Classes | Typedefs | Functions
Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Unparser Namespace Reference


Generates pseudo-assembly listings.


class  Cil
 Unparser for CIL. More...
struct  CilSettings
 Settings specific to the Cil unaprser. More...
class  EdgeArrows
 Analysis to generate arrows from one basic block to another. More...
class  Jvm
 Unparser for the JVM architecture. More...
struct  JvmSettings
 Settings specific to the JVM unparser. More...
class  M68k
 Unparser for Motorola M68k and related instruction sets. More...
struct  M68kSettings
 Settings specific to the M68k unparser. More...
class  Mips
 Unparser for the MIPS instruction set. More...
struct  MipsSettings
 Settings specific to the MIP unparser. More...
class  Null
 Unparser for null architecture. More...
struct  NullSettings
 Settings specific to the null unparser. More...
class  Powerpc
 Unparser for PowerPC instruction sets. More...
struct  PowerpcSettings
 Settings specific to the PowerPC unparser. More...
struct  Settings
 Settings that control unparsing. More...
struct  Style
 Style of text. More...
class  X86
 Unparser for x86 instruction sets. More...
struct  X86Settings
 Settings specific to the x86 unparser. More...


typedef Sawyer::SharedPointer< Base > BasePtr


std::string unparseCilMnemonic (SgAsmCilInstruction *)
std::string unparseCilExpression (SgAsmExpression *, const LabelMap *, RegisterDictionaryPtr)
std::string unparseJvmMnemonic (SgAsmJvmInstruction *)
std::string unparseJvmExpression (SgAsmExpression *, const LabelMap *, RegisterDictionaryPtr)
std::string unparseM68kMnemonic (SgAsmM68kInstruction *)
std::string unparseM68kExpression (SgAsmExpression *, const LabelMap *, RegisterDictionaryPtr)
std::string unparseMipsMnemonic (SgAsmMipsInstruction *)
std::string unparseMipsRegister (SgAsmInstruction *, RegisterDescriptor, RegisterDictionaryPtr)
std::string unparseMipsExpression (SgAsmExpression *, const LabelMap *, const RegisterDictionaryPtr &)
std::string unparsePowerpcMnemonic (SgAsmPowerpcInstruction *)
std::string unparsePowerpcExpression (SgAsmExpression *, const LabelMap *, const RegisterDictionaryPtr &)
Sawyer::CommandLine::SwitchGroup commandLineSwitches (Settings &settings)
 Command-line switches for unparser settings. More...
std::string unparseX86Mnemonic (SgAsmX86Instruction *)
std::string unparseX86Register (SgAsmInstruction *, RegisterDescriptor, RegisterDictionaryPtr)
std::string unparseX86Register (RegisterDescriptor, const RegisterDictionaryPtr &)
std::string unparseX86Expression (SgAsmExpression *, const LabelMap *, const RegisterDictionaryPtr &, bool leaMode)
std::string unparseX86Expression (SgAsmExpression *, const LabelMap *, const RegisterDictionaryPtr &)

Function Documentation

Sawyer::CommandLine::SwitchGroup Rose::BinaryAnalysis::Unparser::commandLineSwitches ( Settings settings)

Command-line switches for unparser settings.