Represents the file header of an JVM binary container.
The file header contains information that the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) uses to find the various parts within the container. Most of the object properties are defined in the official JVM specification and their documentation is not replicated here.
Definition at line 11826 of file binaryInstruction.C.
Public Member Functions | |
SgAsmJvmFileHeader (SgAsmGenericFile *) | |
Construct a new JVM File Header with default values; ready to be initialized via parse(). | |
virtual SgAsmJvmFileHeader * | parse () override |
Parse header from file. | |
virtual void | unparse (std::ostream &) const override |
Write the section to a binary file. | |
virtual | ~SgAsmJvmFileHeader () |
Destructor. | |
SgAsmJvmFileHeader () | |
Default constructor. | |
uint16_t const & | get_minor_version () const |
Property: Minor version. | |
void | set_minor_version (uint16_t const &) |
Property: Minor version. | |
uint16_t const & | get_major_version () const |
Property: Major version. | |
void | set_major_version (uint16_t const &) |
Property: Major version. | |
uint16_t const & | get_access_flags () const |
Property: Access flags. | |
void | set_access_flags (uint16_t const &) |
Property: Access flags. | |
uint16_t const & | get_this_class () const |
Property: This class index. | |
void | set_this_class (uint16_t const &) |
Property: This class index. | |
uint16_t const & | get_super_class () const |
Property: Super class. | |
void | set_super_class (uint16_t const &) |
Property: Super class. | |
SgAsmJvmConstantPool *const & | get_constant_pool () const |
Property: Constant pool. | |
void | set_constant_pool (SgAsmJvmConstantPool *const &) |
Property: Constant pool. | |
std::list< uint16_t > const & | get_interfaces () const |
Property: Interfaces. | |
std::list< uint16_t > & | get_interfaces () |
Property: Interfaces. | |
void | set_interfaces (std::list< uint16_t > const &) |
Property: Interfaces. | |
SgAsmJvmFieldTable *const & | get_field_table () const |
Property: Field table. | |
void | set_field_table (SgAsmJvmFieldTable *const &) |
Property: Field table. | |
SgAsmJvmMethodTable *const & | get_method_table () const |
Property: Method table. | |
void | set_method_table (SgAsmJvmMethodTable *const &) |
Property: Method table. | |
SgAsmJvmAttributeTable *const & | get_attribute_table () const |
Property: Attribute table. | |
void | set_attribute_table (SgAsmJvmAttributeTable *const &) |
Property: Attribute table. | |
![]() | |
SgAsmGenericHeader (SgAsmGenericFile *) | |
Constructor. | |
virtual bool | reallocate () override |
Called prior to unparse to make things consistent. | |
virtual void | dump (FILE *, const char *prefix, ssize_t idx) const override |
Print some debugging info. | |
virtual const char * | formatName () const |
Returns the name of the file format. | |
void | addDll (SgAsmGenericDLL *dll) |
Add a new DLL to the header DLL list. | |
std::vector< SgAsmGenericDLL * > & | get_dlls () |
Vector of dynamically loaded libraries. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_entryRva () const |
Returns the RVA of the first entry point. | |
void | addEntryRva (const Rose::BinaryAnalysis::RelativeVirtualAddress &) |
Append an RVA to the list of entry points. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::ByteOrder::Endianness | get_sex () const |
size_t | get_wordSize () const |
void | addSection (SgAsmGenericSection *) |
Adds a new section to the header. | |
void | removeSection (SgAsmGenericSection *) |
Removes a secton from the header's section list. | |
SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList | get_mappedSections () const |
Returns the list of sections that are memory mapped. | |
SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList | get_sectionsById (int id) const |
Returns sections in this header that have the specified ID. | |
SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList | get_sectionsByName (std::string, char sep=0) const |
Returns sections in this header that have the specified name. | |
SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList | get_sectionsByOffset (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address offset, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address size) const |
Returns sectons in this header that contain all of the specified portion of the file. | |
SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList | get_sectionsByRva (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address rva) const |
Returns sections that have a preferred mapping that includes the specified relative virtual address. | |
SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList | get_sectionsByVa (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address va, bool use_preferred) const |
Returns sections having a preferred or actual mapping that includes the specified virtual address. | |
SgAsmGenericSection * | get_sectionById (int id, size_t *nfound=0) const |
Returns single section in this header that has the specified ID. | |
SgAsmGenericSection * | get_sectionByName (const std::string &, char sep=0, size_t *nfound=0) const |
Returns single section in this header that has the specified name. | |
SgAsmGenericSection * | get_sectionByOffset (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address offset, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address size, size_t *nfound=0) const |
Returns single section in this header that contains all of the specified portion of the file. | |
SgAsmGenericSection * | get_sectionByRva (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address rva, size_t *nfound=0) const |
Returns the single section having a preferred mapping that includes the specified relative virtual address. | |
SgAsmGenericSection * | get_sectionByVa (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address va, bool use_preferred, size_t *nfound=0) const |
Returns the section having a preferred or actual mapping that includes the specified virtual address. | |
SgAsmGenericSection * | get_bestSectionByVa (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address va, bool use_preferred, size_t *nfound=0) const |
Like SgAsmGenericFile::get_best_section_by_va() except considers only sections defined in this header. | |
SgAsmGenericFormat * | get_exec_format () const |
void | set_exec_format (SgAsmGenericFormat *) |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_base_va () const |
void | set_base_va (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address) |
SgRVAList & | get_entry_rvas () |
const SgRVAList & | get_entry_rvas () const |
void | set_entry_rvas (const SgRVAList &) |
virtual const char * | format_name () const |
void | add_dll (SgAsmGenericDLL *) |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_entry_rva () const |
void | add_entry_rva (const Rose::BinaryAnalysis::RelativeVirtualAddress &) |
size_t | get_word_size () const |
void | add_section (SgAsmGenericSection *) |
void | remove_section (SgAsmGenericSection *) |
SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList | get_mapped_sections () const |
SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList | get_sections_by_id (int) const |
SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList | get_sections_by_name (std::string, char=0) const |
SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList | get_sections_by_offset (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address) const |
SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList | get_sections_by_rva (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address) const |
SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList | get_sections_by_va (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, bool) const |
SgAsmGenericSection * | get_section_by_id (int, size_t *=nullptr) const |
SgAsmGenericSection * | get_section_by_name (const std::string &, char=0, size_t *=nullptr) const |
SgAsmGenericSection * | get_section_by_offset (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, size_t *=nullptr) const |
SgAsmGenericSection * | get_section_by_rva (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, size_t *=nullptr) const |
SgAsmGenericSection * | get_section_by_va (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, bool, size_t *=nullptr) const |
SgAsmGenericSection * | get_best_section_by_va (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, bool, size_t *=nullptr) const |
virtual | ~SgAsmGenericHeader () |
Destructor. | |
SgAsmGenericHeader () | |
Default constructor. | |
SgAsmGenericFormat *const & | get_executableFormat () const |
Property: General info about the executable format. | |
void | set_executableFormat (SgAsmGenericFormat *const &) |
Property: General info about the executable format. | |
SgCharList const & | get_magic () const |
Property: Optional magic number in file byte order. | |
SgCharList & | get_magic () |
Property: Optional magic number in file byte order. | |
void | set_magic (SgCharList const &) |
Property: Optional magic number in file byte order. | |
SgAsmGenericFormat::InsSetArchitecture const & | get_isa () const |
Property: Machine for which this header and its sections, etc. | |
void | set_isa (SgAsmGenericFormat::InsSetArchitecture const &) |
Property: Machine for which this header and its sections, etc. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address const & | get_baseVa () const |
Property: Base virtual address used by all relative virtual addresses. | |
void | set_baseVa (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address const &) |
Property: Base virtual address used by all relative virtual addresses. | |
SgRVAList const & | get_entryRvas () const |
Property: Code entry point wrt base virtual address. | |
SgRVAList & | get_entryRvas () |
Property: Code entry point wrt base virtual address. | |
void | set_entryRvas (SgRVAList const &) |
Property: Code entry point wrt base virtual address. | |
SgAsmGenericDLLList *const & | get_dlls () const |
Property: List of dynamically linked libraries. | |
void | set_dlls (SgAsmGenericDLLList *const &) |
Property: List of dynamically linked libraries. | |
SgAsmGenericSectionList *const & | get_sections () const |
Property: List of file sections. | |
void | set_sections (SgAsmGenericSectionList *const &) |
Property: List of file sections. | |
![]() | |
SgAsmGenericSection (SgAsmGenericFile *, SgAsmGenericHeader *) | |
Constructor linking object into ASt. | |
void | grabContent () |
Saves a reference to the original file data for a section based on the section's current offset and size. | |
void | unparse (std::ostream &, const ExtentMap &) const |
Write just the specified regions back to the file. | |
void | unparseHoles (std::ostream &) const |
Write holes (unreferenced areas) back to the file. | |
SgAsmGenericHeader * | isFileHeader () |
Predicate determining whether this section is also a top-level file header. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_endOffset () const |
File offset for end of section. | |
void | extend (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address nbytes) |
Extend a section by some number of bytes during the construction and/or parsing phase. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | writeUleb128 (unsigned char *, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address offset, uint64_t) const |
Write an unsigned little-endian 128-bit value. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | writeSleb128 (unsigned char *, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address offset, int64_t) const |
Write a signed little-endian 128-bit value. | |
size_t | readContent (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address abs_offset, void *dst_buf, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address size, bool strict=true) |
Reads data from a file. | |
size_t | readContentLocal (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address rel_offset, void *dst_buf, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address size, bool strict=true) |
Reads data from a file. | |
std::string | readContentString (const Rose::BinaryAnalysis::MemoryMap::Ptr &, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address va, bool strict=true) |
Reads a string from the file. | |
std::string | readContentLocalString (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address rel_offset, bool strict=true) |
Reads a string from the file. | |
SgUnsignedCharList | readContentLocalUcl (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address rel_offset, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address size) |
Reads content of a section and returns it as a container. | |
int64_t | readContentLocalSleb128 (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address *rel_offset, bool strict=true) |
Read a signed little-endian 128-bit value. | |
uint64_t | readContentLocalUleb128 (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address *rel_offset, bool strict=true) |
Read an unsigned little-endian 128-bit value. | |
unsigned char * | writableContent (size_t nbytes) |
Obtain a local, writable pool to hold content. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::AddressIntervalSet | get_referencedExtents () const |
Returns a list of parts of a single section that have been referenced. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::AddressIntervalSet | get_unreferencedExtents () const |
Returns a list of parts of a single section that have not been referenced. | |
bool | isMapped () const |
Whether section desires to be mapped to memory. | |
void | clearMapped () |
Causes section to not be mapped to memory. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_baseVa () const |
Base virtual address for a section. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_mappedPreferredVa () const |
Virtual address where section prefers to be mapped. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_vaOffset (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address va) const |
File offset for specified virtual address. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_rvaOffset (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address rva) const |
File offset for specified relative virtual address. | |
Extent | get_fileExtent () const |
Returns the file extent for the section. | |
Extent | get_mappedPreferredExtent () const |
Returns the memory extent for a mapped section. | |
bool | align () |
Increase file offset and mapping address to satisfy alignment constraints. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_file_alignment () const |
void | set_file_alignment (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address) |
std::string | get_short_name () const |
void | set_short_name (const std::string &) |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_mapped_preferred_rva () const |
void | set_mapped_preferred_rva (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address) |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_mapped_size () const |
void | set_mapped_size (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address) |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_mapped_alignment () const |
void | set_mapped_alignment (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address) |
bool | get_mapped_rperm () const |
void | set_mapped_rperm (bool) |
bool | get_mapped_wperm () const |
void | set_mapped_wperm (bool) |
bool | get_mapped_xperm () const |
void | set_mapped_xperm (bool) |
bool | get_contains_code () const |
void | set_contains_code (bool) |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_mapped_actual_va () const |
void | set_mapped_actual_va (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address) |
void | grab_content () |
void | unparse_holes (std::ostream &) const |
SgAsmGenericHeader * | is_file_header () |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_end_offset () const |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | write_uleb128 (unsigned char *, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, uint64_t) const |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | write_sleb128 (unsigned char *, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, int64_t) const |
size_t | read_content (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, void *, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, bool=true) |
size_t | read_content (const Rose::BinaryAnalysis::MemoryMap::Ptr &, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, void *, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, bool=true) |
size_t | read_content (const Rose::BinaryAnalysis::MemoryMap::Ptr &, const Rose::BinaryAnalysis::RelativeVirtualAddress &, void *, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, bool=true) |
size_t | read_content_local (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, void *, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, bool=true) |
std::string | read_content_str (const Rose::BinaryAnalysis::MemoryMap::Ptr &, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, bool=true) |
std::string | read_content_str (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, bool=true) |
std::string | read_content_str (const Rose::BinaryAnalysis::MemoryMap::Ptr &, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::RelativeVirtualAddress, bool=true) |
std::string | read_content_local_str (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, bool=true) |
SgUnsignedCharList | read_content_local_ucl (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address) |
int64_t | read_content_local_sleb128 (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address *, bool=true) |
uint64_t | read_content_local_uleb128 (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address *, bool=true) |
unsigned char * | writable_content (size_t) |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::AddressIntervalSet | get_referenced_extents () const |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::AddressIntervalSet | get_unreferenced_extents () const |
bool | is_mapped () const |
void | clear_mapped () |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_base_va () const |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_mapped_preferred_va () const |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_va_offset (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address) const |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_rva_offset (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address) const |
Extent | get_file_extent () const |
Extent | get_mapped_preferred_extent () const |
virtual | ~SgAsmGenericSection () |
Destructor. | |
SgAsmGenericSection () | |
Default constructor. | |
SgAsmGenericFile *const & | get_file () const |
Property: File to which this section belongs. | |
void | set_file (SgAsmGenericFile *const &) |
Property: File to which this section belongs. | |
SgAsmGenericHeader *const & | get_header () const |
Property: File header that owns this section. | |
void | set_header (SgAsmGenericHeader *const &) |
Property: File header that owns this section. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_size () const |
Property: Size of section in file in bytes. | |
virtual void | set_size (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address) |
Property: Size of section in file in bytes. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | get_offset () const |
Property: Offset to start of section in file. | |
virtual void | set_offset (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address) |
Property: Offset to start of section in file. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address const & | get_fileAlignment () const |
Property: Required file alignment. | |
void | set_fileAlignment (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address const &) |
Property: Required file alignment. | |
SgFileContentList const & | get_data () const |
Property: Original content of just this section. | |
void | set_data (SgFileContentList const &) |
Property: Original content of just this section. | |
SgAsmGenericSection::SectionPurpose const & | get_purpose () const |
Property: General contents of the section. | |
void | set_purpose (SgAsmGenericSection::SectionPurpose const &) |
Property: General contents of the section. | |
bool const & | get_synthesized () const |
Property: Whether section really exists. | |
void | set_synthesized (bool const &) |
Property: Whether section really exists. | |
int const & | get_id () const |
Property: Non-unique section ID or negative. | |
void | set_id (int const &) |
Property: Non-unique section ID or negative. | |
SgAsmGenericString *const & | get_name () const |
Property: Non-unique name of section. | |
void | set_name (SgAsmGenericString *s) |
Property: Non-unique name of section. | |
void | set_shortName (std::string const &) |
Property: Abbreviated name. | |
std::string | get_shortName () const |
Property: Abbreviated name. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address const & | get_mappedPreferredRva () const |
Property: Relative virtual address where section prefers to be mapped. | |
virtual void | set_mappedPreferredRva (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address) |
Property: Relative virtual address where section prefers to be mapped. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address const & | get_mappedSize () const |
Property: Mapped size. | |
virtual void | set_mappedSize (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address) |
Property: Mapped size. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address const & | get_mappedAlignment () const |
Property: Alignment in virtual memory. | |
void | set_mappedAlignment (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address const &) |
Property: Alignment in virtual memory. | |
bool const & | get_mappedReadPermission () const |
Property: Whether mapped with read permission. | |
void | set_mappedReadPermission (bool const &) |
Property: Whether mapped with read permission. | |
bool const & | get_mappedWritePermission () const |
Property: Whether mapped with write permission. | |
void | set_mappedWritePermission (bool const &) |
Property: Whether mapped with write permission. | |
bool const & | get_mappedExecutePermission () const |
Property: Whether mapped with execute permission. | |
void | set_mappedExecutePermission (bool const &) |
Property: Whether mapped with execute permission. | |
bool const & | get_containsCode () const |
Property: Whether a section is known to contain code. | |
void | set_containsCode (bool const &) |
Property: Whether a section is known to contain code. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address const & | get_mappedActualVa () const |
Property: Virtual address where ROSE maps this section. | |
void | set_mappedActualVa (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address const &) |
Property: Virtual address where ROSE maps this section. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | write (std::ostream &, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address offset, size_t bufsize, const void *buf) const |
Write data to a file section. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | write (std::ostream &, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address offset, const std::string &str) const |
Write data to a file section. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | write (std::ostream &, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address offset, char c) const |
Write data to a file section. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | write (std::ostream &, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address offset, const SgFileContentList &buf) const |
Write data to a file section. | |
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address | write (std::ostream &, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address offset, const SgUnsignedCharList &buf) const |
Write data to a file section. | |
size_t | readContent (const Rose::BinaryAnalysis::MemoryMap::Ptr &, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address start, void *dst_buf, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address size, bool strict=true) |
Reads data from a file. | |
size_t | readContent (const Rose::BinaryAnalysis::MemoryMap::Ptr &, const Rose::BinaryAnalysis::RelativeVirtualAddress &start, void *dst_buf, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address size, bool strict=true) |
Reads data from a file. | |
std::string | readContentString (Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Address abs_offset, bool strict=true) |
Reads a string from the file. | |
std::string | readContentString (const Rose::BinaryAnalysis::MemoryMap::Ptr &map, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::RelativeVirtualAddress rva, bool strict=true) |
Reads a string from the file. | |
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virtual | ~SgAsmExecutableFileFormat () |
Destructor. | |
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virtual | ~SgAsmNode () |
Destructor. | |
Sawyer::Attribute::Storage const & | attributes () const |
Attribute storage. | |
Sawyer::Attribute::Storage & | attributes () |
Attribute storage. | |
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virtual SgNode * | copy (SgCopyHelp &help) const |
virtual std::string | class_name () const |
returns a string representing the class name | |
virtual VariantT | variantT () const |
returns new style SageIII enum values | |
void * | operator new (size_t size) |
returns pointer to newly allocated IR node | |
void | operator delete (void *pointer, size_t size) |
deallocated memory for IR node (returns memory to memory pool for reuse) | |
void | operator delete (void *pointer) |
virtual std::vector< SgNode * > | get_traversalSuccessorContainer () const |
container of pointers to AST successor nodes used in the traversal overridden in every class by generated implementation | |
virtual std::vector< std::string > | get_traversalSuccessorNamesContainer () const |
container of names of variables or container indices used used in the traversal to access AST successor nodes overridden in every class by generated implementation | |
virtual size_t | get_numberOfTraversalSuccessors () const |
return number of children in the traversal successor list | |
virtual SgNode * | get_traversalSuccessorByIndex (size_t idx) const |
index-based access to traversal successors by index number | |
virtual size_t | get_childIndex (SgNode *child) const |
index-based access to traversal successors by child node | |
virtual const char * | sage_class_name () const |
generates string representing the class name: (e.g. for SgNode returns "SgNode"). | |
void | executeVisitorMemberFunction (ROSE_VisitorPattern &visitor) |
FOR INTERNAL USE Support for visitor pattern. | |
virtual void | accept (ROSE_VisitorPattern &visitor) |
support for the classic visitor pattern done in GoF | |
virtual bool | isInMemoryPool () |
FOR INTERNAL USE This is used in internal tests to verify that all IR nodes are allocated from the heap. | |
virtual void | checkDataMemberPointersIfInMemoryPool () |
FOR INTERNAL USE This is used in internal tests to verify that all IR nodes are allocated from the heap. | |
virtual std::vector< std::pair< SgNode *, std::string > > | returnDataMemberPointers () const |
FOR INTERNAL USE Returns STL vector of pairs of SgNode* and strings for use in AST tools | |
virtual void | processDataMemberReferenceToPointers (ReferenceToPointerHandler *) |
FOR INTERNAL USE Processes pairs of references to SgNode* and strings for use in AST tools | |
virtual long | getChildIndex (SgNode *childNode) const |
FOR INTERNAL USE Returns a unique index value for the childNode in the list of children at this IR node. | |
SgNode (const SgNodeStorageClass &source) | |
IR node constructor to support AST File I/O. | |
SgNode * | addRegExpAttribute (std::string s, AstRegExAttribute *a) |
Support for AST matching using regular expression. | |
void | set_isModified (bool isModified) |
All nodes in the AST contain a isModified flag used to track changes to the AST. | |
void | set_containsTransformation (bool containsTransformation) |
Many nodes can hide other AST nodes and we need to track when outer nodes contain modified nodes even if they are not themselves modified. | |
bool | get_isModified () const |
Acess function for isModified flag. | |
bool | get_containsTransformation () const |
Acess function for containsTransformation flag. | |
SgNode * | get_raw_parent () const |
Access function for direct access to uncomputed value of parent node. | |
bool | isChild (SgNode *node) const |
Query function for if the input IR nodes is a child of the current IR node. | |
virtual std::string | unparseToString (SgUnparse_Info *info) const |
This function unparses the AST node (excluding comments and unnecessary white space) | |
std::string | unparseToString () const |
int | variant () const |
Older version function returns enum value "NODE". | |
virtual void | addNewAttribute (std::string s, AstAttribute *a) |
Add a new attribute represented by the named string. | |
virtual AstAttribute * | getAttribute (std::string s) const |
Returns attribute of name 's'. | |
virtual void | updateAttribute (std::string s, AstAttribute *a) |
Replace existing attribute of name 's' with new AstAttribute. | |
virtual void | setAttribute (std::string s, AstAttribute *a) |
This is a wrapper function with the following semantics: if no attribute of name 's' exists then addNewAttribute(s,a); is called, otherwise updateAttribute(s,a); is called. | |
virtual void | removeAttribute (std::string s) |
Remove attribute of name 's' if present. | |
virtual bool | attributeExists (std::string s) const |
Tests if attribute of name 's' is present. | |
virtual int | numberOfAttributes () const |
Returns the number of attributes on this IR node. | |
virtual AstAttributeMechanism * | get_attributeMechanism () const |
FOR INTERNAL USE Access function; if an attribute exists then a pointer to it is returned, else error. | |
virtual void | set_attributeMechanism (AstAttributeMechanism *a) |
FOR INTERNAL USE Access function; sets poiner to value AstAttributeMechanism. | |
virtual void | fixupCopy_scopes (SgNode *copy, SgCopyHelp &help) const |
virtual void | fixupCopy_symbols (SgNode *copy, SgCopyHelp &help) const |
virtual void | fixupCopy_references (SgNode *copy, SgCopyHelp &help) const |
virtual Sg_File_Info * | get_file_info (void) const |
File information containing filename, line number, column number, and if the SgNode is a part of a new transformation, etc. | |
virtual Sg_File_Info * | get_startOfConstruct (void) const |
New function interface for Sg_File_Info data stores starting location of contruct (typically the opening brace or first letter of keyword). | |
virtual Sg_File_Info * | get_endOfConstruct (void) const |
New function interface for Sg_File_Info data stores ending location of contruct (typically the closing brace). | |
VirtualCFG::CFGNode | cfgForBeginning () |
Returns the CFG node for just before this AST node. | |
VirtualCFG::CFGNode | cfgForEnd () |
Returns the CFG node for just after this AST node. | |
virtual unsigned int | cfgIndexForEnd () const |
Determine the CFG index for the end of this construct. | |
virtual bool | cfgIsIndexInteresting (unsigned int index) const |
Determine whether a particular CFG node index is "interesting" for this kind of node. | |
virtual unsigned int | cfgFindChildIndex (SgNode *n) |
Find the index of n in this node's CFG children. | |
virtual unsigned int | cfgFindNextChildIndex (SgNode *n) |
Find the index just after n in this node's CFG children. | |
virtual std::vector< VirtualCFG::CFGEdge > | cfgOutEdges (unsigned int index=false) |
Find the out edges of a CFG node – internal version. | |
virtual std::vector< VirtualCFG::CFGEdge > | cfgInEdges (unsigned int index=false) |
Find the in edges of a CFG node – internal version. | |
int | numberOfNodesInSubtree () |
Computes the number of nodes in the defined subtree of the AST. | |
int | depthOfSubtree () |
Computes the depth of the current defined subtree of the AST. | |
template<class T > | |
T * | initParentPointer (T *child, SgNode *parent) |
Generated for tree edge data member initializations. | |
SgNode * | get_freepointer () const |
void | set_freepointer (SgNode *freepointer) |
virtual | ~SgNode () |
This is the destructor. | |
SgNode () | |
This is the constructor. | |
virtual SgNode * | copy (SgCopyHelp &help) const |
virtual std::string | class_name () const |
returns a string representing the class name | |
virtual VariantT | variantT () const |
returns new style SageIII enum values | |
void * | operator new (size_t size) |
returns pointer to newly allocated IR node | |
void | operator delete (void *pointer, size_t size) |
deallocated memory for IR node (returns memory to memory pool for reuse) | |
void | operator delete (void *pointer) |
virtual std::vector< SgNode * > | get_traversalSuccessorContainer () const |
container of pointers to AST successor nodes used in the traversal overridden in every class by generated implementation | |
virtual std::vector< std::string > | get_traversalSuccessorNamesContainer () const |
container of names of variables or container indices used used in the traversal to access AST successor nodes overridden in every class by generated implementation | |
virtual size_t | get_numberOfTraversalSuccessors () const |
return number of children in the traversal successor list | |
virtual SgNode * | get_traversalSuccessorByIndex (size_t idx) const |
index-based access to traversal successors by index number | |
virtual size_t | get_childIndex (SgNode *child) const |
index-based access to traversal successors by child node | |
virtual RTIReturnType | roseRTI () |
return C++ Runtime-Time-Information | |
virtual const char * | sage_class_name () const |
void | executeVisitorMemberFunction (ROSE_VisitorPattern &visitor) |
FOR INTERNAL USE Support for visitor pattern. | |
virtual void | accept (ROSE_VisitorPattern &visitor) |
support for the classic visitor pattern done in GoF | |
virtual bool | isInMemoryPool () |
FOR INTERNAL USE This is used in internal tests to verify that all IR nodes are allocated from the heap. | |
virtual void | checkDataMemberPointersIfInMemoryPool () |
FOR INTERNAL USE This is used in internal tests to verify that all IR nodes are allocated from the heap. | |
virtual std::vector< std::pair< SgNode *, std::string > > | returnDataMemberPointers () const |
FOR INTERNAL USE Returns STL vector of pairs of SgNode* and strings for use in AST tools | |
virtual void | processDataMemberReferenceToPointers (ReferenceToPointerHandler *) |
FOR INTERNAL USE Processes pairs of references to SgNode* and strings for use in AST tools | |
virtual long | getChildIndex (SgNode *childNode) const |
FOR INTERNAL USE Returns a unique index value for the childNode in the list of children at this IR node. | |
SgNode (const SgNodeStorageClass &source) | |
IR node constructor to support AST File I/O. | |
SgNode * | addRegExpAttribute (std::string s, AstRegExAttribute *a) |
Support for AST matching using regular expression. | |
void | set_isModified (bool isModified) |
All nodes in the AST contain a isModified flag used to track changes to the AST. | |
void | set_containsTransformation (bool containsTransformation) |
Many nodes can hide other AST nodes and we need to track when outer nodes contain modified nodes even if they are not themselves modified. | |
bool | get_isModified () const |
Acess function for isModified flag. | |
bool | get_containsTransformation () const |
Acess function for containsTransformation flag. | |
void | set_parent (SgNode *parent) |
All nodes in the AST contain a reference to a parent node. | |
SgNode * | get_parent () const |
Access function for parent node. | |
SgNode * | get_raw_parent () const |
Access function for direct access to uncomputed value of parent node. | |
bool | isChild (SgNode *node) const |
Query function for if the input IR nodes is a child of the current IR node. | |
virtual std::string | unparseToString (SgUnparse_Info *info) const |
This function unparses the AST node (excluding comments and unnecessary white space) | |
std::string | unparseToString () const |
std::string | unparseToCompleteString () |
This function unparses the AST node (including comments and white space) | |
int | variant () const |
bool | get_isVisited () const |
DOCS IN HEADER: Access function for p_isVisited flag used previously by the AST traversals. | |
void | set_isVisited (bool isVisited) |
Access function for p_isVisited flag used previously by the AST traversals. | |
virtual void | addNewAttribute (std::string s, AstAttribute *a) |
Add a new attribute represented by the named string. | |
virtual AstAttribute * | getAttribute (std::string s) const |
Returns attribute of name 's'. | |
virtual void | updateAttribute (std::string s, AstAttribute *a) |
Replace existing attribute of name 's' with new AstAttribute. | |
virtual void | setAttribute (std::string s, AstAttribute *a) |
This is a wrapper function with the following semantics: if no attribute of name 's' exists then addNewAttribute(s,a); is called, otherwise updateAttribute(s,a); is called. | |
virtual void | removeAttribute (std::string s) |
Remove attribute of name 's' if present. | |
virtual bool | attributeExists (std::string s) const |
Tests if attribute of name 's' is present. | |
virtual int | numberOfAttributes () const |
Returns the number of attributes on this IR node. | |
virtual AstAttributeMechanism * | get_attributeMechanism () const |
FOR INTERNAL USE Access function; if an attribute exists then a pointer to it is returned, else error. | |
virtual void | set_attributeMechanism (AstAttributeMechanism *a) |
FOR INTERNAL USE Access function; sets poiner to value AstAttributeMechanism. | |
virtual void | fixupCopy_scopes (SgNode *copy, SgCopyHelp &help) const |
virtual void | fixupCopy_symbols (SgNode *copy, SgCopyHelp &help) const |
virtual void | fixupCopy_references (SgNode *copy, SgCopyHelp &help) const |
virtual Sg_File_Info * | get_file_info (void) const |
File information containing filename, line number, column number, and if the SgNode is a part of a new transformation, etc. | |
virtual Sg_File_Info * | get_startOfConstruct (void) const |
New function interface for Sg_File_Info data stores starting location of contruct (typically the opening brace or first letter of keyword). | |
virtual Sg_File_Info * | get_endOfConstruct (void) const |
New function interface for Sg_File_Info data stores ending location of contruct (typically the closing brace). | |
VirtualCFG::CFGNode | cfgForBeginning () |
Returns the CFG node for just before this AST node. | |
VirtualCFG::CFGNode | cfgForEnd () |
Returns the CFG node for just after this AST node. | |
virtual unsigned int | cfgIndexForEnd () const |
Determine the CFG index for the end of this construct. | |
virtual bool | cfgIsIndexInteresting (unsigned int index) const |
Determine whether a particular CFG node index is "interesting" for this kind of node. | |
virtual unsigned int | cfgFindChildIndex (SgNode *n) |
Find the index of n in this node's CFG children. | |
virtual unsigned int | cfgFindNextChildIndex (SgNode *n) |
Find the index just after n in this node's CFG children. | |
virtual std::vector< VirtualCFG::CFGEdge > | cfgOutEdges (unsigned int index=false) |
Find the out edges of a CFG node – internal version. | |
virtual std::vector< VirtualCFG::CFGEdge > | cfgInEdges (unsigned int index=false) |
Find the in edges of a CFG node – internal version. | |
int | numberOfNodesInSubtree () |
Computes the number of nodes in the defined subtree of the AST. | |
int | depthOfSubtree () |
Computes the depth of the current defined subtree of the AST. | |
template<class T > | |
T * | initParentPointer (T *child, SgNode *parent) |
Generated for tree edge data member initializations. | |
SgNode * | get_freepointer () const |
void | set_freepointer (SgNode *freepointer) |
virtual RTIReturnType | roseRTI () |
return C++ Runtime-Time-Information | |
void | set_parent (SgNode *parent) |
All nodes in the AST contain a reference to a parent node. | |
SgNode * | get_parent () const |
Access function for parent node. | |
std::string | unparseToCompleteString () |
This function unparses the AST node (including comments and white space) | |
bool | get_isVisited () const |
DOCS IN HEADER: Access function for p_isVisited flag used previously by the AST traversals. | |
void | set_isVisited (bool isVisited) |
Access function for p_isVisited flag used previously by the AST traversals. | |
template<class T > | |
std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< T >::value, void >::type | changeChildPointer (T &edge, T const &child) |
Set a child edge in a tree to point to a specific child. | |
template<class T > | |
std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer< T >::value, void >::type | changeChildPointer (T &edge, T const &child) |
Set a child edge in a tree to point to a specific child. | |
template<class T > | |
std::enable_if< std::is_pointer< T >::value, void >::type | changeChildPointer (T &edge, T const &child) |
Set a child edge in a tree to point to a specific child. | |
template<class T > | |
std::enable_if<!std::is_pointer< T >::value, void >::type | changeChildPointer (T &edge, T const &child) |
Set a child edge in a tree to point to a specific child. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static bool | is_JVM (SgAsmGenericFile *) |
Returns true if a cursory look at the file indicates that it could be a JVM class file. | |
![]() | |
static void | dumpContainingSections (FILE *, const std::string &prefix, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::RelativeVirtualAddress, const SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList &) |
Prints info about offsets into known sections. | |
static void | dump_containing_sections (FILE *, const std::string &, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::RelativeVirtualAddress, const SgAsmGenericSectionPtrList &) |
![]() | |
static SgAsmGenericFile * | parseBinaryFormat (const char *name) |
Factory method that parses a binary file. | |
static void | unparseBinaryFormat (const std::string &name, SgAsmGenericFile *) |
Dump debugging information into a named text file. | |
static void | unparseBinaryFormat (std::ostream &, SgAsmGenericFile *) |
Dump debugging information to specified stream. | |
static void | initDiagnostics () |
Initialize diagnostic streams. | |
static std::string | isaFamilyToString (SgAsmExecutableFileFormat::InsSetArchitecture) |
static std::string | isaToString (SgAsmExecutableFileFormat::InsSetArchitecture) |
static std::string | toString (SgAsmExecutableFileFormat::InsSetArchitecture) |
static std::string | toString (SgAsmExecutableFileFormat::ExecFamily) |
static std::string | toString (SgAsmExecutableFileFormat::ExecABI) |
static std::string | toString (SgAsmExecutableFileFormat::ExecPurpose) |
static std::string | isa_family_to_string (SgAsmExecutableFileFormat::InsSetArchitecture) |
static std::string | isa_to_string (SgAsmExecutableFileFormat::InsSetArchitecture) |
static std::string | to_string (SgAsmExecutableFileFormat::InsSetArchitecture) |
static std::string | to_string (SgAsmExecutableFileFormat::ExecFamily) |
static std::string | to_string (SgAsmExecutableFileFormat::ExecABI) |
static std::string | to_string (SgAsmExecutableFileFormat::ExecPurpose) |
![]() | |
static void | deleteMemoryPool () |
static size_t | numberOfNodes () |
Returns the total number of IR nodes of this type. | |
static size_t | memoryUsage () |
Returns the size in bytes of the total memory allocated for all IR nodes of this type. | |
static void | traverseMemoryPoolNodes (ROSE_VisitTraversal &visit) |
FOR INTERNAL USE Support for visitor pattern over all IR nodes by type of IR node. | |
static void | traverseMemoryPoolVisitorPattern (ROSE_VisitorPattern &visitor) |
FOR INTERNAL USE Support for visitor pattern. | |
static void | visitRepresentativeNode (ROSE_VisitTraversal &visit) |
FOR INTERNAL USE Support for type-based traversal. | |
static SgNode * | getNodeByNodeId (VariantT variantT, size_t poolIdx, size_t itemIdx) |
Find a node by its variant type, pool index, and item index. | |
static SgNode * | getNodeByNodeIdInternal (size_t poolIdx, size_t itemIdx) |
FOR INTERNAL USE Find an SgNode from its memory pool and location therin. | |
static std::string | getNodeIdString (SgNode *sgnode) |
compute the NodeId for a particular SgNode*. | |
static std::string | getNodeIdStringInternal (SgNode *sgnode) |
static std::vector< std::string > | buildCommandLineToSubstituteTransformationFile (const std::vector< std::string > &argv, std::string newFileName) |
Command line support for this compilation The command line is saved as a static variable so that it will be available to support the rewrite mechanism. | |
static std::vector< VariantT > | getClassHierarchySubTreeFunction (VariantT v) |
static void | getClassHierarchySubTreeFunction (VariantT v, std::vector< VariantT > &) |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > & | get_globalMangledNameMap () |
Access function for performance optimizing global mangled name map. | |
static void | clearGlobalMangledNameMap () |
Support to clear the performance optimizing global mangled name map. | |
static std::map< std::string, uint64_t > & | get_shortMangledNameCache () |
Access function for lower level optimizing of global mangled name map. | |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > & | get_globalQualifiedNameMapForNames () |
Access function for name qualification support (for names). | |
static void | set_globalQualifiedNameMapForNames (const std::map< SgNode *, std::string > &X) |
Access function for name qualification support (for names). | |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > & | get_globalQualifiedNameMapForTypes () |
Access function for name qualification support (for type). | |
static void | set_globalQualifiedNameMapForTypes (const std::map< SgNode *, std::string > &X) |
Access function for name qualification support (for type). | |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::map< SgNode *, std::string > > & | get_globalQualifiedNameMapForMapsOfTypes () |
Access function for name qualification support (for maps of types). | |
static void | set_globalQualifiedNameMapForMapsOfTypes (const std::map< SgNode *, std::map< SgNode *, std::string > > &X) |
Access function for name qualification support (for maps of types). | |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > & | get_globalQualifiedNameMapForTemplateHeaders () |
Access function for name qualification support (for template headers in template declarations). | |
static void | set_globalQualifiedNameMapForTemplateHeaders (const std::map< SgNode *, std::string > &X) |
Access function for name qualification support (for template headers in template declarations). | |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > & | get_globalTypeNameMap () |
Access function for name qualification support (for names of types). | |
static void | set_globalTypeNameMap (const std::map< SgNode *, std::string > &X) |
Access function for name qualification support (for names of types). | |
static SgFunctionTypeTable * | get_globalFunctionTypeTable () |
Access function for symbol table specific to function types. | |
static void | set_globalFunctionTypeTable (SgFunctionTypeTable *globalFunctionTypeTable) |
Access function for symbol table specific to function types. | |
static SgTypeTable * | get_globalTypeTable () |
Access function for symbol table specific to non-function types. | |
static void | set_globalTypeTable (SgTypeTable *globalTypeTable) |
Access function for symbol table specific to non-function types. | |
static VariantT | variantFromPool (SgNode const *n) |
template<class T > | |
static std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SgNode, T >::value, T * >::type | createAndParent (SgNode *parent) |
Allocate and return a new node after setting its parent. | |
static void | deleteMemoryPool () |
static size_t | numberOfNodes () |
Returns the total number of IR nodes of this type. | |
static size_t | memoryUsage () |
Returns the size in bytes of the total memory allocated for all IR nodes of this type. | |
static void | traverseMemoryPoolNodes (ROSE_VisitTraversal &visit) |
FOR INTERNAL USE Support for visitor pattern over all IR nodes by type of IR node. | |
static void | traverseMemoryPoolVisitorPattern (ROSE_VisitorPattern &visitor) |
FOR INTERNAL USE Support for visitor pattern. | |
static void | visitRepresentativeNode (ROSE_VisitTraversal &visit) |
FOR INTERNAL USE Support for type-based traversal. | |
static SgNode * | getNodeByNodeId (VariantT variantT, size_t poolIdx, size_t itemIdx) |
Find a node by its variant type, pool index, and item index. | |
static SgNode * | getNodeByNodeIdInternal (size_t poolIdx, size_t itemIdx) |
FOR INTERNAL USE Find an SgNode from its memory pool and location therin. | |
static std::string | getNodeIdString (SgNode *sgnode) |
compute the NodeId for a particular SgNode*. | |
static std::string | getNodeIdStringInternal (SgNode *sgnode) |
static std::vector< std::string > | buildCommandLineToSubstituteTransformationFile (const std::vector< std::string > &argv, std::string newFileName) |
Command line support for this compilation The command line is saved as a static variable so that it will be available to support the rewrite mechanism. | |
static std::vector< VariantT > | getClassHierarchySubTreeFunction (VariantT v) |
static void | getClassHierarchySubTreeFunction (VariantT v, std::vector< VariantT > &) |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > & | get_globalMangledNameMap () |
Access function for performance optimizing global mangled name map. | |
static void | clearGlobalMangledNameMap () |
Support to clear the performance optimizing global mangled name map. | |
static std::map< std::string, uint64_t > & | get_shortMangledNameCache () |
Access function for lower level optimizing of global mangled name map. | |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > & | get_globalQualifiedNameMapForNames () |
Access function for name qualification support (for names). | |
static void | set_globalQualifiedNameMapForNames (const std::map< SgNode *, std::string > &X) |
Access function for name qualification support (for names). | |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > & | get_globalQualifiedNameMapForTypes () |
Access function for name qualification support (for type). | |
static void | set_globalQualifiedNameMapForTypes (const std::map< SgNode *, std::string > &X) |
Access function for name qualification support (for type). | |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::map< SgNode *, std::string > > & | get_globalQualifiedNameMapForMapsOfTypes () |
Access function for name qualification support (for maps of types). | |
static void | set_globalQualifiedNameMapForMapsOfTypes (const std::map< SgNode *, std::map< SgNode *, std::string > > &X) |
Access function for name qualification support (for maps of types). | |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > & | get_globalQualifiedNameMapForTemplateHeaders () |
Access function for name qualification support (for template headers in template declarations). | |
static void | set_globalQualifiedNameMapForTemplateHeaders (const std::map< SgNode *, std::string > &X) |
Access function for name qualification support (for template headers in template declarations). | |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > & | get_globalTypeNameMap () |
Access function for name qualification support (for names of types). | |
static void | set_globalTypeNameMap (const std::map< SgNode *, std::string > &X) |
Access function for name qualification support (for names of types). | |
static SgFunctionTypeTable * | get_globalFunctionTypeTable () |
Access function for symbol table specific to function types. | |
static void | set_globalFunctionTypeTable (SgFunctionTypeTable *globalFunctionTypeTable) |
Access function for symbol table specific to function types. | |
static SgTypeTable * | get_globalTypeTable () |
Access function for symbol table specific to non-function types. | |
static void | set_globalTypeTable (SgTypeTable *globalTypeTable) |
Access function for symbol table specific to non-function types. | |
static VariantT | variantFromPool (SgNode const *n) |
template<class T > | |
static std::enable_if< std::is_base_of< SgNode, T >::value, T * >::type | createAndParent (SgNode *parent) |
Allocate and return a new node after setting its parent. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | destructorHelper () override |
This gets called by all Rosebud-generated destructors. | |
void | initializeProperties () |
Initialize all properties that have explicit initial values. | |
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void | initializeProperties () |
Initialize all properties that have explicit initial values. | |
![]() | |
void | initializeProperties () |
Initialize all properties that have explicit initial values. | |
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SgAsmExecutableFileFormat () | |
Default constructor. | |
void | initializeProperties () |
Initialize all properties that have explicit initial values. | |
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SgAsmNode () | |
Default constructor. | |
void | initializeProperties () |
Initialize all properties that have explicit initial values. | |
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virtual void | post_construction_initialization () |
Final initialization for constructors This function is called at the end of generated constructors to allow the specification writer to add special initialization functions or tests. Default is to do nothing. Otherwise it should be overridden in the spec file, in NewHeaderCode/NewOutlinedCode. | |
virtual void | post_construction_initialization () |
Final initialization for constructors This function is called at the end of generated constructors to allow the specification writer to add special initialization functions or tests. Default is to do nothing. Otherwise it should be overridden in the spec file, in NewHeaderCode/NewOutlinedCode. | |
virtual void | debugSerializationBegin (const char *className) |
Called by generated serializers. | |
virtual void | debugSerializationEnd (const char *className) |
Called by generated serializers. | |
virtual void | debugSerializationBegin (const char *className) |
Called by generated serializers. | |
virtual void | debugSerializationEnd (const char *className) |
Called by generated serializers. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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Reason for section's existence. More... | |
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Architecture family. More... | |
Application binary interface. More... | |
enum | InsSetArchitecture { ISA_UNSPECIFIED = 0x0000 , ISA_OTHER = 0xffff , ISA_FAMILY_MASK = 0xff00 , ISA_IA32_Family = 0x0100 , ISA_IA32_286 = 0x0101 , ISA_IA32_386 = 0x0102 , ISA_IA32_486 = 0x0103 , ISA_IA32_Pentium = 0x0104 , ISA_IA32_Cyrix6x86 = 0x0105 , ISA_IA32_AMDK5 = 0x0106 , ISA_IA32_PentiumPro = 0x0107 , ISA_IA32_PentiumII = 0x0108 , ISA_IA32_Athlon = 0x0109 , ISA_IA32_Pentium4 = 0x010a , ISA_IA32_PentiumM = 0x010b , ISA_X8664_Family = 0x0200 , ISA_X8664_Athlon64 = 0x0201 , ISA_X8664_Prescott = 0x0202 , ISA_X8664_IntelCore = 0x0203 , ISA_X8664_AMDPhenom = 0x0204 , ISA_SPARC_Family = 0x0300 , ISA_SPARC_V7 = 0x0301 , ISA_SPARC_V8 = 0x0302 , ISA_SPARC_V8E = 0x0303 , ISA_SPARC_V9 = 0x0304 , ISA_SPARC_V9JPS1 = 0x0305 , ISA_SPARC_V9UA = 0x0306 , ISA_SPARC_V9JPS2 = 0x0307 , ISA_M68K_Family = 0x0400 , ISA_M68K_68000 = 0x0401 , ISA_M68K_68EC000 = 0x0402 , ISA_M68K_68HC000 = 0x0403 , ISA_M68K_68008 = 0x0404 , ISA_M68K_68010 = 0x0405 , ISA_M68K_68012 = 0x0406 , ISA_M68K_68020 = 0x0407 , ISA_M68K_68EC020 = 0x0408 , ISA_M68K_68030 = 0x0409 , ISA_M68K_68EC030 = 0x040a , ISA_M68K_68040 = 0x040b , ISA_M68K_68EC040 = 0x040c , ISA_M68K_68LC040 = 0x040d , ISA_M68K_68060 = 0x040e , ISA_M68K_ColdFire = 0x040f , ISA_M68K_DragonBall = 0x0410 , ISA_M88K_Family = 0x0500 , ISA_M88K_88100 = 0x0501 , ISA_M88K_88110 = 0x0502 , ISA_M88K_88110MP = 0x0503 , ISA_M88K_88120 = 0x0504 , ISA_MIPS_Family = 0x0600 , ISA_MIPS_MarkI = 0x0601 , ISA_MIPS_MarkII = 0x0602 , ISA_MIPS_MarkIII = 0x0603 , ISA_MIPS_R2000 = 0x0604 , ISA_MIPS_R3000 = 0x0605 , ISA_MIPS_R4000 = 0x0606 , ISA_MIPS_R4200 = 0x0607 , ISA_MIPS_R4300 = 0x0608 , ISA_MIPS_R4600 = 0x0609 , ISA_MIPS_R4650 = 0x060a , ISA_MIPS_R4700 = 0x060b , ISA_MIPS_R5000 = 0x060c , ISA_MIPS_RM7000 = 0x060d , ISA_MIPS_R8000 = 0x060e , ISA_MIPS_R10000 = 0x060f , ISA_MIPS_R12000 = 0x0610 , ISA_MIPS_R14000 = 0x0611 , ISA_MIPS_R16000 = 0x0612 , ISA_MIPS_R16000A = 0x0613 , ISA_MIPS_16 = 0x0614 , ISA_MIPS_FPU = 0x0615 , ISA_MIPS_16FPU = 0x0616 , ISA_I860_Family = 0x0700 , ISA_I860_860XR = 0x0701 , ISA_I860_860XP = 0x0702 , ISA_IA64_Family = 0x0800 , ISA_IA64_Itanium = 0x0801 , ISA_IA64_Itanium2 = 0x0802 , ISA_ARM_Family = 0x0900 , ISA_ARM_ARM1 = 0x0901 , ISA_ARM_ARM2 = 0x0902 , ISA_ARM_ARM3 = 0x0903 , ISA_ARM_ARM6 = 0x0904 , ISA_ARM_ARM7 = 0x0905 , ISA_ARM_ARM7TDMI = 0x0906 , ISA_ARM_StrongARM = 0x0907 , ISA_ARM_ARM8 = 0x0908 , ISA_ARM_ARM9TDMI = 0x0909 , ISA_ARM_ARM9E = 0x090a , ISA_ARM_ARM10E = 0x090b , ISA_ARM_XScale = 0x090c , ISA_ARM_ARM11 = 0x090d , ISA_ARM_Cortex = 0x090e , ISA_ARM_A64 = 0x090f , ISA_JVM = 0x0a00 , ISA_OTHER_Family = 0xf000 , ISA_ATT_WE_32100 = 0xf001 , ISA_IBM_System_370 = 0xf002 , ISA_HPPA = 0xf003 , ISA_Fujitsu_VPP500 = 0xf004 , ISA_Sun_v8plus = 0xf005 , ISA_PowerPC = 0xf006 , ISA_PowerPC_64bit = 0xf007 , ISA_IBM_S390 = 0xf008 , ISA_NEC_V800_series = 0xf009 , ISA_Fujitsu_FR20 = 0xf00a , ISA_TRW_RH_32 = 0xf00b , ISA_Motorola_RCE = 0xf00c , ISA_Digital_Alpha_fake = 0xf00e , ISA_Hitachi_SH = 0xf00f , ISA_Siemens_Tricore = 0xf010 , ISA_Argonaut_RISC_Core = 0xf011 , ISA_Hitachi_H8_300 = 0xf012 , ISA_Hitachi_H8_300H = 0xf013 , ISA_Hitachi_H8S = 0xf014 , ISA_Hitachi_H8_500 = 0xf015 , ISA_Stanford_MIPS_X = 0xf016 , ISA_Motorola_M68HC12 = 0xf017 , ISA_Fujitsu_MMA_Multimedia_Accelerator =0xf018 , ISA_Siemens_PCP = 0xf019 , ISA_Sony_nCPU_embeeded_RISC = 0xf01a , ISA_Denso_NDR1_microprocessor =0xf01b , ISA_Motorola_Start_Core_processor =0xf01c , ISA_Toyota_ME16_processor = 0xf01d , ISA_STMicroelectronic_ST100_processor =0xf01e , ISA_Advanced_Logic_Corp_Tinyj_emb_family =0xf01f , ISA_AMD_x86_64_architecture = 0xf020 , ISA_Sony_DSP_Processor = 0xf021 , ISA_Siemens_FX66_microcontroller =0xf022 , ISA_STMicroelectronics_ST9_plus_8_16_microcontroller =0xf023 , ISA_STMicroelectronics_ST7_8bit_microcontroller =0xf024 , ISA_Motorola_MC68HC16_microcontroller =0xf025 , ISA_Motorola_MC68HC11_microcontroller =0xf026 , ISA_Motorola_MC68HC08_microcontroller =0xf027 , ISA_Motorola_MC68HC05_microcontroller =0xf028 , ISA_Silicon_Graphics_SVx = 0xf029 , ISA_STMicroelectronics_ST19_8bit_microcontroller =0xf02a , ISA_Digital_VAX = 0xf02b , ISA_Axis_Communications_32bit_embedded_processor =0xf02c , ISA_Infineon_Technologies_32bit_embedded_processor =0xf02d , ISA_Element_14_64bit_DSP_Processor =0xf02e , ISA_LSI_Logic_16bit_DSP_Processor =0xf02f , ISA_Donald_Knuths_educational_64bit_processor =0xf030 , ISA_Harvard_University_machine_independent_object_files =0xf031 , ISA_SiTera_Prism = 0xf032 , ISA_Atmel_AVR_8bit_microcontroller =0xf033 , ISA_Fujitsu_FR30 = 0xf034 , ISA_Mitsubishi_D10V = 0xf035 , ISA_Mitsubishi_D30V = 0xf036 , ISA_NEC_v850 = 0xf037 , ISA_Mitsubishi_M32R = 0xf038 , ISA_Matsushita_MN10300 = 0xf039 , ISA_Matsushita_MN10200 = 0xf03a , ISA_picoJava = 0xf03b , ISA_OpenRISC_32bit_embedded_processor =0xf03c , ISA_ARC_Cores_Tangent_A5 = 0xf03d , ISA_Tensilica_Xtensa_Architecture =0xf03e , ISA_Digital_Alpha = 0xf03f , ISA_Matsushita_AM33 = 0xf040 , ISA_EFI_ByteCode = 0xf041 } |
Instruction sets organized by families. More... | |
General purpose of a binary executable file. More... | |
typedef struct stat | fileDetails |
Information about the file in the filesystem. | |
![]() | |
enum | { static_variant = V_SgNode } |
static variant value More... | |
enum | { static_variant = V_SgNode } |
static variant value More... | |
![]() | |
static Sawyer::Message::Facility | mlog |
Diagnostic stream. | |
![]() | |
unsigned char * | local_data_pool |
![]() | |
SgNode * | p_parent |
This is the pointer to the parent IR node in the AST. | |
bool | p_isModified |
Records if IR node has been modified (data members reset). | |
bool | p_containsTransformation |
SgNode * | p_freepointer |
This is the pointer to the chain of previously freed objects. | |
![]() | |
static std::vector< std::tuple< unsigned char *, unsigned, VariantT > > | all_pools |
static SgFunctionTypeTable * | p_globalFunctionTypeTable |
Pointer to symbol table specific to function types. | |
static SgTypeTable * | p_globalTypeTable |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > | p_globalMangledNameMap |
Cache of mangled names to avoid regeneration of previously build mangled names or parts of mangled names. This is a performance optimization. | |
static std::map< std::string, uint64_t > | p_shortMangledNameCache |
STL map used as a cache to shorten generated mangled names. This is mostly a space optimization ofr mangled names of templates. | |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > | p_globalQualifiedNameMapForNames |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > | p_globalQualifiedNameMapForTypes |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > | p_globalQualifiedNameMapForTemplateHeaders |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::string > | p_globalTypeNameMap |
static std::map< SgNode *, std::map< SgNode *, std::string > > | p_globalQualifiedNameMapForMapsOfTypes |
uint16_t const & SgAsmJvmFileHeader::get_minor_version | ( | ) | const |
Property: Minor version.
Minor version number of this class file.
void SgAsmJvmFileHeader::set_minor_version | ( | uint16_t const & | ) |
Property: Minor version.
Minor version number of this class file.
uint16_t const & SgAsmJvmFileHeader::get_major_version | ( | ) | const |
Property: Major version.
Major version number of this class file.
void SgAsmJvmFileHeader::set_major_version | ( | uint16_t const & | ) |
Property: Major version.
Major version number of this class file.
uint16_t const & SgAsmJvmFileHeader::get_access_flags | ( | ) | const |
Property: Access flags.
Mask of flags used to denote access permissions and properties of this class or interface.
void SgAsmJvmFileHeader::set_access_flags | ( | uint16_t const & | ) |
Property: Access flags.
Mask of flags used to denote access permissions and properties of this class or interface.
uint16_t const & SgAsmJvmFileHeader::get_this_class | ( | ) | const |
Property: This class index.
Index into constant pool table for this class or interface.
void SgAsmJvmFileHeader::set_this_class | ( | uint16_t const & | ) |
Property: This class index.
Index into constant pool table for this class or interface.
uint16_t const & SgAsmJvmFileHeader::get_super_class | ( | ) | const |
Property: Super class.
Index into constant pool table for direct super class of this class or interface.
void SgAsmJvmFileHeader::set_super_class | ( | uint16_t const & | ) |
Property: Super class.
Index into constant pool table for direct super class of this class or interface.
SgAsmJvmConstantPool *const & SgAsmJvmFileHeader::get_constant_pool | ( | ) | const |
Property: Constant pool.
Points to the AST node that represents the JVM constant pool. The constant pool is a table of structures (see 4.4) representing various string constants, class and interface names, field names, and other constants that are referred to within the ClassFile structure and its substructures. The format of each constant-pool table entry is indicated by its first "tag" byte.
void SgAsmJvmFileHeader::set_constant_pool | ( | SgAsmJvmConstantPool *const & | ) |
Property: Constant pool.
Points to the AST node that represents the JVM constant pool. The constant pool is a table of structures (see 4.4) representing various string constants, class and interface names, field names, and other constants that are referred to within the ClassFile structure and its substructures. The format of each constant-pool table entry is indicated by its first "tag" byte.
std::list< uint16_t > const & SgAsmJvmFileHeader::get_interfaces | ( | ) | const |
Property: Interfaces.
Each value in the interfaces array must be a valid index into the constant_pool table. The constant_pool entry at each value is a CONSTANT_Class_info structure representing an interface that is a direct superinterface of this class or interface type.
std::list< uint16_t > & SgAsmJvmFileHeader::get_interfaces | ( | ) |
Property: Interfaces.
Each value in the interfaces array must be a valid index into the constant_pool table. The constant_pool entry at each value is a CONSTANT_Class_info structure representing an interface that is a direct superinterface of this class or interface type.
void SgAsmJvmFileHeader::set_interfaces | ( | std::list< uint16_t > const & | ) |
Property: Interfaces.
Each value in the interfaces array must be a valid index into the constant_pool table. The constant_pool entry at each value is a CONSTANT_Class_info structure representing an interface that is a direct superinterface of this class or interface type.
SgAsmJvmFieldTable *const & SgAsmJvmFileHeader::get_field_table | ( | ) | const |
Property: Field table.
Points to the AST node that represents the JVM field table. The constant pool is a table of structures (see 4.4) representing various string constants, class and interface names, field names, and other constants that are referred to within the ClassFile structure and its substructures. The format of each constant-pool table entry is indicated by its first "tag" byte.
void SgAsmJvmFileHeader::set_field_table | ( | SgAsmJvmFieldTable *const & | ) |
Property: Field table.
Points to the AST node that represents the JVM field table. The constant pool is a table of structures (see 4.4) representing various string constants, class and interface names, field names, and other constants that are referred to within the ClassFile structure and its substructures. The format of each constant-pool table entry is indicated by its first "tag" byte.
SgAsmJvmMethodTable *const & SgAsmJvmFileHeader::get_method_table | ( | ) | const |
Property: Method table.
Points to the AST node that represents the JVM method table. The constant pool is a table of structures (see 4.4) representing various string constants, class and interface names, field names, and other constants that are referred to within the ClassFile structure and its substructures. The format of each constant-pool table entry is indicated by its first "tag" byte.
void SgAsmJvmFileHeader::set_method_table | ( | SgAsmJvmMethodTable *const & | ) |
Property: Method table.
Points to the AST node that represents the JVM method table. The constant pool is a table of structures (see 4.4) representing various string constants, class and interface names, field names, and other constants that are referred to within the ClassFile structure and its substructures. The format of each constant-pool table entry is indicated by its first "tag" byte.
SgAsmJvmAttributeTable *const & SgAsmJvmFileHeader::get_attribute_table | ( | ) | const |
Property: Attribute table.
Points to the AST node that represents the JVM attribute table. The constant pool is a table of structures (see 4.4) representing various string constants, class and interface names, field names, and other constants that are referred to within the ClassFile structure and its substructures. The format of each constant-pool table entry is indicated by its first "tag" byte.
void SgAsmJvmFileHeader::set_attribute_table | ( | SgAsmJvmAttributeTable *const & | ) |
Property: Attribute table.
Points to the AST node that represents the JVM attribute table. The constant pool is a table of structures (see 4.4) representing various string constants, class and interface names, field names, and other constants that are referred to within the ClassFile structure and its substructures. The format of each constant-pool table entry is indicated by its first "tag" byte.
overridevirtual |
Parse header from file.
Initialize this header with information parsed from the file and construct and parse everything that's reachable from the header. Since the size of the ELF File Header is determined by the contents of the ELF File Header as stored in the file, the size of the ELF File Header will be adjusted upward if necessary.
Reimplemented from SgAsmGenericSection.
overridevirtual |
Write the section to a binary file.
Reimplemented from SgAsmGenericHeader.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
This gets called by all Rosebud-generated destructors.
Rosebud generates a call to destructorHelper
from every destructor implementation. This gives the user a chance to do something special. There are some things to be aware of when reimplementing this function, and you should be well versed in the C++ rules about calling virtual functions from destructors.
, which will dispatch to the implementation in this class. Then, when the part of the object corresponding to this class is being destroyed, the destructor will call destructorHelper
again, which will dispatch to this implementation again. This may happen recursively mutliple times.destructorHelper
. Therefore, in order for any derived class to any work, it must be done in its destructorHelper
, which would be called before the implementation of destructorHelper
in this class is called.All attempts should be made to avoid having to implement a destructorHelper
in any class but the most base class (and that one does nothing). Instead, use data members whose own destructors do their cleanup. For instance, if this class needs a pointer to data allocated on the stack, then instead of using a raw pointer which needs to be deleted in this class's destructor, use a smart pointer whose own destructor deletes the data. If you follow this advice, then you don't need to be well-versed in the details of C++ object destruction.
Reimplemented from SgAsmGenericSection.
protected |
Initialize all properties that have explicit initial values.
This function is mostly for use in user-defined constructors where the user desires to initialize all the properties but does not know the names of the data members that store the property values. This function initializes the properties that have explicit initializations within this class, but does not recursively initialize base classes.