
 Best available solver.
static LinkMode bestLinkage (unsigned linkages)
 Given a bit vector of linkages, return the best one.
static Stats classStatistics ()
 Property: Statistics across all solvers.
static void resetClassStatistics ()
 Resets statistics for the class.
static void initDiagnostics ()
 Initialize diagnostic output facilities.

Protected Member Functions

 SmtlibSolver (const std::string &name, const boost::filesystem::path &executable, const std::string &shellArgs="", unsigned linkages=LM_EXECUTABLE)
virtual void parseEvidence () override
 Parses evidence of satisfiability.
virtual void outputBvxorFunctions (std::ostream &, const std::vector< SymbolicExpression::Ptr > &)
 Generate definitions for bit-wise XOR functions.
virtual void outputComparisonFunctions (std::ostream &, const std::vector< SymbolicExpression::Ptr > &)
 Generate functions for comparison of bitvectors.
virtual Type mostType (const std::vector< SExprTypePair > &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputCast (const SExprTypePair &, Type to)
virtual std::vector< SExprTypePair > outputCast (const std::vector< SExprTypePair > &, Type to)
virtual std::string typeName (const SymbolicExpression::Ptr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputExpression (const SymbolicExpression::Ptr &)
virtual std::vector< SmtSolver::SExprTypePair > outputExpressions (const std::vector< SymbolicExpression::Ptr > &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputLeaf (const SymbolicExpression::LeafPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputLeftAssoc (const std::string &func, const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &, Type rettype=NO_TYPE)
virtual SExprTypePair outputLeftAssoc (const std::string &func, const std::vector< SExprTypePair > &, Type rettype=NO_TYPE)
virtual SExprTypePair outputArithmeticShiftRight (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputLogicalShiftRight0 (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputLogicalShiftRight1 (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputShiftLeft0 (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputShiftLeft1 (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputRotateLeft (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputRotateRight (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputXor (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputBinary (const std::string &func, const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &, Type rettype=NO_TYPE)
virtual SExprTypePair outputUnary (const std::string &funcName, const SExprTypePair &arg)
virtual SExprTypePair outputExtract (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputSignExtend (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputUnsignedExtend (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputIte (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputNotEqual (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputSignedCompare (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputUnsignedCompare (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputZerop (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputMultiply (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputDivide (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &, const std::string &operation)
virtual SExprTypePair outputModulo (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &, const std::string &operation)
virtual SExprTypePair outputRead (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputWrite (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual SExprTypePair outputSet (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &)
virtual void outputVariableDeclarations (std::ostream &, const VariableSet &)
virtual void outputComments (std::ostream &, const std::vector< SymbolicExpression::Ptr > &)
virtual void outputCommonSubexpressions (std::ostream &, const std::vector< SymbolicExpression::Ptr > &)
virtual void outputAssertion (std::ostream &, const SymbolicExpression::Ptr &)
void varForSet (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &set, const SymbolicExpression::LeafPtr &var)
 Specify variable to use for OP_SET.
SymbolicExpression::LeafPtr varForSet (const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr &set)
 Specify variable to use for OP_SET.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver
 SmtSolver (const std::string &name, unsigned linkages)
 Construct with name and linkage.
virtual Satisfiable checkExe ()
 Check satisfiability using text files and an executable.
virtual Satisfiable checkLib ()
 Check satisfiability using a library API.
std::vector< SExpr::PtrparseSExpressions (const std::string &)
 Parse all SExprs from the specified string.

Protected Attributes

Sawyer::Optional< boost::chrono::duration< double > > timeout_
- Protected Attributes inherited from Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver
LinkMode linkage_
std::string outputText_
 Additional output obtained by satisfiable().
std::vector< SExpr::PtrparsedOutput_
ExprExprMap evidence_
TermNames termNames_
Memoizer::Ptr memoizer_
Progress::Ptr progress_
Stats stats

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver
enum  LinkMode {
  LM_NONE = 0x0000 ,
  LM_LIBRARY = 0x0001 ,
  LM_EXECUTABLE = 0x0002 ,
  LM_ANY = 0x0003
 Bit flags to indicate the kind of solver interface. More...
enum  Type {
 Type (sort) of expression. More...
enum  Satisfiable {
  SAT_NO =0 ,
 Satisfiability constants. More...
using ExprList = std::vector< SymbolicExpression::Ptr >
 Ordered list of expressions.
using Ptr = SmtSolverPtr
 Reference counting pointer for SMT solvers.
using Availability = std::map< std::string, bool >
 Solver availability map.
using StringTypePair = std::pair< std::string, Type >
 Maps expression nodes to term names.
using TermNames = Sawyer::Container::Map< SymbolicExpression::Ptr, StringTypePair >
using ExprExprMap = Sawyer::Container::Map< SymbolicExpression::Ptr, SymbolicExpression::Ptr >
 Maps one symbolic expression to another.
using VariableSet = Sawyer::Container::Set< SymbolicExpression::LeafPtr, CompareLeavesByName >
 Set of variables.
using Definitions = std::set< uint64_t >
 Free variables that have been defined.
using SExprTypePair = std::pair< SExpr::Ptr, Type >
using Evidence = Sawyer::Container::Map< std::string, SymbolicExpression::Ptr >
 Evidence of satisfiability.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver
static Sawyer::Message::Facility mlog
 Diagnostic facility.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver
static void printSExpression (std::ostream &, const SExpr::Ptr &)
 Print an S-Expr for debugging.
static ExprList normalizeVariables (const ExprList &, SymbolicExpression::ExprExprHashMap &index)
 Normalize expressions by renaming variables.
static ExprList undoNormalization (const ExprList &, const SymbolicExpression::ExprExprHashMap &index)
 Undo the normalizations that were performed earlier.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver
static boost::mutex classStatsMutex
static Stats classStats

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SmtlibSolver()

Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver::SmtlibSolver ( const std::string &  name,
const boost::filesystem::path &  executable,
const std::string &  shellArgs = "",
unsigned  linkages = LM_EXECUTABLE 

Definition at line 25 of file SmtlibSolver.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ instance()

static Ptr Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver::instance ( const std::string &  name,
const boost::filesystem::path &  executable,
const std::string &  shellArgs = "",
unsigned  linkages = LM_EXECUTABLE 

Construct a solver using the specified program.

This object will communicate with the SMT solver using SMT-LIB version 2 text files, both for input to the solver and expected output from the solver. Diagnostics from the solver (standard error) are not redirected by the ROSE library. A separate invocation of the solver is used for each satisfiability check.

The executable should be the name of the solver executable, either to be found in $PATH or an absolute file name. Beware that some tools might change directories as they run, so absolute names are usually best. The optional shellArgs are the list of extra arguments to pass to the solver. WARNING: the entire command is pass to popen, which will invoke a shell to process the executable name and arguments; appropriate escaping of shell meta characters is the responsibility of the caller.

Definition at line 41 of file SmtlibSolver.h.

References Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver::name().

◆ create()

virtual Ptr Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver::create ( ) const

Virtual constructor.

The new solver will have the same settings as the source solver.

Implements Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver.

Reimplemented in Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Z3Solver.

◆ reset()

virtual void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver::reset ( )

Reset solver state.

Resets the solver to an initial state containing no assertions. The evidence of satisfiability is cleared. For API-based solvers, this function might also create a new solver and/or solver context.

Reimplemented from Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver.

Reimplemented in Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Z3Solver.

◆ getCommand()

virtual std::string Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver::getCommand ( const std::string &  config_name)

Given the name of a configuration file, return the command that is needed to run the solver.

The first line of stdout emitted by the solver should be the word "sat" or "unsat".

Implements Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver.

◆ getErrorMessage()

virtual std::string Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver::getErrorMessage ( int  exitStatus)

Error message from running a solver executable.

Given the solver exit status and (implicitly) the output of the solver, either return an error message or the empty string. This can be overridden by subclasses because some solvers exit with non-zero status if you try to get the model when (check-sat) returns not-satisfiable.

Reimplemented from Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver.

◆ findVariables()

virtual void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver::findVariables ( const SymbolicExpression::Ptr ,

Return all variables that need declarations.

Reimplemented from Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver.

◆ timeout()

virtual void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver::timeout ( boost::chrono::duration< double >  seconds)

Set the timeout for the solver.

This sets the maximum time that the solver will try to find a solution before returning "unknown".

Implements Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver.

Reimplemented in Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Z3Solver.

◆ varForSet() [1/2]

void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver::varForSet ( const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr set,
const SymbolicExpression::LeafPtr var 

Specify variable to use for OP_SET.

Each OP_SET needs a free variable to choose from the available members of the set. This function sets (two arguments) or retrives (one argument) the variable associated with a set.

◆ varForSet() [2/2]

SymbolicExpression::LeafPtr Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver::varForSet ( const SymbolicExpression::InteriorPtr set)

Specify variable to use for OP_SET.

Each OP_SET needs a free variable to choose from the available members of the set. This function sets (two arguments) or retrives (one argument) the variable associated with a set.

◆ parseEvidence()

virtual void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver::parseEvidence ( )

Parses evidence of satisfiability.

Some solvers can emit information about what variable bindings satisfy the expression. This information is parsed by this function and added to a mapping of variable to value.

Reimplemented from Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtSolver.

Reimplemented in Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Z3Solver.

◆ outputBvxorFunctions()

virtual void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver::outputBvxorFunctions ( std::ostream &  ,
const std::vector< SymbolicExpression::Ptr > &   

Generate definitions for bit-wise XOR functions.

This method scans the supplied list of expressiosn and for each bit-wise XOR operation taking arguments of width n, it emits a binary function definition named "bvxor<em>n</em>".

Reimplemented in Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Z3Solver.

◆ outputComparisonFunctions()

virtual void Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver::outputComparisonFunctions ( std::ostream &  ,
const std::vector< SymbolicExpression::Ptr > &   

Generate functions for comparison of bitvectors.

Reimplemented in Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Z3Solver.

Member Data Documentation

◆ timeout_

Sawyer::Optional<boost::chrono::duration<double> > Rose::BinaryAnalysis::SmtlibSolver::timeout_

Definition at line 21 of file SmtlibSolver.h.

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