4 #include "sage3basic.hhh"
5 #include <stdint.h>
6 #include <utility>
8 #include "rosePublicConfig.h" // for ROSE_BUILD_JAVA_LANGUAGE_SUPPORT
9 #include "OmpAttribute.h"
12 #if 0 // FMZ(07/07/2010): the argument "nextErrorCode" should be call-by-reference
13 SgFile* determineFileType ( std::vector<std::string> argv, int nextErrorCode, SgProject* project );
14 #else
15 SgFile* determineFileType ( std::vector<std::string> argv, int& nextErrorCode, SgProject* project );
16 #endif
19 #include "rewrite.h"
20 #endif
22 // DQ (7/20/2008): Added support for unparsing abitrary strings in the unparser.
23 #include "astUnparseAttribute.h"
24 #include <set>
27 #include "LivenessAnalysis.h"
28 #include "abstract_handle.h"
29 #include "ClassHierarchyGraph.h"
30 #endif
32 // DQ (8/19/2004): Moved from ROSE/src/midend/astRewriteMechanism/rewrite.h
34 ROSE_DLL_API std::string getVariantName (VariantT v);
36 // DQ (12/9/2004): Qing, Rich and Dan have decided to start this namespace within ROSE
37 // This namespace is specific to interface functions that operate on the Sage III AST.
38 // The name was chosen so as not to conflict with other classes within ROSE.
39 // This will become the future home of many interface functions which operate on
40 // the AST and which are generally useful to users. As a namespace multiple files can be used
41 // to represent the compete interface and different developers may contribute interface
42 // functions easily.
44 // Constructor handling: (We have sageBuilder.h now for this purpose, Liao 2/1/2008)
45 // We could add simpler layers of support for construction of IR nodes by
46 // hiding many details in "makeSg***()" functions. Such functions would
47 // return pointers to the associated Sg*** objects and would be able to hide
48 // many IR specific details, including:
49 // memory handling
50 // optional parameter settings not often required
51 // use of Sg_File_Info objects (and setting them as transformations)
52 //
53 // namespace AST_Interface (this name is taken already by some of Qing's work :-)
56 #define TRANS_FILE Sg_File_Info::generateDefaultFileInfoForTransformationNode()
64 namespace SageInterface
65  {
66  // Liao 6/22/2016: keep records of loop init-stmt normalization, later help undo it to support autoPar.
68  {
69  // a lookup table to check if a for loop has been normalized for its c99-style init-stmt
70  std::map <SgForStatement* , bool > forLoopInitNormalizationTable;
71  // Detailed record about the original declaration (1st in the pair) and the normalization generated new declaration (2nd in the pair)
72  std::map <SgForStatement* , std::pair<SgVariableDeclaration*, SgVariableDeclaration*> > forLoopInitNormalizationRecord;
73  } ;
75  ROSE_DLL_API extern Transformation_Record trans_records;
77  // DQ (4/3/2014): Added general AST support separate from the AST.
79  // Container and API for analysis information that is outside of the AST and as a result
80  // prevents frequent modification of the IR.
82  {
83  // DQ (4/3/2014): This stores all associated declarations as a map of sets.
84  // the key to the map is the first nondefining declaration and the elements of the set are
85  // all of the associated declarations (including the defining declaration).
87  private:
89  std::map<SgDeclarationStatement*,std::set<SgDeclarationStatement*>* > declarationMap;
91  public:
92  void addDeclaration(SgDeclarationStatement* decl);
93  const std::set<SgDeclarationStatement*>* getDeclarations(SgDeclarationStatement* decl);
95  std::map<SgDeclarationStatement*,std::set<SgDeclarationStatement*>* > & getDeclarationMap();
97  bool isLocatedInDefiningScope(SgDeclarationStatement* decl);
99  };
101  // DQ (4/3/2014): This constructs a data structure that holds analysis information about
102  // the AST that is separate from the AST. This is intended to be a general mechanism
103  // to support analysis information without constantly modifying the IR.
104  DeclarationSets* buildDeclarationSets(SgNode*);
107 ROSE_DLL_API extern int gensym_counter;
110 SgAsmInterpretation* getMainInterpretation(SgAsmGenericFile* file);
114 uint64_t getAsmConstant(SgAsmValueExpression* e);
117 int64_t getAsmSignedConstant(SgAsmValueExpression *e);
118 #endif
121  void addMessageStatement( SgStatement* stmt, std::string message );
125  {
126  private:
127  std::string name;
128  public:
129  UniqueNameAttribute(std::string n="") {name =n; };
130  void set_name (std::string n) {name = n;};
131  std::string get_name () {return name;};
132  };
134  //------------------------------------------------------------------------
140 // DQ (8/5/2020): the "using namespace" directive will not hide existing visability of symbols in resolving visability.
141 // So we need to test if a symbol is visible exclusing matching alises due to using direectives before we can decide to
142 // persue name space qualification. This is best demonstrated by Cxx_tests/test2020_18.C, test2020_19.C, test2020_20.C,
143 // and test2020_21.C.
144  ROSE_DLL_API SgSymbol *lookupSymbolInParentScopesIgnoringAliasSymbols (const SgName & name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope = NULL, SgTemplateParameterPtrList* templateParameterList = NULL, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateArgumentList = NULL);
146 // DQ (8/21/2013): Modified to make newest function parameters be default arguments.
147 // DQ (8/16/2013): For now we want to remove the use of default parameters and add the support for template parameters and template arguments.
149 // SgSymbol *lookupSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL);
150 // SgSymbol *lookupSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope, SgTemplateParameterPtrList* templateParameterList, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateArgumentList);
151  ROSE_DLL_API SgSymbol *lookupSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope = NULL, SgTemplateParameterPtrList* templateParameterList = NULL, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateArgumentList = NULL);
153  // Liao 1/22/2008, used for get symbols for generating variable reference nodes
154  // ! Find a variable symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given name
155  ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableSymbol *lookupVariableSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL);
157  // DQ (11/24/2007): Functions moved from the Fortran support so that they could be called from within astPostProcessing.
159  ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionSymbol *lookupFunctionSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & functionName, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL);
161  // Liao, 1/24/2008, find exact match for a function
163  ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionSymbol *lookupFunctionSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & functionName,
164  const SgType* t,
165  SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL);
167  ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionSymbol *lookupTemplateFunctionSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & functionName, SgFunctionType * ftype, SgTemplateParameterPtrList * tplparams, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL);
168  ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionSymbol *lookupTemplateMemberFunctionSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & functionName, SgFunctionType * ftype, SgTemplateParameterPtrList * tplparams, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL);
170  ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateVariableSymbol * lookupTemplateVariableSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & name, SgTemplateParameterPtrList * tplparams, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* tplargs, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL);
173 // DQ (8/21/2013): Modified to make newest function parameters be default arguments.
174 // DQ (8/16/2013): For now we want to remove the use of default parameters and add the support for template parameters and template arguments.
175 // DQ (5/7/2011): Added support for SgClassSymbol (used in name qualification support).
176 // SgClassSymbol* lookupClassSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope = NULL);
177  ROSE_DLL_API SgClassSymbol* lookupClassSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope = NULL, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateArgumentList = NULL);
178  ROSE_DLL_API SgTypedefSymbol* lookupTypedefSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope = NULL);
180  ROSE_DLL_API SgNonrealSymbol* lookupNonrealSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope = NULL, SgTemplateParameterPtrList* templateParameterList = NULL, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateArgumentList = NULL);
181 #if 0
182  // DQ (8/13/2013): This function does not make since any more, now that we have made the symbol
183  // table handling more precise and we have to provide template parameters for any template lookup.
184  // We also have to know if we want to lookup template classes, template functions, or template
185  // member functions (since each have specific requirements).
186  SgTemplateSymbol* lookupTemplateSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope = NULL);
187 #endif
188 #if 0
189 // DQ (8/13/2013): I am not sure if we want this functions in place of lookupTemplateSymbolInParentScopes.
190 // Where these are called we might not know enough information about the template parameters or function
191 // types, for example.
192  SgTemplateClassSymbol* lookupTemplateClassSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope = NULL, SgTemplateParameterPtrList* templateParameterList = NULL, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateArgumentList = NULL);
193  SgTemplateFunctionSymbol* lookupTemplateFunctionSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope = NULL, SgTemplateParameterPtrList* templateParameterList = NULL);
194  SgTemplateMemberFunctionSymbol* lookupTemplateMemberFunctionSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope = NULL, SgTemplateParameterPtrList* templateParameterList = NULL);
195 #endif
197 // DQ (8/21/2013): Modified to make some of the newest function parameters be default arguments.
198 // DQ (8/13/2013): I am not sure if we want this functions in place of lookupTemplateSymbolInParentScopes.
199  ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateClassSymbol* lookupTemplateClassSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & name, SgTemplateParameterPtrList* templateParameterList, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList* templateArgumentList, SgScopeStatement *cscope = NULL);
201  ROSE_DLL_API SgEnumSymbol* lookupEnumSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope = NULL);
202  ROSE_DLL_API SgNamespaceSymbol* lookupNamespaceSymbolInParentScopes(const SgName & name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope = NULL);
204 // DQ (7/17/2011): Added function from cxx branch that I need here for the Java support.
205 // SgClassSymbol* lookupClassSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName & name, SgScopeStatement *cscope);
215  // DQ (12/9/2004): Moved this function (by Alin Jula) from being a member of SgInitializedName
216  // to this location where it can be a part of the interface for the Sage III AST.
217  ROSE_DLL_API int set_name (SgInitializedName * initializedNameNode, SgName new_name);
223  // DQ (6/27/2005):
228  ROSE_DLL_API void outputLocalSymbolTables (SgNode * node);
231  {
232  public:
233  void visit (SgNode * node);
234  };
240  // DQ (9/28/2005):
241  void rebuildSymbolTable (SgScopeStatement * scope);
245  void clearUnusedVariableSymbols (SgNode* root = NULL);
247  // DQ (3/1/2009):
249  void fixupReferencesToSymbols( const SgScopeStatement* this_scope, SgScopeStatement* copy_scope, SgCopyHelp & help );
253  //------------------------------------------------------------------------
262  // DQ (9/21/2005): General function for extracting the name of declarations (when they have names)
263  std::string get_name (const SgNode * node);
269  // DQ (6/13/2005): General function for extracting the name of declarations (when they have names)
270  std::string get_name (const SgStatement * stmt);
276  std::string get_name (const SgExpression * expr);
282  // DQ (6/13/2005): General function for extracting the name of declarations (when they have names)
283  std::string get_name (const SgDeclarationStatement * declaration);
289  // DQ (6/13/2005): General function for extracting the name of declarations (when they have names)
290  std::string get_name (const SgScopeStatement * scope);
296  // DQ (2/11/2007): Added this function to make debugging support more complete (useful for symbol table debugging support).
297  std::string get_name (const SgSymbol * symbol);
303  std::string get_name (const SgType * type);
308  std::string get_name (const SgSupport * node);
313  std::string get_name (const SgLocatedNodeSupport * node);
317  std::string get_name ( const SgC_PreprocessorDirectiveStatement* directive );
321  std::string get_name ( const SgToken* token );
323  // PP (11/22/2021): General function for extracting the type of declarations (when they declare types)
330  // DQ (3/20/2016): Added to refactor some of the DSL infrastructure support.
343  extern std::map<std::string,int> local_name_collision_map;
344  extern std::map<std::string,SgNode*> local_name_to_node_map;
345  extern std::map<SgNode*,std::string> local_node_to_name_map;
357  //------------------------------------------------------------------------
364  // DQ (6/21/2005): Get the default destructor from the class declaration
365  ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclaration *getDefaultDestructor (SgClassDeclaration* classDeclaration);
369  // DQ (6/22/2005): Get the default constructor from the class declaration
370  ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclaration *getDefaultConstructor (SgClassDeclaration* classDeclaration);
373  // DQ (8/27/2005):
374  ROSE_DLL_API bool templateDefinitionIsInClass (SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl* memberFunctionDeclaration);
380  // DQ (9/17/2005):
384  ROSE_DLL_API bool isStructDeclaration(SgNode * node);
386  ROSE_DLL_API bool isUnionDeclaration(SgNode * node);
388 #if 0
389  // DQ (8/28/2005): This is already a member function of the SgFunctionDeclaration
390  // (so that it can handle template functions and member functions)
395  // DQ (8/27/2005):
396  bool isTemplateMemberFunction (SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl* memberFunctionDeclaration);
397 #endif
399  // DQ (11/9/2020): Added function to support adding a default constructor definition to a class
400  // if it does not have a default constructor, but has any other constructor that would prevend
401  // a compiler generated default constructor from being generated by the compiler.
402  // Note the physical_file_id is so that it can be marked to be unparsed when header file unparsing is active.
403  ROSE_DLL_API bool addDefaultConstructorIfRequired ( SgClassType* classType, int physical_file_id = Sg_File_Info::TRANSFORMATION_FILE_ID );
407  //------------------------------------------------------------------------
417  void saveToPDF(SgNode* node, std::string filename);
418  void saveToPDF(SgNode* node); // enable calling from gdb
421  void printAST (SgNode* node);
424  void printAST2TextFile (SgNode* node, const char* filename, bool printType=true);
427  void printAST2TextFile (SgNode* node, std::string filename, bool printType=true);
429  // DQ (2/12/2012): Added some diagnostic support.
431  void whereAmI(SgNode* node);
434  std::string extractPragmaKeyword(const SgPragmaDeclaration *);
437  ROSE_DLL_API bool isOmpStatement(SgNode* );
440  // DQ (8/27/2005):
441  bool isOverloaded (SgFunctionDeclaration * functionDeclaration);
443 // DQ (2/14/2012): Added support function used for variable declarations in conditionals.
445  void initializeIfStmt(SgIfStmt *ifstmt, SgStatement* conditional, SgStatement * true_body, SgStatement * false_body);
448  void initializeSwitchStatement(SgSwitchStatement* switchStatement,SgStatement *item_selector,SgStatement *body);
451  void initializeWhileStatement(SgWhileStmt* whileStatement, SgStatement * condition, SgStatement *body, SgStatement *else_body);
457  ROSE_DLL_API bool isMain (const SgNode* node);
458  // DQ (6/22/2005):
469  std::string generateUniqueName ( const SgNode * node, bool ignoreDifferenceBetweenDefiningAndNondefiningDeclarations);
473  std::string generateUniqueVariableName(SgScopeStatement* scope, std::string baseName = "temp");
475  // DQ (8/10/2010): Added const to first parameter.
476  // DQ (3/10/2007):
478  std::string declarationPositionString (const SgDeclarationStatement * declaration);
480  // DQ (1/20/2007):
482  ROSE_DLL_API std::string generateProjectName (const SgProject * project, bool supressSuffix = false );
492  void addVarRefExpFromArrayDimInfo(SgNode * astNode, Rose_STL_Container<SgNode *>& NodeList_t);
494  // DQ (10/6/2006): Added support for faster mangled name generation (caching avoids recomputation).
498 #ifndef SWIG
499 // DQ (3/10/2013): This appears to be a problem for the SWIG interface (undefined reference at link-time).
500  void clearMangledNameCache (SgGlobal * globalScope);
501  void resetMangledNameCache (SgGlobal * globalScope);
502 #endif
504  std::string getMangledNameFromCache (SgNode * astNode);
505  std::string addMangledNameToCache (SgNode * astNode, const std::string & mangledName);
513  // DQ (10/14/2006): This function tests the AST to see if for a non-defining declaration, the
514  // bool declarationPreceedsDefinition ( SgClassDeclaration* classNonDefiningDeclaration, SgClassDeclaration* classDefiningDeclaration );
516  bool declarationPreceedsDefinition (SgDeclarationStatement *nonDefiningDeclaration, SgDeclarationStatement *definingDeclaration);
518  // DQ (10/19/2006): Function calls have interesting context dependent rules to determine if
519  // they are output with a global qualifier or not. Were this is true we have to avoid global
520  // qualifiers, since the function's scope has not been defined. This is an example of where
521  // qualification of function names in function calls are context dependent; an interesting
522  // example of where the C++ language is not friendly to source-to-source processing :-).
529  ROSE_DLL_API std::vector < SgNode * >astIntersection (SgNode * original, SgNode * copy, SgCopyHelp * help = NULL);
532  ROSE_DLL_API SgNode* deepCopyNode (const SgNode* subtree);
535  template <typename NodeType>
536  NodeType* deepCopy (const NodeType* subtree) {
537  return dynamic_cast<NodeType*>(deepCopyNode(subtree));
538  }
541  ROSE_DLL_API SgExpression* copyExpression(SgExpression* e);
544  ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement* copyStatement(SgStatement* s);
546 // from in src/midend/astOutlining/src/ASTtools
554 ROSE_DLL_API void myRemoveStatement(SgStatement* stmt);
557 ROSE_DLL_API bool isConstantTrue(SgExpression* e);
560 ROSE_DLL_API bool isConstantFalse(SgExpression* e);
563 ROSE_DLL_API bool isCallToParticularFunction(const std::string& qualifiedName, size_t arity, SgExpression* e);
566 bool ROSE_DLL_API isStatic(SgDeclarationStatement* stmt);
569 ROSE_DLL_API void setStatic(SgDeclarationStatement* stmt);
572 ROSE_DLL_API bool isExtern(SgDeclarationStatement* stmt);
575 ROSE_DLL_API void setExtern(SgDeclarationStatement* stmt);
578 ROSE_DLL_API bool ROSE_DLL_API isMutable(SgInitializedName* name);
581 ROSE_DLL_API bool ROSE_DLL_API isJovialOutParam(SgInitializedName* name);
584 ROSE_DLL_API std::vector<SgInitializedName*> getInParameters(const SgInitializedNamePtrList &params);
587 ROSE_DLL_API std::vector<SgInitializedName*> getOutParameters(const SgInitializedNamePtrList &params);
592  public:
593  virtual ~StatementGenerator() {};
594  virtual SgStatement* generate(SgExpression* where_to_write_answer) = 0;
595 };
600 ROSE_DLL_API bool isAssignmentStatement(SgNode* _s, SgExpression** lhs=NULL, SgExpression** rhs=NULL, bool* readlhs=NULL);
603 ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializedName* convertRefToInitializedName(SgNode* current, bool coarseGrain=true);
609 ROSE_DLL_API SgNode* getSgNodeFromAbstractHandleString(const std::string& input_string);
612 ROSE_DLL_API void dumpInfo(SgNode* node, std::string desc="");
615 ROSE_DLL_API std::vector<SgDeclarationStatement*>
616 sortSgNodeListBasedOnAppearanceOrderInSource(const std::vector<SgDeclarationStatement*>& nodevec);
618 // DQ (4/13/2013): We need these to support the unparing of operators defined by operator syntax or member function names.
620 // bool isPrefixOperator( const SgMemberFunctionRefExp* memberFunctionRefExp );
621 ROSE_DLL_API bool isPrefixOperator( SgExpression* exp );
624 ROSE_DLL_API bool isPrefixOperatorName( const SgName & functionName );
627 ROSE_DLL_API bool isPostfixOperator( SgExpression* exp );
630 ROSE_DLL_API bool isIndexOperator( SgExpression* exp );
632 // DQ (1/10/2014): Adding more general support for token based unparsing.
634 ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement* lastStatementOfScopeWithTokenInfo (SgScopeStatement* scope, std::map<SgNode*,TokenStreamSequenceToNodeMapping*> & tokenStreamSequenceMap);
636 // DQ (8/12/2020): Check the access permissions of all defining and nodefining declarations.
637 ROSE_DLL_API void checkAccessPermissions ( SgNode* );
639 // DQ (8/14/2020): Check the symbol tables for specific scopes (debugging support).
640 ROSE_DLL_API void checkSymbolTables ( SgNode* );
642 // DQ (11/9/2020): Added support for makring IR nodes and subtrees of the AST to be unparsed (physical_file_id
643 // is required when unparsing header files is true or support multiple files and shared IR nodes).
644 ROSE_DLL_API void markSubtreeToBeUnparsed(SgNode* root, int physical_file_id);
645 ROSE_DLL_API void markNodeToBeUnparsed(SgNode* node, int physical_file_id);
647 // DQ (7/8/2021): This is a tree traversal based version of this marking of a subtree which allows special handling of cast expressions.
648 // Basically, cast expression should not be marked as transformations.
649 ROSE_DLL_API void markSubtreeToBeUnparsedTreeTraversal(SgNode* root, int physical_file_id);
651 // DQ (7/12/2021): Debugging code to locate specific node marked as a transforamtion in the AST.
652 // Debugging the outliner.
653  ROSE_DLL_API bool findFirstSgCastExpMarkedAsTransformation(SgNode* n, const std::string & s);
657 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
663 // DQ (11/25/2020): Add support to set this as a specific language kind file (there is at least one language kind file processed by ROSE).
664 // The value of 0 allows the old implementation to be tested, and the value of 1 allows the new optimized implementation to be tested.
665 // However to get all of the functions to be inlined, we have to recompile all of ROSE.
668 // std::string version(); // utility_functions.h, version number
672  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_Ada_language () { return Rose::is_Ada_language; }
673  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_C_language () { return Rose::is_C_language; }
674  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_OpenMP_language () { return Rose::is_OpenMP_language; }
675  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_UPC_language () { return Rose::is_UPC_language; }
676  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_UPC_dynamic_threads() { return Rose::is_UPC_dynamic_threads; }
677  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_C99_language () { return Rose::is_C99_language; }
678  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_Cxx_language () { return Rose::is_Cxx_language; }
679  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_Java_language () { return Rose::is_Java_language; }
680  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_Jovial_language () { return Rose::is_Jovial_language; }
681  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_Jvm_language () { return Rose::is_Jvm_language; }
682  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_Fortran_language () { return Rose::is_Fortran_language; }
683  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_CAF_language () { return Rose::is_CAF_language; }
684  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_PHP_language() { return Rose::is_PHP_language; }
685  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_Python_language() { return Rose::is_Python_language; }
686  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_Cuda_language() { return Rose::is_Cuda_language; }
687  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_OpenCL_language() { return Rose::is_OpenCL_language; }
688  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_X10_language() { return Rose::is_X10_language; }
689  ROSE_DLL_API inline bool is_binary_executable() { return Rose::is_binary_executable; }
690 #else
691  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Ada_language ();
692  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_C_language ();
693  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_OpenMP_language ();
694  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_UPC_language ();
696  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_UPC_dynamic_threads();
697  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_C99_language ();
698  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Cxx_language ();
699  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Java_language ();
700  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Jovial_language ();
701  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Jvm_language ();
702  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Fortran_language ();
703  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_CAF_language ();
704  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_PHP_language();
705  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Python_language();
706  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Cuda_language();
707  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_OpenCL_language();
708  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_X10_language();
709  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_binary_executable();
710 #endif
712  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_mixed_C_and_Cxx_language ();
713  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_mixed_Fortran_and_C_language ();
714  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_mixed_Fortran_and_Cxx_language ();
715  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_mixed_Fortran_and_C_and_Cxx_language ();
717  ROSE_DLL_API bool is_language_case_insensitive ();
722 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
728  // DQ (10/5/2006): Added support for faster (non-quadratic) computation of unique
729  // labels for scopes in a function (as required for name mangling).
735  void resetScopeNumbers (SgFunctionDefinition * functionDeclaration);
737  // DQ (10/5/2006): Added support for faster (non-quadratic) computation of unique
738  // labels for scopes in a function (as required for name mangling).
747  void clearScopeNumbers (SgFunctionDefinition * functionDefinition);
752 // SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement * getEnclosingNamespaceScope (SgNode * node);
754  bool isPrototypeInScope (SgScopeStatement * scope,
755  SgFunctionDeclaration * functionDeclaration,
756  SgDeclarationStatement * startingAtDeclaration);
759  bool ROSE_DLL_API isAncestor(SgNode* node1, SgNode* node2);
761 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
767  void dumpPreprocInfo (SgLocatedNode* locatedNode);
771 ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfo * findHeader(SgSourceFile * source_file, const std::string & header_file_name, bool isSystemHeader);
774 ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfo * insertHeader(SgSourceFile * source_file, const std::string & header_file_name, bool isSystemHeader, bool asLastHeader);
777 ROSE_DLL_API void insertHeader (SgStatement* stmt, PreprocessingInfo* newheader, bool asLastHeader);
780 ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfo * insertHeader(SgSourceFile * source_file, const std::string & header_file_name, bool isSystemHeader = false, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position = PreprocessingInfo::before);
783 ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfo* insertHeader(const std::string& filename, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position=PreprocessingInfo::after, bool isSystemHeader=false, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
786 ROSE_DLL_API void moveUpPreprocessingInfo (SgStatement* stmt_dst, SgStatement* stmt_src, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType src_position=PreprocessingInfo::undef, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType dst_position=PreprocessingInfo::undef, bool usePrepend= false);
789 ROSE_DLL_API void movePreprocessingInfo (SgStatement* stmt_src, SgStatement* stmt_dst, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType src_position=PreprocessingInfo::undef,
790  PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType dst_position=PreprocessingInfo::undef, bool usePrepend= false);
794 ROSE_DLL_API void cutPreprocessingInfo (SgLocatedNode* src_node, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType pos, AttachedPreprocessingInfoType& save_buf);
797 ROSE_DLL_API void pastePreprocessingInfo (SgLocatedNode* dst_node, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType pos, AttachedPreprocessingInfoType& saved_buf);
801  const std::string & text,
802  PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position=PreprocessingInfo::before);
810  SgSourceFile * source_file,
811  const std::string & content,
812  PreprocessingInfo::DirectiveType directive_type = PreprocessingInfo::C_StyleComment,
813  PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position = PreprocessingInfo::before
814 );
817  ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfo* attachComment(SgLocatedNode* target, const std::string & content,
818  PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position=PreprocessingInfo::before,
819  PreprocessingInfo::DirectiveType dtype= PreprocessingInfo::CpreprocessorUnknownDeclaration);
821 // DQ (7/20/2008): I am not clear were I should put this function, candidates include: SgLocatedNode or SgInterface
823  ROSE_DLL_API void addTextForUnparser ( SgNode* astNode, std::string s, AstUnparseAttribute::RelativePositionType inputlocation );
829 void guardNode(SgLocatedNode * target, std::string guard);
834 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
840 // ************************************************************************
841 // Newer versions of now depricated functions
842 // ************************************************************************
844 // DQ (5/1/2012): This function queries the SageBuilder::SourcePositionClassification mode (stored in the SageBuilder
845 // interface) and used the specified mode to initialize the source position data (Sg_File_Info objects). This
846 // function is the only function that should be called directly (though in a namespace we can't define permissions).
848  ROSE_DLL_API void setSourcePosition(SgNode* node);
850 // A better name might be "setSourcePositionForSubTree"
852  ROSE_DLL_API void setSourcePositionAtRootAndAllChildren(SgNode *root);
857 // DQ (5/1/2012): Newly renamed function (previous name preserved for backward compatability).
860 // ************************************************************************
864 // ************************************************************************
865 // Older deprecated functions
866 // ************************************************************************
867  // Liao, 1/8/2007, set file info. for a whole subtree as transformation generated
869  ROSE_DLL_API void setOneSourcePositionForTransformation(SgNode *node);
872  ROSE_DLL_API void setOneSourcePositionNull(SgNode *node);
875  ROSE_DLL_API void setSourcePositionForTransformation (SgNode * root);
878 // ROSE_DLL_API void setSourcePositionForTransformation_memoryPool();
881  ROSE_DLL_API bool insideSystemHeader (SgLocatedNode* node);
883 // DQ (2/27/2021): Adding support to detect if a SgLocatedNode is located in a header file.
885  ROSE_DLL_API bool insideHeader (SgLocatedNode* node);
888 // ROSE_DLL_API void setSourcePosition (SgLocatedNode * locatedNode);
889 // ************************************************************************
894 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
900 // from src/midend/astInlining/typeTraits.h
901 // src/midend/astUtil/astInterface/AstInterface.h
910 ROSE_DLL_API bool isStrictIntegerType(SgType* t);
912 ROSE_DLL_API SgType* getFirstVarType(SgVariableDeclaration* decl);
915 ROSE_DLL_API bool isDefaultConstructible(SgType* type);
918 ROSE_DLL_API bool isCopyConstructible(SgType* type);
921 ROSE_DLL_API bool isAssignable(SgType* type);
924 ROSE_DLL_API bool isPureVirtualClass(SgType* type, const ClassHierarchyWrapper& classHierarchy);
928 #endif
931 ROSE_DLL_API bool hasTrivialDestructor(SgType* t);
934 ROSE_DLL_API bool isNonconstReference(SgType* t);
937 ROSE_DLL_API bool isReferenceType(SgType* t);
940 ROSE_DLL_API bool isPointerType(SgType* t);
947 ROSE_DLL_API bool isPointerToNonConstType(SgType* type);
950 /* const char* p = "aa"; is not treated as having a const type. It is a pointer to const char.
951  * Similarly, neither for const int b[10]; or const int & c =10;
952  * The standard says, "A compound type is not cv-qualified by the cv-qualifiers (if any) of
953 the types from which it is compounded. Any cv-qualifiers applied to an array type affect the array element type, not the array type".
954  */
955 ROSE_DLL_API bool isConstType(SgType* t);
961 ROSE_DLL_API bool isVolatileType(SgType* t);
964 ROSE_DLL_API bool isRestrictType(SgType* t);
969 ROSE_DLL_API bool isScalarType(SgType* t);
974 ROSE_DLL_API bool isStrictIntegerType(SgType* t);
977 ROSE_DLL_API bool isStructType(SgType* t);
980 ROSE_DLL_API std::string mangleType(SgType* type);
983 ROSE_DLL_API std::string mangleScalarType(SgType* type);
986 ROSE_DLL_API std::string mangleModifierType(SgModifierType* type);
989 ROSE_DLL_API size_t getArrayElementCount(SgArrayType* t);
992 ROSE_DLL_API int getDimensionCount(SgType* t);
995 ROSE_DLL_API SgType* getArrayElementType(SgType* t);
998 ROSE_DLL_API SgType* getElementType(SgType* t);
1017 std::vector<SgExpression*>
1018 get_C_array_dimensions(const SgArrayType& arrtype);
1040 std::vector<SgExpression*>
1041 get_C_array_dimensions(const SgArrayType& arrtype, const SgVarRefExp& varref);
1046 std::vector<SgExpression*>
1047 get_C_array_dimensions(const SgArrayType& arrtype, SgInitializedName& initname);
1051 ROSE_DLL_API bool isArrayReference(SgExpression* ref, SgExpression** arrayNameExp=NULL, std::vector<SgExpression*>** subscripts=NULL);
1055 ROSE_DLL_API int collectVariableReferencesInArrayTypes (SgLocatedNode* root, Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> & currentVarRefList);
1066 ROSE_DLL_API bool hasUpcSharedType(SgType* t, SgModifierType ** mod_type_out = NULL );
1072 ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcSharedType(SgType* t, SgModifierType ** mod_type_out = NULL);
1075 ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcSharedModifierType (SgModifierType* mod_type);
1078 ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcSharedArrayType (SgArrayType* array_type);
1081 ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcStrictSharedModifierType(SgModifierType* mode_type);
1084 ROSE_DLL_API size_t getUpcSharedBlockSize(SgModifierType* mod_type);
1087 ROSE_DLL_API size_t getUpcSharedBlockSize(SgType* t);
1090 ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcPhaseLessSharedType (SgType* t);
1093 ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcPrivateToSharedType(SgType* t);
1096 ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcArrayWithThreads(SgArrayType* t);
1099 ROSE_DLL_API SgType* lookupNamedTypeInParentScopes(const std::string& type_name, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1101 // DQ (7/22/2014): Added support for comparing expression types in actual arguments with those expected from the formal function parameter types.
1103 ROSE_DLL_API SgType* getAssociatedTypeFromFunctionTypeList(SgExpression* actual_argument_expression);
1106 ROSE_DLL_API bool templateArgumentEquivalence(SgTemplateArgument * arg1, SgTemplateArgument * arg2);
1109 ROSE_DLL_API bool templateArgumentListEquivalence(const SgTemplateArgumentPtrList & list1, const SgTemplateArgumentPtrList & list2);
1112 ROSE_DLL_API bool isEquivalentType (const SgType* lhs, const SgType* rhs);
1115 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionType* findFunctionType (SgType* return_type, SgFunctionParameterTypeList* typeList);
1119 ROSE_DLL_API bool isEquivalentFunctionType (const SgFunctionType* lhs, const SgFunctionType* rhs);
1123 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
1129 // by Jeremiah
1138 ROSE_DLL_API void addStepToLoopBody(SgScopeStatement* loopStmt, SgStatement* step);
1141 ROSE_DLL_API void convertForToWhile(SgForStatement* f);
1142 ROSE_DLL_API void convertAllForsToWhiles(SgNode* top);
1144 ROSE_DLL_API void changeContinuesToGotos(SgStatement* stmt, SgLabelStatement* label);
1147 ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializedName* getLoopIndexVariable(SgNode* loop);
1151 ROSE_DLL_API bool isLoopIndexVariable(SgInitializedName* ivar, SgNode* subtree_root);
1158 ROSE_DLL_API bool hasMultipleInitStatmentsOrExpressions (SgForStatement* for_loop);
1161 ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement* getLoopBody(SgScopeStatement* loop);
1163 ROSE_DLL_API void setLoopBody(SgScopeStatement* loop, SgStatement* body);
1166 ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement* getLoopCondition(SgScopeStatement* loop);
1169 ROSE_DLL_API void setLoopCondition(SgScopeStatement* loop, SgStatement* cond);
1174 ROSE_DLL_API bool isCanonicalForLoop(SgNode* loop, SgInitializedName** ivar=NULL, SgExpression** lb=NULL, SgExpression** ub=NULL, SgExpression** step=NULL, SgStatement** body=NULL, bool *hasIncrementalIterationSpace = NULL, bool* isInclusiveUpperBound = NULL);
1177 ROSE_DLL_API bool isCanonicalDoLoop(SgFortranDo* loop,SgInitializedName** ivar/*=NULL*/, SgExpression** lb/*=NULL*/, SgExpression** ub/*=NULL*/, SgExpression** step/*=NULL*/, SgStatement** body/*=NULL*/, bool *hasIncrementalIterationSpace/*= NULL*/, bool* isInclusiveUpperBound/*=NULL*/);
1180 ROSE_DLL_API void setLoopLowerBound(SgNode* loop, SgExpression* lb);
1183 ROSE_DLL_API void setLoopUpperBound(SgNode* loop, SgExpression* ub);
1186 ROSE_DLL_API void setLoopStride(SgNode* loop, SgExpression* stride);
1190 ROSE_DLL_API bool normalizeForLoopInitDeclaration(SgForStatement* loop);
1193 ROSE_DLL_API bool unnormalizeForLoopInitDeclaration(SgForStatement* loop);
1206 ROSE_DLL_API bool forLoopNormalization(SgForStatement* loop, bool foldConstant = true);
1211 ROSE_DLL_API bool normalizeForLoopTest(SgForStatement* loop);
1212 ROSE_DLL_API bool normalizeForLoopIncrement(SgForStatement* loop);
1215 ROSE_DLL_API bool doLoopNormalization(SgFortranDo* loop);
1218 ROSE_DLL_API bool loopUnrolling(SgForStatement* loop, size_t unrolling_factor);
1221 ROSE_DLL_API bool loopInterchange(SgForStatement* loop, size_t depth, size_t lexicoOrder);
1224 ROSE_DLL_API bool loopTiling(SgForStatement* loopNest, size_t targetLevel, size_t tileSize);
1226 //Winnie Loop Collapsing
1227 SgExprListExp * loopCollapsing(SgForStatement* target_loop, size_t collapsing_factor);
1230  SgForStatement * for_loop,
1231  SgVariableSymbol * & iterator,
1232  SgExpression * & lower_bound,
1233  SgExpression * & upper_bound,
1234  SgExpression * & stride
1235 );
1239 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
1245 template <typename NodeType>
1247 std::vector<NodeType*> querySubTree(SgNode* top, VariantT variant = (VariantT)NodeType::static_variant)
1248  {
1249 #if 0
1250  printf ("Top of SageInterface::querySubTree() \n");
1251 #endif
1253  Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*> nodes = NodeQuery::querySubTree(top,variant);
1254  std::vector<NodeType*> result(nodes.size(), NULL);
1255  int count = 0;
1256 #if 0
1257  printf ("In SageInterface::querySubTree(): before initialization loop \n");
1258 #endif
1260  for (Rose_STL_Container<SgNode*>::const_iterator i = nodes.begin(); i != nodes.end(); ++i, ++count)
1261  {
1262 #if 0
1263  printf ("In SageInterface::querySubTree(): in loop: count = %d \n",count);
1264 #endif
1265  NodeType* node = dynamic_cast<NodeType*>(*i);
1266  ROSE_ASSERT (node);
1267  result[count] = node;
1268  }
1269 #if 0
1270  printf ("Leaving SageInterface::querySubTree(): after initialization loop \n");
1271 #endif
1273  return result;
1274  }
1279  std::vector < SgFile * >generateFileList ();
1285 ROSE_DLL_API SgProject * getProject();
1288  SgProject * getProject(const SgNode * node);
1291 template <typename NodeType>
1292 static std::vector<NodeType*> getSgNodeListFromMemoryPool()
1293 {
1294  // This function uses a memory pool traversal specific to the SgFile IR nodes
1295  class MyTraversal : public ROSE_VisitTraversal
1296  {
1297  public:
1298  std::vector<NodeType*> resultlist;
1299  void visit ( SgNode* node)
1300  {
1301  NodeType* result = dynamic_cast<NodeType* > (node);
1302  ROSE_ASSERT(result!= NULL);
1303  if (result!= NULL)
1304  {
1305  resultlist.push_back(result);
1306  }
1307  };
1308  virtual ~MyTraversal() {}
1309  };
1311  MyTraversal my_traversal;
1312  NodeType::traverseMemoryPoolNodes(my_traversal);
1313  return my_traversal.resultlist;
1314 }
1319 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclaration* findMain(SgNode* currentNode);
1322 SgStatement* findLastDeclarationStatement(SgScopeStatement * scope, bool includePragma = false);
1324  //midend/programTransformation/partialRedundancyElimination/pre.h
1326 std::vector<SgVariableSymbol*> getSymbolsUsedInExpression(SgExpression* expr);
1334 std::vector<SgBreakStmt*> findBreakStmts(SgStatement* code, const std::string& fortranLabel = "");
1342 std::vector<SgContinueStmt*> findContinueStmts(SgStatement* code, const std::string& fortranLabel = "");
1343 std::vector<SgGotoStatement*> findGotoStmts(SgStatement* scope, SgLabelStatement* l);
1344 std::vector<SgStatement*> getSwitchCases(SgSwitchStatement* sw);
1347 void collectVarRefs(SgLocatedNode* root, std::vector<SgVarRefExp* >& result);
1350 template <typename T>
1351 T* findDeclarationStatement(SgNode* root, std::string name, SgScopeStatement* scope, bool isDefining)
1352  {
1353  bool found = false;
1355 #if 0
1356  printf ("In findDeclarationStatement(): root = %p \n",root);
1357  printf ("In findDeclarationStatement(): name = %s \n",name.c_str());
1358  printf ("In findDeclarationStatement(): scope = %p \n",scope);
1359  printf ("In findDeclarationStatement(): isDefining = %s \n",isDefining ? "true" : "false");
1360 #endif
1362  // Do we really want a NULL pointer to be acceptable input to this function?
1363  // Maybe we should have an assertion that it is non-null?
1364  if (!root) return NULL;
1366  T* decl = dynamic_cast<T*>(root);
1368 #if 0
1369  printf ("In findDeclarationStatement(): decl = %p \n",decl);
1370 #endif
1372  if (decl != NULL)
1373  {
1374  if (scope)
1375  {
1376  if ((decl->get_scope() == scope) && (decl->search_for_symbol_from_symbol_table()->get_name() == name))
1377  {
1378  found = true;
1379  }
1380  }
1381  else // Liao 2/9/2010. We should allow NULL scope
1382  {
1383 #if 0
1384  // DQ (12/6/2016): Include this into the debugging code to aboid compiler warning about unused variable.
1385  SgSymbol* symbol = decl->search_for_symbol_from_symbol_table();
1386  printf ("In findDeclarationStatement(): decl->search_for_symbol_from_symbol_table() = %p \n",symbol);
1387  printf ("In findDeclarationStatement(): decl->search_for_symbol_from_symbol_table()->get_name() = %s \n",symbol->get_name().str());
1388 #endif
1389  if (decl->search_for_symbol_from_symbol_table()->get_name() == name)
1390  {
1391  found = true;
1392  }
1393  }
1394  }
1396  if (found)
1397  {
1398  if (isDefining)
1399  {
1400 #if 0
1401  printf ("In findDeclarationStatement(): decl->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration() = %p \n",decl->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration());
1402  printf ("In findDeclarationStatement(): decl->get_definingDeclaration() = %p \n",decl->get_definingDeclaration());
1403 #endif
1404  ROSE_ASSERT (decl->get_definingDeclaration() != NULL);
1405 #if 0
1406  printf ("In findDeclarationStatement(): returing decl->get_definingDeclaration() = %p \n",decl->get_definingDeclaration());
1407 #endif
1408  return dynamic_cast<T*> (decl->get_definingDeclaration());
1409  }
1410  else
1411  {
1412 #if 0
1413  printf ("In findDeclarationStatement(): returing decl = %p \n",decl);
1414 #endif
1415  return decl;
1416  }
1417  }
1419  std::vector<SgNode*> children = root->get_traversalSuccessorContainer();
1421 #if 0
1422  printf ("In findDeclarationStatement(): children.size() = %zu \n",children.size());
1423 #endif
1425  // DQ (4/10/2016): Note that if we are searching for a function member that has it's defining
1426  // declaration defined outside of the class then it will not be found in the child list.
1427  for (std::vector<SgNode*>::const_iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i)
1428  {
1429  T* target = findDeclarationStatement<T> (*i,name,scope,isDefining);
1431  if (target)
1432  {
1433  return target;
1434  }
1435  }
1437  return NULL;
1438  }
1440  SgFunctionDeclaration* findFunctionDeclaration(SgNode* root, std::string name, SgScopeStatement* scope, bool isDefining);
1442 #if 0 //TODO
1443  // 1. preorder traversal from current SgNode till find next SgNode of type V_SgXXX
1444  // until reach the end node
1445  SgNode* getNextSgNode( const SgNode* astSourceNode, VariantT=V_SgNode, SgNode* astEndNode=NULL);
1447  // 2. return all nodes of type VariantT following the source node
1448  std::vector<SgNode*> getAllNextSgNode( const SgNode* astSourceNode, VariantT=V_SgNode, SgNode* astEndNode=NULL);
1449 #endif
1453 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
1458 // remember to put const to all arguments.
1475 template <typename NodeType>
1476 NodeType* getEnclosingNode(const SgNode* astNode, const bool includingSelf = false)
1477  {
1480 #if 1 /* TOP_LEVEL_IF */
1481  // DQ (12/31/2019): This version does not detect a cycle that Robb's version detects in processing Cxx11_tests/test2016_23.C.
1482  // This will have to be investigated seperately from the issue I am working on currently.
1484  // DQ (10/20/2012): This is the older version of this implementation. Until I am sure that
1485  // the newer version (below) is what we want to use I will resolve this conflict by keeping
1486  // the previous version in place.
1488  if (nullptr == astNode)
1489  {
1490  return nullptr;
1491  }
1493  if ( (includingSelf ) && (dynamic_cast<const NodeType*>(astNode)) )
1494  {
1495  return const_cast<NodeType*>(dynamic_cast<const NodeType*> (astNode));
1496  }
1498  // DQ (3/5/2012): Check for reference to self...
1499  ROSE_ASSERT(astNode->get_parent() != astNode);
1501  SgNode* parent = astNode->get_parent();
1503  // DQ (3/5/2012): Check for loops that will cause infinite loops.
1504  SgNode* previouslySeenParent = parent;
1505  bool foundCycle = false;
1506  int counter = 0;
1509  printf ("In getEnclosingNode(): previouslySeenParent = %p = %s \n",previouslySeenParent,previouslySeenParent->class_name().c_str());
1510 #endif
1512  while ( (foundCycle == false) && (parent != nullptr) && (!dynamic_cast<const NodeType*>(parent)) )
1513  {
1514  ROSE_ASSERT(parent->get_parent() != parent);
1517  printf (" --- parent = %p = %s \n",parent,parent->class_name().c_str());
1518  printf (" --- --- parent->get_parent() = %p = %s \n",parent->get_parent(),parent->get_parent()->class_name().c_str());
1519 #endif
1521 #if 1
1522  // DQ (1/8/2020): ROSE-82 (on RZ) This limit needs to be larger and increasing it to 500 was enough
1523  // for a specific code with a long chain of if-then-else nesting, So to make this sufficent for more
1524  // general code we have increased the lomit to 100,000. Note that 50 was not enough for real code,
1525  // but was enough for our regression tests.
1526  // DQ (12/30/2019): This is added to support detection of infinite loops over parent pointers.
1527  // if (counter >= 500)
1528  if (counter >= 100000)
1529  {
1530  printf ("Exiting: In getEnclosingNode(): loop limit exceeded: counter = %d \n",counter);
1531  ROSE_ABORT();
1532  }
1533 #endif
1534  parent = parent->get_parent();
1536  // DQ (3/5/2012): Check for loops that will cause infinite loops.
1537  // ROSE_ASSERT(parent != previouslySeenParent);
1538  if (parent == previouslySeenParent)
1539  {
1540  foundCycle = true;
1541  }
1542  counter++;
1544  }
1547  printf ("previouslySeenParent = %p = %s \n",previouslySeenParent,previouslySeenParent->class_name().c_str());
1548 #endif
1550  parent = previouslySeenParent;
1552  SgDeclarationStatement* declarationStatement = isSgDeclarationStatement(parent);
1553  if (declarationStatement != nullptr)
1554  {
1555 #if 0
1556  printf ("Found a SgDeclarationStatement \n");
1557 #endif
1558  SgDeclarationStatement* definingDeclaration = declarationStatement->get_definingDeclaration();
1559  SgDeclarationStatement* firstNondefiningDeclaration = declarationStatement->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration();
1561 #if 0
1562  printf (" --- declarationStatement = %p \n",declarationStatement);
1563  printf (" --- definingDeclaration = %p \n",definingDeclaration);
1564  if (definingDeclaration != NULL && definingDeclaration->get_parent() != NULL)
1565  printf (" --- definingDeclaration ->get_parent() = %p = %s \n",definingDeclaration->get_parent(),definingDeclaration->get_parent()->class_name().c_str());
1566  printf (" --- firstNondefiningDeclaration = %p \n",firstNondefiningDeclaration);
1567  if (firstNondefiningDeclaration != NULL && firstNondefiningDeclaration->get_parent() != NULL)
1568  printf (" --- firstNondefiningDeclaration ->get_parent() = %p = %s \n",firstNondefiningDeclaration->get_parent(),firstNondefiningDeclaration->get_parent()->class_name().c_str());
1569 #endif
1570  if (definingDeclaration != nullptr && declarationStatement != firstNondefiningDeclaration)
1571  {
1572 #if 0
1573  printf ("Found a nondefining declaration so use the non-defining declaration instead \n");
1574 #endif
1575  // DQ (10/19/2012): Use the defining declaration instead.
1576  // parent = firstNondefiningDeclaration;
1577  parent = definingDeclaration;
1578  }
1579  }
1581 #if 0
1582  printf ("reset: previouslySeenParent = %p = %s \n",previouslySeenParent,previouslySeenParent->class_name().c_str());
1583 #endif
1585  // DQ (10/19/2012): This branch is just to document the cycle that was previously detected, it is for
1586  // debugging only. Thus it ony make sense for it to be executed when "(foundCycle == true)". However,
1587  // this will have to be revisited later since it appears clear that it is a problem for the binary analysis
1588  // work when it is visited for this case. Since the cycle is detected, but there is no assertion on the
1589  // cycle, we don't exit when a cycle is identified (which is the point of the code below).
1590  // Note also that I have fixed the code (above and below) to only chase pointers through defining
1591  // declarations (where they exist), this is important since non-defining declarations can be almost
1592  // anywhere (and thus chasing them can make it appear that there are cycles where there are none
1593  // (I think); test2012_234.C demonstrates an example of this.
1594  // DQ (10/9/2012): Robb has suggested this change to fix the binary analysis work.
1595  // if (foundCycle == true)
1596  if (foundCycle == false)
1597  {
1600  while ( (parent != nullptr) && (!dynamic_cast<const NodeType*>(parent)) )
1601  {
1602  ROSE_ASSERT(parent->get_parent() != parent);
1603 #if 0
1604  printf ("In getEnclosingNode() (2nd try): parent = %p = %s \n",parent,parent->class_name().c_str());
1605  if (parent->get_file_info() != NULL)
1606  parent->get_file_info()->display("In getEnclosingNode() (2nd try): debug");
1607 #endif
1608  SgDeclarationStatement* declarationStatement = isSgDeclarationStatement(parent);
1609  if (declarationStatement != nullptr)
1610  {
1612  printf ("Found a SgDeclarationStatement \n");
1613 #endif
1614  SgDeclarationStatement* definingDeclaration = declarationStatement->get_definingDeclaration();
1615  SgDeclarationStatement* firstNondefiningDeclaration = declarationStatement->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration();
1616  if (definingDeclaration != nullptr && declarationStatement != firstNondefiningDeclaration)
1617  {
1618 #if 0
1619  printf ("Found a nondefining declaration so use the firstNondefining declaration instead \n");
1620 #endif
1621  // DQ (10/19/2012): Use the defining declaration instead.
1622  // parent = firstNondefiningDeclaration;
1623  parent = definingDeclaration;
1624  }
1625  }
1627  parent = parent->get_parent();
1629 #if 1
1630  // DQ (3/5/2012): Check for loops that will cause infinite loops.
1631  ROSE_ASSERT(parent != previouslySeenParent);
1632 #else
1633  printf ("WARNING::WARNING::WARNING commented out assertion for parent != previouslySeenParent \n");
1634  if (parent == previouslySeenParent)
1635  break;
1636 #endif
1637  }
1638  }
1640  return const_cast<NodeType*>(dynamic_cast<const NodeType*> (parent));
1641 #else /* TOP_LEVEL_IF */
1642  // DQ (10/20/2012): Using Robb's newer version with my modification to use the definingDeclaration rather than firstNondefiningDeclaration (below).
1644  // Find the parent of specified type, but watch out for cycles in the ancestry (which would cause an infinite loop).
1645  // Cast away const because isSg* functions aren't defined for const node pointers; and our return is not const.
1646  SgNode *node = const_cast<SgNode*>(!astNode || includingSelf ? astNode : astNode->get_parent());
1647  std::set<const SgNode*> seen; // nodes we've seen, in order to detect cycles
1648  while (node) {
1649  if (NodeType *found = dynamic_cast<NodeType*>(node))
1650  return found;
1652  // FIXME: Cycle detection could be moved elsewhere so we don't need to do it on every call. [RPM 2012-10-09]
1653  // DQ (12/30/2019): Provide more detail in error message.
1654  if (seen.insert(node).second == false)
1655  {
1656  printf ("Error: node is already in set and defines a cycle: node = %p = %s \n",node,node->class_name().c_str());
1657  std::set<const SgNode*>::const_iterator i = seen.begin();
1658  while (i != seen.end())
1659  {
1660  const SgNode* element = *i;
1661  printf (" --- seen element: element = %p = %s \n",element,element->class_name().c_str());
1662  i++;
1663  }
1665  printf ("Exiting after error! \n");
1666  ROSE_ABORT();
1667  }
1668  // ROSE_ASSERT(seen.insert(node).second);
1670  // Traverse to parent (declaration statements are a special case)
1671  if (SgDeclarationStatement *declarationStatement = isSgDeclarationStatement(node)) {
1672  SgDeclarationStatement *definingDeclaration = declarationStatement->get_definingDeclaration();
1673  SgDeclarationStatement *firstNondefiningDeclaration = declarationStatement->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration();
1674  if (definingDeclaration && firstNondefiningDeclaration && declarationStatement != firstNondefiningDeclaration) {
1675  // DQ (10/19/2012): Use the defining declaration instead.
1676  // node = firstNondefiningDeclaration;
1677  node = definingDeclaration;
1678  }
1679  } else {
1680  node = node->get_parent();
1681  }
1682  }
1683  return NULL;
1684 #endif /* TOP_LEVEL_IF */
1685  }
1688  ROSE_DLL_API SgSourceFile* getEnclosingSourceFile(SgNode* n, const bool includingSelf=false);
1691  ROSE_DLL_API SgScopeStatement* getScope(const SgNode* astNode);
1694  ROSE_DLL_API SgScopeStatement* getEnclosingScope(SgNode* n, const bool includingSelf=false);
1697  ROSE_DLL_API SgGlobal* getGlobalScope( const SgNode* astNode);
1699  // DQ (12/7/2020): This is supporting the recognition of functions in header files from two different AST.
1701  ROSE_DLL_API bool hasSameGlobalScope ( SgStatement* statement_1, SgStatement* statement_2 );
1704  ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDefinition* getEnclosingProcedure(SgNode* n, const bool includingSelf=false);
1706  ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDefinition* getEnclosingFunctionDefinition(SgNode* astNode, const bool includingSelf=false);
1709  ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement* getEnclosingStatement(SgNode* n);
1718  ROSE_DLL_API SgScopeStatement* findEnclosingLoop(SgStatement* s, const std::string& fortranLabel = "", bool stopOnSwitches = false);
1721  ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclaration * getEnclosingFunctionDeclaration (SgNode * astNode, const bool includingSelf=false);
1722  //roseSupport/utility_functions.h
1724  ROSE_DLL_API SgFile* getEnclosingFileNode (SgNode* astNode );
1730  ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDefinition* getEnclosingClassDefinition(SgNode* astnode, const bool includingSelf=false);
1733  ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclaration* getEnclosingClassDeclaration( SgNode* astNode );
1735  // DQ (2/7/2019): Adding support for name qualification of variable references associated with SgPointerMemberType function parameters.
1737  ROSE_DLL_API SgExprListExp* getEnclosingExprListExp(SgNode* astNode, const bool includingSelf = false);
1739  // DQ (2/7/2019): Need a function to return when an expression is in an expression subtree.
1740  // This is part of index evaluation ofr expressions in function argument lists, but likely usefule elsewhere as well.
1741  ROSE_DLL_API bool isInSubTree(SgExpression* subtree, SgExpression* exp);
1743  // DQ (2/7/2019): Need a function to return the SgFunctionDeclaration from a SgFunctionCallExp.
1744  ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclaration* getFunctionDeclaration ( SgFunctionCallExp* functionCallExp );
1746  // DQ (2/17/2019): Generalizing this support for SgVarRefExp and SgMemberFunctionRefExp nodes.
1747  // DQ (2/8/2019): Adding support for detecting when to use added name qualification for pointer-to-member expressions.
1748  ROSE_DLL_API bool isDataMemberReference(SgVarRefExp* varRefExp);
1749  // ROSE_DLL_API bool isAddressTaken(SgVarRefExp* varRefExp);
1750  ROSE_DLL_API bool isAddressTaken(SgExpression* refExp);
1752  // DQ (2/17/2019): Adding support for detecting when to use added name qualification for membr function references.
1753  ROSE_DLL_API bool isMemberFunctionMemberReference(SgMemberFunctionRefExp* memberFunctionRefExp);
1755  // DQ (2/15/2019): Adding support for detecting which class a member reference is being made from.
1756  // ROSE_DLL_API SgClassType* getClassTypeForDataMemberReference(SgVarRefExp* varRefExp);
1757  // ROSE_DLL_API std::list<SgClassType*> getClassTypeChainForDataMemberReference(SgVarRefExp* varRefExp);
1758  ROSE_DLL_API std::list<SgClassType*> getClassTypeChainForMemberReference(SgExpression* refExp);
1760  ROSE_DLL_API std::set<SgNode*> getFrontendSpecificNodes();
1762  // DQ (2/17/2019): Display the shared nodes in the AST for debugging.
1763  ROSE_DLL_API void outputSharedNodes( SgNode* node );
1765  // DQ (10/31/2020): Added function to help debug edits to statements in scopes.
1766  ROSE_DLL_API void displayScope(SgScopeStatement* scope);
1768 // TODO
1769 #if 0
1770  SgNode * getEnclosingSgNode(SgNode* source,VariantT, SgNode* endNode=NULL);
1771  std::vector<SgNode *> getAllEnclosingSgNode(SgNode* source,VariantT, SgNode* endNode=NULL);
1772  SgVariableDeclaration* findVariableDeclaratin( const string& varname)
1776  // e.g. for some expression, find its parent statement
1777  SgStatement* getEnclosingStatement(const SgNode* astNode);
1779  SgSwitchStatement* getEnclosingSwitch(SgStatement* s);
1780  SgModuleStatement* getEnclosingModuleStatement( const SgNode* astNode);
1782  // used to build a variable reference for compiler generated code in current scope
1783  SgSymbol * findReachingDefinition (SgScopeStatement* startScope, SgName &name);
1784 #endif
1787 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
1792  // Liao, 1/9/2008
1796  ROSE_DLL_API SgGlobal * getFirstGlobalScope(SgProject *project);
1801  ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement* getLastStatement(SgScopeStatement *scope);
1804  ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement* getFirstStatement(SgScopeStatement *scope,bool includingCompilerGenerated=false);
1809  ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement* getNextStatement(SgStatement * currentStmt);
1812  ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement* getPreviousStatement(SgStatement * currentStmt, bool climbOutScope = true);
1813 #if 0 //TODO
1814  // preorder traversal from current SgNode till find next SgNode of type V_SgXXX
1815  SgNode* getNextSgNode( const SgNode* currentNode, VariantT=V_SgNode);
1816 #endif
1818  // DQ (11/15/2018): Adding support for traversals over the include file tree.
1820  ROSE_DLL_API void listHeaderFiles ( SgIncludeFile* includeFile );
1822  // DQ (5/9/2021): Adding support for detection of statements in a scope that must be unparsed.
1827  ROSE_DLL_API bool scopeHasStatementsFromSameFile(SgScopeStatement* scope);
1831 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
1836  ROSE_DLL_API bool isEqualToIntConst(SgExpression* e, int value);
1843  ROSE_DLL_API bool isSameFunction(SgFunctionDeclaration* func1, SgFunctionDeclaration* func2);
1846  ROSE_DLL_API bool isLastStatement(SgStatement* stmt);
1850 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
1858 #if 1
1860  {
1861  // DQ (11/19/2020): We need to expand the use of this to cover deffered transformations of common SageInterface transformations (e.g. replaceStatement).
1862  // So I needed to move this out of being specific to the outliner and make it more generally data structure in the SageInterface.
1864  // DQ (11/15/2020): Need to add the concept of deffered transformation to cover replaceStatement operations.
1866  // DQ (8/7/2019): Store data required to support defering the transformation to insert the outlined function prototypes
1867  // into class declaration (when this is required to support the outlined function's access to protected or private data members).
1868  // This is part of an optimization to support the optimization of header file unparsing (limiting the overhead of supporting any
1869  // header file to just focus on the few (typically one) header file that would have to be unparsed.
1871  enum TransformationKind
1872  {
1873  // DQ (11/22/2020): Might need to also add SageInterface::addDefaultConstructorIfRequired() and SageStatement::insert_statment()
1874  // to support the processStatements.C transforamtions to pre-process the AST (return expressions and variable initializations).
1875  e_error,
1876  e_default,
1877  e_outliner,
1878  e_replaceStatement,
1879  e_removeStatement,
1880  e_replaceDefiningFunctionDeclarationWithFunctionPrototype,
1881  e_last
1882  };
1884  TransformationKind deferredTransformationKind;
1886  // DQ (12/12/2020): Adding a string label so that we can name the different kinds of transformations.
1887  // E.g. moving pattern matched function from header file to dynamic library, vs. replacing function
1888  // definitions in the dynamic library file with function prototypes.
1889  std::string transformationLabel;
1891  // Remove sets statementToRemove, replace sets statementToRemove and StatementToAdd.
1892  SgStatement* statementToRemove;
1893  SgStatement* statementToAdd;
1895  SgClassDefinition* class_definition;
1896  SgDeclarationStatement* target_class_member;
1897  SgDeclarationStatement* new_function_prototype;
1899  typedef std::set<SgClassDefinition *> ClassDefSet_t;
1900  ClassDefSet_t targetClasses;
1902  typedef std::vector<SgFunctionDeclaration *> FuncDeclList_t;
1903  FuncDeclList_t targetFriends;
1905  // DQ (2/28/2021): Adding support for outlining where it involves building up pre-transformations.
1906  // For example, in the code segregation, we build a conditiona around the interval of statements
1907  // that we are outlining. This conditional is used to overwrite the first statement in the interval
1908  // list. Because we don't want to transform the AST until after the outlining, we need so save the
1909  // whole interval so that we, after the outlining, remove the statements in the interval after that
1910  // first statement.
1911  typedef std::vector<SgStatement*> IntervalType;
1912  IntervalType statementInterval;
1913  SgStatement* locationToOverwriteWithTransformation;
1914  SgStatement* transformationToOverwriteFirstStatementInInterval;
1915  SgBasicBlock* blockOfStatementsToOutline;
1917  // DQ (12/5/2019): Added ROSE_DLL_API prefix for Windows support (too all of these functions).
1918  ROSE_DLL_API DeferredTransformation();
1919  ROSE_DLL_API DeferredTransformation(SgClassDefinition* class_definition, SgDeclarationStatement* target_class_member, SgDeclarationStatement* new_function_prototype);
1920  ROSE_DLL_API DeferredTransformation (const DeferredTransformation& X);
1921  ROSE_DLL_API ~DeferredTransformation (void);
1923  ROSE_DLL_API DeferredTransformation & operator= (const DeferredTransformation& X);
1925  // DQ (11/20/20): static function to generate specialized version of deferred transformation object.
1926  static ROSE_DLL_API DeferredTransformation replaceDefiningFunctionDeclarationWithFunctionPrototype( SgFunctionDeclaration* functionDeclaration );
1927  static ROSE_DLL_API DeferredTransformation replaceStatement(SgStatement* oldStmt, SgStatement* newStmt, bool movePreprocessinInfo = false);
1929  static ROSE_DLL_API std::string outputDeferredTransformationKind(const TransformationKind & kind);
1930  ROSE_DLL_API void display ( std::string label ) const;
1932  };
1933 #endif
1936 // DQ (2/24/2009): Simple function to delete an AST subtree (used in outlining).
1938 ROSE_DLL_API void deleteAST(SgNode* node);
1940 // DQ (2/13/2022): Adding support to delete the whole AST (every SgNode).
1941 ROSE_DLL_API void deleteAllNodes();
1943 // DQ (3/5/2022): Adding support to check AST for invalid poionters.
1944 ROSE_DLL_API void checkSgNodePointers();
1949 // DQ (2/25/2009): Added new function to support outliner.
1951 ROSE_DLL_API void moveStatementsBetweenBlocks ( SgBasicBlock* sourceBlock, SgBasicBlock* targetBlock );
1954 ROSE_DLL_API void moveStatementsBetweenBlocks ( SgAdaPackageSpec * sourceBlock, SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement* targetBlock );
1957 ROSE_DLL_API void moveStatementsBetweenBlocks ( SgAdaPackageBody* sourceBlock, SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement* targetBlock );
1960 ROSE_DLL_API void moveStatementsBetweenBlocks ( SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement* sourceBlock, SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement* targetBlock );
1963 ROSE_DLL_API bool isLambdaFunction (SgFunctionDeclaration* func);
1966 ROSE_DLL_API bool isLambdaCapturedVariable (SgVarRefExp* varRef);
1970 ROSE_DLL_API void moveVariableDeclaration(SgVariableDeclaration* decl, SgScopeStatement* target_scope);
1972 ROSE_DLL_API void appendStatement(SgStatement *stmt, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1975 ROSE_DLL_API void appendStatement(SgStatement *stmt, SgForInitStatement* for_init_stmt);
1978 ROSE_DLL_API void appendStatementList(const std::vector<SgStatement*>& stmt, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1980 // DQ (2/6/2009): Added function to support outlining into separate file.
1982 ROSE_DLL_API void appendStatementWithDependentDeclaration( SgDeclarationStatement* decl, SgGlobal* scope, SgStatement* original_statement, bool excludeHeaderFiles );
1986 ROSE_DLL_API void prependStatement(SgStatement *stmt, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1989 ROSE_DLL_API void prependStatement(SgStatement *stmt, SgForInitStatement* for_init_stmt);
1993 ROSE_DLL_API void prependStatementList(const std::vector<SgStatement*>& stmt, SgScopeStatement* scope=NULL);
1998 ROSE_DLL_API bool hasSimpleChildrenList (SgScopeStatement* scope);
2001 ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatement(SgStatement *targetStmt, SgStatement* newStmt, bool insertBefore= true, bool autoMovePreprocessingInfo = true);
2004 //target's scope
2005 ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementList(SgStatement *targetStmt, const std::vector<SgStatement*>& newStmts, bool insertBefore= true);
2008 ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementBefore(SgStatement *targetStmt, SgStatement* newStmt, bool autoMovePreprocessingInfo = true);
2011 ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementListBefore(SgStatement *targetStmt, const std::vector<SgStatement*>& newStmts);
2014 ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementAfter(SgStatement *targetStmt, SgStatement* newStmt, bool autoMovePreprocessingInfo = true);
2017 ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementListAfter(SgStatement *targetStmt, const std::vector<SgStatement*>& newStmt);
2020 ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementAfterLastDeclaration(SgStatement* stmt, SgScopeStatement* scope);
2023 ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementAfterLastDeclaration(std::vector<SgStatement*> stmt_list, SgScopeStatement* scope);
2026 // then the statement is inserted at the end of the scope.
2027 ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementBeforeFirstNonDeclaration(SgStatement *newStmt, SgScopeStatement *scope,
2028  bool movePreprocessingInfo=true);
2031 //then the new statements are inserted at the end of the scope.
2032 ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementListBeforeFirstNonDeclaration(const std::vector<SgStatement*> &newStmts, SgScopeStatement *scope);
2034 // DQ (11/21/2018): We need to sometimes insert something after the last statement of the collection from rose_edg_required_macros_and_functions.h.
2035 ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement* lastFrontEndSpecificStatement( SgGlobal* globalScope );
2038 ROSE_DLL_API void removeStatement(SgStatement* stmt, bool autoRelocatePreprocessingInfo = true);
2041 ROSE_DLL_API void deepDelete(SgNode* root);
2044 ROSE_DLL_API void replaceStatement(SgStatement* oldStmt, SgStatement* newStmt, bool movePreprocessinInfo = false);
2047 ROSE_DLL_API SgNode* replaceWithPattern (SgNode * anchor, SgNode* new_pattern);
2050 // Essentially replace variable a with b.
2051 ROSE_DLL_API void replaceVariableReferences(SgVariableSymbol* old_sym, SgVariableSymbol* new_sym, SgScopeStatement * scope );
2053 // DQ (11/12/2018): Adding test to avoid issues that we can't test for in the unparsing of header files using the token based unparsing.
2057 ROSE_DLL_API bool statementCanBeTransformed(SgStatement* stmt);
2070 std::pair<SgVariableDeclaration*, SgExpression* > createTempVariableForExpression(SgExpression* expression,
2071  SgScopeStatement* scope, bool initializeInDeclaration, SgAssignOp** reEvaluate = NULL);
2073 /* This function creates a temporary variable for a given expression in the given scope
2074  This is different from SageInterface::createTempVariableForExpression in that it does not
2075  try to be smart to create pointers to reference types and so on. The tempt is initialized to expression.
2076  The caller is responsible for setting the parent of SgVariableDeclaration since buildVariableDeclaration
2077  may not set_parent() when the scope stack is empty. See programTransformation/extractFunctionArgumentsNormalization/ExtractFunctionArguments.C for sample usage.
2078  @param expression Expression which will be replaced by a variable
2079  @param scope scope in which the temporary variable will be generated
2080 */
2082 std::pair<SgVariableDeclaration*, SgExpression*> createTempVariableAndReferenceForExpression
2083  (SgExpression* expression, SgScopeStatement* scope);
2095 ROSE_DLL_API void appendExpression(SgExprListExp *, SgExpression*);
2098 ROSE_DLL_API void appendExpressionList(SgExprListExp *, const std::vector<SgExpression*>&);
2101 template <class actualFunction>
2102 void setParameterList(actualFunction *func,SgFunctionParameterList *paralist) {
2104  // TODO consider the difference between C++ and Fortran
2105  // fixup the scope of arguments,no symbols for nondefining function declaration's arguments
2107  // DQ (11/25/2011): templated function so that we can handle both
2108  // SgFunctionDeclaration and SgTemplateFunctionDeclaration (and their associated member
2109  // function derived classes).
2111  ROSE_ASSERT(func != NULL);
2112  ROSE_ASSERT(paralist != NULL);
2114 #if 0
2115  // At this point we don't have cerr and endl defined, so comment this code out.
2116  // Warn to users if a paralist is being shared
2117  if (paralist->get_parent() !=NULL)
2118  {
2119  cerr << "Waring! Setting a used SgFunctionParameterList to function: "
2120  << (func->get_name()).getString()<<endl
2121  << " Sharing parameter lists can corrupt symbol tables!"<<endl
2122  << " Please use deepCopy() to get an exclusive parameter list for each function declaration!"<<endl;
2123  // ROSE_ASSERT(false);
2124  }
2125 #endif
2127  // Liao,2/5/2008 constructor of SgFunctionDeclaration will automatically generate SgFunctionParameterList, so be cautious when set new paralist!!
2128  if (func->get_parameterList() != NULL)
2129  {
2130  if (func->get_parameterList() != paralist)
2131  {
2132  delete func->get_parameterList();
2133  }
2134  }
2136  func->set_parameterList(paralist);
2137  paralist->set_parent(func);
2140  {
2141  // Ada stores variable declarations in the function parameter scope (for functions)
2142  // and in a discriminantScope (for discriminated declarations).
2143  // ==> just make sure that these are set.
2144  SgInitializedNamePtrList& args = paralist->get_args();
2145  for (SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ++i)
2146  {
2147  ROSE_ASSERT(*i && isSgVariableDeclaration((*i)->get_declptr()));
2148  }
2149  }
2150  else
2151  {
2152  // DQ (5/15/2012): Need to set the declptr in each SgInitializedName IR node.
2153  // This is needed to support the AST Copy mechanism (at least). The files: test2005_150.C,
2154  // test2012_81.C and testcode2012_82.C demonstrate this problem.
2155  SgInitializedNamePtrList & args = paralist->get_args();
2156  for (SgInitializedNamePtrList::iterator i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); i++)
2157  {
2158  (*i)->set_declptr(func);
2159  }
2160  }
2161  }
2164 ROSE_DLL_API void setPragma(SgPragmaDeclaration* decl, SgPragma *pragma);
2167 ROSE_DLL_API void replaceExpression(SgExpression* oldExp, SgExpression* newExp, bool keepOldExp=false);
2170 ROSE_DLL_API void replaceExpressionWithStatement(SgExpression* from,
2174 ROSE_DLL_API void replaceSubexpressionWithStatement(SgExpression* from,
2178 ROSE_DLL_API void setOperand(SgExpression* target, SgExpression* operand);
2181 ROSE_DLL_API void setLhsOperand(SgExpression* target, SgExpression* lhs);
2184 ROSE_DLL_API void setRhsOperand(SgExpression* target, SgExpression* rhs);
2187 ROSE_DLL_API void removeAllOriginalExpressionTrees(SgNode* top);
2189 // DQ (1/25/2010): Added support for directories
2191 ROSE_DLL_API void moveToSubdirectory ( std::string directoryName, SgFile* file );
2194 ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement* findSurroundingStatementFromSameFile(SgStatement* targetStmt, bool & surroundingStatementPreceedsTargetStatement);
2197 ROSE_DLL_API void moveCommentsToNewStatement(SgStatement* sourceStatement, const std::vector<int> & indexList, SgStatement* targetStatement, bool surroundingStatementPreceedsTargetStatement);
2199 // DQ (7/19/2015): This is required to support general unparsing of template instantations for the GNU g++
2200 // compiler which does not permit name qualification to be used to support the expression of the namespace
2201 // where a template instantiatoon would be places. Such name qualification would also sometimes require
2202 // global qualification which is also not allowed by the GNU g++ compiler. These issues appear to be
2203 // specific to the GNU compiler versions, at least versions 4.4 through 4.8.
2205 ROSE_DLL_API void moveDeclarationToAssociatedNamespace ( SgDeclarationStatement* declarationStatement );
2207 ROSE_DLL_API bool isTemplateInstantiationNode(SgNode* node);
2209 // DQ (5/23/2021): Added function to support test for template declaration (commented out, not required).
2210 // ROSE_DLL_API bool isTemplateDeclarationNode(SgNode* node);
2214 // DQ (12/1/2015): Adding support for fixup internal data struuctures that have references to statements (e.g. macro expansions).
2215 ROSE_DLL_API void resetInternalMapsForTargetStatement(SgStatement* sourceStatement);
2217 // DQ (6/7/2019): Add support for transforming function definitions to function prototypes in a subtree.
2218 // We might have to make this specific to a file (only traversing the functions in that file).
2228 // DQ (11/10/2019): Lower level support for convertFunctionDefinitionsToFunctionPrototypes().
2229 // DQ (10/27/2020): Need to return the generated function prototype (incase we want to mark it for output or template unparsing from the AST).
2230 // ROSE_DLL_API void replaceDefiningFunctionDeclarationWithFunctionPrototype ( SgFunctionDeclaration* functionDeclaration );
2231 // ROSE_DLL_API SgDeclarationStatement* replaceDefiningFunctionDeclarationWithFunctionPrototype ( SgFunctionDeclaration* functionDeclaration );
2233 ROSE_DLL_API std::vector<SgFunctionDeclaration*> generateFunctionDefinitionsList(SgNode* node);
2235 // DQ (10/29/2020): build a function prototype for all but member functions outside of the class (except for template instantiations).
2236 // The reason why member functions outside of the class are an exception is because they can not be used except in a class and there
2237 // would already be one present for the code to compile.
2238 ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclaration* buildFunctionPrototype ( SgFunctionDeclaration* functionDeclaration );
2242 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2257 ROSE_DLL_API int fixVariableReferences(SgNode* root, bool cleanUnusedSymbol=true);
2264 ROSE_DLL_API void fixVariableDeclaration(SgVariableDeclaration* varDecl, SgScopeStatement* scope);
2267 ROSE_DLL_API void fixStructDeclaration(SgClassDeclaration* structDecl, SgScopeStatement* scope);
2269 ROSE_DLL_API void fixClassDeclaration(SgClassDeclaration* classDecl, SgScopeStatement* scope);
2272 ROSE_DLL_API void fixNamespaceDeclaration(SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement* structDecl, SgScopeStatement* scope);
2276 ROSE_DLL_API void fixLabelStatement(SgLabelStatement* label_stmt, SgScopeStatement* scope);
2279 ROSE_DLL_API void setFortranNumericLabel(SgStatement* stmt, int label_value,
2280  SgLabelSymbol::label_type_enum label_type=SgLabelSymbol::e_start_label_type,
2281  SgScopeStatement* label_scope=NULL);
2284 ROSE_DLL_API int suggestNextNumericLabel(SgFunctionDefinition* func_def);
2287 ROSE_DLL_API void fixFunctionDeclaration(SgFunctionDeclaration* stmt, SgScopeStatement* scope);
2290 ROSE_DLL_API void fixTemplateDeclaration(SgTemplateDeclaration* stmt, SgScopeStatement* scope);
2293 ROSE_DLL_API void fixStatement(SgStatement* stmt, SgScopeStatement* scope);
2295 // DQ (6/11/2015): This reports the statements that are marked as transformed (used to debug the token-based unparsing).
2297 ROSE_DLL_API std::set<SgStatement*> collectTransformedStatements( SgNode* node );
2300 ROSE_DLL_API std::set<SgStatement*> collectModifiedStatements( SgNode* node );
2303 ROSE_DLL_API std::set<SgLocatedNode*> collectModifiedLocatedNodes( SgNode* node );
2305 // DQ (6/5/2019): Use the previously constructed set (above) to reset the IR nodes to be marked as isModified.
2307 ROSE_DLL_API void resetModifiedLocatedNodes(const std::set<SgLocatedNode*> & modifiedNodeSet);
2310 // DQ (10/23/2018): Report nodes that are marked as modified.
2311 ROSE_DLL_API void reportModifiedStatements(const std::string & label, SgNode* node);
2313 // DQ (6/21/2021): Report nodes that are marked as modified.
2314 ROSE_DLL_API void reportModifiedLocatedNodes( const std::string & label, SgNode* node );
2316 // DQ (3/22/2019): Translate CPP directives from attached preprocessor information to CPP Directive Declaration IR nodes.
2317 ROSE_DLL_API void translateToUseCppDeclarations( SgNode* n );
2319 ROSE_DLL_API void translateScopeToUseCppDeclarations( SgScopeStatement* scope );
2321 ROSE_DLL_API std::vector<SgC_PreprocessorDirectiveStatement*> translateStatementToUseCppDeclarations( SgStatement* statement, SgScopeStatement* scope);
2322 ROSE_DLL_API void printOutComments ( SgLocatedNode* locatedNode );
2323 ROSE_DLL_API bool skipTranslateToUseCppDeclaration( PreprocessingInfo* currentPreprocessingInfo );
2325 // DQ (12/2/2019): Debugging support.
2326 ROSE_DLL_API void outputFileIds( SgNode* node );
2339 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2345 ROSE_DLL_API bool
2347 collectReadWriteRefs(SgStatement* stmt, std::vector<SgNode*>& readRefs, std::vector<SgNode*>& writeRefs, bool useCachedDefUse=false);
2350 ROSE_DLL_API bool collectReadWriteVariables(SgStatement* stmt, std::set<SgInitializedName*>& readVars, std::set<SgInitializedName*>& writeVars, bool coarseGrain=true);
2353 ROSE_DLL_API void collectReadOnlyVariables(SgStatement* stmt, std::set<SgInitializedName*>& readOnlyVars, bool coarseGrain=true);
2356 ROSE_DLL_API void collectReadOnlySymbols(SgStatement* stmt, std::set<SgVariableSymbol*>& readOnlySymbols, bool coarseGrain=true);
2359 ROSE_DLL_API bool isUseByAddressVariableRef(SgVarRefExp* ref);
2362 ROSE_DLL_API void collectUseByAddressVariableRefs (const SgStatement* s, std::set<SgVarRefExp* >& varSetB);
2365 ROSE_DLL_API LivenessAnalysis * call_liveness_analysis(SgProject* project, bool debug=false);
2369 ROSE_DLL_API void getLiveVariables(LivenessAnalysis * liv, SgForStatement* loop, std::set<SgInitializedName*>& liveIns, std::set<SgInitializedName*> & liveOuts);
2370 #endif
2373 ROSE_DLL_API void ReductionRecognition(SgForStatement* loop, std::set< std::pair <SgInitializedName*, OmpSupport::omp_construct_enum> > & results);
2377 ROSE_DLL_API void constantFolding(SgNode* r);
2382 ROSE_DLL_API int instrumentEndOfFunction(SgFunctionDeclaration * func, SgStatement* s);
2385 ROSE_DLL_API void removeJumpsToNextStatement(SgNode*);
2388 ROSE_DLL_API void removeUnusedLabels(SgNode* top, bool keepChild =false);
2391 ROSE_DLL_API std::set<SgLabelStatement*> findUnusedLabels (SgNode* top);
2394 ROSE_DLL_API void removeConsecutiveLabels(SgNode* top);
2403 ROSE_DLL_API bool mergeDeclarationAndAssignment (SgVariableDeclaration* decl, SgExprStatement* assign_stmt, bool removeAssignStmt = true);
2407 ROSE_DLL_API bool mergeAssignmentWithDeclaration (SgExprStatement* assign_stmt, SgVariableDeclaration* decl, bool removeAssignStmt = true);
2413 ROSE_DLL_API bool mergeDeclarationWithAssignment (SgVariableDeclaration* decl, SgExprStatement* assign_stmt);
2423 ROSE_DLL_API int splitVariableDeclaration (SgScopeStatement* scope, bool topLevelOnly = true);
2433  ROSE_DLL_API SgAssignInitializer* splitExpression(SgExpression* from, std::string newName = "");
2436 ROSE_DLL_API void splitExpressionIntoBasicBlock(SgExpression* expr);
2439 ROSE_DLL_API void removeLabeledGotos(SgNode* top);
2442 ROSE_DLL_API void changeBreakStatementsToGotos(SgStatement* loopOrSwitch);
2469 ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlock* ensureBasicBlockAsFalseBodyOfIf(SgIfStmt* ifs, bool createEmptyBody = true);
2477 // DQ (1/18/2015): This is added to support better quality token-based unparsing.
2479 ROSE_DLL_API void cleanupNontransformedBasicBlockNode();
2481 // DQ (1/18/2015): This is added to support better quality token-based unparsing.
2483 ROSE_DLL_API void recordNormalizations(SgStatement* s);
2486 ROSE_DLL_API int normalizeArrowExpWithAddressOfLeftOperand(SgNode* root, bool transformationGeneratedOnly=true);
2491 bool isBodyStatement (SgStatement* s);
2494 void changeAllBodiesToBlocks(SgNode* top, bool createEmptyBody = true);
2496 // The same as changeAllBodiesToBlocks(SgNode* top). Phased out.
2497 //void changeAllLoopBodiesToBlocks(SgNode* top);
2502 #if 0
2506 SgLocatedNode* ensureBasicBlockAsParent(SgStatement* s);
2507 #endif
2511 unsigned long long getIntegerConstantValue(SgValueExp* expr);
2514 std::vector<SgDeclarationStatement*> getDependentDeclarations (SgStatement* stmt );
2521 SgCommaOpExp *insertAfterUsingCommaOp (SgExpression* new_exp, SgExpression* anchor_exp, SgStatement** temp_decl = NULL, SgVarRefExp** temp_ref = NULL);
2553 std::pair<SgStatement*, SgInitializedName*>
2554 wrapFunction(SgFunctionDeclaration& definingDeclaration, SgName newName);
2561 template <class NameGen>
2562 std::pair<SgStatement*, SgInitializedName*>
2563 wrapFunction(SgFunctionDeclaration& definingDeclaration, NameGen nameGen)
2564 {
2565  return wrapFunction(definingDeclaration, nameGen(definingDeclaration.get_name()));
2566 }
2575 // DQ (6/7/2012): Unclear where this function should go...
2576  bool hasTemplateSyntax( const SgName & name );
2578 #if 0
2580 //------------------------AST dump, stringify-----------------------------
2581 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2582  std::string buildOperatorString ( SgNode* astNode ); //transformationSupport.h
2584  // do we need these?
2585  std::string dump_node(const SgNode* astNode);
2586  std::string dump_tree(const SgNode* astNode);
2588  // or a friendly version of unparseToString(), as a memeber function
2589  std::string SgNode::toString(bool asSubTree=true); // dump node or subtree
2591 //----------------------------AST comparison------------------------------
2592 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2593 // How to get generic functions for comparison?
2594  bool isNodeEqual(SgNode* node1, SgNode* node2); //?
2595  bool isTreeEqual(SgNode* tree1, SgNode* tree2);
2598  bool expressionTreeEqual(SgExpression*, SgExpression*);
2600  bool expressionTreeEqualStar(const SgExpressionPtrList&,
2601  const SgExpressionPtrList&);
2603 //----------------------AST verfication/repair----------------------------
2604 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2605 // sanity check of AST subtree, any suggestions?
2606 // TODO
2607  verifySgNode(SgNode* node, bool subTree=true);
2608  //src/midend/astDiagnostics/AstConsistencyTests.h
2609  // AstTests::runAllTests(SgProject * )
2611  //src/midend/astUtil/astInterface/AstInterface.h.C
2612  //FixSgProject(SgProject &project)
2613  //FixSgTree(SgNode* r)
2615  //src/frontend/SageIII/astPostProcessing
2616  //AstPostProcessing(SgNode * node)
2618 //--------------------------AST modification------------------------------
2619 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2620 // any operations changing AST tree, including
2621 // insert, copy, delete(remove), replace
2623  // insert before or after some point, argument list is consistent with LowLevelRewrite
2624  void insertAst(SgNode* targetPosition, SgNode* newNode, bool insertBefore=true);
2626  // previous examples
2627  //void myStatementInsert(SgStatement* target,...)
2628  // void AstInterfaceBase::InsertStmt(AstNodePtr const & orig, AstNodePtr const &n, bool insertbefore, bool extractfromBasicBlock)
2630  // copy
2631  // copy children of one basic block to another basic block
2632  //void appendStatementCopy (const SgBasicBlock* a, SgBasicBlock* b);
2633  void copyStatements (const SgBasicBlock* src, SgBasicBlock* dst);
2635  // delete (remove) a node or a whole subtree
2636  void removeSgNode(SgNode* targetNode); // need this?
2637  void removeSgNodeTree(SgNode* subtree); // need this?
2639  void removeStatement( SgStatement* targetStmt);
2641  //Move = delete + insert
2642  void moveAst (SgNode* src, SgNode* target); // need this?
2643  // similar to
2644  void moveStatements (SgBasicBlock* src, SgBasicBlock* target);
2646  // replace= delete old + insert new (via building or copying)
2648 // DQ (1/25/2010): This does not appear to exist as a definition anywhere in ROSE.
2649 // void replaceAst(SgNode* oldNode, SgNode* newNode);
2651  //void replaceChild(SgNode* parent, SgNode* from, SgNode* to);
2652  //bool AstInterface::ReplaceAst( const AstNodePtr& orig, const AstNodePtr& n)
2654 //--------------------------AST transformations---------------------------
2655 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2656 // Advanced AST modifications through basic AST modifications
2657 // Might not be included in AST utitlity list, but listed here for the record.
2659  // extract statements/content from a scope
2660  void flattenBlocks(SgNode* n);
2662  //src/midend/astInlining/inlinerSupport.h
2663  void renameVariables(SgNode* n);
2664  void renameLabels(SgNode* n, SgFunctionDefinition* enclosingFunctionDefinition);
2666  void simpleCopyAndConstantPropagation(SgNode* top);
2667  void changeAllMembersToPublic(SgNode* n);
2669  void removeVariableDeclaration(SgInitializedName* initname);
2672  SgAssignOp* convertInitializerIntoAssignment(SgAssignInitializer* init);
2678  void pushTestIntoBody(LoopStatement* loopStmt);
2680  //programTransformation/finiteDifferencing/finiteDifferencing.h
2682  void moveForDeclaredVariables(SgNode* root);
2684 //------------------------ Is/Has functions ------------------------------
2685 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2686 // misc. boolean functions
2687 // some of them could moved to SgXXX class as a member function
2689  bool isOverloaded (SgFunctionDeclaration * functionDeclaration);
2691  bool isSwitchCond (const SgStatement* s);
2692  bool isIfCond (const SgStatement* s);
2693  bool isWhileCond (const SgStatement* s);
2694  bool isStdNamespace (const SgScopeStatement* scope);
2695  bool isTemplateInst (const SgDeclarationStatement* decl);
2698  bool isCtor (const SgFunctionDeclaration* func);
2699  bool isDtor (const SgFunctionDeclaration* func);
2701  // src/midend/astInlining/typeTraits.h
2702  bool hasTrivialDestructor(SgType* t);
2703  ROSE_DLL_API bool isNonconstReference(SgType* t);
2704  ROSE_DLL_API bool isReferenceType(SgType* t);
2706  // generic ones, or move to the SgXXX class as a member function
2708  bool isConst(SgNode* node); // const type, variable, function, etc.
2709  // .... and more
2711  bool isConstType (const SgType* type);
2712  bool isConstFunction (const SgFunctionDeclaration* decl);
2715  bool isMemberVariable(const SgInitializedName & var);
2716  //bool isMemberVariable(const SgNode& in);
2718  bool isPrototypeInScope (SgScopeStatement * scope,
2719  SgFunctionDeclaration * functionDeclaration,
2720  SgDeclarationStatement * startingAtDeclaration);
2722  bool MayRedefined(SgExpression* expr, SgNode* root);
2723  // bool isPotentiallyModified(SgExpression* expr, SgNode* root); // inlinderSupport.h
2724  bool hasAddressTaken(SgExpression* expr, SgNode* root);
2726  //src/midend/astInlining/inlinerSupport.C
2727  // can also classified as topdown search
2728  bool containsVariableReference(SgNode* root, SgInitializedName* var);
2730  bool isDeclarationOf(SgVariableDeclaration* decl, SgInitializedName* var);
2731  bool isPotentiallyModifiedDuringLifeOf(SgBasicBlock* sc,
2732  SgInitializedName* toCheck,
2733  SgInitializedName* lifetime)
2734  //src/midend/programTransformation/partialRedundancyElimination/pre.h
2735  bool anyOfListPotentiallyModifiedIn(const std::vector<SgVariableSymbol*>& syms, SgNode* n);
2737 //------------------------ loop handling ---------------------------------
2738 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2739  //get and set loop control expressions
2740  // 0: init expr, 1: condition expr, 2: stride expr
2742  SgExpression* getForLoopTripleValues(int valuetype,SgForStatement* forstmt );
2743  int setForLoopTripleValues(int valuetype,SgForStatement* forstmt, SgExpression* exp);
2745  bool isLoopIndexVarRef(SgForStatement* forstmt, SgVarRefExp *varref);
2746  SgInitializedName * getLoopIndexVar(SgForStatement* forstmt);
2748 //------------------------expressions-------------------------------------
2749 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2750  //src/midend/programTransformation/partialRedundancyElimination/pre.h
2751  int countComputationsOfExpressionIn(SgExpression* expr, SgNode* root);
2753  //src/midend/astInlining/replaceExpressionWithStatement.h
2754  void replaceAssignmentStmtWithStatement(SgExprStatement* from, StatementGenerator* to);
2757  StatementGenerator* to);
2758  SgExpression* getRootOfExpression(SgExpression* n);
2760 //--------------------------preprocessing info. -------------------------
2761 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2763  void cutPreprocInfo (SgBasicBlock* b,
2765  AttachedPreprocessingInfoType& save_buf);
2767  void pastePreprocInfoFront (AttachedPreprocessingInfoType& save_buf,
2768  SgStatement* s);
2770  void pastePreprocInfoBack (AttachedPreprocessingInfoType& save_buf,
2771  SgStatement* s);
2778  // a generic one for all
2780  void moveBeforePreprocInfo (SgStatement* src, SgStatement* dest);
2781  void moveInsidePreprocInfo (SgBasicBlock* src, SgBasicBlock* dest);
2782  void moveAfterPreprocInfo (SgStatement* src, SgStatement* dest);
2784 //--------------------------------operator--------------------------------
2785 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2786  from transformationSupport.h, not sure if they should be included here
2787  /* return enum code for SAGE operators */
2788  operatorCodeType classifyOverloadedOperator(); // transformationSupport.h
2795  std::string stringifyOperator (std::string name);
2797 //--------------------------------macro ----------------------------------
2798 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2799  std::string buildMacro ( std::string s ); //transformationSupport.h
2801 //--------------------------------access functions---------------------------
2802 //----------------------------------get/set sth.-----------------------------
2803 // several categories:
2804 * get/set a direct child/grandchild node or fields
2805 * get/set a property flag value
2806 * get a descendent child node using preorder searching
2807 * get an ancestor node using bottomup/reverse searching
2809  // SgName or string?
2810  std::string getFunctionName (SgFunctionCallExp* functionCallExp);
2811  std::string getFunctionTypeName ( SgFunctionCallExp* functionCallExpression );
2813  // do we need them anymore? or existing member functions are enought?
2814  // a generic one:
2815  std::string get_name (const SgNode* node);
2816  std::string get_name (const SgDeclarationStatement * declaration);
2818  // get/set some property: should moved to SgXXX as an inherent memeber function?
2819  // access modifier
2820  void setExtern (SgFunctionDeclartion*)
2821  void clearExtern()
2823  // similarly for other declarations and other properties
2825  void setPublic()
2826  void setPrivate()
2828 #endif
2830 // DQ (1/23/2013): Added support for generated a set of source sequence entries.
2831  std::set<unsigned int> collectSourceSequenceNumbers( SgNode* astNode );
2833 //--------------------------------Type Traits (C++)---------------------------
2834  bool HasNoThrowAssign(const SgType * const inputType);
2835  bool HasNoThrowCopy(const SgType * const inputType);
2836  bool HasNoThrowConstructor(const SgType * const inputType);
2837  bool HasTrivialAssign(const SgType * const inputType);
2838  bool HasTrivialCopy(const SgType * const inputType);
2839  bool HasTrivialConstructor(const SgType * const inputType);
2840  bool HasTrivialDestructor(const SgType * const inputType);
2841  bool HasVirtualDestructor(const SgType * const inputType);
2842  bool IsBaseOf(const SgType * const inputBaseType, const SgType * const inputDerivedType);
2843  bool IsAbstract(const SgType * const inputType);
2845  bool IsClass(const SgType * const inputType);
2846  bool IsEmpty(const SgType * const inputType);
2847  bool IsEnum(const SgType * const inputType);
2848  bool IsPod(const SgType * const inputType);
2849  bool IsPolymorphic(const SgType * const inputType);
2850  bool IsStandardLayout(const SgType * const inputType);
2851  bool IsLiteralType(const SgType * const inputType);
2852  bool IsTrivial(const SgType * const inputType);
2853  bool IsUnion(const SgType * const inputType);
2854  SgType * UnderlyingType(SgType *type);
2856 // DQ (3/2/2014): Added a new interface function (used in the snippet insertion support).
2857 // void supportForInitializedNameLists ( SgScopeStatement* scope, SgInitializedNamePtrList & variableList );
2859 // DQ (3/4/2014): Added support for testing two trees for equivalents using the AST iterators.
2860  bool isStructurallyEquivalentAST( SgNode* tree1, SgNode* tree2 );
2862 // JP (10/14/24): Moved code to evaluate a const integer expression (like in array size definitions) to SageInterface
2865  size_t value_;
2866  bool hasValue_;
2867  };
2871 // JP (9/17/14): Added function to test whether two SgType* are equivalent or not
2872  bool checkTypesAreEqual(SgType *typeA, SgType *typeB);
2874 //--------------------------------Java interface functions ---------------------
2876  ROSE_DLL_API std::string getTempDirectory(SgProject *project);
2877  ROSE_DLL_API void destroyTempDirectory(std::string);
2878  ROSE_DLL_API SgFile *processFile(SgProject *, std::string, bool unparse = false);
2879  ROSE_DLL_API std::string preprocessPackage(SgProject *, std::string);
2880  ROSE_DLL_API std::string preprocessImport(SgProject *, std::string);
2881  ROSE_DLL_API SgFile* preprocessCompilationUnit(SgProject *, std::string, std::string, bool unparse = true);
2882  ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDefinition *findJavaPackage(SgScopeStatement *, std::string);
2883  ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDefinition *findOrInsertJavaPackage(SgProject *, std::string, bool create_directory = false);
2884  ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclaration *findOrImportJavaClass(SgProject *, SgClassDefinition *package_definition, std::string);
2885  ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclaration *findOrImportJavaClass(SgProject *, std::string, std::string);
2886  ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclaration *findOrImportJavaClass(SgProject *, SgClassType *);
2887  ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclaration *findJavaMain(SgClassDefinition *);
2888  ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclaration *findJavaMain(SgClassType *);
2893 // DQ (8/31/2016): Making this a template function so that we can have it work with user defined filters.
2901 template < class T >
2903  {
2904  // DQ (9/1/2016): This function is called in the Call graph generation to avoid filtering out EDG normalized
2905  // function template instnatiations (which come from normalized template functions and member functions).
2906  // Note that because of the EDG normailzation the membr function is moved outside of the class, and
2907  // thus marked as compiler generated. However the template instantiations are always marked as compiler
2908  // generated (if not specializations) and so we want to include a template instantiation that is marked
2909  // as compiler generated, but is from a template declaration that satisfyied a specific user defined filter.
2910  // The complexity of this detection is isolated here, but knowing that it must be called is more complex.
2911  // This function is call in the CG.C file of tests/nonsmoke/functional/roseTests/programAnalysisTests/testCallGraphAnalysis.
2913  bool retval = false;
2918  printf ("In isNormalizedTemplateInstantiation(): function = %p = %s = %s \n",function,function->class_name().c_str(),function->get_name().str());
2919 #endif
2921  // Test for this to be a template instantation (in which case it was marked as
2922  // compiler generated but we may want to allow it to be used in the call graph,
2923  // if it's template was a part was defined in the current directory).
2924  SgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDecl* templateInstantiationFunction = isSgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDecl(function);
2925  SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl* templateInstantiationMemberFunction = isSgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl(function);
2927  if (templateInstantiationFunction != NULL)
2928  {
2929  // When the defining function has been normalized by EDG, only the non-defining declaration will have a source position.
2930  templateInstantiationFunction = isSgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDecl(templateInstantiationFunction->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration());
2931  SgTemplateFunctionDeclaration* templateFunctionDeclaration = templateInstantiationFunction->get_templateDeclaration();
2932  if (templateFunctionDeclaration != NULL)
2933  {
2934  retval = filter->operator()(templateFunctionDeclaration);
2935  }
2936  else
2937  {
2938  // Assume false.
2939  }
2942  printf (" --- case of templateInstantiationFunction: retval = %s \n",retval ? "true" : "false");
2943 #endif
2944  }
2945  else
2946  {
2947  if (templateInstantiationMemberFunction != NULL)
2948  {
2949  // When the defining function has been normalized by EDG, only the non-defining declaration will have a source position.
2950  templateInstantiationMemberFunction = isSgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl(templateInstantiationMemberFunction->get_firstNondefiningDeclaration());
2951  SgTemplateMemberFunctionDeclaration* templateMemberFunctionDeclaration = templateInstantiationMemberFunction->get_templateDeclaration();
2952  if (templateMemberFunctionDeclaration != NULL)
2953  {
2954  retval = filter->operator()(templateMemberFunctionDeclaration);
2955  }
2956  else
2957  {
2958  // Assume false.
2959  }
2962  printf (" --- case of templateInstantiationMemberFunction: retval = %s \n",retval ? "true" : "false");
2963 #endif
2964  }
2965  }
2967  return retval;
2968  }
2970 void detectCycleInType(SgType * type, const std::string & from);
2972 // DQ (7/14/2020): Debugging support.
2973 void checkForInitializers( SgNode* node );
2975 void clearSharedGlobalScopes(SgProject * project);
2977 }// end of namespace
2981 #endif
std::string extractPragmaKeyword(const SgPragmaDeclaration *)
Extract a SgPragmaDeclaration's leading keyword . For example "#pragma omp parallel" has a keyword of...
ROSE_DLL_API void constantFolding(SgNode *r)
Constant folding an AST subtree rooted at 'r' (replacing its children with their constant values...
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement * findSurroundingStatementFromSameFile(SgStatement *targetStmt, bool &surroundingStatementPreceedsTargetStatement)
Supporting function to comment relocation in insertStatement() and removeStatement().
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclaration * findFirstDefiningFunctionDecl(SgScopeStatement *scope)
Find the first defining function declaration statement in a scope.
This class represents the notion of an initializer for a variable declaration or expression in a func...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isCanonicalDoLoop(SgFortranDo *loop, SgInitializedName **ivar, SgExpression **lb, SgExpression **ub, SgExpression **step, SgStatement **body, bool *hasIncrementalIterationSpace, bool *isInclusiveUpperBound)
Check if a Fortran Do loop has a complete canonical form: Do I=1, 10, 1.
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_mixed_Fortran_and_C_and_Cxx_language()
ROSE_DLL_API int normalizeArrowExpWithAddressOfLeftOperand(SgNode *root, bool transformationGeneratedOnly=true)
Convert all code within root matching the patern of (&left)->right, and translate them into left...
ROSE_DLL_API size_t getUpcSharedBlockSize(SgModifierType *mod_type)
Get the block size of a UPC shared modifier type.
ROSE_DLL_API void prependStatement(SgStatement *stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Prepend a statement to the beginning of the current scope, handling side effects as appropriate...
This class represents the concept of a scope in C++ (e.g. global scope, fuction scope, etc.).
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementListAfter(SgStatement *targetStmt, const std::vector< SgStatement * > &newStmt)
Insert a list of statements after a target statement.
This class represents the concept of an instantiation of member function template or a member functio...
bool getForLoopInformations(SgForStatement *for_loop, SgVariableSymbol *&iterator, SgExpression *&lower_bound, SgExpression *&upper_bound, SgExpression *&stride)
Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.
A persistent attribute to represent a unique name for an expression.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFile * getEnclosingFileNode(SgNode *astNode)
get the SgFile node from current node
This class represents the concept of a class declaration statement. It includes the concept of an ins...
bool declarationPreceedsDefinition(SgDeclarationStatement *nonDefiningDeclaration, SgDeclarationStatement *definingDeclaration)
Check if a defining declaration comes before of after the non-defining declaration.
SgExprListExp * loopCollapsing(SgForStatement *target_loop, size_t collapsing_factor)
Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlock * ensureBasicBlockAsFalseBodyOfIf(SgIfStmt *ifs, bool createEmptyBody=true)
Check if the false body of a 'if' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not when the flag is tru...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isEquivalentType(const SgType *lhs, const SgType *rhs)
Test for equivalence of types independent of access permissions (private or protected modes for membe...
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement * getEnclosingStatement(SgNode *n)
Find the closest enclosing statement, including the given node.
std::string generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier(SgDeclarationStatement *declaration)
Generate a useful name to support construction of identifiers from declarations.
ROSE_DLL_API SgScopeStatement * getEnclosingScope(SgNode *n, const bool includingSelf=false)
Get the enclosing scope from a node n.
ROSE_DLL_API bool mergeDeclarationAndAssignment(SgVariableDeclaration *decl, SgExprStatement *assign_stmt, bool removeAssignStmt=true)
Merge a variable assignment statement into a matching variable declaration statement. Callers should make sure the merge is semantically correct (by not introducing compilation errors). This function simply does the merge transformation, without eligibility check.
This class represents the concept of a declaration list.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isAssignmentStatement(SgNode *_s, SgExpression **lhs=NULL, SgExpression **rhs=NULL, bool *readlhs=NULL)
Check if a SgNode _s is an assignment statement (any of =,+=,-=,&=,/=, ^=, etc)
ROSE_DLL_API bool hasMultipleInitStatmentsOrExpressions(SgForStatement *for_loop)
Check if a for loop uses C99 style initialization statement with multiple expressions like for (int i...
ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableSymbol * getFirstVarSym(SgVariableDeclaration *decl)
Get the variable symbol for the first initialized name of a declaration stmt.
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementBefore(SgStatement *targetStmt, SgStatement *newStmt, bool autoMovePreprocessingInfo=true)
Insert a statement before a target statement.
void fixupReferencesToSymbols(const SgScopeStatement *this_scope, SgScopeStatement *copy_scope, SgCopyHelp &help)
All the symbol table references in the copied AST need to be reset after rebuilding the copied scope'...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcSharedModifierType(SgModifierType *mod_type)
Check if a modifier type is a UPC shared type.
ROSE_DLL_API std::string mangleType(SgType *type)
Generate a mangled string for a given type based on Itanium C++ ABI.
ROSE_DLL_API SgExprStatement * splitVariableDeclaration(SgVariableDeclaration *decl)
Split a variable declaration with an rhs assignment into two statements: a declaration and an assignm...
SgStatement * findLastDeclarationStatement(SgScopeStatement *scope, bool includePragma=false)
Find the last declaration statement within a scope (if any). This is often useful to decide where to ...
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementList(SgStatement *targetStmt, const std::vector< SgStatement * > &newStmts, bool insertBefore=true)
Insert a list of statements before or after the target statement within the.
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Fortran_language()
ROSE_DLL_API void removeAllOriginalExpressionTrees(SgNode *top)
Set original expression trees to NULL for SgValueExp or SgCastExp expressions, so you can change the ...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isAddressTaken(SgExpression *refExp)
Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementListBefore(SgStatement *targetStmt, const std::vector< SgStatement * > &newStmts)
Insert a list of statements before a target statement.
ROSE_DLL_API bool hasTrivialDestructor(SgType *t)
Does a type have a trivial (built-in) destructor?
ROSE_DLL_API void setOneSourcePositionNull(SgNode *node)
Set current node's source position as NULL.
PreprocessingInfo * attachComment(SgSourceFile *source_file, const std::string &content, PreprocessingInfo::DirectiveType directive_type=PreprocessingInfo::C_StyleComment, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position=PreprocessingInfo::before)
Build and attach comment onto the global scope of a source file.
std::string getMangledNameFromCache(SgNode *astNode)
Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node...
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDefinition * getEnclosingFunctionDefinition(SgNode *astNode, const bool includingSelf=false)
Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclaration * getEnclosingClassDeclaration(SgNode *astNode)
Get the closest class declaration enclosing the specified AST node,.
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Ada_language()
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlock * ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfOmpBodyStmt(SgOmpBodyStatement *ompbodyStmt)
Check if the body of a SgOmpBodyStatement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
This class represents the concept of a C or C++ statement which contains a expression.
ROSE_DLL_API SgOmpClauseBodyStatement * findEnclosingOmpClauseBodyStatement(SgStatement *s)
Find enclosing OpenMP clause body statement from s. If s is already one, return it directly...
ROSE_DLL_API AbstractHandle::abstract_handle * buildAbstractHandle(SgNode *)
Build an abstract handle from an AST node, reuse previously built handle when possible.
std::string generateUniqueName(const SgNode *node, bool ignoreDifferenceBetweenDefiningAndNondefiningDeclarations)
Generate unique name from C and C++ constructs. The name may contain space.
ROSE_DLL_API std::string mangleModifierType(SgModifierType *type)
Generated mangled modifier types, include const, volatile,according to Itanium C++ ABI...
ROSE_DLL_API void fixTemplateDeclaration(SgTemplateDeclaration *stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Fix the symbol table and set scope (only if scope in declaration is not already set).
This class represents a source file for a project (which may contian many source files and or directo...
ROSE_DLL_API void removeLabeledGotos(SgNode *top)
Remove labeled goto statements.
This class represents the variable declaration or variable initialization withn a for loop...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isInSubTree(SgExpression *subtree, SgExpression *exp)
Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementAfter(SgStatement *targetStmt, SgStatement *newStmt, bool autoMovePreprocessingInfo=true)
Insert a statement after a target statement, Move around preprocessing info automatically by default...
ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclaration * getDefaultConstructor(SgClassDeclaration *classDeclaration)
Get the default constructor from the class declaration.
ROSE_DLL_API bool normalizeForLoopTest(SgForStatement *loop)
Normalize a for loop's test expression ix is normalized to i>= (x...
ROSE_DLL_API void cutPreprocessingInfo(SgLocatedNode *src_node, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType pos, AttachedPreprocessingInfoType &save_buf)
Cut preprocessing information from a source node and save it into a buffer. Used in combination of pa...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isIndexOperator(SgExpression *exp)
Is an overloaded operator an index operator (also referred to as call or subscript operators)...
void initializeIfStmt(SgIfStmt *ifstmt, SgStatement *conditional, SgStatement *true_body, SgStatement *false_body)
Support function used for variable declarations in conditionals.
Class for traversing the AST.
bool isTemplateInstantiationFromTemplateDeclarationSatisfyingFilter(SgFunctionDeclaration *function, T *filter)
This function detects template instantiations that are relevant when filters are used.
void guardNode(SgLocatedNode *target, std::string guard)
Add preproccessor guard around a given node.
This class represents the rhs of a variable declaration which includes an optional assignment (e...
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_language_case_insensitive()
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlock * ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfSwitch(SgSwitchStatement *ws)
Check if the body of a 'switch' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Java_language()
ROSE_DLL_API bool isLoopIndexVariable(SgInitializedName *ivar, SgNode *subtree_root)
Check if a SgInitializedName is used as a loop index within a AST subtree This function will use a bo...
ROSE_DLL_API void setPragma(SgPragmaDeclaration *decl, SgPragma *pragma)
Set a pragma of a pragma declaration. handle memory release for preexisting pragma, and set parent pointer.
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementBeforeFirstNonDeclaration(SgStatement *newStmt, SgScopeStatement *scope, bool movePreprocessingInfo=true)
Insert a statement before the first non-declaration statement in a scope. If the scope has no non-dec...
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclaration * getFunctionDeclaration(SgFunctionCallExp *functionCallExp)
Find a node by type using upward traversal.
This class represents the base class for all types.
SgType * removeConst(SgType *t)
Remove const (if present) from a type. stripType() cannot do this because it removes all modifiers...
ROSE_DLL_API SgNode * deepCopyNode(const SgNode *subtree)
Deep copy an arbitrary subtree.
This class represents the concept of a do-while statement.
ROSE_DLL_API void deleteAllNodes()
Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcStrictSharedModifierType(SgModifierType *mode_type)
Check if a shared UPC type is strict memory consistency or not. Return false if it is relaxed...
void printAST2TextFile(SgNode *node, const char *filename, bool printType=true)
Pretty print AST horizontally, output to a specified text file. If printType is set to false...
ROSE_DLL_API bool templateDefinitionIsInClass(SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl *memberFunctionDeclaration)
Return true if template definition is in the class, false if outside of class.
struct const_int_expr_t evaluateConstIntegerExpression(SgExpression *expr)
The function tries to evaluate const integer expressions (such as are used in array dimension sizes)...
ROSE_DLL_API void getLiveVariables(LivenessAnalysis *liv, SgForStatement *loop, std::set< SgInitializedName * > &liveIns, std::set< SgInitializedName * > &liveOuts)
get liveIn and liveOut variables for a for loop from liveness analysis result liv.
This class represents the concept of a class name within the compiler.
SgFunctionDeclaration * findFunctionDeclaration(SgNode *root, std::string name, SgScopeStatement *scope, bool isDefining)
Topdown traverse a subtree from root to find the first function declaration matching the given name...
void printAST(SgNode *node)
Pretty print AST horizontally, output to std output.
ROSE_DLL_API void moveStatementsBetweenBlocks(SgBasicBlock *sourceBlock, SgBasicBlock *targetBlock)
Move statements in first block to the second block (preserves order and rebuilds the symbol table)...
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlock * ensureBasicBlockAsTrueBodyOfIf(SgIfStmt *ifs)
Check if the true body of a 'if' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcArrayWithThreads(SgArrayType *t)
Is a UPC array with dimension of X*THREADS.
ROSE_DLL_API bool loopInterchange(SgForStatement *loop, size_t depth, size_t lexicoOrder)
Interchange/permutate a n-level perfectly-nested loop rooted at 'loop' using a lexicographical order ...
ROSE_DLL_API void appendExpressionList(SgExprListExp *, const std::vector< SgExpression * > &)
Append an expression list to a SgExprListExp, set the parent pointers also.
ROSE_DLL_API std::string mangleScalarType(SgType *type)
Generate mangled scalar type names according to Itanium C++ ABI, the input type should pass isScalarT...
Type of label used (fortran only)
ROSE_DLL_API void removeUnusedLabels(SgNode *top, bool keepChild=false)
Remove labels which are not targets of any goto statements: its child statement is also removed by de...
void set_parent(SgNode *parent)
All nodes in the AST contain a reference to a parent node.
void setSourcePositionPointersToNull(SgNode *node)
Set the source code positon for the current (input) node.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isEquivalentFunctionType(const SgFunctionType *lhs, const SgFunctionType *rhs)
Test if two types are equivalent SgFunctionType nodes.
std::vector< SgVariableSymbol * > getSymbolsUsedInExpression(SgExpression *expr)
Find referenced symbols within an expression.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateClassSymbol * lookupTemplateClassSymbolInParentScopes(const SgName &name, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *templateParameterList, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateArgumentList, SgScopeStatement *cscope=NULL)
Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeSta...
ROSE_DLL_API void setLhsOperand(SgExpression *target, SgExpression *lhs)
set left hand operand for binary expressions, transparently downcasting target expressions when neces...
ROSE_DLL_API bool findFirstSgCastExpMarkedAsTransformation(SgNode *n, const std::string &s)
Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node...
This class represents the notion of a declared variable.
ROSE_DLL_API void setSourcePositionAtRootAndAllChildren(SgNode *root)
Set the source code positon for the subtree (including the root).
ROSE_DLL_API std::string generateProjectName(const SgProject *project, bool supressSuffix=false)
Added mechanism to generate project name from list of file names.
bool isBodyStatement(SgStatement *s)
Check if a statement is a (true or false) body of a container-like parent, such as For...
ROSE_DLL_API void markSubtreeToBeUnparsed(SgNode *root, int physical_file_id)
Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node...
ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableSymbol * prependArg(SgFunctionParameterList *, SgInitializedName *)
Prepend an argument to SgFunctionParameterList.
NodeType * deepCopy(const NodeType *subtree)
A template function for deep copying a subtree. It is also used to create deepcopy functions with spe...
This class represents the concept of a member function declaration statement.
This class represents the concept of a C and C++ case option (used within a switch statement)...
SgBasicBlock * ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfDefaultOption(SgDefaultOptionStmt *cs)
Check if the body of a 'default option' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not...
This class represents the concept of a function declaration statement.
ROSE_DLL_API int instrumentEndOfFunction(SgFunctionDeclaration *func, SgStatement *s)
Instrument(Add a statement, often a function call) into a function right before the return points...
void saveToPDF(SgNode *node, std::string filename)
Save AST into a pdf file. Start from a node to find its enclosing file node. The entire file's AST wi...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isOmpStatement(SgNode *)
Check if a node is SgOmp*Statement.
ROSE_DLL_API void convertFunctionDefinitionsToFunctionPrototypes(SgNode *node)
XXX This function operates on the new file used to support outlined function definitions. We use a copy of the file where the code will be outlined FROM, so that if there are references to declarations in the outlined code we can support the outpiled code with those references. This approach has the added advantage of also supporting the same include file tree as the original file where the outlined code is being taken from.
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_mixed_Fortran_and_Cxx_language()
Interface for creating a statement whose computation writes its answer into a given variable...
ROSE_DLL_API DeferredTransformation & operator=(const DeferredTransformation &X)
Shallow; does not delete fields.
std::string generateUniqueVariableName(SgScopeStatement *scope, std::string baseName="temp")
Generate a name like temp# that is unique in the current scope and any parent and children scopes...
This class represents the concept of a scope in C++ (e.g. global scope, fuction scope, etc.).
SgType * getBoolType(SgNode *n)
Get the right bool type according to C or C++ language input.
ROSE_DLL_API SgSourceFile * getEnclosingSourceFile(SgNode *n, const bool includingSelf=false)
Find enclosing source file node.
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Python_language()
bool ROSE_DLL_API isStatic(SgDeclarationStatement *stmt)
Check if a declaration has a "static' modifier.
unsigned long long getIntegerConstantValue(SgValueExp *expr)
Get the constant value from a constant integer expression; abort on everything else.
This class represents the concept of a C and C++ expression list.
void clearScopeNumbers(SgFunctionDefinition *functionDefinition)
Clears the cache of scope,integer pairs for the input function.
ROSE_DLL_API void setStatic(SgDeclarationStatement *stmt)
Set a declaration as static.
ROSE_DLL_API void outputLocalSymbolTables(SgNode *node)
Output the local symbol tables.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isPrefixOperatorName(const SgName &functionName)
Check for proper names of possible prefix operators (used in isPrefixOperator()). ...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcSharedArrayType(SgArrayType *array_type)
Check if an array type is a UPC shared type. ROSE AST represents a UPC shared array as regular array ...
ROSE_DLL_API void printOutComments(SgLocatedNode *locatedNode)
Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of referenc...
std::string get_name(const SgNode *node)
Generate a useful name to describe the SgNode.
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_binary_executable()
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassSymbol * lookupClassSymbolInParentScopes(const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateArgumentList=NULL)
Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeSta...
std::vector< SgBreakStmt * > findBreakStmts(SgStatement *code, const std::string &fortranLabel="")
Find break statements inside a particular statement, stopping at nested loops or switches.
AncestorNode * ancestor(SgNode *n)
finds an ancestor node with a given type
Definition: sageGeneric.h:1337
ROSE_DLL_API void setSourcePositionForTransformation(SgNode *root)
Recursively set source position info(Sg_File_Info) as transformation generated.
ROSE_DLL_API void setLoopCondition(SgScopeStatement *loop, SgStatement *cond)
Set the condition statement of a loop, including While-loop, For-loop, and Do-While-loop.
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement * getLoopBody(SgScopeStatement *loop)
Routines to get and set the body of a loop.
std::vector< SgFile * > generateFileList()
Returns STL vector of SgFile IR node pointers.
std::string generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier_support(SgDeclarationStatement *declaration)
Global map of name collisions to support generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier() function.
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement * getPreviousStatement(SgStatement *currentStmt, bool climbOutScope=true)
Get previous statement of the current statement. It may return a previous statement of a parent scope...
ROSE_DLL_API int set_name(SgInitializedName *initializedNameNode, SgName new_name)
set_name of symbol in symbol table.
void changeAllBodiesToBlocks(SgNode *top, bool createEmptyBody=true)
Fix up ifs, loops, while, switch, Catch, OmpBodyStatement, etc. to have blocks as body components...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isPointerType(SgType *t)
Is this type a pointer type? (Handles typedefs correctly)
bool isOverloaded(SgFunctionDeclaration *functionDeclaration)
Return true if function is overloaded.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNode * getSgNodeFromAbstractHandleString(const std::string &input_string)
Obtain a matching SgNode from an abstract handle string.
ROSE_DLL_API void fixStatement(SgStatement *stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope)
A wrapper containing fixes (fixVariableDeclaration(),fixStructDeclaration(), fixLabelStatement(), etc) for all kinds statements. Should be used before attaching the statement into AST.
ROSE_DLL_API void deleteExpressionTreeWithOriginalExpressionSubtrees(SgNode *root)
Special purpose function for deleting AST expression tress containing valid original expression trees...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isCopyConstructible(SgType *type)
Is a type copy constructible? This may not quite work properly.
This class represents the base class of a numbr of IR nodes that don't otherwise fit into the existin...
ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfo * attachArbitraryText(SgLocatedNode *target, const std::string &text, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position=PreprocessingInfo::before)
Attach an arbitrary string to a located node. A workaround to insert irregular statements or vendor-s...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isStructType(SgType *t)
Check if a type is a struct type (a special SgClassType in ROSE). Typedef and modifier types are not ...
void resetScopeNumbers(SgFunctionDefinition *functionDeclaration)
Assigns unique numbers to each SgScopeStatement of a function.
ROSE_DLL_API void changeBreakStatementsToGotos(SgStatement *loopOrSwitch)
If the given statement contains any break statements in its body, add a new label below the statement...
SgExpression * forallMaskExpression(SgForAllStatement *stmt)
Get the mask expression from the header of a SgForAllStatement.
ROSE_DLL_API void resetModifiedLocatedNodes(const std::set< SgLocatedNode * > &modifiedNodeSet)
Use the set of IR nodes and set the isModified flag in each IR node to true.
ROSE_DLL_API std::vector< SgInitializedName * > getOutParameters(const SgInitializedNamePtrList &params)
Get a vector of Jovial output parameters from the function parameter list (may work for Fortran in th...
ROSE_DLL_API SgSymbol * lookupSymbolInParentScopesIgnoringAliasSymbols(const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *templateParameterList=NULL, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateArgumentList=NULL)
Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeSta...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isSameFunction(SgFunctionDeclaration *func1, SgFunctionDeclaration *func2)
Check if two function declarations refer to the same one. Two function declarations are the same when...
ROSE_DLL_API void convertAllForsToWhiles(SgNode *top)
Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isConstantTrue(SgExpression *e)
Check if a bool or int constant expression evaluates to be a true value.
SgDeclarationStatement * getNonInstantiatonDeclarationForClass(SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl *memberFunctionInstantiation)
Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node...
ROSE_DLL_API void reportModifiedStatements(const std::string &label, SgNode *node)
Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of referenc...
ROSE_DLL_API int getDimensionCount(SgType *t)
Get the number of dimensions of an array type.
ROSE_DLL_API ~DeferredTransformation(void)
Copy constructor.
void visit(SgNode *node)
this method is called at every traversed node.
MK: Enum type to store if the directive goes before or after the corresponding line of source code...
void clearMangledNameCache(SgGlobal *globalScope)
Support for faster mangled name generation (caching avoids recomputation).
ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclaration * getDefaultDestructor(SgClassDeclaration *classDeclaration)
Get the default destructor from the class declaration.
void whereAmI(SgNode *node)
Diagnostic function for tracing back through the parent list to understand at runtime where in the AS...
ROSE_DLL_API SgExprListExp * getEnclosingExprListExp(SgNode *astNode, const bool includingSelf=false)
Get the enclosing SgExprListExp (used as part of function argument index evaluation in subexpressions...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isStrictIntegerType(SgType *t)
Check if a type is an integral type, only allowing signed/unsigned short, int, long, long long. /! /! There is another similar function named SgType::isIntegerType(), which allows additional types char, wchar, and bool to be treated as integer types.
SgBasicBlock * makeSingleStatementBodyToBlock(SgStatement *singleStmt)
Make a single statement body to be a basic block. Its parent is if, while, catch, or upc_forall etc...
ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializer * getInitializerOfExpression(SgExpression *n)
Get the initializer containing an expression if it is within an initializer.
ROSE_DLL_API void replaceExpression(SgExpression *oldExp, SgExpression *newExp, bool keepOldExp=false)
Replace an expression with another, used for variable reference substitution and others. the old expression can be deleted (default case) or kept.
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_OpenMP_language()
ROSE_DLL_API void moveUpPreprocessingInfo(SgStatement *stmt_dst, SgStatement *stmt_src, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType src_position=PreprocessingInfo::undef, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType dst_position=PreprocessingInfo::undef, bool usePrepend=false)
Identical to movePreprocessingInfo(), except for the stale name and confusing order of parameters...
This class represents the notion of an expression. Expressions are derived from SgLocatedNodes, since similar to statement, expressions have a concrete location within the user's source code.
ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfo * findHeader(SgSourceFile *source_file, const std::string &header_file_name, bool isSystemHeader)
Find the preprocessingInfo node representing #include or #include "header.h" within a source file. Return NULL if not found.
ROSE_DLL_API std::set< SgNode * > getFrontendSpecificNodes()
Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNonrealSymbol * lookupNonrealSymbolInParentScopes(const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *templateParameterList=NULL, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateArgumentList=NULL)
Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeSta...
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_UPC_language()
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlock * ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfUpcForAll(SgUpcForAllStatement *fs)
Check if the body of a 'upc_forall' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
void outputGlobalFunctionTypeSymbolTable()
Output function type symbols in global function type symbol table.
ROSE_DLL_API bool insideSystemHeader(SgLocatedNode *node)
Set source position info(Sg_File_Info) as transformation generated for all SgNodes in memory pool...
std::vector< NodeType * > querySubTree(SgNode *top, VariantT variant=(VariantT) NodeType::static_variant)
Query a subtree to get all nodes of a given type, with an appropriate downcast.
std::vector< SgContinueStmt * > findContinueStmts(SgStatement *code, const std::string &fortranLabel="")
Find all continue statements inside a particular statement, stopping at nested loops.
void setBaseTypeDefiningDeclaration(SgVariableDeclaration *var_decl, SgDeclarationStatement *base_decl)
a better version for SgVariableDeclaration::set_baseTypeDefininingDeclaration(), handling all side ef...
ROSE_DLL_API bool templateArgumentListEquivalence(const SgTemplateArgumentPtrList &list1, const SgTemplateArgumentPtrList &list2)
Verify that 2 SgTemplateArgumentPtrList are equivalent.
const SgInitializedNamePtrList & get_args() const
Access function for p_args.
ROSE_DLL_API SgGlobal * getGlobalScope(const SgNode *astNode)
Traverse back through a node's parents to find the enclosing global scope.
ROSE_DLL_API bool mergeAssignmentWithDeclaration(SgExprStatement *assign_stmt, SgVariableDeclaration *decl, bool removeAssignStmt=true)
Merge an assignment into its upstream declaration statement. Callers should make sure the merge is se...
This class represents the concept of a name within the compiler.
T * findDeclarationStatement(SgNode *root, std::string name, SgScopeStatement *scope, bool isDefining)
Topdown traverse a subtree from root to find the first declaration given its name, scope (optional, can be NULL), and defining or nondefining flag.
ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializedName * convertRefToInitializedName(SgNode *current, bool coarseGrain=true)
Variable references can be introduced by SgVarRef, SgPntrArrRefExp, SgInitializedName, SgMemberFunctionRef etc. For Dot and Arrow Expressions, their lhs is used to obtain SgInitializedName (coarse grain) by default. Otherwise, fine-grain rhs is used.
ROSE_DLL_API std::vector< SgFunctionDeclaration * > generateFunctionDefinitionsList(SgNode *node)
Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers...
void dumpPreprocInfo(SgLocatedNode *locatedNode)
Dumps a located node's preprocessing information.
ROSE_DLL_API void replaceSubexpressionWithStatement(SgExpression *from, SageInterface::StatementGenerator *to)
Similar to replaceExpressionWithStatement, but with more restrictions.
ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableSymbol * lookupVariableSymbolInParentScopes(const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL)
Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeSta...
SgCommaOpExp * insertBeforeUsingCommaOp(SgExpression *new_exp, SgExpression *anchor_exp)
Insert an expression (new_exp )before another expression (anchor_exp) has possible side effects...
Supporting class from copy mechanism within ROSE.
Definition: Cxx_Grammar.h:9647
ROSE_DLL_API void setSourcePosition(SgNode *node)
Set the source code positon for the current (input) node.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isPureVirtualClass(SgType *type, const ClassHierarchyWrapper &classHierarchy)
Check if a class type is a pure virtual class.
ROSE_DLL_API void removeStatement(SgStatement *stmt, bool autoRelocatePreprocessingInfo=true)
Remove a statement from its attach point of the AST. Automatically keep its associated preprocessing ...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUseByAddressVariableRef(SgVarRefExp *ref)
Check if a variable reference is used by its address: including &a expression and foo(a) when type2 f...
ROSE_DLL_API SgGlobal * getFirstGlobalScope(SgProject *project)
return the first global scope under current project
Base class for all IR node attribute values.
ROSE_DLL_API void replaceExpressionWithStatement(SgExpression *from, SageInterface::StatementGenerator *to)
Replace a given expression with a list of statements produced by a generator.
ROSE_DLL_API void fixStructDeclaration(SgClassDeclaration *structDecl, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Fix symbols, parent and scope pointers. Used internally within appendStatment(), insertStatement() et...
ROSE_DLL_API SgType * getFirstVarType(SgVariableDeclaration *decl)
Get the data type of the first initialized name of a declaration statement.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcSharedType(SgType *t, SgModifierType **mod_type_out=NULL)
Check if a type is a UPC shared type, including shared array, shared pointers etc. Exclude private pointers to shared types. Optionally return the modifier type with the UPC shared property.
ROSE_DLL_API void setLoopBody(SgScopeStatement *loop, SgStatement *body)
Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.
ROSE_DLL_API int collectVariableReferencesInArrayTypes(SgLocatedNode *root, Rose_STL_Container< SgNode * > &currentVarRefList)
Collect variable references in array types. The default NodeQuery::querySubTree() will miss variables...
This class represents the concept of a class definition in C++.
This class represents strings within the IR nodes.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isMemberFunctionMemberReference(SgMemberFunctionRefExp *memberFunctionRefExp)
Find a node by type using upward traversal.
SgCommaOpExp * insertAfterUsingCommaOp(SgExpression *new_exp, SgExpression *anchor_exp, SgStatement **temp_decl=NULL, SgVarRefExp **temp_ref=NULL)
Insert an expression (new_exp ) after another expression (anchor_exp) has possible side effects...
void resetMangledNameCache(SgGlobal *globalScope)
Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node...
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlock * ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfWhile(SgWhileStmt *ws)
Check if the body of a 'while' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
ROSE_DLL_API bool collectReadWriteVariables(SgStatement *stmt, std::set< SgInitializedName * > &readVars, std::set< SgInitializedName * > &writeVars, bool coarseGrain=true)
Collect unique variables which are read or written within a statement. Note that a variable can be bo...
ROSE_DLL_API size_t getArrayElementCount(SgArrayType *t)
Calculate the number of elements of an array type: dim1* dim2*... , assume element count is 1 for int...
ROSE_DLL_API void moveCommentsToNewStatement(SgStatement *sourceStatement, const std::vector< int > &indexList, SgStatement *targetStatement, bool surroundingStatementPreceedsTargetStatement)
Relocate comments and CPP directives from one statement to another.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isMain(const SgNode *node)
Check if a SgNode is a main() function declaration.
ROSE_DLL_API void displayScope(SgScopeStatement *scope)
Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API void setExtern(SgDeclarationStatement *stmt)
Set a declaration as extern.
ROSE_DLL_API void replaceStatement(SgStatement *oldStmt, SgStatement *newStmt, bool movePreprocessinInfo=false)
Replace a statement with another. Move preprocessing information from oldStmt to newStmt if requested...
std::vector< SgStatement * > getSwitchCases(SgSwitchStatement *sw)
Query a subtree to get all nodes of a given type, with an appropriate downcast.
ROSE_DLL_API void listHeaderFiles(SgIncludeFile *includeFile)
return path prefix for subtree of include files.
void setSourcePositionAsTransformation(SgNode *node)
DQ (5/1/2012): New function with improved name.
bool isPrototypeInScope(SgScopeStatement *scope, SgFunctionDeclaration *functionDeclaration, SgDeclarationStatement *startingAtDeclaration)
Assigns unique numbers to each SgScopeStatement of a function.
Functions that are useful when operating on the AST.
Definition: sageBuilder.h:25
static ROSE_DLL_API DeferredTransformation replaceDefiningFunctionDeclarationWithFunctionPrototype(SgFunctionDeclaration *functionDeclaration)
ROSE_DLL_API bool doLoopNormalization(SgFortranDo *loop)
Normalize a Fortran Do loop. Make the default increment expression (1) explicit.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isConstantFalse(SgExpression *e)
Check if a bool or int constant expression evaluates to be a false value.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isExtern(SgDeclarationStatement *stmt)
Check if a declaration has an "extern" modifier.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclaration * findMain(SgNode *currentNode)
top-down traversal from current node to find the main() function declaration
ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializedName * getFirstInitializedName(SgVariableDeclaration *decl)
Get the first initialized name of a declaration statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgType * lookupNamedTypeInParentScopes(const std::string &type_name, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Lookup a named type based on its name, bottomup searching from a specified scope. Note name collison ...
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_UPC_dynamic_threads()
ROSE_DLL_API void translateScopeToUseCppDeclarations(SgScopeStatement *scope)
Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of referenc...
ROSE_DLL_API void cleanupNontransformedBasicBlockNode()
Remove unused basic block IR nodes added as part of normalization.
ROSE_DLL_API void setOperand(SgExpression *target, SgExpression *operand)
Set operands for expressions with single operand, such as unary expressions. handle file info...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isVolatileType(SgType *t)
Is this a volatile type?
ROSE_DLL_API SgAssignInitializer * splitExpression(SgExpression *from, std::string newName="")
Replace an expression with a temporary variable and an assignment statement.
ROSE_DLL_API void setFortranNumericLabel(SgStatement *stmt, int label_value, SgLabelSymbol::label_type_enum label_type=SgLabelSymbol::e_start_label_type, SgScopeStatement *label_scope=NULL)
Set a numerical label for a Fortran statement. The statement should have a enclosing function definit...
std::pair< SgVariableDeclaration *, SgExpression * > createTempVariableForExpression(SgExpression *expression, SgScopeStatement *scope, bool initializeInDeclaration, SgAssignOp **reEvaluate=NULL)
Given an expression, generates a temporary variable whose initializer optionally evaluates that expre...
ROSE_DLL_API std::set< SgStatement * > collectModifiedStatements(SgNode *node)
This collects the statements that are marked as modified (a flag automatically set by all set_* gener...
ROSE_DLL_API void ReductionRecognition(SgForStatement *loop, std::set< std::pair< SgInitializedName *, OmpSupport::omp_construct_enum > > &results)
Recognize and collect reduction variables and operations within a C/C++ loop, following OpenMP 3...
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement * getLoopCondition(SgScopeStatement *loop)
Routines to get the condition of a loop. It recognize While-loop, For-loop, and Do-While-loop.
This class represents the concept of a namespace name within the compiler.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isPostfixOperator(SgExpression *exp)
Is an overloaded operator a postfix operator. (e.g. ).
ROSE_DLL_API bool hasSameGlobalScope(SgStatement *statement_1, SgStatement *statement_2)
This is supporting the recognition of functions in header files from two different ASTs...
ROSE_DLL_API void fixFunctionDeclaration(SgFunctionDeclaration *stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Fix the symbol table and set scope (only if scope in declaration is not already set).
SgBasicBlock * ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfCaseOption(SgCaseOptionStmt *cs)
Check if the body of a 'case option' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl * buildForwardFunctionDeclaration(SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl *memberFunctionInstantiation)
Generate a non-defining (forward) declaration from a defining function declaration.
ROSE_DLL_API std::list< SgClassType * > getClassTypeChainForMemberReference(SgExpression *refExp)
Find a node by type using upward traversal.
This class represents the base class for all IR nodes within Sage III.
Definition: Cxx_Grammar.h:9846
ROSE_DLL_API bool scopeHasStatementsFromSameFile(SgScopeStatement *scope)
This function supports the token-based unparsing when used with unparsing of header files to know whe...
This class represents the concept of a catch within a try-catch construct used in C++ exception handl...
ROSE_DLL_API void checkSgNodePointers()
Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers...
This class represents the notion of an value (expression value).
This class represents the concept of a variable name within the compiler (a shared container for the ...
This class represents the concept of an instantiation of function template.
ROSE_DLL_API std::set< SgStatement * > collectTransformedStatements(SgNode *node)
This collects the statements that are marked as transformed (useful in debugging).
NodeType * getEnclosingNode(const SgNode *astNode, const bool includingSelf=false)
Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Jovial_language()
ROSE_DLL_API void collectReadOnlySymbols(SgStatement *stmt, std::set< SgVariableSymbol * > &readOnlySymbols, bool coarseGrain=true)
Collect read only variable symbols within a statement. The statement can be either of a function...
ROSE_DLL_API void moveForStatementIncrementIntoBody(SgForStatement *f)
Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.
SgTemplateMemberFunctionDeclaration * get_templateDeclaration() const
Returns pointer to SgTemplateDeclaration from which instantiation is generated.
std::vector< SgDeclarationStatement * > getDependentDeclarations(SgStatement *stmt)
Get a statement's dependent declarations which declares the types used in the statement. The returned vector of declaration statements are sorted according to their appearance order in the original AST. Any reference to a class or template class from a namespace will treated as a reference to the enclosing namespace.
ROSE_DLL_API void prependStatementList(const std::vector< SgStatement * > &stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
prepend a list of statements to the beginning of the current scope, handling side effects as appropri...
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDefinition * getEnclosingClassDefinition(SgNode *astnode, const bool includingSelf=false)
Get the closest class definition enclosing the specified AST node,.
std::map< std::string, SgNode * > local_name_to_node_map
Global map of name collisions to support generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier() function.
ROSE_DLL_API void checkSymbolTables(SgNode *)
Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node...
ROSE_DLL_API void replaceVariableReferences(SgVariableSymbol *old_sym, SgVariableSymbol *new_sym, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Replace all variable references to an old symbol in a scope to being references to a new symbol...
ROSE_DLL_API bool unnormalizeForLoopInitDeclaration(SgForStatement *loop)
Undo the normalization of for loop's C99 init declaration. Previous record of normalization is used t...
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_OpenCL_language()
ROSE_DLL_API bool normalizeForLoopInitDeclaration(SgForStatement *loop)
Normalize loop init stmt by promoting the single variable declaration statement outside of the for lo...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isLastStatement(SgStatement *stmt)
Check if a statement is the last statement within its closed scope.
ROSE_DLL_API SgType * getAssociatedTypeFromFunctionTypeList(SgExpression *actual_argument_expression)
Get the type of the associated argument expression from the function type.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlock * ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfFor(SgForStatement *fs)
Check if the body of a 'for' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
std::vector< SgExpression * > get_C_array_dimensions(const SgArrayType &arrtype)
returns the array dimensions in an array as defined for arrtype
This class represents the concept of a block (not a basic block from control flow analysis)...
ROSE_DLL_API std::vector< SgC_PreprocessorDirectiveStatement * > translateStatementToUseCppDeclarations(SgStatement *statement, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of referenc...
This class represents the concept of a C++ namespace declaration.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDefinition * getEnclosingProcedure(SgNode *n, const bool includingSelf=false)
Find the function definition.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclaration * getEnclosingFunctionDeclaration(SgNode *astNode, const bool includingSelf=false)
Find the enclosing function declaration, including its derived instances like isSgProcedureHeaderStat...
This class represents the notion of a statement.
For preprocessing information including source comments, include , if, define, etc.
ROSE_DLL_API void pastePreprocessingInfo(SgLocatedNode *dst_node, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType pos, AttachedPreprocessingInfoType &saved_buf)
Paste preprocessing information from a buffer to a destination node. Used in combination of cutPrepro...
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_C_language()
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement * lastFrontEndSpecificStatement(SgGlobal *globalScope)
Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers...
This class represents the concept of a namespace definition.
This class represents the concept of a for loop.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isStructDeclaration(SgNode *node)
Check if a SgNode is a declaration for a structure.
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement * getLastStatement(SgScopeStatement *scope)
get the last statement within a scope, return NULL if it does not exit
void clearUnusedVariableSymbols(SgNode *root=NULL)
Clear those variable symbols with unknown type (together with initialized names) which are also not r...
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlock * ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfDoWhile(SgDoWhileStmt *ws)
Check if the body of a 'do .. while' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
ROSE_DLL_API bool skipTranslateToUseCppDeclaration(PreprocessingInfo *currentPreprocessingInfo)
Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of referenc...
ROSE_DLL_API std::vector< SgInitializedName * > getInParameters(const SgInitializedNamePtrList &params)
Get a vector of Jovial input parameters from the function parameter list (may work for Fortran in the...
ROSE_DLL_API void resetInternalMapsForTargetStatement(SgStatement *sourceStatement)
Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers...
SgDeclarationStatement * get_definingDeclaration() const
This is an access function for the SgDeclarationStatement::p_definingDeclaration data member (see tha...
ROSE_DLL_API void recordNormalizations(SgStatement *s)
Record where normalization have been done so that we can preform denormalizations as required for the...
ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializedName * getLoopIndexVariable(SgNode *loop)
Return the loop index variable for a for loop.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUnionDeclaration(SgNode *node)
Check if a SgNode is a declaration for a union.
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_X10_language()
ROSE_DLL_API bool statementCanBeTransformed(SgStatement *stmt)
If header file unparsing and token-based unparsing are used, then some statements in header files use...
This class represents a type for all functions.
void annotateExpressionsWithUniqueNames(SgProject *project)
Generate unique names for expressions and attach the names as persistent attributes ("UniqueNameAttri...
SgInitializedName & getFirstVariable(SgVariableDeclaration &vardecl)
convenience function that returns the first initialized name in a list of variable declarations...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isCallToParticularFunction(SgFunctionDeclaration *decl, SgExpression *e)
Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node...
This class represents the concept of a namespace definition.
ROSE_DLL_API void moveVariableDeclaration(SgVariableDeclaration *decl, SgScopeStatement *target_scope)
Move a variable declaration to a new scope, handle symbol, special scopes like For loop...
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement * copyStatement(SgStatement *s)
Deep copy a statement.
void addMessageStatement(SgStatement *stmt, std::string message)
Function to add "C" style comment to statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlock * ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfCatch(SgCatchOptionStmt *cos)
Check if the body of a 'catch' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isScalarType(SgType *t)
Is this a scalar type?
This class represents the concept of a C Assembler statement (untested).
ROSE_DLL_API void appendExpression(SgExprListExp *, SgExpression *)
Append an expression to a SgExprListExp, set the parent pointer also.
ROSE_DLL_API void updateDefiningNondefiningLinks(SgFunctionDeclaration *func, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Update defining and nondefining links due to a newly introduced function declaration. Should be used after inserting the function into a scope.
ROSE_DLL_API bool hasUpcSharedType(SgType *t, SgModifierType **mod_type_out=NULL)
Has a UPC shared type of any kinds (shared-to-shared, private-to-shared, shared-to-private, shared scalar/array)? An optional parameter, mod_type_out, stores the first SgModifierType with UPC access information.
SgNamedType * getDeclaredType(const SgDeclarationStatement *declaration)
Returns the type introduced by a declaration.
ROSE_DLL_API bool hasSimpleChildrenList(SgScopeStatement *scope)
Check if a scope statement has a simple children statement list so insert additional statements under...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isNonconstReference(SgType *t)
Is this type a non-constant reference type? (Handles typedefs correctly)
This class represents the concept of a C or C++ default case within a switch statement.
ROSE_DLL_API bool templateArgumentEquivalence(SgTemplateArgument *arg1, SgTemplateArgument *arg2)
Verify that 2 SgTemplateArgument are equivalent (same type, same expression, or same template declara...
This class represents the concept of an "if" construct.
ROSE_DLL_API SgSymbol * lookupSymbolInParentScopes(const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *templateParameterList=NULL, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateArgumentList=NULL)
Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeSta...
void recursivePrintCurrentAndParent(SgNode *n)
Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node...
to specify a construct using a specifier Can be used alone or with parent handles when relative speci...
ROSE_DLL_API void fixVariableDeclaration(SgVariableDeclaration *varDecl, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Patch up symbol, scope, and parent information when a SgVariableDeclaration's scope is known...
ROSE_DLL_API void outputFileIds(SgNode *node)
Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of referenc...
virtual std::string class_name() const
returns a string representing the class name
ROSE_DLL_API void deleteAST(SgNode *node)
Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers...
std::vector< SgGotoStatement * > findGotoStmts(SgStatement *scope, SgLabelStatement *l)
Query a subtree to get all nodes of a given type, with an appropriate downcast.
virtual std::vector< SgNode * > get_traversalSuccessorContainer()
container of pointers to AST successor nodes used in the traversal overridden in every class by gener...
ROSE_DLL_API SgScopeStatement * getScope(const SgNode *astNode)
Get the closest scope from astNode. Return astNode if it is already a scope.
void setParameterList(actualFunction *func, SgFunctionParameterList *paralist)
Set parameter list for a function declaration, considering existing parameter list etc...
This class represents the concept of a template declaration.
ROSE_DLL_API void fixClassDeclaration(SgClassDeclaration *classDecl, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Fix symbols, parent and scope pointers. Used internally within appendStatment(), insertStatement() et...
ROSE_DLL_API bool forLoopNormalization(SgForStatement *loop, bool foldConstant=true)
Normalize a for loop, return true if successful.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNamespaceSymbol * lookupNamespaceSymbolInParentScopes(const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL)
Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeSta...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isLambdaCapturedVariable(SgVarRefExp *varRef)
check if a variable reference is this->a[i] inside of a lambda function
ROSE_DLL_API SgScopeStatement * findEnclosingLoop(SgStatement *s, const std::string &fortranLabel="", bool stopOnSwitches=false)
Find the closest loop outside the given statement; if fortranLabel is not empty, the Fortran label of...
This class represents the notion of an expression or statement which has a position within the source...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isReferenceType(SgType *t)
Is this type a const or non-const reference type? (Handles typedefs correctly)
This class represents template argument within the use of a template to build an instantiation.
ROSE_DLL_API void appendStatement(SgStatement *stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Append a statement to the end of the current scope, handle side effect of appending statements...
This class represents the variable refernece in expressions.
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementAfterLastDeclaration(SgStatement *stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Insert a statement after the last declaration within a scope. The statement will be prepended to the ...
This class represents the concept of a do-while statement.
ROSE_DLL_API std::vector< SgNode * > astIntersection(SgNode *original, SgNode *copy, SgCopyHelp *help=NULL)
Compute the intersection set for two ASTs.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcPrivateToSharedType(SgType *t)
Is a UPC private-to-shared pointer? SgPointerType comes first compared to SgModifierType with UPC inf...
void initializeSwitchStatement(SgSwitchStatement *switchStatement, SgStatement *item_selector, SgStatement *body)
Support function used for variable declarations in conditionals.
ROSE_DLL_API int fixVariableReferences(SgNode *root, bool cleanUnusedSymbol=true)
Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of referenc...
std::map< std::string, int > local_name_collision_map
Global map of name collisions to support generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier() function.
ROSE_DLL_API void setLoopUpperBound(SgNode *loop, SgExpression *ub)
Set the upper bound of a loop header,regardless the condition expression type. for (i=lb; i op up...
ROSE_DLL_API std::set< SgLabelStatement * > findUnusedLabels(SgNode *top)
Find unused labels which are not targets of any goto statements.
ROSE_DLL_API SgEnumSymbol * lookupEnumSymbolInParentScopes(const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL)
Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeSta...
ROSE_DLL_API std::set< SgLocatedNode * > collectModifiedLocatedNodes(SgNode *node)
This collects the SgLocatedNodes that are marked as modified (a flag automatically set by all set_* g...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isDefaultConstructible(SgType *type)
Is a type default constructible? This may not quite work properly.
ROSE_DLL_API void wrapAllTemplateInstantiationsInAssociatedNamespaces(SgProject *root)
Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers...
ROSE_DLL_API void convertForToWhile(SgForStatement *f)
Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Jvm_language()
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypedefSymbol * lookupTypedefSymbolInParentScopes(const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL)
Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeSta...
ROSE_DLL_API bool loopTiling(SgForStatement *loopNest, size_t targetLevel, size_t tileSize)
Tile the n-level (starting from 1) loop of a perfectly nested loop nest using tiling size s...
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclaration * buildFunctionPrototype(SgFunctionDeclaration *functionDeclaration)
Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers...
Base class for values.
ROSE_DLL_API bool mergeDeclarationWithAssignment(SgVariableDeclaration *decl, SgExprStatement *assign_stmt)
Merge a declaration statement into a matching followed variable assignment. Callers should make sure ...
void computeUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier(SgNode *astNode)
Traversal to set the global map of names to node and node to names.collisions to support generateUniq...
ROSE_DLL_API void markNodeToBeUnparsed(SgNode *node, int physical_file_id)
Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isAssignable(SgType *type)
Is a type assignable? This may not quite work properly.
ROSE_DLL_API bool ROSE_DLL_API isJovialOutParam(SgInitializedName *name)
True if a parameter name is a Jovial output parameter.
ROSE_DLL_API void setLoopLowerBound(SgNode *loop, SgExpression *lb)
Set the lower bound of a loop header for (i=lb; ...)
ROSE_DLL_API SgProject * getProject()
Get the current SgProject IR Node.
This class represents the member function being called and must be assembled in the SgFunctionCall wi...
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_PHP_language()
ROSE_DLL_API bool normalizeForLoopIncrement(SgForStatement *loop)
Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.
ROSE_DLL_API void splitExpressionIntoBasicBlock(SgExpression *expr)
Split long expressions into blocks of statements.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionType * findFunctionType(SgType *return_type, SgFunctionParameterTypeList *typeList)
Find the function type matching a function signature plus a given return type.
void initializeWhileStatement(SgWhileStmt *whileStatement, SgStatement *condition, SgStatement *body, SgStatement *else_body)
Support function used for variable declarations in conditionals.
void addVarRefExpFromArrayDimInfo(SgNode *astNode, Rose_STL_Container< SgNode * > &NodeList_t)
Find all SgPntrArrRefExp under astNode, then add SgVarRefExp (if any) of SgPntrArrRefExp's dim_info i...
ROSE_DLL_API void removeConsecutiveLabels(SgNode *top)
Remove consecutive labels.
bool IsClass(const SgType *const inputType)
strip off typedef and modifer types, then check if a type is a class type, excluding union type...
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclaration * replaceDefiningFunctionDeclarationWithFunctionPrototype(SgFunctionDeclaration *functionDeclaration)
Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers...
ROSE_DLL_API void setOneSourcePositionForTransformation(SgNode *root)
Set current node's source position as transformation generated.
ROSE_DLL_API void moveDeclarationToAssociatedNamespace(SgDeclarationStatement *declarationStatement)
Relocate the declaration to be explicitly represented in its associated namespace (required for some ...
ROSE_DLL_API void setRhsOperand(SgExpression *target, SgExpression *rhs)
set left hand operand for binary expression
SgNode * get_parent() const
Access function for parent node.
ROSE_DLL_API void myRemoveStatement(SgStatement *stmt)
A special purpose statement removal function, originally from inlinerSupport.h, Need Jeremiah's atten...
bool functionCallExpressionPreceedsDeclarationWhichAssociatesScope(SgFunctionCallExp *functionCall)
Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node...
ROSE_DLL_API int suggestNextNumericLabel(SgFunctionDefinition *func_def)
Suggest next usable (non-conflicting) numeric label value for a Fortran function definition scope...
ROSE_DLL_API int gensym_counter
An internal counter for generating unique SgName.
ROSE_DLL_API void outputSharedNodes(SgNode *node)
Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isEqualToIntConst(SgExpression *e, int value)
Check if a SgIntVal node has a given value.
ROSE_DLL_API void setLoopStride(SgNode *loop, SgExpression *stride)
Set the stride(step) of a loop 's incremental expression, regardless the expression types (i+=s; i= i...
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement * getFirstStatement(SgScopeStatement *scope, bool includingCompilerGenerated=false)
Get the first statement within a scope, return NULL if it does not exist. Skip compiler-generated sta...
ROSE_DLL_API void changeContinuesToGotos(SgStatement *stmt, SgLabelStatement *label)
Change continue statements in a given block of code to gotos to a label.
ROSE_DLL_API SgSwitchStatement * findEnclosingSwitch(SgStatement *s)
Find the closest switch outside a given statement (normally used for case and default statements) ...
ROSE_DLL_API bool addDefaultConstructorIfRequired(SgClassType *classType, int physical_file_id=Sg_File_Info::TRANSFORMATION_FILE_ID)
Get the default destructor from the class declaration.
ROSE_DLL_API void markSubtreeToBeUnparsedTreeTraversal(SgNode *root, int physical_file_id)
Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node...
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Cxx_language()
ROSE_DLL_API bool isDataMemberReference(SgVarRefExp *varRefExp)
Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API bool language_may_contain_nondeclarations_in_scope()
void rebuildSymbolTable(SgScopeStatement *scope)
Regenerate the symbol table.
ROSE_DLL_API void collectUseByAddressVariableRefs(const SgStatement *s, std::set< SgVarRefExp * > &varSetB)
Collect variable references involving use by address: including &a expression and foo(a) when type2 f...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isConstType(SgType *t)
Is this a const type?
ROSE_DLL_API LivenessAnalysis * call_liveness_analysis(SgProject *project, bool debug=false)
Call liveness analysis on an entire project.
SgFunctionDeclaration * getDeclarationOfNamedFunction(SgExpression *func)
Given a SgExpression that represents a named function (or bound member function), return the mentione...
ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfo * insertHeader(SgSourceFile *source_file, const std::string &header_file_name, bool isSystemHeader, bool asLastHeader)
Insert #include "filename" or #include (system header) onto the global scope of a source f...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isRestrictType(SgType *t)
Is this a restrict type?
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_C99_language()
This class represents a source project, with a list of SgFile objects and global information about th...
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement * getNextStatement(SgStatement *currentStmt)
Get next statement within the same scope of current statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgType * getElementType(SgType *t)
Get the element type of an array, pointer or string, or NULL if not applicable. This function only ch...
ROSE_DLL_API void fixLabelStatement(SgLabelStatement *label_stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Fix symbol table for SgLabelStatement. Used Internally when the label is built without knowing its ta...
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatement * lastStatementOfScopeWithTokenInfo(SgScopeStatement *scope, std::map< SgNode *, TokenStreamSequenceToNodeMapping * > &tokenStreamSequenceMap)
Used to support token unparsing (when the output the trailing token sequence).
ROSE_DLL_API void movePreprocessingInfo(SgStatement *stmt_src, SgStatement *stmt_dst, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType src_position=PreprocessingInfo::undef, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType dst_position=PreprocessingInfo::undef, bool usePrepend=false)
Move preprocessing information of stmt_src to stmt_dst, Only move preprocessing information from the ...
ROSE_DLL_API void reportModifiedLocatedNodes(const std::string &label, SgNode *node)
Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of referenc...
ROSE_DLL_API void appendStatementWithDependentDeclaration(SgDeclarationStatement *decl, SgGlobal *scope, SgStatement *original_statement, bool excludeHeaderFiles)
Append a copy ('decl') of a function ('original_statement') into a 'scope', include any referenced de...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isLambdaFunction(SgFunctionDeclaration *func)
Check if a function declaration is a C++11 lambda function.
ROSE_DLL_API bool ROSE_DLL_API isMutable(SgInitializedName *name)
True if an SgInitializedName is "mutable' (has storage modifier set)
ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableSymbol * appendArg(SgFunctionParameterList *, SgInitializedName *)
Append an argument to SgFunctionParameterList, transparently set parent,scope, and symbols for argume...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isTemplateInstantiationNode(SgNode *node)
Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers...
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_mixed_Fortran_and_C_language()
SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement * enclosingNamespaceScope(SgDeclarationStatement *declaration)
Find the enclosing namespace of a declaration.
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_CAF_language()
ROSE_DLL_API void removeJumpsToNextStatement(SgNode *)
Remove jumps whose label is immediately after the jump. Used to clean up inlined code fragments...
ROSE_DLL_API void translateToUseCppDeclarations(SgNode *n)
Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of referenc...
ROSE_DLL_API bool insideHeader(SgLocatedNode *node)
Check if a node is from a header file.
void collectVarRefs(SgLocatedNode *root, std::vector< SgVarRefExp * > &result)
Collect all variable references in a subtree.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isPrefixOperator(SgExpression *exp)
Is an overloaded operator a prefix operator (e.g. address operator X * operator&(), dereference operator X & operator*(), unary plus operator X & operator+(), etc.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isCanonicalForLoop(SgNode *loop, SgInitializedName **ivar=NULL, SgExpression **lb=NULL, SgExpression **ub=NULL, SgExpression **step=NULL, SgStatement **body=NULL, bool *hasIncrementalIterationSpace=NULL, bool *isInclusiveUpperBound=NULL)
Check if a for-loop has a canonical form, return loop index, bounds, step, and body if requested...
ROSE_DLL_API void deepDelete(SgNode *root)
Deep delete a sub AST tree. It uses postorder traversal to delete each child node. Users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result. This is identical to deleteAST()
std::string declarationPositionString(const SgDeclarationStatement *declaration)
Generate a unique string from the source file position information.
This class represents the concept of a C or C++ variable declaration.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionSymbol * lookupFunctionSymbolInParentScopes(const SgName &functionName, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL)
look up the first matched function symbol in parent scopes given only a function name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL
ROSE_DLL_API std::vector< SgDeclarationStatement * > sortSgNodeListBasedOnAppearanceOrderInSource(const std::vector< SgDeclarationStatement * > &nodevec)
Reorder a list of declaration statements based on their appearance order in source files...
std::map< SgNode *, std::string > local_node_to_name_map
Global map of name collisions to support generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier() function.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionSymbol * lookupTemplateMemberFunctionSymbolInParentScopes(const SgName &functionName, SgFunctionType *ftype, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *tplparams, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL)
Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeSta...
Represents an interpretation of a binary container.
std::pair< SgStatement *, SgInitializedName * > wrapFunction(SgFunctionDeclaration &definingDeclaration, SgName newName)
moves the body of a function f to a new function f; f's body is replaced with code that forwards the ...
This class represents the concept of a C or C++ label statement.
ROSE_DLL_API void appendStatementList(const std::vector< SgStatement * > &stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
Append a list of statements to the end of the current scope, handle side effect of appending statemen...
ROSE_DLL_API bool isPointerToNonConstType(SgType *type)
Is this a pointer to a non-const type? Note that this function will return true for const pointers po...
SgDeclarationStatement * get_firstNondefiningDeclaration() const
This is an access function for the SgDeclarationStatement::p_firstNondefiningDeclaration data member ...
ROSE_DLL_API void dumpInfo(SgNode *node, std::string desc="")
Dump information about a SgNode for debugging.
ROSE_DLL_API void addTextForUnparser(SgNode *astNode, std::string s, AstUnparseAttribute::RelativePositionType inputlocation)
Add a string to be unparsed to support code generation for back-end specific tools or compilers...
ROSE_DLL_API void fixNamespaceDeclaration(SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement *structDecl, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Fix symbols, parent and scope pointers. Used internally within appendStatment(), insertStatement() et...
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatement(SgStatement *targetStmt, SgStatement *newStmt, bool insertBefore=true, bool autoMovePreprocessingInfo=true)
Insert a statement before or after the target statement within the target's scope. Move around preprocessing info automatically.
ROSE_DLL_API void collectReadOnlyVariables(SgStatement *stmt, std::set< SgInitializedName * > &readOnlyVars, bool coarseGrain=true)
Collect read only variables within a statement. The statement can be either of a function, a scope, or a single line statement. For accesses to members of aggregate data, we return the coarse grain aggregate mem obj by default.
This class represents the concept of a C++ function call (which is an expression).
void reset_name_collision_map()
Reset map variables used to support generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier() function.
Base class for binary files.
std::pair< SgVariableDeclaration *, SgExpression * > createTempVariableAndReferenceForExpression(SgExpression *expression, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers...
ROSE_DLL_API void addStepToLoopBody(SgScopeStatement *loopStmt, SgStatement *step)
Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Cuda_language()
ROSE_DLL_API SgNode * replaceWithPattern(SgNode *anchor, SgNode *new_pattern)
Replace an anchor node with a specified pattern subtree with optional SgVariantExpression. All SgVariantExpression in the pattern will be replaced with copies of the anchor node.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateVariableSymbol * lookupTemplateVariableSymbolInParentScopes(const SgName &name, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *tplparams, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *tplargs, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL)
Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeSta...
ROSE_DLL_API bool loopUnrolling(SgForStatement *loop, size_t unrolling_factor)
Unroll a target loop with a specified unrolling factor. It handles steps larger than 1 and adds a fri...
std::string addMangledNameToCache(SgNode *astNode, const std::string &mangledName)
Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node...
bool ROSE_DLL_API isAncestor(SgNode *node1, SgNode *node2)
check if node1 is a strict ancestor of node 2. (a node is not considered its own ancestor) ...
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionSymbol * lookupTemplateFunctionSymbolInParentScopes(const SgName &functionName, SgFunctionType *ftype, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *tplparams, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL)
Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeSta...
This class represents the concept of a declaration statement.
virtual SgName get_name() const =0
Access function for getting name from declarations or types internally.
This class represents the concept of a switch.
ROSE_DLL_API SgExpression * copyExpression(SgExpression *e)
Deep copy an expression.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcPhaseLessSharedType(SgType *t)
Is UPC phase-less shared type? Phase-less means block size of the first SgModifierType with UPC infor...
ROSE_DLL_API void checkAccessPermissions(SgNode *)
Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node...
ROSE_DLL_API SgType * getArrayElementType(SgType *t)
Get the element type of an array. It recursively find the base type for multi-dimension array types...
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementListBeforeFirstNonDeclaration(const std::vector< SgStatement * > &newStmts, SgScopeStatement *scope)
Insert statements before the first non-declaration statement in a scope. If the scope has no non-decl...
ROSE_DLL_API void moveToSubdirectory(std::string directoryName, SgFile *file)
Move file to be generated in a subdirectory (will be generated by the unparser).
ROSE_DLL_API bool collectReadWriteRefs(SgStatement *stmt, std::vector< SgNode * > &readRefs, std::vector< SgNode * > &writeRefs, bool useCachedDefUse=false)
Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement...
ROSE_DLL_API void replaceMacroCallsWithExpandedStrings(SgPragmaDeclaration *target)
Check if a pragma declaration node has macro calls attached, if yes, replace macro calls within the p...
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_mixed_C_and_Cxx_language()
ROSE_DLL_API bool isArrayReference(SgExpression *ref, SgExpression **arrayNameExp=NULL, std::vector< SgExpression * > **subscripts=NULL)
Check if an expression is an array access (SgPntrArrRefExp). If so, return its name expression and su...