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SageInterface Namespace Reference


Functions that are useful when operating on the AST.

The Sage III IR design attempts to be minimalist. Thus additional functionality is intended to be presented using separate higher level interfaces which work with the IR. This namespace collects functions that operate on the IR and support numerous types of operations that are common to general analysis and transformation of the AST.


namespace  Ada
 Contains Ada-specific functionality.


class  AndOpGenerator
class  ConditionalExpGenerator
struct  const_int_expr_t
class  DeclarationSets
struct  DeferredTransformation
class  OrOpGenerator
class  OutputLocalSymbolTables
struct  PreprocessingInfoData
class  StatementGenerator
 Interface for creating a statement whose computation writes its answer into a given variable. More...
struct  Transformation_Record
class  UniqueNameAttribute
 A persistent attribute to represent a unique name for an expression. More...


typedef bool(* EquivalenceTestFunctionType) (SgNode *x, SgNode *y)


DeclarationSetsbuildDeclarationSets (SgNode *)
void addMessageStatement (SgStatement *stmt, std::string message)
 Function to add "C" style comment to statement.
void addComment (SgAsmStatement *stmt, const std::string &input_string)
SgAsmElfSectiongetSection (SgProject *project, const std::string &name)
SgAsmElfSectiongetSection (SgProject *project, size_t ptr)
SgAsmFunctiongetAsmFunction (SgAsmInstruction *asmInstruction)
 Traverses AST backwards up the tree along the "parent" edges to the SgAsmFunction.
SgAsmBlockgetAsmBlock (SgAsmInstruction *asmInstruction)
 Traverses AST backwards up the tree along the "parent" edges to the SgAsmBlock.
SgAsmInterpretationgetAsmInterpretation (SgAsmNode *asmNode)
 Traverses AST backwards up the tree along the "parent" edges to the SgAsmInterpretation.
std::string generateUniqueName (size_t value, std::map< size_t, int > &usedOffsets, size_t &counter)
size_t get_value (SgAsmValueExpression *asmValueExpression)
std::string get_valueString (SgAsmValueExpression *asmValueExpression)
bool isMovInstruction (SgAsmInstruction *asmInstruction)
bool isInstructionKind (SgAsmInstruction *asmInstruction, Rose::BinaryAnalysis::X86InstructionKind instuctionKind)
bool equivalenceTest (SgNode *x, SgNode *y)
std::vector< SgNode * > flattenAST (SgNode *node)
std::vector< SgNode * > matchAST (SgNode *node, std::vector< SgNode * > &listOfNodes, EquivalenceTestFunctionType equivalenceTest)
std::vector< SgNode * > find (SgNode *astNode, SgNode *target, EquivalenceTestFunctionType equivalenceTest)
bool isNOP (SgAsmInstruction *asmInstruction)
 Test an instruction for if it has no side-effect to the state (is so then it is a NOP). This is a more general test than if it is equivelent to the NOP memonic instruction.
bool isNOP (const std::vector< SgAsmInstruction * > &asmInstructionList)
 Test a sequence of instructions for it they (as a set) have no side-effects to the state (is so then it is a NOP sequence).
std::vector< std::vector< SgAsmInstruction * > > find_NOP_sequences (SgAsmBlock *asmBlock)
 find sequences of NOP instructions in a SgAsmBlock
void insertInstruction (SgAsmInstruction *targetInstruction, SgAsmInstruction *newInstruction, bool insertBefore)
 Support for insertion of instruction relative to a target instruction.
void insertInstructionBefore (SgAsmInstruction *targetInstruction, SgAsmInstruction *newInstruction)
 Insert a instruction before a target instruction.
void removeInstruction (SgAsmStatement *instruction)
 Remove a instruction.
template<class T >
void setSourcePositionToDefault (T *node)
Source File Position

set Sg_File_Info for a SgNode

ROSE_DLL_API void setOneSourcePositionForTransformation (SgNode *node)
 Set current node's source position as transformation generated.
ROSE_DLL_API void setSourcePosition (SgNode *node)
 Set the source code positon for the current (input) node.
ROSE_DLL_API void setSourcePositionAtRootAndAllChildren (SgNode *root)
 Set the source code positon for the subtree (including the root).
void setSourcePositionAsTransformation (SgNode *node)
 DQ (5/1/2012): New function with improved name.
void setSourcePositionPointersToNull (SgNode *node)
 Set the source code positon for the current (input) node.
ROSE_DLL_API void setOneSourcePositionNull (SgNode *node)
 Set current node's source position as NULL.
ROSE_DLL_API void setSourcePositionForTransformation (SgNode *root)
 Recursively set source position info(Sg_File_Info) as transformation generated.
ROSE_DLL_API bool insideSystemHeader (SgLocatedNode *node)
 Set source position info(Sg_File_Info) as transformation generated for all SgNodes in memory pool.
ROSE_DLL_API bool insideHeader (SgLocatedNode *node)
 Check if a node is from a header file.
Symbol tables

utility functions for symbol tables

ROSE_DLL_API SgSymbollookupSymbolInParentScopesIgnoringAliasSymbols (const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *templateParameterList=NULL, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateArgumentList=NULL)
 Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.
ROSE_DLL_API SgSymbollookupSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *templateParameterList=NULL, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateArgumentList=NULL)
 Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.
ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableSymbollookupVariableSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL)
 Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionSymbollookupFunctionSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName &functionName, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL)
 look up the first matched function symbol in parent scopes given only a function name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionSymbollookupFunctionSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName &functionName, const SgType *t, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL)
 look up function symbol in parent scopes given both name and function type, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionSymbollookupTemplateFunctionSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName &functionName, SgFunctionType *ftype, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *tplparams, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL)
 Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionSymbollookupTemplateMemberFunctionSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName &functionName, SgFunctionType *ftype, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *tplparams, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL)
 Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateVariableSymbollookupTemplateVariableSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName &name, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *tplparams, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *tplargs, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL)
 Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassSymbollookupClassSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateArgumentList=NULL)
 Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypedefSymbollookupTypedefSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL)
 Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNonrealSymbollookupNonrealSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *templateParameterList=NULL, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateArgumentList=NULL)
 Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateClassSymbollookupTemplateClassSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName &name, SgTemplateParameterPtrList *templateParameterList, SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *templateArgumentList, SgScopeStatement *cscope=NULL)
 Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.
ROSE_DLL_API SgEnumSymbollookupEnumSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL)
 Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNamespaceSymbollookupNamespaceSymbolInParentScopes (const SgName &name, SgScopeStatement *currentScope=NULL)
 Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.
ROSE_DLL_API int set_name (SgInitializedName *initializedNameNode, SgName new_name)
 set_name of symbol in symbol table.
void outputGlobalFunctionTypeSymbolTable ()
 Output function type symbols in global function type symbol table.
ROSE_DLL_API void outputLocalSymbolTables (SgNode *node)
 Output the local symbol tables.
void rebuildSymbolTable (SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Regenerate the symbol table.
void clearUnusedVariableSymbols (SgNode *root=NULL)
 Clear those variable symbols with unknown type (together with initialized names) which are also not referenced by any variable references or declarations under root. If root is NULL, all symbols with unknown type will be deleted.
void fixupReferencesToSymbols (const SgScopeStatement *this_scope, SgScopeStatement *copy_scope, SgCopyHelp &help)
 All the symbol table references in the copied AST need to be reset after rebuilding the copied scope's symbol table.
Class utilities
ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclarationgetDefaultDestructor (SgClassDeclaration *classDeclaration)
 Get the default destructor from the class declaration.
ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclarationgetDefaultConstructor (SgClassDeclaration *classDeclaration)
 Get the default constructor from the class declaration.
ROSE_DLL_API bool templateDefinitionIsInClass (SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl *memberFunctionDeclaration)
 Return true if template definition is in the class, false if outside of class.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDeclbuildForwardFunctionDeclaration (SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl *memberFunctionInstantiation)
 Generate a non-defining (forward) declaration from a defining function declaration.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isStructDeclaration (SgNode *node)
 Check if a SgNode is a declaration for a structure.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUnionDeclaration (SgNode *node)
 Check if a SgNode is a declaration for a union.
ROSE_DLL_API bool addDefaultConstructorIfRequired (SgClassType *classType, int physical_file_id=Sg_File_Info::TRANSFORMATION_FILE_ID)
 Get the default destructor from the class declaration.

Not sure the classifications right now

void recursivePrintCurrentAndParent (SgNode *n)
 Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.
void saveToPDF (SgNode *node, std::string filename)
 Save AST into a pdf file. Start from a node to find its enclosing file node. The entire file's AST will be saved into a pdf.
void saveToPDF (SgNode *node)
 Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.
void printAST (SgNode *node)
 Pretty print AST horizontally, output to std output.
void printAST (SgNode *node, const char *filename)
 Pretty print AST horizontally, output to a specified file, a simpiler interface than printAST2TextFile()
void printAST2TextFile (SgNode *node, const char *filename, bool printType=true)
 Pretty print AST horizontally, output to a specified text file. If printType is set to false, don't print out type info.
void printAST2TextFile (SgNode *node, std::string filename, bool printType=true)
 Pretty print AST horizontally, output to a specified text file. If printType is set to false, don't print out types info.
void whereAmI (SgNode *node)
 Diagnostic function for tracing back through the parent list to understand at runtime where in the AST a failure happened.
std::string extractPragmaKeyword (const SgPragmaDeclaration *)
 Extract a SgPragmaDeclaration's leading keyword . For example "#pragma omp parallel" has a keyword of "omp".
ROSE_DLL_API bool isOmpStatement (SgNode *)
 Check if a node is SgOmp*Statement.
bool isOverloaded (SgFunctionDeclaration *functionDeclaration)
 Return true if function is overloaded.
void initializeIfStmt (SgIfStmt *ifstmt, SgStatement *conditional, SgStatement *true_body, SgStatement *false_body)
 Support function used for variable declarations in conditionals.
void initializeSwitchStatement (SgSwitchStatement *switchStatement, SgStatement *item_selector, SgStatement *body)
 Support function used for variable declarations in conditionals.
void initializeWhileStatement (SgWhileStmt *whileStatement, SgStatement *condition, SgStatement *body, SgStatement *else_body)
 Support function used for variable declarations in conditionals.
void annotateExpressionsWithUniqueNames (SgProject *project)
 Generate unique names for expressions and attach the names as persistent attributes ("UniqueNameAttribute")
ROSE_DLL_API bool isMain (const SgNode *node)
 Check if a SgNode is a main() function declaration.
std::string generateUniqueName (const SgNode *node, bool ignoreDifferenceBetweenDefiningAndNondefiningDeclarations)
 Generate unique name from C and C++ constructs. The name may contain space.
std::string generateUniqueVariableName (SgScopeStatement *scope, std::string baseName="temp")
 Generate a name like temp# that is unique in the current scope and any parent and children scopes.
std::string declarationPositionString (const SgDeclarationStatement *declaration)
 Generate a unique string from the source file position information.
ROSE_DLL_API std::string generateProjectName (const SgProject *project, bool supressSuffix=false)
 Added mechanism to generate project name from list of file names.
SgFunctionDeclarationgetDeclarationOfNamedFunction (SgExpression *func)
 Given a SgExpression that represents a named function (or bound member function), return the mentioned function.
SgExpressionforallMaskExpression (SgForAllStatement *stmt)
 Get the mask expression from the header of a SgForAllStatement.
void addVarRefExpFromArrayDimInfo (SgNode *astNode, Rose_STL_Container< SgNode * > &NodeList_t)
 Find all SgPntrArrRefExp under astNode, then add SgVarRefExp (if any) of SgPntrArrRefExp's dim_info into NodeList_t.
void clearMangledNameCache (SgGlobal *globalScope)
 Support for faster mangled name generation (caching avoids recomputation).
void resetMangledNameCache (SgGlobal *globalScope)
 Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.
std::string getMangledNameFromCache (SgNode *astNode)
 Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.
std::string addMangledNameToCache (SgNode *astNode, const std::string &mangledName)
 Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.
SgDeclarationStatementgetNonInstantiatonDeclarationForClass (SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl *memberFunctionInstantiation)
 Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.
void setBaseTypeDefiningDeclaration (SgVariableDeclaration *var_decl, SgDeclarationStatement *base_decl)
 a better version for SgVariableDeclaration::set_baseTypeDefininingDeclaration(), handling all side effects automatically Used to have a struct declaration embedded into a variable declaration
bool declarationPreceedsDefinition (SgDeclarationStatement *nonDefiningDeclaration, SgDeclarationStatement *definingDeclaration)
 Check if a defining declaration comes before of after the non-defining declaration.
bool functionCallExpressionPreceedsDeclarationWhichAssociatesScope (SgFunctionCallExp *functionCall)
 Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.
ROSE_DLL_API std::vector< SgNode * > astIntersection (SgNode *original, SgNode *copy, SgCopyHelp *help=NULL)
 Compute the intersection set for two ASTs.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNodedeepCopyNode (const SgNode *subtree)
 Deep copy an arbitrary subtree.
template<typename NodeType >
NodeType * deepCopy (const NodeType *subtree)
 A template function for deep copying a subtree. It is also used to create deepcopy functions with specialized parameter and return types. e.g SgExpression* copyExpression(SgExpression* e);.
ROSE_DLL_API SgExpressioncopyExpression (SgExpression *e)
 Deep copy an expression.
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatementcopyStatement (SgStatement *s)
 Deep copy a statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableSymbolgetFirstVarSym (SgVariableDeclaration *decl)
 Get the variable symbol for the first initialized name of a declaration stmt.
ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializedNamegetFirstInitializedName (SgVariableDeclaration *decl)
 Get the first initialized name of a declaration statement.
ROSE_DLL_API void myRemoveStatement (SgStatement *stmt)
 A special purpose statement removal function, originally from inlinerSupport.h, Need Jeremiah's attention to refine it. Please don't use it for now.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isConstantTrue (SgExpression *e)
 Check if a bool or int constant expression evaluates to be a true value.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isConstantFalse (SgExpression *e)
 Check if a bool or int constant expression evaluates to be a false value.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isCallToParticularFunction (SgFunctionDeclaration *decl, SgExpression *e)
 Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isCallToParticularFunction (const std::string &qualifiedName, size_t arity, SgExpression *e)
 Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.
bool ROSE_DLL_API isStatic (SgDeclarationStatement *stmt)
 Check if a declaration has a "static' modifier.
ROSE_DLL_API void setStatic (SgDeclarationStatement *stmt)
 Set a declaration as static.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isExtern (SgDeclarationStatement *stmt)
 Check if a declaration has an "extern" modifier.
ROSE_DLL_API void setExtern (SgDeclarationStatement *stmt)
 Set a declaration as extern.
ROSE_DLL_API bool ROSE_DLL_API isMutable (SgInitializedName *name)
 True if an SgInitializedName is "mutable' (has storage modifier set)
ROSE_DLL_API bool ROSE_DLL_API isJovialOutParam (SgInitializedName *name)
 True if a parameter name is a Jovial output parameter.
ROSE_DLL_API std::vector< SgInitializedName * > getInParameters (const SgInitializedNamePtrList &params)
 Get a vector of Jovial input parameters from the function parameter list (may work for Fortran in the future)
ROSE_DLL_API std::vector< SgInitializedName * > getOutParameters (const SgInitializedNamePtrList &params)
 Get a vector of Jovial output parameters from the function parameter list (may work for Fortran in the future)
ROSE_DLL_API bool isAssignmentStatement (SgNode *_s, SgExpression **lhs=NULL, SgExpression **rhs=NULL, bool *readlhs=NULL)
 Check if a SgNode _s is an assignment statement (any of =,+=,-=,&=,/=, ^=, etc)
ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializedNameconvertRefToInitializedName (SgNode *current, bool coarseGrain=true)
 Variable references can be introduced by SgVarRef, SgPntrArrRefExp, SgInitializedName, SgMemberFunctionRef etc. For Dot and Arrow Expressions, their lhs is used to obtain SgInitializedName (coarse grain) by default. Otherwise, fine-grain rhs is used.
ROSE_DLL_API AbstractHandle::abstract_handlebuildAbstractHandle (SgNode *)
 Build an abstract handle from an AST node, reuse previously built handle when possible.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNodegetSgNodeFromAbstractHandleString (const std::string &input_string)
 Obtain a matching SgNode from an abstract handle string.
ROSE_DLL_API void dumpInfo (SgNode *node, std::string desc="")
 Dump information about a SgNode for debugging.
ROSE_DLL_API std::vector< SgDeclarationStatement * > sortSgNodeListBasedOnAppearanceOrderInSource (const std::vector< SgDeclarationStatement * > &nodevec)
 Reorder a list of declaration statements based on their appearance order in source files.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isPrefixOperator (SgExpression *exp)
 Is an overloaded operator a prefix operator (e.g. address operator X * operator&(), dereference operator X & operator*(), unary plus operator X & operator+(), etc.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isPrefixOperatorName (const SgName &functionName)
 Check for proper names of possible prefix operators (used in isPrefixOperator()).
ROSE_DLL_API bool isPostfixOperator (SgExpression *exp)
 Is an overloaded operator a postfix operator. (e.g. ).
ROSE_DLL_API bool isIndexOperator (SgExpression *exp)
 Is an overloaded operator an index operator (also referred to as call or subscript operators). (e.g. X & operator()() or X & operator[]()).
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatementlastStatementOfScopeWithTokenInfo (SgScopeStatement *scope, std::map< SgNode *, TokenStreamSequenceToNodeMapping * > &tokenStreamSequenceMap)
 Used to support token unparsing (when the output the trailing token sequence).
ROSE_DLL_API void checkAccessPermissions (SgNode *)
 Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.
ROSE_DLL_API void checkSymbolTables (SgNode *)
 Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.
ROSE_DLL_API void markSubtreeToBeUnparsed (SgNode *root, int physical_file_id)
 Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.
ROSE_DLL_API void markNodeToBeUnparsed (SgNode *node, int physical_file_id)
 Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.
ROSE_DLL_API void markSubtreeToBeUnparsedTreeTraversal (SgNode *root, int physical_file_id)
 Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.
ROSE_DLL_API bool findFirstSgCastExpMarkedAsTransformation (SgNode *n, const std::string &s)
 Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.
AST properties

version, language properties of current AST.

ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Ada_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_C_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_OpenMP_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_UPC_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_UPC_dynamic_threads ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_C99_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Cxx_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Java_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Jovial_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Jvm_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Fortran_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_CAF_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_PHP_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Python_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_Cuda_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_OpenCL_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_binary_executable ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_mixed_C_and_Cxx_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_mixed_Fortran_and_C_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_mixed_Fortran_and_Cxx_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_mixed_Fortran_and_C_and_Cxx_language ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool is_language_case_insensitive ()
ROSE_DLL_API bool language_may_contain_nondeclarations_in_scope ()
void resetScopeNumbers (SgFunctionDefinition *functionDeclaration)
 Assigns unique numbers to each SgScopeStatement of a function.
void clearScopeNumbers (SgFunctionDefinition *functionDefinition)
 Clears the cache of scope,integer pairs for the input function.
SgNamespaceDefinitionStatementenclosingNamespaceScope (SgDeclarationStatement *declaration)
 Find the enclosing namespace of a declaration.
bool isPrototypeInScope (SgScopeStatement *scope, SgFunctionDeclaration *functionDeclaration, SgDeclarationStatement *startingAtDeclaration)
 Assigns unique numbers to each SgScopeStatement of a function.
bool ROSE_DLL_API isAncestor (SgNode *node1, SgNode *node2)
 check if node1 is a strict ancestor of node 2. (a node is not considered its own ancestor)
Preprocessing Information

#if-#else-#end, comments, #include, etc

void dumpPreprocInfo (SgLocatedNode *locatedNode)
 Dumps a located node's preprocessing information.
ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfofindHeader (SgSourceFile *source_file, const std::string &header_file_name, bool isSystemHeader)
 Find the preprocessingInfo node representing #include <header.h> or #include "header.h" within a source file. Return NULL if not found.
ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfoinsertHeader (SgSourceFile *source_file, const std::string &header_file_name, bool isSystemHeader, bool asLastHeader)
 Insert #include "filename" or #include <filename> (system header) onto the global scope of a source file, add to be the last #include .. by default among existing headers, Or as the first header. Recommended for use.
ROSE_DLL_API void insertHeader (SgStatement *stmt, PreprocessingInfo *newheader, bool asLastHeader)
 Insert a new header right before stmt, if there are existing headers attached to stmt, insert it as the last or first header as specified by asLastHeader.
ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfoinsertHeader (SgSourceFile *source_file, const std::string &header_file_name, bool isSystemHeader=false, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position=PreprocessingInfo::before)
 Insert #include "filename" or #include <filename> (system header) onto the global scope of a source file.
ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfoinsertHeader (const std::string &filename, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position=PreprocessingInfo::after, bool isSystemHeader=false, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
 Insert #include "filename" or #include <filename> (system header) into the global scope containing the current scope, right after other #include XXX.
ROSE_DLL_API void moveUpPreprocessingInfo (SgStatement *stmt_dst, SgStatement *stmt_src, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType src_position=PreprocessingInfo::undef, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType dst_position=PreprocessingInfo::undef, bool usePrepend=false)
 Identical to movePreprocessingInfo(), except for the stale name and confusing order of parameters. It will be deprecated soon.
ROSE_DLL_API void movePreprocessingInfo (SgStatement *stmt_src, SgStatement *stmt_dst, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType src_position=PreprocessingInfo::undef, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType dst_position=PreprocessingInfo::undef, bool usePrepend=false)
 Move preprocessing information of stmt_src to stmt_dst, Only move preprocessing information from the specified source-relative position to a specified target position, otherwise move all preprocessing information with position information intact. The preprocessing information is appended to the existing preprocessing information list of the target node by default. Prepending is used if usePreprend is set to true. Optionally, the relative position can be adjust after the moving using dst_position.
ROSE_DLL_API void cutPreprocessingInfo (SgLocatedNode *src_node, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType pos, AttachedPreprocessingInfoType &save_buf)
 Cut preprocessing information from a source node and save it into a buffer. Used in combination of pastePreprocessingInfo(). The cut-paste operation is similar to moveUpPreprocessingInfo() but it is more flexible in that the destination node can be unknown during the cut operation.
ROSE_DLL_API void pastePreprocessingInfo (SgLocatedNode *dst_node, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType pos, AttachedPreprocessingInfoType &saved_buf)
 Paste preprocessing information from a buffer to a destination node. Used in combination of cutPreprocessingInfo()
ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfoattachArbitraryText (SgLocatedNode *target, const std::string &text, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position=PreprocessingInfo::before)
 Attach an arbitrary string to a located node. A workaround to insert irregular statements or vendor-specific attributes.
ROSE_DLL_API void replaceMacroCallsWithExpandedStrings (SgPragmaDeclaration *target)
 Check if a pragma declaration node has macro calls attached, if yes, replace macro calls within the pragma string with expanded strings. This only works if -rose:wave is turned on.
PreprocessingInfoattachComment (SgSourceFile *source_file, const std::string &content, PreprocessingInfo::DirectiveType directive_type=PreprocessingInfo::C_StyleComment, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position=PreprocessingInfo::before)
 Build and attach comment onto the global scope of a source file.
ROSE_DLL_API PreprocessingInfoattachComment (SgLocatedNode *target, const std::string &content, PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType position=PreprocessingInfo::before, PreprocessingInfo::DirectiveType dtype=PreprocessingInfo::CpreprocessorUnknownDeclaration)
 Build and attach comment, comment style is inferred from the language type of the target node if not provided.
ROSE_DLL_API void addTextForUnparser (SgNode *astNode, std::string s, AstUnparseAttribute::RelativePositionType inputlocation)
 Add a string to be unparsed to support code generation for back-end specific tools or compilers.
void guardNode (SgLocatedNode *target, std::string guard)
 Add preproccessor guard around a given node.
ROSE_DLL_API int moveUpInnerDanglingIfEndifDirective (SgLocatedNode *lnode)
 Extract sequences like " #endif #endif ... #if | #ifdef| #ifndef" buried inside subtree of lnode.
ROSE_DLL_API int eraseNullPreprocessingInfo (SgLocatedNode *lnode)
 Dumps a located node's preprocessing information.
ROSE_DLL_API void preOrderCollectPreprocessingInfo (SgNode *current, std::vector< PreprocessingInfo * > &infoList, int depth)
 Dumps a located node's preprocessing information.
Data types

Set the source position of SgLocatedNode to Sg_File_Info::generateDefaultFileInfo(). These nodes WILL be unparsed. Not for transformation usage.

SgTypegetBoolType (SgNode *n)
 Get the right bool type according to C or C++ language input.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isStrictIntegerType (SgType *t)
 Check if a type is an integral type, only allowing signed/unsigned short, int, long, long long. /! /! There is another similar function named SgType::isIntegerType(), which allows additional types char, wchar, and bool to be treated as integer types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypegetFirstVarType (SgVariableDeclaration *decl)
 Get the data type of the first initialized name of a declaration statement.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isDefaultConstructible (SgType *type)
 Is a type default constructible? This may not quite work properly.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isCopyConstructible (SgType *type)
 Is a type copy constructible? This may not quite work properly.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isAssignable (SgType *type)
 Is a type assignable? This may not quite work properly.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isPureVirtualClass (SgType *type, const ClassHierarchyWrapper &classHierarchy)
 Check if a class type is a pure virtual class.
ROSE_DLL_API bool hasTrivialDestructor (SgType *t)
 Does a type have a trivial (built-in) destructor?
ROSE_DLL_API bool isNonconstReference (SgType *t)
 Is this type a non-constant reference type? (Handles typedefs correctly)
ROSE_DLL_API bool isReferenceType (SgType *t)
 Is this type a const or non-const reference type? (Handles typedefs correctly)
ROSE_DLL_API bool isPointerType (SgType *t)
 Is this type a pointer type? (Handles typedefs correctly)
ROSE_DLL_API bool isPointerToNonConstType (SgType *type)
 Is this a pointer to a non-const type? Note that this function will return true for const pointers pointing to non-const types.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isConstType (SgType *t)
 Is this a const type?
SgTyperemoveConst (SgType *t)
 Remove const (if present) from a type. stripType() cannot do this because it removes all modifiers.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isVolatileType (SgType *t)
 Is this a volatile type?
ROSE_DLL_API bool isRestrictType (SgType *t)
 Is this a restrict type?
ROSE_DLL_API bool isScalarType (SgType *t)
 Is this a scalar type?
ROSE_DLL_API bool isStructType (SgType *t)
 Check if a type is a struct type (a special SgClassType in ROSE). Typedef and modifier types are not stripped off. Only direct struct type is returned as true.
ROSE_DLL_API std::string mangleType (SgType *type)
 Generate a mangled string for a given type based on Itanium C++ ABI.
ROSE_DLL_API std::string mangleScalarType (SgType *type)
 Generate mangled scalar type names according to Itanium C++ ABI, the input type should pass isScalarType() in ROSE.
ROSE_DLL_API std::string mangleModifierType (SgModifierType *type)
 Generated mangled modifier types, include const, volatile,according to Itanium C++ ABI, with extension to handle UPC shared types.
ROSE_DLL_API size_t getArrayElementCount (SgArrayType *t)
 Calculate the number of elements of an array type: dim1* dim2*... , assume element count is 1 for int a[]; Strip off THREADS if it is a UPC array.
ROSE_DLL_API int getDimensionCount (SgType *t)
 Get the number of dimensions of an array type.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypegetArrayElementType (SgType *t)
 Get the element type of an array. It recursively find the base type for multi-dimension array types.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypegetElementType (SgType *t)
 Get the element type of an array, pointer or string, or NULL if not applicable. This function only check one level base type. No recursion.
std::vector< SgExpression * > get_C_array_dimensions (const SgArrayType &arrtype)
 returns the array dimensions in an array as defined for arrtype
std::vector< SgExpression * > get_C_array_dimensions (const SgArrayType &arrtype, const SgVarRefExp &varref)
 returns the array dimensions in an array as defined for arrtype
std::vector< SgExpression * > get_C_array_dimensions (const SgArrayType &arrtype, SgInitializedName &initname)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isArrayReference (SgExpression *ref, SgExpression **arrayNameExp=NULL, std::vector< SgExpression * > **subscripts=NULL)
 Check if an expression is an array access (SgPntrArrRefExp). If so, return its name expression and subscripts if requested. Users can use convertRefToInitializedName() to get the possible name. It does not check if the expression is a top level SgPntrArrRefExp.
ROSE_DLL_API int collectVariableReferencesInArrayTypes (SgLocatedNode *root, Rose_STL_Container< SgNode * > &currentVarRefList)
 Collect variable references in array types. The default NodeQuery::querySubTree() will miss variables referenced in array type's index list. e.g. double *buffer = new double[numItems] ;.
ROSE_DLL_API bool hasUpcSharedType (SgType *t, SgModifierType **mod_type_out=NULL)
 Has a UPC shared type of any kinds (shared-to-shared, private-to-shared, shared-to-private, shared scalar/array)? An optional parameter, mod_type_out, stores the first SgModifierType with UPC access information.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcSharedType (SgType *t, SgModifierType **mod_type_out=NULL)
 Check if a type is a UPC shared type, including shared array, shared pointers etc. Exclude private pointers to shared types. Optionally return the modifier type with the UPC shared property.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcSharedModifierType (SgModifierType *mod_type)
 Check if a modifier type is a UPC shared type.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcSharedArrayType (SgArrayType *array_type)
 Check if an array type is a UPC shared type. ROSE AST represents a UPC shared array as regular array of elements of UPC shared Modifier Type. Not directly a UPC shared Modifier Type of an array.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcStrictSharedModifierType (SgModifierType *mode_type)
 Check if a shared UPC type is strict memory consistency or not. Return false if it is relaxed. (So isUpcRelaxedSharedModifierType() is not necessary.)
ROSE_DLL_API size_t getUpcSharedBlockSize (SgModifierType *mod_type)
 Get the block size of a UPC shared modifier type.
ROSE_DLL_API size_t getUpcSharedBlockSize (SgType *t)
 Get the block size of a UPC shared type, including Modifier types and array of modifier types (shared arrays)
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcPhaseLessSharedType (SgType *t)
 Is UPC phase-less shared type? Phase-less means block size of the first SgModifierType with UPC information is 1 or 0/unspecified. Also return false if the type is not a UPC shared type.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcPrivateToSharedType (SgType *t)
 Is a UPC private-to-shared pointer? SgPointerType comes first compared to SgModifierType with UPC information. Input type must be any of UPC shared types first.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUpcArrayWithThreads (SgArrayType *t)
 Is a UPC array with dimension of X*THREADS.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypelookupNamedTypeInParentScopes (const std::string &type_name, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
 Lookup a named type based on its name, bottomup searching from a specified scope. Note name collison might be allowed for c (not C++) between typedef and enum/struct. Only the first matched named type will be returned in this case. typedef is returned as it is, not the base type it actually refers to.
ROSE_DLL_API SgTypegetAssociatedTypeFromFunctionTypeList (SgExpression *actual_argument_expression)
 Get the type of the associated argument expression from the function type.
ROSE_DLL_API bool templateArgumentEquivalence (SgTemplateArgument *arg1, SgTemplateArgument *arg2)
 Verify that 2 SgTemplateArgument are equivalent (same type, same expression, or same template declaration)
ROSE_DLL_API bool templateArgumentListEquivalence (const SgTemplateArgumentPtrList &list1, const SgTemplateArgumentPtrList &list2)
 Verify that 2 SgTemplateArgumentPtrList are equivalent.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isEquivalentType (const SgType *lhs, const SgType *rhs)
 Test for equivalence of types independent of access permissions (private or protected modes for members of classes).
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionTypefindFunctionType (SgType *return_type, SgFunctionParameterTypeList *typeList)
 Find the function type matching a function signature plus a given return type.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isEquivalentFunctionType (const SgFunctionType *lhs, const SgFunctionType *rhs)
 Test if two types are equivalent SgFunctionType nodes.
Loop handling
ROSE_DLL_API void addStepToLoopBody (SgScopeStatement *loopStmt, SgStatement *step)
 Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.
ROSE_DLL_API void moveForStatementIncrementIntoBody (SgForStatement *f)
 Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.
ROSE_DLL_API void convertForToWhile (SgForStatement *f)
 Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.
ROSE_DLL_API void convertAllForsToWhiles (SgNode *top)
 Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.
ROSE_DLL_API void changeContinuesToGotos (SgStatement *stmt, SgLabelStatement *label)
 Change continue statements in a given block of code to gotos to a label.
ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializedNamegetLoopIndexVariable (SgNode *loop)
 Return the loop index variable for a for loop.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isLoopIndexVariable (SgInitializedName *ivar, SgNode *subtree_root)
 Check if a SgInitializedName is used as a loop index within a AST subtree This function will use a bottom-up traverse starting from the subtree_root to find all enclosing loops and check if ivar is used as an index for either of them.
ROSE_DLL_API bool hasMultipleInitStatmentsOrExpressions (SgForStatement *for_loop)
 Check if a for loop uses C99 style initialization statement with multiple expressions like for (int i=0, j=0; ..) or for (i=0,j=0;...)
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatementgetLoopBody (SgScopeStatement *loop)
 Routines to get and set the body of a loop.
ROSE_DLL_API void setLoopBody (SgScopeStatement *loop, SgStatement *body)
 Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatementgetLoopCondition (SgScopeStatement *loop)
 Routines to get the condition of a loop. It recognize While-loop, For-loop, and Do-While-loop.
ROSE_DLL_API void setLoopCondition (SgScopeStatement *loop, SgStatement *cond)
 Set the condition statement of a loop, including While-loop, For-loop, and Do-While-loop.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isCanonicalForLoop (SgNode *loop, SgInitializedName **ivar=NULL, SgExpression **lb=NULL, SgExpression **ub=NULL, SgExpression **step=NULL, SgStatement **body=NULL, bool *hasIncrementalIterationSpace=NULL, bool *isInclusiveUpperBound=NULL)
 Check if a for-loop has a canonical form, return loop index, bounds, step, and body if requested.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isCanonicalDoLoop (SgFortranDo *loop, SgInitializedName **ivar, SgExpression **lb, SgExpression **ub, SgExpression **step, SgStatement **body, bool *hasIncrementalIterationSpace, bool *isInclusiveUpperBound)
 Check if a Fortran Do loop has a complete canonical form: Do I=1, 10, 1.
ROSE_DLL_API void setLoopLowerBound (SgNode *loop, SgExpression *lb)
 Set the lower bound of a loop header for (i=lb; ...)
ROSE_DLL_API void setLoopUpperBound (SgNode *loop, SgExpression *ub)
 Set the upper bound of a loop header,regardless the condition expression type. for (i=lb; i op up, ...)
ROSE_DLL_API void setLoopStride (SgNode *loop, SgExpression *stride)
 Set the stride(step) of a loop 's incremental expression, regardless the expression types (i+=s; i= i+s, etc)
ROSE_DLL_API bool normalizeForLoopInitDeclaration (SgForStatement *loop)
 Normalize loop init stmt by promoting the single variable declaration statement outside of the for loop header's init statement, e.g. for (int i=0;) becomes int i_x; for (i_x=0;..) and rewrite the loop with the new index variable, if necessary.
ROSE_DLL_API bool unnormalizeForLoopInitDeclaration (SgForStatement *loop)
 Undo the normalization of for loop's C99 init declaration. Previous record of normalization is used to ease the reverse transformation.
ROSE_DLL_API bool forLoopNormalization (SgForStatement *loop, bool foldConstant=true)
 Normalize a for loop, return true if successful.
ROSE_DLL_API bool normalizeForLoopTest (SgForStatement *loop)
 Normalize a for loop's test expression i<x is normalized to i<= (x-1) and i>x is normalized to i>= (x+1)
ROSE_DLL_API bool normalizeForLoopIncrement (SgForStatement *loop)
 Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.
ROSE_DLL_API bool doLoopNormalization (SgFortranDo *loop)
 Normalize a Fortran Do loop. Make the default increment expression (1) explicit.
ROSE_DLL_API bool loopUnrolling (SgForStatement *loop, size_t unrolling_factor)
 Unroll a target loop with a specified unrolling factor. It handles steps larger than 1 and adds a fringe loop if the iteration count is not evenly divisible by the unrolling factor.
ROSE_DLL_API bool loopInterchange (SgForStatement *loop, size_t depth, size_t lexicoOrder)
 Interchange/permutate a n-level perfectly-nested loop rooted at 'loop' using a lexicographical order number within (0,depth!).
ROSE_DLL_API bool loopTiling (SgForStatement *loopNest, size_t targetLevel, size_t tileSize)
 Tile the n-level (starting from 1) loop of a perfectly nested loop nest using tiling size s.
SgExprListExploopCollapsing (SgForStatement *target_loop, size_t collapsing_factor)
 Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.
bool getForLoopInformations (SgForStatement *for_loop, SgVariableSymbol *&iterator, SgExpression *&lower_bound, SgExpression *&upper_bound, SgExpression *&stride)
Topdown search

Top-down traversal from current node to find a node of a specified type

template<typename NodeType >
std::vector< NodeType * > querySubTree (SgNode *top, VariantT variant=(VariantT) NodeType::static_variant)
 Query a subtree to get all nodes of a given type, with an appropriate downcast.
std::vector< SgFile * > generateFileList ()
 Returns STL vector of SgFile IR node pointers.
ROSE_DLL_API SgProjectgetProject ()
 Get the current SgProject IR Node.
SgProjectgetProject (const SgNode *node)
void serialize (SgNode *node, std::string &prefix, bool hasRemaining, std::ostringstream &out, std::string &edgeLabel)
 we have two serialize() functions, one for a single node, the other for a list of pointers
template<typename T >
void serialize_list (T &plist, std::string T_name, std::string &prefix, bool hasRemaining, std::ostringstream &out, std::string &edgeLabel)
 Query a subtree to get all nodes of a given type, with an appropriate downcast.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclarationfindMain (SgNode *currentNode)
 top-down traversal from current node to find the main() function declaration
SgStatementfindLastDeclarationStatement (SgScopeStatement *scope, bool includePragma=false)
 Find the last declaration statement within a scope (if any). This is often useful to decide where to insert another variable declaration statement. Pragma declarations are not treated as a declaration by default in this context.
std::vector< SgVariableSymbol * > getSymbolsUsedInExpression (SgExpression *expr)
 Find referenced symbols within an expression.
std::vector< SgBreakStmt * > findBreakStmts (SgStatement *code, const std::string &fortranLabel="")
 Find break statements inside a particular statement, stopping at nested loops or switches.
std::vector< SgContinueStmt * > findContinueStmts (SgStatement *code, const std::string &fortranLabel="")
 Find all continue statements inside a particular statement, stopping at nested loops.
std::vector< SgGotoStatement * > findGotoStmts (SgStatement *scope, SgLabelStatement *l)
 Query a subtree to get all nodes of a given type, with an appropriate downcast.
std::vector< SgStatement * > getSwitchCases (SgSwitchStatement *sw)
 Query a subtree to get all nodes of a given type, with an appropriate downcast.
void collectVarRefs (SgLocatedNode *root, std::vector< SgVarRefExp * > &result)
 Collect all variable references in a subtree.
template<typename T >
T * findDeclarationStatement (SgNode *root, std::string name, SgScopeStatement *scope, bool isDefining)
 Topdown traverse a subtree from root to find the first declaration given its name, scope (optional, can be NULL), and defining or nondefining flag.
SgFunctionDeclarationfindFunctionDeclaration (SgNode *root, std::string name, SgScopeStatement *scope, bool isDefining)
 Topdown traverse a subtree from root to find the first function declaration matching the given name, scope (optional, can be NULL), and defining or nondefining flag. This is an instantiation of findDeclarationStatement<T>.
Bottom up search

Backwards traverse through the AST to find a node, findEnclosingXXX()

template<typename NodeType >
NodeType * getEnclosingNode (const SgNode *astNode, const bool includingSelf=false)
 Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API SgSourceFilegetEnclosingSourceFile (SgNode *n, const bool includingSelf=false)
 Find enclosing source file node.
ROSE_DLL_API SgScopeStatementgetScope (const SgNode *astNode)
 Get the closest scope from astNode. Return astNode if it is already a scope.
ROSE_DLL_API SgScopeStatementgetEnclosingScope (SgNode *n, const bool includingSelf=false)
 Get the enclosing scope from a node n.
ROSE_DLL_API SgGlobalgetGlobalScope (const SgNode *astNode)
 Traverse back through a node's parents to find the enclosing global scope.
ROSE_DLL_API bool hasSameGlobalScope (SgStatement *statement_1, SgStatement *statement_2)
 This is supporting the recognition of functions in header files from two different ASTs.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDefinitiongetEnclosingProcedure (SgNode *n, const bool includingSelf=false)
 Find the function definition.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDefinitiongetEnclosingFunctionDefinition (SgNode *astNode, const bool includingSelf=false)
 Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatementgetEnclosingStatement (SgNode *n)
 Find the closest enclosing statement, including the given node.
ROSE_DLL_API SgSwitchStatementfindEnclosingSwitch (SgStatement *s)
 Find the closest switch outside a given statement (normally used for case and default statements)
ROSE_DLL_API SgOmpClauseBodyStatementfindEnclosingOmpClauseBodyStatement (SgStatement *s)
 Find enclosing OpenMP clause body statement from s. If s is already one, return it directly.
ROSE_DLL_API SgScopeStatementfindEnclosingLoop (SgStatement *s, const std::string &fortranLabel="", bool stopOnSwitches=false)
 Find the closest loop outside the given statement; if fortranLabel is not empty, the Fortran label of the loop must be equal to it.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclarationgetEnclosingFunctionDeclaration (SgNode *astNode, const bool includingSelf=false)
 Find the enclosing function declaration, including its derived instances like isSgProcedureHeaderStatement, isSgProgramHeaderStatement, and isSgMemberFunctionDeclaration.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFilegetEnclosingFileNode (SgNode *astNode)
 get the SgFile node from current node
ROSE_DLL_API SgInitializergetInitializerOfExpression (SgExpression *n)
 Get the initializer containing an expression if it is within an initializer.
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDefinitiongetEnclosingClassDefinition (SgNode *astnode, const bool includingSelf=false)
 Get the closest class definition enclosing the specified AST node,.
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclarationgetEnclosingClassDeclaration (SgNode *astNode)
 Get the closest class declaration enclosing the specified AST node,.
ROSE_DLL_API SgExprListExpgetEnclosingExprListExp (SgNode *astNode, const bool includingSelf=false)
 Get the enclosing SgExprListExp (used as part of function argument index evaluation in subexpressions).
ROSE_DLL_API bool isInSubTree (SgExpression *subtree, SgExpression *exp)
 Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclarationgetFunctionDeclaration (SgFunctionCallExp *functionCallExp)
 Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isDataMemberReference (SgVarRefExp *varRefExp)
 Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isAddressTaken (SgExpression *refExp)
 Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isMemberFunctionMemberReference (SgMemberFunctionRefExp *memberFunctionRefExp)
 Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API std::list< SgClassType * > getClassTypeChainForMemberReference (SgExpression *refExp)
 Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API std::set< SgNode * > getFrontendSpecificNodes ()
 Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API void outputSharedNodes (SgNode *node)
 Find a node by type using upward traversal.
ROSE_DLL_API void displayScope (SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Find a node by type using upward traversal.
AST Walk and Traversal
ROSE_DLL_API SgGlobalgetFirstGlobalScope (SgProject *project)
 return the first global scope under current project
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatementgetLastStatement (SgScopeStatement *scope)
 get the last statement within a scope, return NULL if it does not exit
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatementgetFirstStatement (SgScopeStatement *scope, bool includingCompilerGenerated=false)
 Get the first statement within a scope, return NULL if it does not exist. Skip compiler-generated statement by default. Count transformation-generated ones, but excluding those which are not to be outputted in unparsers.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclarationfindFirstDefiningFunctionDecl (SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Find the first defining function declaration statement in a scope.
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatementgetNextStatement (SgStatement *currentStmt)
 Get next statement within the same scope of current statement.
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatementgetPreviousStatement (SgStatement *currentStmt, bool climbOutScope=true)
 Get previous statement of the current statement. It may return a previous statement of a parent scope by default (climbOutScope is true), otherwise only a previous statement of the same scope is returned.
ROSE_DLL_API void listHeaderFiles (SgIncludeFile *includeFile)
 return path prefix for subtree of include files.
ROSE_DLL_API bool scopeHasStatementsFromSameFile (SgScopeStatement *scope)
 This function supports the token-based unparsing when used with unparsing of header files to know when the scope can be unparsed via it's token stream, even though a statement from a header file may contain a transformation. returns true if there is a statement in the scope that has to be unparsed (is from the same file as the scope). returns false if the scope is empty or contains only statements associated with one or more header files.
AST Comparison

Compare AST nodes, subtree, etc

ROSE_DLL_API bool isEqualToIntConst (SgExpression *e, int value)
 Check if a SgIntVal node has a given value.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isSameFunction (SgFunctionDeclaration *func1, SgFunctionDeclaration *func2)
 Check if two function declarations refer to the same one. Two function declarations are the same when they are a) identical, b) same name in C c) same qualified named and mangled name in C++. A nondefining (prototype) declaration and a defining declaration of a same function are treated as the same.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isLastStatement (SgStatement *stmt)
 Check if a statement is the last statement within its closed scope.
AST insert, removal, and replacement

Add, remove,and replace AST

scope->append_statement(), exprListExp->append_expression() etc. are not enough to handle side effect of parent pointers, symbol tables, preprocessing info, defining/nondefining pointers etc.

ROSE_DLL_API void deleteAST (SgNode *node)
 Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result.
ROSE_DLL_API void deleteAllNodes ()
 Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result.
ROSE_DLL_API void checkSgNodePointers ()
 Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result.
ROSE_DLL_API void deleteExpressionTreeWithOriginalExpressionSubtrees (SgNode *root)
 Special purpose function for deleting AST expression tress containing valid original expression trees in constant folded expressions (for internal use only).
ROSE_DLL_API void moveStatementsBetweenBlocks (SgBasicBlock *sourceBlock, SgBasicBlock *targetBlock)
 Move statements in first block to the second block (preserves order and rebuilds the symbol table).
ROSE_DLL_API void moveStatementsBetweenBlocks (SgAdaPackageSpec *sourceBlock, SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement *targetBlock)
 Move statements in Ada's package spec into C++ namespace's definition.
ROSE_DLL_API void moveStatementsBetweenBlocks (SgAdaPackageBody *sourceBlock, SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement *targetBlock)
 Move statements in Ada's package body into C++ namespace's definition.
ROSE_DLL_API void moveStatementsBetweenBlocks (SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement *sourceBlock, SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement *targetBlock)
 Move statements between C++ namespace's definitions.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isLambdaFunction (SgFunctionDeclaration *func)
 Check if a function declaration is a C++11 lambda function.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isLambdaCapturedVariable (SgVarRefExp *varRef)
 check if a variable reference is this->a[i] inside of a lambda function
ROSE_DLL_API void moveVariableDeclaration (SgVariableDeclaration *decl, SgScopeStatement *target_scope)
 Move a variable declaration to a new scope, handle symbol, special scopes like For loop, etc.
ROSE_DLL_API void appendStatement (SgStatement *stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
 Append a statement to the end of the current scope, handle side effect of appending statements, e.g. preprocessing info, defining/nondefining pointers etc.
ROSE_DLL_API void appendStatement (SgStatement *stmt, SgForInitStatement *for_init_stmt)
 Append a statement to the end of SgForInitStatement.
ROSE_DLL_API void appendStatementList (const std::vector< SgStatement * > &stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
 Append a list of statements to the end of the current scope, handle side effect of appending statements, e.g. preprocessing info, defining/nondefining pointers etc.
ROSE_DLL_API void appendStatementWithDependentDeclaration (SgDeclarationStatement *decl, SgGlobal *scope, SgStatement *original_statement, bool excludeHeaderFiles)
 Append a copy ('decl') of a function ('original_statement') into a 'scope', include any referenced declarations required if the scope is within a compiler generated file. All referenced declarations, including those from headers, are inserted if excludeHeaderFiles is set to true (the new file will not have any headers).
ROSE_DLL_API void prependStatement (SgStatement *stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
 Prepend a statement to the beginning of the current scope, handling side effects as appropriate.
ROSE_DLL_API void prependStatement (SgStatement *stmt, SgForInitStatement *for_init_stmt)
 Prepend a statement to the beginning of SgForInitStatement.
ROSE_DLL_API void prependStatementList (const std::vector< SgStatement * > &stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope=NULL)
 prepend a list of statements to the beginning of the current scope, handling side effects as appropriate
ROSE_DLL_API bool hasSimpleChildrenList (SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Check if a scope statement has a simple children statement list so insert additional statements under the scope is straightforward and unambiguous .
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatement (SgStatement *targetStmt, SgStatement *newStmt, bool insertBefore=true, bool autoMovePreprocessingInfo=true)
 Insert a statement before or after the target statement within the target's scope. Move around preprocessing info automatically.
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementList (SgStatement *targetStmt, const std::vector< SgStatement * > &newStmts, bool insertBefore=true)
 Insert a list of statements before or after the target statement within the.
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementBefore (SgStatement *targetStmt, SgStatement *newStmt, bool autoMovePreprocessingInfo=true)
 Insert a statement before a target statement.
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementListBefore (SgStatement *targetStmt, const std::vector< SgStatement * > &newStmts)
 Insert a list of statements before a target statement.
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementAfter (SgStatement *targetStmt, SgStatement *newStmt, bool autoMovePreprocessingInfo=true)
 Insert a statement after a target statement, Move around preprocessing info automatically by default.
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementListAfter (SgStatement *targetStmt, const std::vector< SgStatement * > &newStmt)
 Insert a list of statements after a target statement.
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementAfterLastDeclaration (SgStatement *stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Insert a statement after the last declaration within a scope. The statement will be prepended to the scope if there is no declaration statement found.
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementAfterLastDeclaration (std::vector< SgStatement * > stmt_list, SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Insert a list of statements after the last declaration within a scope. The statement will be prepended to the scope if there is no declaration statement found.
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementBeforeFirstNonDeclaration (SgStatement *newStmt, SgScopeStatement *scope, bool movePreprocessingInfo=true)
 Insert a statement before the first non-declaration statement in a scope. If the scope has no non-declaration statements.
ROSE_DLL_API void insertStatementListBeforeFirstNonDeclaration (const std::vector< SgStatement * > &newStmts, SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Insert statements before the first non-declaration statement in a scope. If the scope has no non-declaration statements.
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatementlastFrontEndSpecificStatement (SgGlobal *globalScope)
 Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result.
ROSE_DLL_API void removeStatement (SgStatement *stmt, bool autoRelocatePreprocessingInfo=true)
 Remove a statement from its attach point of the AST. Automatically keep its associated preprocessing information at the original place after the removal. The statement is still in memory and it is up to the users to decide if the removed one will be inserted somewhere else or released from memory (deleteAST()).
ROSE_DLL_API void deepDelete (SgNode *root)
 Deep delete a sub AST tree. It uses postorder traversal to delete each child node. Users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result. This is identical to deleteAST()
ROSE_DLL_API void replaceStatement (SgStatement *oldStmt, SgStatement *newStmt, bool movePreprocessinInfo=false)
 Replace a statement with another. Move preprocessing information from oldStmt to newStmt if requested.
ROSE_DLL_API SgNodereplaceWithPattern (SgNode *anchor, SgNode *new_pattern)
 Replace an anchor node with a specified pattern subtree with optional SgVariantExpression. All SgVariantExpression in the pattern will be replaced with copies of the anchor node.
ROSE_DLL_API void replaceVariableReferences (SgVariableSymbol *old_sym, SgVariableSymbol *new_sym, SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Replace all variable references to an old symbol in a scope to being references to a new symbol.
ROSE_DLL_API bool statementCanBeTransformed (SgStatement *stmt)
 If header file unparsing and token-based unparsing are used, then some statements in header files used with the same name and different include syntax can't be transformed.
std::pair< SgVariableDeclaration *, SgExpression * > createTempVariableForExpression (SgExpression *expression, SgScopeStatement *scope, bool initializeInDeclaration, SgAssignOp **reEvaluate=NULL)
 Given an expression, generates a temporary variable whose initializer optionally evaluates that expression.
std::pair< SgVariableDeclaration *, SgExpression * > createTempVariableAndReferenceForExpression (SgExpression *expression, SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result.
ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableSymbolappendArg (SgFunctionParameterList *, SgInitializedName *)
 Append an argument to SgFunctionParameterList, transparently set parent,scope, and symbols for arguments when possible.
ROSE_DLL_API SgVariableSymbolprependArg (SgFunctionParameterList *, SgInitializedName *)
 Prepend an argument to SgFunctionParameterList.
ROSE_DLL_API void appendExpression (SgExprListExp *, SgExpression *)
 Append an expression to a SgExprListExp, set the parent pointer also.
ROSE_DLL_API void appendExpressionList (SgExprListExp *, const std::vector< SgExpression * > &)
 Append an expression list to a SgExprListExp, set the parent pointers also.
template<class actualFunction >
void setParameterList (actualFunction *func, SgFunctionParameterList *paralist)
 Set parameter list for a function declaration, considering existing parameter list etc.
ROSE_DLL_API void setPragma (SgPragmaDeclaration *decl, SgPragma *pragma)
 Set a pragma of a pragma declaration. handle memory release for preexisting pragma, and set parent pointer.
ROSE_DLL_API void replaceExpression (SgExpression *oldExp, SgExpression *newExp, bool keepOldExp=false)
 Replace an expression with another, used for variable reference substitution and others. the old expression can be deleted (default case) or kept.
ROSE_DLL_API void replaceExpressionWithStatement (SgExpression *from, SageInterface::StatementGenerator *to)
 Replace a given expression with a list of statements produced by a generator.
ROSE_DLL_API void replaceSubexpressionWithStatement (SgExpression *from, SageInterface::StatementGenerator *to)
 Similar to replaceExpressionWithStatement, but with more restrictions.
ROSE_DLL_API void setOperand (SgExpression *target, SgExpression *operand)
 Set operands for expressions with single operand, such as unary expressions. handle file info, lvalue, pointer downcasting, parent pointer etc.
ROSE_DLL_API void setLhsOperand (SgExpression *target, SgExpression *lhs)
 set left hand operand for binary expressions, transparently downcasting target expressions when necessary
ROSE_DLL_API void setRhsOperand (SgExpression *target, SgExpression *rhs)
 set left hand operand for binary expression
ROSE_DLL_API void removeAllOriginalExpressionTrees (SgNode *top)
 Set original expression trees to NULL for SgValueExp or SgCastExp expressions, so you can change the value and have it unparsed correctly.
ROSE_DLL_API void moveToSubdirectory (std::string directoryName, SgFile *file)
 Move file to be generated in a subdirectory (will be generated by the unparser).
ROSE_DLL_API SgStatementfindSurroundingStatementFromSameFile (SgStatement *targetStmt, bool &surroundingStatementPreceedsTargetStatement)
 Supporting function to comment relocation in insertStatement() and removeStatement().
ROSE_DLL_API void moveCommentsToNewStatement (SgStatement *sourceStatement, const std::vector< int > &indexList, SgStatement *destinationStatement, bool destinationStatementPreceedsSourceStatement)
 Relocate comments and CPP directives from one statement to another.
ROSE_DLL_API void moveDeclarationToAssociatedNamespace (SgDeclarationStatement *declarationStatement)
 Relocate the declaration to be explicitly represented in its associated namespace (required for some backend compilers to process template instantiations).
ROSE_DLL_API bool isTemplateInstantiationNode (SgNode *node)
 Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result.
ROSE_DLL_API void wrapAllTemplateInstantiationsInAssociatedNamespaces (SgProject *root)
 Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result.
ROSE_DLL_API void resetInternalMapsForTargetStatement (SgStatement *sourceStatement)
 Reset internal data structures used for token-based unparsing and macro summaries based on modifications to this statement.
ROSE_DLL_API void convertFunctionDefinitionsToFunctionPrototypes (SgNode *node)
 XXX This function operates on the new file used to support outlined function definitions. We use a copy of the file where the code will be outlined FROM, so that if there are references to declarations in the outlined code we can support the outpiled code with those references. This approach has the added advantage of also supporting the same include file tree as the original file where the outlined code is being taken from.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclarationreplaceDefiningFunctionDeclarationWithFunctionPrototype (SgFunctionDeclaration *functionDeclaration)
 Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result.
ROSE_DLL_API std::vector< SgFunctionDeclaration * > generateFunctionDefinitionsList (SgNode *node)
 Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFunctionDeclarationbuildFunctionPrototype (SgFunctionDeclaration *functionDeclaration)
 Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result.
AST repair, fix, and postprocessing.

Mostly used internally when some AST pieces are built without knowing their target scope/parent, especially during bottom-up construction of AST. The associated symbols, parent and scope pointers cannot be set on construction then. A set of utility functions are provided to patch up scope, parent, symbol for them when the target scope/parent become know.

ROSE_DLL_API int fixVariableReferences (SgNode *root, bool cleanUnusedSymbol=true)
 Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.
ROSE_DLL_API void fixVariableDeclaration (SgVariableDeclaration *varDecl, SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Patch up symbol, scope, and parent information when a SgVariableDeclaration's scope is known.
ROSE_DLL_API void fixStructDeclaration (SgClassDeclaration *structDecl, SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Fix symbols, parent and scope pointers. Used internally within appendStatment(), insertStatement() etc when a struct declaration was built without knowing its target scope.
ROSE_DLL_API void fixClassDeclaration (SgClassDeclaration *classDecl, SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Fix symbols, parent and scope pointers. Used internally within appendStatment(), insertStatement() etc when a class declaration was built without knowing its target scope.
ROSE_DLL_API void fixNamespaceDeclaration (SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement *structDecl, SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Fix symbols, parent and scope pointers. Used internally within appendStatment(), insertStatement() etc when a namespace declaration was built without knowing its target scope.
ROSE_DLL_API void fixLabelStatement (SgLabelStatement *label_stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Fix symbol table for SgLabelStatement. Used Internally when the label is built without knowing its target scope. Both parameters cannot be NULL.
ROSE_DLL_API void setFortranNumericLabel (SgStatement *stmt, int label_value, SgLabelSymbol::label_type_enum label_type=SgLabelSymbol::e_start_label_type, SgScopeStatement *label_scope=NULL)
 Set a numerical label for a Fortran statement. The statement should have a enclosing function definition already. SgLabelSymbol and SgLabelRefExp are created transparently as needed.
ROSE_DLL_API int suggestNextNumericLabel (SgFunctionDefinition *func_def)
 Suggest next usable (non-conflicting) numeric label value for a Fortran function definition scope.
ROSE_DLL_API void fixFunctionDeclaration (SgFunctionDeclaration *stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Fix the symbol table and set scope (only if scope in declaration is not already set).
ROSE_DLL_API void fixTemplateDeclaration (SgTemplateDeclaration *stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Fix the symbol table and set scope (only if scope in declaration is not already set).
ROSE_DLL_API void fixStatement (SgStatement *stmt, SgScopeStatement *scope)
 A wrapper containing fixes (fixVariableDeclaration(),fixStructDeclaration(), fixLabelStatement(), etc) for all kinds statements. Should be used before attaching the statement into AST.
ROSE_DLL_API std::set< SgStatement * > collectTransformedStatements (SgNode *node)
 This collects the statements that are marked as transformed (useful in debugging).
ROSE_DLL_API std::set< SgStatement * > collectModifiedStatements (SgNode *node)
 This collects the statements that are marked as modified (a flag automatically set by all set_* generated functions) (useful in debugging).
ROSE_DLL_API std::set< SgLocatedNode * > collectModifiedLocatedNodes (SgNode *node)
 This collects the SgLocatedNodes that are marked as modified (a flag automatically set by all set_* generated functions) (useful in debugging).
ROSE_DLL_API void resetModifiedLocatedNodes (const std::set< SgLocatedNode * > &modifiedNodeSet)
 Use the set of IR nodes and set the isModified flag in each IR node to true.
ROSE_DLL_API void reportModifiedStatements (const std::string &label, SgNode *node)
 Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.
ROSE_DLL_API void reportModifiedLocatedNodes (const std::string &label, SgNode *node)
 Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.
ROSE_DLL_API void translateToUseCppDeclarations (SgNode *n)
 Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.
ROSE_DLL_API void translateScopeToUseCppDeclarations (SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.
ROSE_DLL_API std::vector< SgC_PreprocessorDirectiveStatement * > translateStatementToUseCppDeclarations (SgStatement *statement, SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.
ROSE_DLL_API void printOutComments (SgLocatedNode *locatedNode)
 Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.
ROSE_DLL_API bool skipTranslateToUseCppDeclaration (PreprocessingInfo *currentPreprocessingInfo)
 Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.
ROSE_DLL_API void outputFileIds (SgNode *node)
 Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.
ROSE_DLL_API void updateDefiningNondefiningLinks (SgFunctionDeclaration *func, SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Update defining and nondefining links due to a newly introduced function declaration. Should be used after inserting the function into a scope.
Advanced AST transformations, analyses, and optimizations

Some complex but commonly used AST transformations.

ROSE_DLL_API bool collectReadWriteRefs (SgStatement *stmt, std::vector< SgNode * > &readRefs, std::vector< SgNode * > &writeRefs, bool useCachedDefUse=false)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
ROSE_DLL_API bool collectReadWriteVariables (SgStatement *stmt, std::set< SgInitializedName * > &readVars, std::set< SgInitializedName * > &writeVars, bool coarseGrain=true)
 Collect unique variables which are read or written within a statement. Note that a variable can be both read and written. The statement can be either of a function, a scope, or a single line statement. For accesses to members of aggregate data, we return the coarse grain aggregate mem obj by default.
ROSE_DLL_API void collectReadOnlyVariables (SgStatement *stmt, std::set< SgInitializedName * > &readOnlyVars, bool coarseGrain=true)
 Collect read only variables within a statement. The statement can be either of a function, a scope, or a single line statement. For accesses to members of aggregate data, we return the coarse grain aggregate mem obj by default.
ROSE_DLL_API void collectReadOnlySymbols (SgStatement *stmt, std::set< SgVariableSymbol * > &readOnlySymbols, bool coarseGrain=true)
 Collect read only variable symbols within a statement. The statement can be either of a function, a scope, or a single line statement. For accesses to members of aggregate data, we return the coarse grain aggregate mem obj by default.
ROSE_DLL_API bool isUseByAddressVariableRef (SgVarRefExp *ref)
 Check if a variable reference is used by its address: including &a expression and foo(a) when type2 foo(Type& parameter) in C++.
ROSE_DLL_API void collectUseByAddressVariableRefs (const SgStatement *s, std::set< SgVarRefExp * > &varSetB)
 Collect variable references involving use by address: including &a expression and foo(a) when type2 foo(Type& parameter) in C++.
ROSE_DLL_API LivenessAnalysis * call_liveness_analysis (SgProject *project, bool debug=false)
 Call liveness analysis on an entire project.
ROSE_DLL_API void getLiveVariables (LivenessAnalysis *liv, SgForStatement *loop, std::set< SgInitializedName * > &liveIns, std::set< SgInitializedName * > &liveOuts)
 get liveIn and liveOut variables for a for loop from liveness analysis result liv.
ROSE_DLL_API void ReductionRecognition (SgForStatement *loop, std::set< std::pair< SgInitializedName *, OmpSupport::omp_construct_enum > > &results)
 Recognize and collect reduction variables and operations within a C/C++ loop, following OpenMP 3.0 specification for allowed reduction variable types and operation types.
ROSE_DLL_API void constantFolding (SgNode *r)
 Constant folding an AST subtree rooted at 'r' (replacing its children with their constant values, if applicable). Please be advised that constant folding on floating point computation may decrease the accuracy of floating point computations!
ROSE_DLL_API int instrumentEndOfFunction (SgFunctionDeclaration *func, SgStatement *s)
 Instrument(Add a statement, often a function call) into a function right before the return points, handle multiple return statements (with duplicated statement s) and return expressions with side effects. Return the number of statements inserted.
ROSE_DLL_API void removeJumpsToNextStatement (SgNode *)
 Remove jumps whose label is immediately after the jump. Used to clean up inlined code fragments.
ROSE_DLL_API void removeUnusedLabels (SgNode *top, bool keepChild=false)
 Remove labels which are not targets of any goto statements: its child statement is also removed by default.
ROSE_DLL_API std::set< SgLabelStatement * > findUnusedLabels (SgNode *top)
 Find unused labels which are not targets of any goto statements.
ROSE_DLL_API void removeConsecutiveLabels (SgNode *top)
 Remove consecutive labels.
ROSE_DLL_API bool mergeDeclarationAndAssignment (SgVariableDeclaration *decl, SgExprStatement *assign_stmt, bool removeAssignStmt=true)
 Merge a variable assignment statement into a matching variable declaration statement. Callers should make sure the merge is semantically correct (by not introducing compilation errors). This function simply does the merge transformation, without eligibility check.
ROSE_DLL_API bool mergeAssignmentWithDeclaration (SgExprStatement *assign_stmt, SgVariableDeclaration *decl, bool removeAssignStmt=true)
 Merge an assignment into its upstream declaration statement. Callers should make sure the merge is semantically correct.
ROSE_DLL_API bool mergeDeclarationWithAssignment (SgVariableDeclaration *decl, SgExprStatement *assign_stmt)
 Merge a declaration statement into a matching followed variable assignment. Callers should make sure the merge is semantically correct (by not introducing compilation errors). This function simply does the merge transformation, without eligibility check.
ROSE_DLL_API SgExprStatementsplitVariableDeclaration (SgVariableDeclaration *decl)
 Split a variable declaration with an rhs assignment into two statements: a declaration and an assignment.
ROSE_DLL_API int splitVariableDeclaration (SgScopeStatement *scope, bool topLevelOnly=true)
 Split declarations within a scope into declarations and assignment statements, by default only top level declarations are considered. Return the number of declarations split.
ROSE_DLL_API SgAssignInitializersplitExpression (SgExpression *from, std::string newName="")
 Replace an expression with a temporary variable and an assignment statement.
ROSE_DLL_API void splitExpressionIntoBasicBlock (SgExpression *expr)
 Split long expressions into blocks of statements.
ROSE_DLL_API void removeLabeledGotos (SgNode *top)
 Remove labeled goto statements.
ROSE_DLL_API void changeBreakStatementsToGotos (SgStatement *loopOrSwitch)
 If the given statement contains any break statements in its body, add a new label below the statement and change the breaks into gotos to that new label.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlockensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfFor (SgForStatement *fs)
 Check if the body of a 'for' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlockensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfUpcForAll (SgUpcForAllStatement *fs)
 Check if the body of a 'upc_forall' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlockensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfWhile (SgWhileStmt *ws)
 Check if the body of a 'while' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlockensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfDoWhile (SgDoWhileStmt *ws)
 Check if the body of a 'do .. while' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlockensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfSwitch (SgSwitchStatement *ws)
 Check if the body of a 'switch' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
SgBasicBlockensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfCaseOption (SgCaseOptionStmt *cs)
 Check if the body of a 'case option' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
SgBasicBlockensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfDefaultOption (SgDefaultOptionStmt *cs)
 Check if the body of a 'default option' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlockensureBasicBlockAsTrueBodyOfIf (SgIfStmt *ifs)
 Check if the true body of a 'if' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlockensureBasicBlockAsFalseBodyOfIf (SgIfStmt *ifs, bool createEmptyBody=true)
 Check if the false body of a 'if' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not when the flag is true.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlockensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfCatch (SgCatchOptionStmt *cos)
 Check if the body of a 'catch' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
ROSE_DLL_API SgBasicBlockensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfOmpBodyStmt (SgOmpBodyStatement *ompbodyStmt)
 Check if the body of a SgOmpBodyStatement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.
ROSE_DLL_API void cleanupNontransformedBasicBlockNode ()
 Remove unused basic block IR nodes added as part of normalization.
ROSE_DLL_API void recordNormalizations (SgStatement *s)
 Record where normalization have been done so that we can preform denormalizations as required for the token-based unparsing to generate minimal diffs.
ROSE_DLL_API int normalizeArrowExpWithAddressOfLeftOperand (SgNode *root, bool transformationGeneratedOnly=true)
 Convert all code within root matching the patern of (&left)->right, and translate them into left.right. Return the number of matches of the pattern. Be default, only transformation generated nodes will be normalized.
bool isBodyStatement (SgStatement *s)
 Check if a statement is a (true or false) body of a container-like parent, such as For, Upc_forall, Do-while, switch, If, Catch, OmpBodyStmt, etc.
void changeAllBodiesToBlocks (SgNode *top, bool createEmptyBody=true)
 Fix up ifs, loops, while, switch, Catch, OmpBodyStatement, etc. to have blocks as body components. It also adds an empty else body to if statements that don't have them.
SgBasicBlockmakeSingleStatementBodyToBlock (SgStatement *singleStmt)
 Make a single statement body to be a basic block. Its parent is if, while, catch, or upc_forall etc.
unsigned long long getIntegerConstantValue (SgValueExp *expr)
 Get the constant value from a constant integer expression; abort on everything else.
std::vector< SgDeclarationStatement * > getDependentDeclarations (SgStatement *stmt)
 Get a statement's dependent declarations which declares the types used in the statement. The returned vector of declaration statements are sorted according to their appearance order in the original AST. Any reference to a class or template class from a namespace will treated as a reference to the enclosing namespace.
SgCommaOpExpinsertBeforeUsingCommaOp (SgExpression *new_exp, SgExpression *anchor_exp)
 Insert an expression (new_exp )before another expression (anchor_exp) has possible side effects, without changing the original semantics. This is achieved by using a comma operator: (new_exp, anchor_exp). The comma operator is returned.
SgCommaOpExpinsertAfterUsingCommaOp (SgExpression *new_exp, SgExpression *anchor_exp, SgStatement **temp_decl=NULL, SgVarRefExp **temp_ref=NULL)
 Insert an expression (new_exp ) after another expression (anchor_exp) has possible side effects, without changing the original semantics. This is done by using two comma operators: type T1; ... ((T1 = anchor_exp, new_exp),T1) )... , where T1 is a temp variable saving the possible side effect of anchor_exp. The top level comma op exp is returned. The reference to T1 in T1 = anchor_exp is saved in temp_ref.
std::pair< SgStatement *, SgInitializedName * > wrapFunction (SgFunctionDeclaration &definingDeclaration, SgName newName)
 moves the body of a function f to a new function f; f's body is replaced with code that forwards the call to f.
template<class NameGen >
std::pair< SgStatement *, SgInitializedName * > wrapFunction (SgFunctionDeclaration &definingDeclaration, NameGen nameGen)
 This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
SgInitializedNamegetFirstVariable (SgVariableDeclaration &vardecl)
 convenience function that returns the first initialized name in a list of variable declarations.
bool hasTemplateSyntax (const SgName &name)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
std::set< unsigned int > collectSourceSequenceNumbers (SgNode *astNode)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool HasNoThrowAssign (const SgType *const inputType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool HasNoThrowCopy (const SgType *const inputType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool HasNoThrowConstructor (const SgType *const inputType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool HasTrivialAssign (const SgType *const inputType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool HasTrivialCopy (const SgType *const inputType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool HasTrivialConstructor (const SgType *const inputType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool HasTrivialDestructor (const SgType *const inputType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool HasVirtualDestructor (const SgType *const inputType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool IsBaseOf (const SgType *const inputBaseType, const SgType *const inputDerivedType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool IsAbstract (const SgType *const inputType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool IsClass (const SgType *const inputType)
 strip off typedef and modifer types, then check if a type is a class type, excluding union type.
bool IsEmpty (const SgType *const inputType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool IsEnum (const SgType *const inputType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool IsPod (const SgType *const inputType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool IsPolymorphic (const SgType *const inputType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool IsStandardLayout (const SgType *const inputType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool IsLiteralType (const SgType *const inputType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool IsTrivial (const SgType *const inputType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool IsUnion (const SgType *const inputType)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
SgTypeUnderlyingType (SgType *type)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
bool isStructurallyEquivalentAST (SgNode *tree1, SgNode *tree2)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
struct const_int_expr_t evaluateConstIntegerExpression (SgExpression *expr)
 The function tries to evaluate const integer expressions (such as are used in array dimension sizes). It follows variable symbols, and requires constness.
bool checkTypesAreEqual (SgType *typeA, SgType *typeB)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
ROSE_DLL_API std::string getTempDirectory (SgProject *project)
 Create a temporary directory if it does not yet exist and return its name.
ROSE_DLL_API void destroyTempDirectory (std::string)
 Use the system command to remove a temporary directory and all its containing files.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFileprocessFile (SgProject *, std::string, bool unparse=false)
 Invoke JavaRose to translate a given file and put the resulting AST in the global space of the project.
ROSE_DLL_API std::string preprocessPackage (SgProject *, std::string)
 Using the package_name, create a file with a package statement, translate it in order to load the package into the project.
ROSE_DLL_API std::string preprocessImport (SgProject *, std::string)
 Using the import_string parameter, create a file with the relevant import statement; translate the file and add its AST to the project.
ROSE_DLL_API SgFilepreprocessCompilationUnit (SgProject *, std::string, std::string, bool unparse=true)
 Using the file_content string, create a file with the content in question; build its AST and add it to the project.
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDefinitionfindJavaPackage (SgScopeStatement *, std::string)
 Look for a qualified package name in the given scope and return its package definition.
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDefinitionfindOrInsertJavaPackage (SgProject *, std::string, bool create_directory=false)
 Process a qualified package name, if needed, and return its package definition.
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclarationfindOrImportJavaClass (SgProject *, SgClassDefinition *package_definition, std::string)
 If the class_name already exists in the scope, return it.
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclarationfindOrImportJavaClass (SgProject *, std::string, std::string)
 If the class_name already exists in the scope, return it.
ROSE_DLL_API SgClassDeclarationfindOrImportJavaClass (SgProject *, SgClassType *)
 If the class_name already exists in the scope, return it.
ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclarationfindJavaMain (SgClassDefinition *)
 Find a main method in a Java class.
ROSE_DLL_API SgMemberFunctionDeclarationfindJavaMain (SgClassType *)
 Find a main method in a Java class.
template<class T >
bool isTemplateInstantiationFromTemplateDeclarationSatisfyingFilter (SgFunctionDeclaration *function, T *filter)
 This function detects template instantiations that are relevant when filters are used.
void detectCycleInType (SgType *type, const std::string &from)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
void checkForInitializers (SgNode *node)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.
void clearSharedGlobalScopes (SgProject *project)
 Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.


ROSE_DLL_API Transformation_Record trans_records
ROSE_DLL_API int gensym_counter = 0
 An internal counter for generating unique SgName.
vector< SgBasicBlock * > addedBasicBlockNodes


Generate a useful string (name) to describe a SgNode

std::map< std::string, int > local_name_collision_map
 Global map of name collisions to support generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier() function.
std::map< std::string, SgNode * > local_name_to_node_map
 Global map of name collisions to support generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier() function.
std::map< SgNode *, std::string > local_node_to_name_map
 Global map of name collisions to support generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier() function.
std::string get_name (const SgNode *node)
 Generate a useful name to describe the SgNode.
std::string get_name (const SgStatement *stmt)
 Generate a useful name to describe the declaration.
std::string get_name (const SgExpression *expr)
 Generate a useful name to describe the expression.
std::string get_name (const SgDeclarationStatement *declaration)
 Generate a useful name to describe the declaration.
std::string get_name (const SgScopeStatement *scope)
 Generate a useful name to describe the scope.
std::string get_name (const SgSymbol *symbol)
 Generate a useful name to describe the SgSymbol.
std::string get_name (const SgType *type)
 Generate a useful name to describe the SgType.
std::string get_name (const SgSupport *node)
 Generate a useful name to describe the SgSupport IR node.
std::string get_name (const SgLocatedNodeSupport *node)
 Generate a useful name to describe the SgLocatedNodeSupport IR node.
std::string get_name (const SgC_PreprocessorDirectiveStatement *directive)
 Generate a useful name to describe the SgC_PreprocessorDirectiveStatement IR node.
std::string get_name (const SgToken *token)
 Generate a useful name to describe the SgToken IR node.
SgNamedTypegetDeclaredType (const SgDeclarationStatement *declaration)
 Returns the type introduced by a declaration.
std::string generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier (SgDeclarationStatement *declaration)
 Generate a useful name to support construction of identifiers from declarations.
std::string generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier_support (SgDeclarationStatement *declaration)
 Global map of name collisions to support generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier() function.
void computeUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier (SgNode *astNode)
 Traversal to set the global map of names to node and node to names.collisions to support generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier() function.
void reset_name_collision_map ()
 Reset map variables used to support generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier() function.

Typedef Documentation

◆ EquivalenceTestFunctionType

typedef bool(* SageInterface::EquivalenceTestFunctionType) (SgNode *x, SgNode *y)

Definition at line 38 of file sageInterfaceAsm.h.

Function Documentation

◆ setOneSourcePositionForTransformation()

void SageInterface::setOneSourcePositionForTransformation ( SgNode root)

Set current node's source position as transformation generated.

Definition at line 7246 of file sageInterface.C.

References setSourcePosition().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildActualArgumentExpression(), SageBuilder::buildAggregateInitializer(), SageBuilder::buildAlignOfOp(), SageBuilder::buildAlignOfOp(), SageBuilder::buildAsmStatement(), SageBuilder::buildAssertStmt(), SageBuilder::buildAssertStmt(), SageBuilder::buildAssignInitializer(), SageBuilder::buildAssignStatement(), SageBuilder::buildAssignStatement_ast_translate(), SageBuilder::buildAsyncStmt(), SageBuilder::buildAtomicStmt(), SageBuilder::buildAwaitExpression(), SageBuilder::buildBasicBlock(), SageBuilder::buildBinaryExpression(), SageBuilder::buildBoolValExp(), SageBuilder::buildBracedInitializer(), SageBuilder::buildBreakStmt(), SageBuilder::buildCaseOptionStmt(), SageBuilder::buildCastExp(), SageBuilder::buildCatchOptionStmt(), SageBuilder::buildChar16Val(), SageBuilder::buildChar32Val(), SageBuilder::buildCharVal(), SageBuilder::buildChooseExpression(), SageBuilder::buildClassDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildClassDefinition(), SageBuilder::buildClassExp(), SageBuilder::buildClassNameRefExp(), SageBuilder::buildColonShapeExp(), SageBuilder::buildComplexVal(), SageBuilder::buildCompoundInitializer(), SageBuilder::buildCompoundLiteralExp(), SageBuilder::buildComprehension(), SageBuilder::buildConditionalExp(), SageBuilder::buildConstructorInitializer(), SageBuilder::buildContinueStmt(), SageBuilder::buildDefaultOptionStmt(), SageBuilder::buildDefiningClassDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildDeleteExp(), SageBuilder::buildDeleteExp(), SageBuilder::buildDerivedTypeStatement(), SageBuilder::buildDictionaryComprehension(), SageBuilder::buildDictionaryExp(), SageBuilder::buildDoubleVal(), SageBuilder::buildDoWhileStmt(), SageBuilder::buildEmptyDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildEnumDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildEnumVal(), SageBuilder::buildEquivalenceStatement(), SageBuilder::buildExecStatement(), SageBuilder::buildExprListExp(), SageBuilder::buildExprListExp(), SageBuilder::buildExprStatement(), SageBuilder::buildFinishStmt(), SageBuilder::buildFloat128Val(), SageBuilder::buildFloat80Val(), SageBuilder::buildFloatVal(), SageBuilder::buildFoldExpression(), SageBuilder::buildForInitStatement(), SageBuilder::buildForStatement(), SageBuilder::buildFortranContinueStmt(), SageBuilder::buildFortranDo(), SageBuilder::buildFunctionCallExp(), SageBuilder::buildFunctionCallExp(), SageBuilder::buildFunctionCallExp(), SageBuilder::buildFunctionParameterList(), SageBuilder::buildFunctionRefExp(), SageBuilder::buildFunctionRefExp(), SageBuilder::buildFunctionRefExp(), SageBuilder::buildGotoStatement(), SageBuilder::buildIfStmt(), SageBuilder::buildImaginaryVal(), SageBuilder::buildImaginaryVal(), SageBuilder::buildIntVal(), SageBuilder::buildIntValHex(), SageBuilder::buildJavaInstanceOfOp(), SageBuilder::buildJavaLabelStatement(), SageBuilder::buildJovialTableStatement(), SageBuilder::buildJovialTableType(), SageBuilder::buildKeyDatumPair(), SageBuilder::buildLabelRefExp(), SageBuilder::buildLabelStatement(), SageBuilder::buildLabelStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildLambdaRefExp(), SageBuilder::buildListComprehension_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildListExp(), SageBuilder::buildLongDoubleVal(), SageBuilder::buildLongIntVal(), SageBuilder::buildLongLongIntVal(), SageBuilder::buildMagicColonExp(), SageBuilder::buildMatlabForStatement(), SageBuilder::buildMatrixExp(), SageBuilder::buildMemberFunctionRefExp(), SageBuilder::buildMicrosoftAttributeDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildModuleStatement(), SageBuilder::buildNamespaceAliasDeclarationStatement(), SageBuilder::buildNamespaceDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildNamespaceDefinition(), SageBuilder::buildNaryBooleanOp(), SageBuilder::buildNaryComparisonOp(), SageBuilder::buildNewExp(), SageBuilder::buildNoexceptOp(), SageBuilder::buildNondefiningClassDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildNondefiningTemplateClassDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildNullExpression(), SageBuilder::buildNullptrValExp(), SageBuilder::buildNullStatement(), SageBuilder::buildOpaqueType(), SageBuilder::buildPassStatement(), SageBuilder::buildPragma(), SageBuilder::buildPragmaDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildPythonGlobalStmt(), SageBuilder::buildPythonPrintStmt(), SageBuilder::buildRangeExp(), SageBuilder::buildReturnStmt(), SageBuilder::buildSetComprehension(), SageBuilder::buildShortVal(), SageBuilder::buildShortValHex(), SageBuilder::buildSizeOfOp(), SageBuilder::buildSizeOfOp(), SageBuilder::buildStatementExpression(), SageBuilder::buildStaticAssertionDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildStmtDeclarationStatement(), SageBuilder::buildStringConversion(), SageBuilder::buildStringVal(), SageBuilder::buildStructDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildSuperExp(), SageBuilder::buildSwitchStatement(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateClassDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateClassDefinition(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateParameter(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateParameterVal(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateType(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateVariableDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateVariableInstantiation(), SageBuilder::buildThisExp(), SageBuilder::buildThrowOp(), SageBuilder::buildTupleExp(), SageBuilder::buildTupleType(), SageBuilder::buildTypedefDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildTypeIdOp(), SageBuilder::buildUnaryExpression(), SageBuilder::buildUnsignedCharVal(), SageBuilder::buildUnsignedCharValHex(), SageBuilder::buildUnsignedIntVal(), SageBuilder::buildUnsignedIntValHex(), SageBuilder::buildUnsignedLongLongIntVal(), SageBuilder::buildUnsignedLongLongIntValHex(), SageBuilder::buildUnsignedLongVal(), SageBuilder::buildUnsignedLongValHex(), SageBuilder::buildUnsignedShortVal(), SageBuilder::buildUnsignedShortValHex(), SageBuilder::buildUpcMythread(), SageBuilder::buildUpcThreads(), SageBuilder::buildUsingDirectiveStatement(), SageBuilder::buildVariableDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildVariantExpression(), SageBuilder::buildVarRefExp(), SageBuilder::buildVarRefExp(), SageBuilder::buildVarRefExp(), SageBuilder::buildVoidVal(), SageBuilder::buildWcharVal(), SageBuilder::buildWhileStmt(), SageBuilder::buildWithStatement(), SageBuilder::buildYieldExpression(), initializeSwitchStatement(), and setSourcePositionForTransformation().

◆ setSourcePosition()

void SageInterface::setSourcePosition ( SgNode node)

Set the source code positon for the current (input) node.

Definition at line 7463 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), SageBuilder::display(), SageBuilder::e_sourcePosition_last, SageBuilder::e_sourcePositionCompilerGenerated, SageBuilder::e_sourcePositionDefault, SageBuilder::e_sourcePositionFrontendConstruction, SageBuilder::e_sourcePositionNullPointers, SageBuilder::e_sourcePositionTransformation, SgNode::get_file_info(), SageBuilder::getSourcePositionClassificationMode(), setSourcePositionAsTransformation(), and setSourcePositionPointersToNull().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildArrayType(), SageBuilder::buildAssignInitializer_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildAtExp(), SageBuilder::buildAtStmt(), SageBuilder::buildBinaryExpression_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildCatchStatementSeq(), SageBuilder::buildDeclarationScope(), SageBuilder::buildFinishExp(), SageBuilder::buildForInitStatement(), SageBuilder::buildForInitStatement(), SageBuilder::buildForInitStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildFunctionParameterRefExp(), SageBuilder::buildJavaSynchronizedStatement(), SageBuilder::buildJovialDefineDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildLambdaCapture(), SageBuilder::buildLambdaCaptureList(), SageBuilder::buildLambdaExp(), SageBuilder::buildNondefiningClassDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildNondefiningTemplateClassDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildNonrealDecl(), SageBuilder::buildSubscriptExpression_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateClassDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateVariableDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateVariableInstantiation_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildTryStmt(), SageBuilder::buildTryStmt(), SageBuilder::buildTypeExpression(), SageBuilder::buildUnaryExpression_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildVariableDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildWhenStmt(), setOneSourcePositionForTransformation(), setOneSourcePositionNull(), and setSourcePositionAtRootAndAllChildren().

◆ buildDeclarationSets()

SageInterface::DeclarationSets * SageInterface::buildDeclarationSets ( SgNode n)

Definition at line 564 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ addMessageStatement()

void SageInterface::addMessageStatement ( SgStatement stmt,
std::string  message 

Function to add "C" style comment to statement.

Definition at line 19953 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgLocatedNode::addToAttachedPreprocessingInfo(), and Sg_File_Info::setTransformation().

Referenced by appendStatementWithDependentDeclaration().

◆ lookupSymbolInParentScopesIgnoringAliasSymbols()

SgSymbol * SageInterface::lookupSymbolInParentScopesIgnoringAliasSymbols ( const SgName name,
SgScopeStatement currentScope = NULL,
SgTemplateParameterPtrList *  templateParameterList = NULL,
SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *  templateArgumentList = NULL 

Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.

Definition at line 6731 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::class_name(), SgSymbol::class_name(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), and SageBuilder::topScopeStack().

◆ lookupSymbolInParentScopes()

SgSymbol * SageInterface::lookupSymbolInParentScopes ( const SgName name,
SgScopeStatement currentScope = NULL,
SgTemplateParameterPtrList *  templateParameterList = NULL,
SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *  templateArgumentList = NULL 

Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.

Definition at line 6708 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), and SageBuilder::topScopeStack().

Referenced by generateUniqueVariableName(), lookupNamedTypeInParentScopes(), and lookupVariableSymbolInParentScopes().

◆ lookupVariableSymbolInParentScopes()

SgVariableSymbol * SageInterface::lookupVariableSymbolInParentScopes ( const SgName name,
SgScopeStatement currentScope = NULL 

Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.

Definition at line 6843 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), lookupSymbolInParentScopes(), and SageBuilder::topScopeStack().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildOpaqueVarRefExp(), SageBuilder::buildVarRefExp(), SageBuilder::fixupCopyOfNodeFromSeparateFileInNewTargetAst(), fixVariableReferences(), and normalizeForLoopInitDeclaration().

◆ lookupFunctionSymbolInParentScopes() [1/2]

SgFunctionSymbol * SageInterface::lookupFunctionSymbolInParentScopes ( const SgName functionName,
SgScopeStatement currentScope = NULL 

look up the first matched function symbol in parent scopes given only a function name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL

Definition at line 6529 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::class_name(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), and SageBuilder::topScopeStack().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildFunctionRefExp(), SageBuilder::buildFunctionRefExp(), SageBuilder::buildMemberFunctionCall(), and SageBuilder::fixupCopyOfNodeFromSeparateFileInNewTargetAst().

◆ lookupFunctionSymbolInParentScopes() [2/2]

SgFunctionSymbol * SageInterface::lookupFunctionSymbolInParentScopes ( const SgName functionName,
const SgType t,
SgScopeStatement currentScope = NULL 

look up function symbol in parent scopes given both name and function type, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL

Definition at line 6687 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), and SageBuilder::topScopeStack().

◆ lookupTemplateFunctionSymbolInParentScopes()

SgFunctionSymbol * SageInterface::lookupTemplateFunctionSymbolInParentScopes ( const SgName functionName,
SgFunctionType ftype,
SgTemplateParameterPtrList *  tplparams,
SgScopeStatement currentScope = NULL 

Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.

Definition at line 6556 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::class_name(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), and SageBuilder::topScopeStack().

◆ lookupTemplateMemberFunctionSymbolInParentScopes()

SgFunctionSymbol * SageInterface::lookupTemplateMemberFunctionSymbolInParentScopes ( const SgName functionName,
SgFunctionType ftype,
SgTemplateParameterPtrList *  tplparams,
SgScopeStatement currentScope = NULL 

Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.

Definition at line 6583 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::class_name(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), and SageBuilder::topScopeStack().

◆ lookupTemplateVariableSymbolInParentScopes()

SgTemplateVariableSymbol * SageInterface::lookupTemplateVariableSymbolInParentScopes ( const SgName name,
SgTemplateParameterPtrList *  tplparams,
SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *  tplargs,
SgScopeStatement currentScope = NULL 

Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.

Definition at line 6892 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::class_name(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), and SageBuilder::topScopeStack().

◆ lookupClassSymbolInParentScopes()

SgClassSymbol * SageInterface::lookupClassSymbolInParentScopes ( const SgName name,
SgScopeStatement currentScope = NULL,
SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *  templateArgumentList = NULL 

Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.

Definition at line 6923 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), and SageBuilder::topScopeStack().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildMemberFunctionCall(), SageBuilder::fixupCopyOfNodeFromSeparateFileInNewTargetAst(), SageBuilder::getTargetFileType(), and SageBuilder::getTargetFileTypeSupport().

◆ lookupTypedefSymbolInParentScopes()

SgTypedefSymbol * SageInterface::lookupTypedefSymbolInParentScopes ( const SgName name,
SgScopeStatement currentScope = NULL 

Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.

Definition at line 6968 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::class_name(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), and SageBuilder::topScopeStack().

Referenced by SageBuilder::fixupCopyOfNodeFromSeparateFileInNewTargetAst(), SageBuilder::getTargetFileType(), and SageBuilder::getTargetFileTypeSupport().

◆ lookupNonrealSymbolInParentScopes()

SgNonrealSymbol * SageInterface::lookupNonrealSymbolInParentScopes ( const SgName name,
SgScopeStatement currentScope = NULL,
SgTemplateParameterPtrList *  templateParameterList = NULL,
SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *  templateArgumentList = NULL 

Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.

Definition at line 6947 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), and SageBuilder::topScopeStack().

◆ lookupTemplateClassSymbolInParentScopes()

SgTemplateClassSymbol * SageInterface::lookupTemplateClassSymbolInParentScopes ( const SgName name,
SgTemplateParameterPtrList *  templateParameterList,
SgTemplateArgumentPtrList *  templateArgumentList,
SgScopeStatement cscope = NULL 

Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.

Definition at line 7039 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::class_name(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), and SageBuilder::topScopeStack().

Referenced by SageBuilder::getTargetFileType().

◆ lookupEnumSymbolInParentScopes()

SgEnumSymbol * SageInterface::lookupEnumSymbolInParentScopes ( const SgName name,
SgScopeStatement currentScope = NULL 

Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.

Definition at line 7068 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), and SageBuilder::topScopeStack().

Referenced by SageBuilder::findAssociatedDeclarationInTargetAST(), SageBuilder::findAssociatedSymbolInTargetAST(), SageBuilder::fixupCopyOfNodeFromSeparateFileInNewTargetAst(), SageBuilder::getTargetFileType(), and SageBuilder::getTargetFileTypeSupport().

◆ lookupNamespaceSymbolInParentScopes()

SgNamespaceSymbol * SageInterface::lookupNamespaceSymbolInParentScopes ( const SgName name,
SgScopeStatement currentScope = NULL 

Find a symbol in current and ancestor scopes for a given variable name, starting from top of ScopeStack if currentscope is not given or NULL.

Definition at line 7092 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), and SageBuilder::topScopeStack().

◆ set_name()

int SageInterface::set_name ( SgInitializedName initializedNameNode,
SgName  new_name 

set_name of symbol in symbol table.

This function extracts the symbol from the relavant symbol table, changes the name (at the declaration) and reinserts it into the symbol table.

Required traversal function

Definition at line 1173 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::class_name(), SgSymbol::class_name(), SgInitializedName::get_declaration(), get_name(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgScopeStatement::get_symbol_table(), getEnclosingStatement(), SgNode::set_isModified(), SgLocatedNode::setTransformation(), statementCanBeTransformed(), SgVarRefExp::traverseMemoryPoolNodes(), and SgDeclarationStatement::variantT().

◆ outputGlobalFunctionTypeSymbolTable()

void SageInterface::outputGlobalFunctionTypeSymbolTable ( )

Output function type symbols in global function type symbol table.

Definition at line 3642 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_globalFunctionTypeTable().

◆ outputLocalSymbolTables()

void SageInterface::outputLocalSymbolTables ( SgNode node)

Output the local symbol tables.

\implementation Each symbol table is output with the file infor where it is located in the source code.

Definition at line 3658 of file sageInterface.C.

References AstSimpleProcessing::traverse().

◆ rebuildSymbolTable()

void SageInterface::rebuildSymbolTable ( SgScopeStatement scope)

Regenerate the symbol table.

\implementation current symbol table must be NULL pointer before calling this function (for safety, but is this a good idea?)

Definition at line 4263 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::class_name(), SgDeclarationStatement::class_name(), SgTemplateDeclaration::class_name(), SgClassDeclaration::class_name(), SgTemplateInstantiationDecl::class_name(), SgFunctionDeclaration::class_name(), SgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDecl::class_name(), SgScopeStatement::generateStatementList(), SgVariableDeclaration::get_baseTypeDefiningDeclaration(), SgTypedefDeclaration::get_baseTypeDefiningDeclaration(), SgWhileStmt::get_condition(), SgIfStmt::get_conditional(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_definingDeclaration(), SgEnumDeclaration::get_enumerators(), SgLocatedNode::get_file_info(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_firstNondefiningDeclaration(), SgSwitchStatement::get_item_selector(), SgEnumDeclaration::get_name(), SgTemplateDeclaration::get_name(), SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement::get_name(), get_name(), SgNamespaceAliasDeclarationStatement::get_namespaceDeclaration(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgTemplateDeclaration::get_scope(), SgClassDeclaration::get_scope(), SgFunctionDeclaration::get_scope(), SgTemplateDeclaration::get_string(), SgScopeStatement::get_symbol_table(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_template_name(), SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl::get_templateDeclaration(), SgVariableDeclaration::get_variableDeclarationContainsBaseTypeDefiningDeclaration(), SgVariableDeclaration::get_variables(), SgScopeStatement::insert_symbol(), SgDeclarationStatement::isForward(), SgDeclarationModifier::isFriend(), SgSymbolTable::print(), SgNode::set_parent(), SgScopeStatement::set_symbol_table(), SgSymbolTable::size(), SgScopeStatement::variantT(), and SgDeclarationStatement::variantT().

◆ clearUnusedVariableSymbols()

void SageInterface::clearUnusedVariableSymbols ( SgNode root = NULL)

Clear those variable symbols with unknown type (together with initialized names) which are also not referenced by any variable references or declarations under root. If root is NULL, all symbols with unknown type will be deleted.

Definition at line 15427 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgTypeUnknown::createType(), and SgVariableSymbol::get_name().

Referenced by fixVariableReferences().

◆ fixupReferencesToSymbols()

void SageInterface::fixupReferencesToSymbols ( const SgScopeStatement this_scope,
SgScopeStatement copy_scope,
SgCopyHelp help 

All the symbol table references in the copied AST need to be reset after rebuilding the copied scope's symbol table.

Definition at line 5055 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::class_name(), Rose::AST::Utility::edgePointerReplacement(), get_name(), SgScopeStatement::get_symbol_table(), SgProject::get_verbose(), and SgSymbol::variantT().

◆ get_name() [1/11]

string SageInterface::get_name ( const SgNode node)

◆ get_name() [2/11]

string SageInterface::get_name ( const SgStatement stmt)

Generate a useful name to describe the declaration.

Definition at line 2262 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgStatement::class_name(), SgLabelStatement::get_label(), get_name(), and SgStatement::variantT().

◆ get_name() [3/11]

string SageInterface::get_name ( const SgExpression expr)

◆ get_name() [4/11]

string SageInterface::get_name ( const SgDeclarationStatement declaration)

◆ get_name() [5/11]

string SageInterface::get_name ( const SgScopeStatement scope)

Generate a useful name to describe the scope.

Definition at line 2190 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::class_name(), get_name(), Rose::StringUtility::numberToString(), and SgScopeStatement::variantT().

◆ get_name() [6/11]

string SageInterface::get_name ( const SgSymbol symbol)

Generate a useful name to describe the SgSymbol.

Definition at line 2636 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgSymbol::get_name().

◆ get_name() [7/11]

string SageInterface::get_name ( const SgType type)

Generate a useful name to describe the SgType.

Definition at line 2656 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgType::class_name(), SgNamedType::get_name(), get_name(), SgModifierType::get_typeModifier(), and SgType::variantT().

◆ get_name() [8/11]

string SageInterface::get_name ( const SgSupport node)

◆ get_name() [9/11]

string SageInterface::get_name ( const SgLocatedNodeSupport node)

Generate a useful name to describe the SgLocatedNodeSupport IR node.

Definition at line 2920 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgLocatedNodeSupport::class_name(), and SgLocatedNodeSupport::variantT().

◆ get_name() [10/11]

string SageInterface::get_name ( const SgC_PreprocessorDirectiveStatement directive)

Generate a useful name to describe the SgC_PreprocessorDirectiveStatement IR node.

Definition at line 1531 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgC_PreprocessorDirectiveStatement::class_name(), and SgC_PreprocessorDirectiveStatement::variantT().

◆ get_name() [11/11]

string SageInterface::get_name ( const SgToken token)

Generate a useful name to describe the SgToken IR node.

Definition at line 3061 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ getDeclaredType()

SgNamedType * SageInterface::getDeclaredType ( const SgDeclarationStatement declaration)

Returns the type introduced by a declaration.

If the type is not an SgNamedType, nullptr is returned

Definition at line 27460 of file sageInterface.C.

References sg::dispatch().

◆ generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier()

std::string SageInterface::generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier ( SgDeclarationStatement declaration)

Generate a useful name to support construction of identifiers from declarations.

This function permits names to be generated that will be unique across translation units (a specific requirement different from the context of the get_name() functions above).

Definition at line 3293 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgDeclarationStatement::class_name(), generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier_support(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_definingDeclaration(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_firstNondefiningDeclaration(), get_name(), local_name_to_node_map, and local_node_to_name_map.

◆ generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier_support()

string SageInterface::generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier_support ( SgDeclarationStatement declaration)

◆ computeUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier()

void SageInterface::computeUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier ( SgNode astNode)

Traversal to set the global map of names to node and node to names.collisions to support generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier() function.

Definition at line 3347 of file sageInterface.C.

References generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier_support(), local_name_collision_map, local_name_to_node_map, and local_node_to_name_map.

◆ reset_name_collision_map()

void SageInterface::reset_name_collision_map ( )

Reset map variables used to support generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier() function.

Definition at line 3082 of file sageInterface.C.

References local_name_collision_map, local_name_to_node_map, and local_node_to_name_map.

◆ getDefaultDestructor()

SgMemberFunctionDeclaration * SageInterface::getDefaultDestructor ( SgClassDeclaration classDeclaration)

Get the default destructor from the class declaration.

Definition at line 3427 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_definingDeclaration(), SgClassDefinition::get_members(), and SgNode::get_parent().

◆ getDefaultConstructor()

SgMemberFunctionDeclaration * SageInterface::getDefaultConstructor ( SgClassDeclaration classDeclaration)

Get the default constructor from the class declaration.

Definition at line 3384 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgDeclarationStatement::get_definingDeclaration(), and SgClassDefinition::get_members().

◆ templateDefinitionIsInClass()

bool SageInterface::templateDefinitionIsInClass ( SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl memberFunctionDeclaration)

Return true if template definition is in the class, false if outside of class.

Definition at line 3712 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent(), SgTemplateInstantiationDecl::get_templateDeclaration(), and SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl::get_templateDeclaration().

◆ buildForwardFunctionDeclaration()

SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl * SageInterface::buildForwardFunctionDeclaration ( SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl memberFunctionInstantiation)

◆ isStructDeclaration()

bool SageInterface::isStructDeclaration ( SgNode node)

Check if a SgNode is a declaration for a structure.

Definition at line 16850 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgClassDeclaration::e_struct.

Referenced by fixStatement().

◆ isUnionDeclaration()

bool SageInterface::isUnionDeclaration ( SgNode node)

Check if a SgNode is a declaration for a union.

Definition at line 16860 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgClassDeclaration::e_union.

◆ addDefaultConstructorIfRequired()

bool SageInterface::addDefaultConstructorIfRequired ( SgClassType classType,
int  physical_file_id = Sg_File_Info::TRANSFORMATION_FILE_ID 

◆ recursivePrintCurrentAndParent()

void SageInterface::recursivePrintCurrentAndParent ( SgNode n)

Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.

Definition at line 25284 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), SgNode::get_parent(), and recursivePrintCurrentAndParent().

Referenced by recursivePrintCurrentAndParent().

◆ saveToPDF() [1/2]

void SageInterface::saveToPDF ( SgNode node,
std::string  filename 

Save AST into a pdf file. Start from a node to find its enclosing file node. The entire file's AST will be saved into a pdf.

Save AST into a json file to post-process into a pdf file, start from a.

Definition at line 25680 of file sageInterface.C.

References getEnclosingFileNode().

Referenced by saveToPDF().

◆ saveToPDF() [2/2]

void SageInterface::saveToPDF ( SgNode node)

Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.

Definition at line 25674 of file sageInterface.C.

References saveToPDF().

◆ printAST() [1/2]

void SageInterface::printAST ( SgNode node)

Pretty print AST horizontally, output to std output.

Definition at line 25626 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ printAST() [2/2]

void SageInterface::printAST ( SgNode node,
const char *  filename 

Pretty print AST horizontally, output to a specified file, a simpiler interface than printAST2TextFile()

Definition at line 25635 of file sageInterface.C.

References printAST2TextFile().

◆ printAST2TextFile() [1/2]

void SageInterface::printAST2TextFile ( SgNode node,
const char *  filename,
bool  printType = true 

Pretty print AST horizontally, output to a specified text file. If printType is set to false, don't print out type info.

Definition at line 25647 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by printAST(), and printAST2TextFile().

◆ printAST2TextFile() [2/2]

void SageInterface::printAST2TextFile ( SgNode node,
std::string  filename,
bool  printType = true 

Pretty print AST horizontally, output to a specified text file. If printType is set to false, don't print out types info.

Definition at line 25640 of file sageInterface.C.

References printAST2TextFile().

◆ whereAmI()

void SageInterface::whereAmI ( SgNode node)

Diagnostic function for tracing back through the parent list to understand at runtime where in the AST a failure happened.

Definition at line 635 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), SgNode::get_file_info(), and SgNode::get_parent().

◆ extractPragmaKeyword()

std::string SageInterface::extractPragmaKeyword ( const SgPragmaDeclaration pragmaDeclaration)

Extract a SgPragmaDeclaration's leading keyword . For example "#pragma omp parallel" has a keyword of "omp".

Definition at line 3787 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ isOmpStatement()

bool SageInterface::isOmpStatement ( SgNode n)

Check if a node is SgOmp*Statement.

Definition at line 3798 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ isOverloaded()

bool SageInterface::isOverloaded ( SgFunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration)

◆ initializeIfStmt()

void SageInterface::initializeIfStmt ( SgIfStmt ifstmt,
SgStatement conditional,
SgStatement true_body,
SgStatement false_body 

◆ initializeSwitchStatement()

void SageInterface::initializeSwitchStatement ( SgSwitchStatement switchStatement,
SgStatement item_selector,
SgStatement body 

◆ initializeWhileStatement()

void SageInterface::initializeWhileStatement ( SgWhileStmt whileStatement,
SgStatement condition,
SgStatement body,
SgStatement else_body 

◆ annotateExpressionsWithUniqueNames()

void SageInterface::annotateExpressionsWithUniqueNames ( SgProject project)

Generate unique names for expressions and attach the names as persistent attributes ("UniqueNameAttribute")

Generate unique names for expressions and attach the names as persistent attributes.

Definition at line 22991 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgLocatedNode::addNewAttribute(), SgExpression::class_name(), generateUniqueName(), and SgGraphTraversal< CFG >::traverse().

◆ isMain()

bool SageInterface::isMain ( const SgNode node)

Check if a SgNode is a main() function declaration.

Definition at line 7841 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgStatement::get_scope(), is_Fortran_language(), and is_Java_language().

Referenced by findMain().

◆ generateUniqueName()

std::string SageInterface::generateUniqueName ( const SgNode node,
bool  ignoreDifferenceBetweenDefiningAndNondefiningDeclarations 

Generate unique name from C and C++ constructs. The name may contain space.

This is support for the AST merge, but is generally useful as a more general mechanism than name mangling which is more closely ties to the generation of names to support link-time function name resolution. This is more general than common name mangling in that it resolves more relevant differences between C and C++ declarations. (e.g. the type within the declaration: "struct { int:8; } foo;").

\implementation current work does not support expressions.

Referenced by annotateExpressionsWithUniqueNames().

◆ generateUniqueVariableName()

string SageInterface::generateUniqueVariableName ( SgScopeStatement scope,
std::string  baseName = "temp" 

Generate a name like temp# that is unique in the current scope and any parent and children scopes.

Generate a name that is unique in the current scope and any parent and children scopes.

# is a unique integer counter.

baseNamethe word to be included in the variable names.
baseNamethe word to be included in the variable names.

Definition at line 10939 of file sageInterface.C.

References lookupSymbolInParentScopes().

Referenced by createTempVariableAndReferenceForExpression(), createTempVariableForExpression(), and loopCollapsing().

◆ generateProjectName()

string SageInterface::generateProjectName ( const SgProject project,
bool  supressSuffix = false 

Added mechanism to generate project name from list of file names.

Definition at line 6450 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgProject::getAbsolutePathFileNames(), Rose::StringUtility::stripFileSuffixFromFileName(), and Rose::StringUtility::stripPathFromFileName().

◆ getDeclarationOfNamedFunction()

SgFunctionDeclaration * SageInterface::getDeclarationOfNamedFunction ( SgExpression func)

Given a SgExpression that represents a named function (or bound member function), return the mentioned function.

Definition at line 5273 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgExpression::class_name(), and SgBinaryOp::get_rhs_operand().

◆ forallMaskExpression()

SgExpression * SageInterface::forallMaskExpression ( SgForAllStatement stmt)

Get the mask expression from the header of a SgForAllStatement.

Definition at line 5293 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ getMangledNameFromCache()

string SageInterface::getMangledNameFromCache ( SgNode astNode)

Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.

Definition at line 5904 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_globalMangledNameMap(), and SgNode::get_parent().

◆ addMangledNameToCache()

std::string SageInterface::addMangledNameToCache ( SgNode astNode,
const std::string &  mangledName 

◆ getNonInstantiatonDeclarationForClass()

SgDeclarationStatement * SageInterface::getNonInstantiatonDeclarationForClass ( SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl memberFunctionInstantiation)

Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.

Definition at line 783 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgClassDefinition::get_declaration(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), SgTemplateInstantiationDecl::get_templateDeclaration(), and SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl::get_templateDeclaration().

◆ setBaseTypeDefiningDeclaration()

void SageInterface::setBaseTypeDefiningDeclaration ( SgVariableDeclaration var_decl,
SgDeclarationStatement base_decl 

a better version for SgVariableDeclaration::set_baseTypeDefininingDeclaration(), handling all side effects automatically Used to have a struct declaration embedded into a variable declaration

Liao, 11/9/2009.

A better version for SgVariableDeclaration::set_baseTypeDefininingDeclaration(), handling all side effects automatically Used to have a struct declaration embedded into a variable declaration

Definition at line 836 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::generateStatementList(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), removeStatement(), and SgNode::set_parent().

◆ declarationPreceedsDefinition()

bool SageInterface::declarationPreceedsDefinition ( SgDeclarationStatement nonDefiningDeclaration,
SgDeclarationStatement definingDeclaration 

Check if a defining declaration comes before of after the non-defining declaration.

Definition at line 6102 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgDeclarationStatement::class_name(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_definingDeclaration(), and SgLocatedNode::get_file_info().

◆ functionCallExpressionPreceedsDeclarationWhichAssociatesScope()

bool SageInterface::functionCallExpressionPreceedsDeclarationWhichAssociatesScope ( SgFunctionCallExp functionCall)

◆ astIntersection()

std::vector< SgNode * > SageInterface::astIntersection ( SgNode original,
SgNode copy,
SgCopyHelp help = NULL 

Compute the intersection set for two ASTs.

This is part of a test done by the copy function to compute those IR nodes in the copy that still reference the original AST.

Definition at line 999 of file sageInterface.C.

References get_name(), and SgProject::get_verbose().

◆ deepCopyNode()

SgNode * SageInterface::deepCopyNode ( const SgNode subtree)

Deep copy an arbitrary subtree.

Definition at line 7936 of file sageInterface.C.

References setSourcePositionForTransformation().

Referenced by deepCopy().

◆ deepCopy()

template<typename NodeType >
NodeType * SageInterface::deepCopy ( const NodeType *  subtree)

A template function for deep copying a subtree. It is also used to create deepcopy functions with specialized parameter and return types. e.g SgExpression* copyExpression(SgExpression* e);.

Definition at line 559 of file sageInterface.h.

References deepCopyNode().

Referenced by copyExpression(), copyStatement(), insertAfterUsingCommaOp(), loopCollapsing(), loopUnrolling(), normalizeArrowExpWithAddressOfLeftOperand(), normalizeForLoopIncrement(), normalizeForLoopInitDeclaration(), normalizeForLoopTest(), replaceWithPattern(), setLoopStride(), and splitVariableDeclaration().

◆ copyExpression()

SgExpression * SageInterface::copyExpression ( SgExpression e)

◆ copyStatement()

SgStatement * SageInterface::copyStatement ( SgStatement s)

Deep copy a statement.

Definition at line 13776 of file sageInterface.C.

References deepCopy().

Referenced by instrumentEndOfFunction().

◆ getFirstVarSym()

SgVariableSymbol * SageInterface::getFirstVarSym ( SgVariableDeclaration decl)

◆ getFirstInitializedName()

SgInitializedName * SageInterface::getFirstInitializedName ( SgVariableDeclaration decl)

◆ myRemoveStatement()

void SageInterface::myRemoveStatement ( SgStatement stmt)

A special purpose statement removal function, originally from inlinerSupport.h, Need Jeremiah's attention to refine it. Please don't use it for now.

Definition at line 11548 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgForInitStatement::get_init_stmt(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgBasicBlock::get_statements(), and SgStatement::replace_statement().

Referenced by removeUnusedLabels(), and replaceExpressionWithStatement().

◆ isConstantTrue()

bool SageInterface::isConstantTrue ( SgExpression e)

Check if a bool or int constant expression evaluates to be a true value.

Definition at line 13718 of file sageInterface.C.

References isConstantFalse(), isConstantTrue(), and SgExpression::variantT().

Referenced by isConstantFalse(), and isConstantTrue().

◆ isConstantFalse()

bool SageInterface::isConstantFalse ( SgExpression e)

Check if a bool or int constant expression evaluates to be a false value.

Definition at line 13734 of file sageInterface.C.

References isConstantFalse(), isConstantTrue(), and SgExpression::variantT().

Referenced by isConstantFalse(), and isConstantTrue().

◆ isCallToParticularFunction() [1/2]

bool SageInterface::isCallToParticularFunction ( SgFunctionDeclaration decl,
SgExpression e 

Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.

Definition at line 13745 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ isCallToParticularFunction() [2/2]

bool SageInterface::isCallToParticularFunction ( const std::string &  qualifiedName,
size_t  arity,
SgExpression e 

Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.

Definition at line 13754 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ isStatic()

bool SageInterface::isStatic ( SgDeclarationStatement stmt)

Check if a declaration has a "static' modifier.

Definition at line 18286 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by isDataMemberReference(), and isMemberFunctionMemberReference().

◆ setStatic()

void SageInterface::setStatic ( SgDeclarationStatement stmt)

Set a declaration as static.

Definition at line 18293 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ isExtern()

bool SageInterface::isExtern ( SgDeclarationStatement stmt)

Check if a declaration has an "extern" modifier.

Definition at line 18299 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ setExtern()

void SageInterface::setExtern ( SgDeclarationStatement stmt)

Set a declaration as extern.

Definition at line 18307 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ isMutable()

bool SageInterface::isMutable ( SgInitializedName name)

True if an SgInitializedName is "mutable' (has storage modifier set)

Definition at line 18314 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by isJovialOutParam().

◆ isJovialOutParam()

bool SageInterface::isJovialOutParam ( SgInitializedName name)

True if a parameter name is a Jovial output parameter.

Definition at line 18321 of file sageInterface.C.

References isMutable().

Referenced by getInParameters(), and getOutParameters().

◆ getInParameters()

std::vector< SgInitializedName * > SageInterface::getInParameters ( const SgInitializedNamePtrList &  params)

Get a vector of Jovial input parameters from the function parameter list (may work for Fortran in the future)

Definition at line 18328 of file sageInterface.C.

References isJovialOutParam().

◆ getOutParameters()

std::vector< SgInitializedName * > SageInterface::getOutParameters ( const SgInitializedNamePtrList &  params)

Get a vector of Jovial output parameters from the function parameter list (may work for Fortran in the future)

Definition at line 18340 of file sageInterface.C.

References isJovialOutParam().

◆ isAssignmentStatement()

bool SageInterface::isAssignmentStatement ( SgNode s,
SgExpression **  lhs = NULL,
SgExpression **  rhs = NULL,
bool *  readlhs = NULL 

Check if a SgNode _s is an assignment statement (any of =,+=,-=,&=,/=, ^=, etc)

Return the left hand, right hand expressions and if the left hand variable is also being read

Return the left hand, right hand expressions and if the left hand variable is also being read. This code is from AstInterface::IsAssignment()

Definition at line 13213 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgBinaryOp::get_lhs_operand(), SgAssignInitializer::get_operand(), SgBinaryOp::get_rhs_operand(), and SgExpression::variantT().

Referenced by getLoopIndexVariable(), and isCanonicalForLoop().

◆ convertRefToInitializedName()

SgInitializedName * SageInterface::convertRefToInitializedName ( SgNode current,
bool  coarseGrain = true 

Variable references can be introduced by SgVarRef, SgPntrArrRefExp, SgInitializedName, SgMemberFunctionRef etc. For Dot and Arrow Expressions, their lhs is used to obtain SgInitializedName (coarse grain) by default. Otherwise, fine-grain rhs is used.

Variable references can be introduced by SgVarRef, SgPntrArrRefExp, SgInitializedName, SgMemberFunctionRef etc.

This function will convert them all to a top level SgInitializedName. For dot and arrow expressions, a top level SgInitializedName.

Definition at line 21885 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), convertRefToInitializedName(), Sg_File_Info::get_col(), SgNode::get_file_info(), Sg_File_Info::get_filename(), SgBinaryOp::get_lhs_operand(), Sg_File_Info::get_line(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgBinaryOp::get_rhs_operand(), getEnclosingFunctionDeclaration(), isArrayReference(), isLambdaCapturedVariable(), and isLambdaFunction().

Referenced by collectReadWriteVariables(), and convertRefToInitializedName().

◆ getSgNodeFromAbstractHandleString()

SgNode * SageInterface::getSgNodeFromAbstractHandleString ( const std::string &  input_string)

Obtain a matching SgNode from an abstract handle string.

Definition at line 22034 of file sageInterface.C.

References buildAbstractHandle(), AbstractHandle::abstract_node::getNode(), and getProject().

◆ dumpInfo()

void SageInterface::dumpInfo ( SgNode node,
std::string  desc = "" 

◆ sortSgNodeListBasedOnAppearanceOrderInSource()

vector< SgDeclarationStatement * > SageInterface::sortSgNodeListBasedOnAppearanceOrderInSource ( const std::vector< SgDeclarationStatement * > &  nodevec)

Reorder a list of declaration statements based on their appearance order in source files.

Definition at line 19032 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgDeclarationStatement::get_definingDeclaration(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_firstNondefiningDeclaration(), and getProject().

Referenced by getDependentDeclarations().

◆ isPrefixOperator()

bool SageInterface::isPrefixOperator ( SgExpression exp)

Is an overloaded operator a prefix operator (e.g. address operator X * operator&(), dereference operator X & operator*(), unary plus operator X & operator+(), etc.

Definition at line 19165 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgExpression::class_name(), SgFunctionRefExp::getAssociatedFunctionDeclaration(), SgMemberFunctionRefExp::getAssociatedMemberFunctionDeclaration(), and isPrefixOperatorName().

Referenced by isPostfixOperator().

◆ isPrefixOperatorName()

bool SageInterface::isPrefixOperatorName ( const SgName functionName)

Check for proper names of possible prefix operators (used in isPrefixOperator()).

Definition at line 19139 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by isPrefixOperator().

◆ isPostfixOperator()

bool SageInterface::isPostfixOperator ( SgExpression exp)

Is an overloaded operator a postfix operator. (e.g. ).

Definition at line 19258 of file sageInterface.C.

References isIndexOperator(), and isPrefixOperator().

◆ isIndexOperator()

bool SageInterface::isIndexOperator ( SgExpression exp)

Is an overloaded operator an index operator (also referred to as call or subscript operators). (e.g. X & operator()() or X & operator[]()).

Is an overloaded operator an index operator (also refereded to as call or subscript operators). (e.g. X & operator()() or X & operator[]()).

Definition at line 19266 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgMemberFunctionRefExp::getAssociatedMemberFunctionDeclaration().

Referenced by isPostfixOperator().

◆ lastStatementOfScopeWithTokenInfo()

SgStatement * SageInterface::lastStatementOfScopeWithTokenInfo ( SgScopeStatement scope,
std::map< SgNode *, TokenStreamSequenceToNodeMapping * > &  tokenStreamSequenceMap 

Used to support token unparsing (when the output the trailing token sequence).

Definition at line 19300 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgStatement::class_name(), SgScopeStatement::class_name(), SgScopeStatement::generateStatementList(), SgIfStmt::get_false_body(), and SgIfStmt::get_true_body().

◆ checkAccessPermissions()

void SageInterface::checkAccessPermissions ( SgNode astNode)

Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.

Definition at line 19359 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgDeclarationStatement::class_name(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_definingDeclaration(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_firstNondefiningDeclaration(), and get_name().

◆ checkSymbolTables()

void SageInterface::checkSymbolTables ( SgNode astNode)

Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.

Definition at line 19412 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgFunctionDefinition::get_body(), SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement::get_name(), SgScopeStatement::get_symbol_table(), and SgSymbolTable::print().

◆ markSubtreeToBeUnparsed()

void SageInterface::markSubtreeToBeUnparsed ( SgNode root,
int  physical_file_id 

Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.

Definition at line 19552 of file sageInterface.C.

References RoseAst::begin(), RoseAst::end(), and markNodeToBeUnparsed().

Referenced by addDefaultConstructorIfRequired().

◆ markNodeToBeUnparsed()

void SageInterface::markNodeToBeUnparsed ( SgNode node,
int  physical_file_id 

◆ markSubtreeToBeUnparsedTreeTraversal()

void SageInterface::markSubtreeToBeUnparsedTreeTraversal ( SgNode root,
int  physical_file_id 

Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.

Definition at line 19563 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), and markNodeToBeUnparsed().

◆ findFirstSgCastExpMarkedAsTransformation()

bool SageInterface::findFirstSgCastExpMarkedAsTransformation ( SgNode n,
const std::string &  s 

Recursively print current and parent nodes. used within gdb to probe the context of a node.

Definition at line 27556 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), SgExpression::get_file_info(), SgNode::get_parent(), and Sg_File_Info::isTransformation().

◆ is_Ada_language()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::is_Ada_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 695 of file sageInterface.h.

Referenced by attachComment(), SageBuilder::buildTypedefDeclaration_nfi(), fixLabelStatement(), and setParameterList().

◆ is_C_language()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::is_C_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 696 of file sageInterface.h.

Referenced by attachComment(), is_mixed_C_and_Cxx_language(), is_mixed_Fortran_and_C_and_Cxx_language(), is_mixed_Fortran_and_C_language(), isSameFunction(), and moveCommentsToNewStatement().

◆ is_OpenMP_language()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::is_OpenMP_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 697 of file sageInterface.h.

◆ is_UPC_language()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::is_UPC_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 698 of file sageInterface.h.

◆ is_UPC_dynamic_threads()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::is_UPC_dynamic_threads ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 699 of file sageInterface.h.

◆ is_C99_language()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::is_C99_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 700 of file sageInterface.h.

Referenced by attachComment(), isSameFunction(), and moveCommentsToNewStatement().

◆ is_Cxx_language()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::is_Cxx_language ( )

◆ is_Java_language()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::is_Java_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 702 of file sageInterface.h.

Referenced by attachComment(), isMain(), and isSameFunction().

◆ is_Jovial_language()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::is_Jovial_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 703 of file sageInterface.h.

Referenced by attachComment(), SageBuilder::buildFunctionRefExp(), and language_may_contain_nondeclarations_in_scope().

◆ is_Jvm_language()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::is_Jvm_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 704 of file sageInterface.h.

◆ is_Fortran_language()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::is_Fortran_language ( )

◆ is_CAF_language()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::is_CAF_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 706 of file sageInterface.h.

Referenced by attachComment().

◆ is_PHP_language()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::is_PHP_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 707 of file sageInterface.h.

Referenced by isSameFunction().

◆ is_Python_language()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::is_Python_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 708 of file sageInterface.h.

Referenced by isSameFunction(), and language_may_contain_nondeclarations_in_scope().

◆ is_Cuda_language()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::is_Cuda_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 709 of file sageInterface.h.

Referenced by isSameFunction().

◆ is_OpenCL_language()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::is_OpenCL_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 710 of file sageInterface.h.

Referenced by isSameFunction().

◆ is_binary_executable()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::is_binary_executable ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 711 of file sageInterface.h.

◆ is_mixed_C_and_Cxx_language()

bool SageInterface::is_mixed_C_and_Cxx_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 5727 of file sageInterface.C.

References is_C_language(), and is_Cxx_language().

◆ is_mixed_Fortran_and_C_language()

bool SageInterface::is_mixed_Fortran_and_C_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 5732 of file sageInterface.C.

References is_C_language(), and is_Fortran_language().

◆ is_mixed_Fortran_and_Cxx_language()

bool SageInterface::is_mixed_Fortran_and_Cxx_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 5737 of file sageInterface.C.

References is_Cxx_language(), and is_Fortran_language().

◆ is_mixed_Fortran_and_C_and_Cxx_language()

bool SageInterface::is_mixed_Fortran_and_C_and_Cxx_language ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 5742 of file sageInterface.C.

References is_C_language(), is_Cxx_language(), and is_Fortran_language().

◆ is_language_case_insensitive()

bool SageInterface::is_language_case_insensitive ( )

◆ language_may_contain_nondeclarations_in_scope()

bool SageInterface::language_may_contain_nondeclarations_in_scope ( )

Brief These traverse the memory pool of SgFile IR nodes and determine what languages are in use!

Definition at line 5754 of file sageInterface.C.

References is_Fortran_language(), is_Jovial_language(), and is_Python_language().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildDefiningFunctionDeclaration_T().

◆ resetScopeNumbers()

void SageInterface::resetScopeNumbers ( SgFunctionDefinition functionDeclaration)

Assigns unique numbers to each SgScopeStatement of a function.

This is used to provide unique names for variables and types defined is different nested scopes of a function (used in mangled name generation).

Definition at line 5779 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::class_name().

◆ clearScopeNumbers()

void SageInterface::clearScopeNumbers ( SgFunctionDefinition functionDefinition)

Clears the cache of scope,integer pairs for the input function.

This is used to clear the cache of computed unique labels for scopes in a function. This function should be called after any transformation on a function that might effect the allocation of scopes and cause the existing unique numbers to be incorrect. This is part of support to provide unique names for variables and types defined is different nested scopes of a function (used in mangled name generation).

Definition at line 5762 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ enclosingNamespaceScope()

SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement * SageInterface::enclosingNamespaceScope ( SgDeclarationStatement declaration)

Find the enclosing namespace of a declaration.

Definition at line 751 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::class_name(), get_name(), and SgStatement::get_scope().

◆ isPrototypeInScope()

bool SageInterface::isPrototypeInScope ( SgScopeStatement scope,
SgFunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration,
SgDeclarationStatement startingAtDeclaration 

Assigns unique numbers to each SgScopeStatement of a function.

This is used to provide unique names for variables and types defined is different nested scopes of a function (used in mangled name generation).

Definition at line 869 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::containsOnlyDeclarations(), get_name(), SgFunctionDeclaration::get_scope(), SgScopeStatement::getDeclarationList(), and SgDeclarationStatement::isForward().

◆ isAncestor()

bool SageInterface::isAncestor ( SgNode node1,
SgNode node2 

check if node1 is a strict ancestor of node 2. (a node is not considered its own ancestor)

Definition at line 937 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent().

Referenced by moveCommentsToNewStatement(), and ReductionRecognition().

◆ dumpPreprocInfo()

void SageInterface::dumpPreprocInfo ( SgLocatedNode locatedNode)

Dumps a located node's preprocessing information.

Definition at line 17168 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgLocatedNode::class_name(), SgLocatedNode::get_file_info(), SgLocatedNode::getAttachedPreprocessingInfo(), and SgLocatedNode::sage_class_name().

◆ findHeader()

PreprocessingInfo * SageInterface::findHeader ( SgSourceFile source_file,
const std::string &  header_file_name,
bool  isSystemHeader 

Find the preprocessingInfo node representing #include <header.h> or #include "header.h" within a source file. Return NULL if not found.

Definition at line 16204 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgGlobal::get_declarations(), and SgLocatedNode::getAttachedPreprocessingInfo().

◆ insertHeader() [1/4]

PreprocessingInfo * SageInterface::insertHeader ( SgSourceFile source_file,
const std::string &  header_file_name,
bool  isSystemHeader,
bool  asLastHeader 

Insert #include "filename" or #include <filename> (system header) onto the global scope of a source file, add to be the last #include .. by default among existing headers, Or as the first header. Recommended for use.

Definition at line 16655 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgLocatedNode::addToAttachedPreprocessingInfo(), SgGlobal::get_declarations(), SgLocatedNode::get_file_info(), insertHeader(), and Sg_File_Info::setTransformation().

Referenced by insertHeader().

◆ insertHeader() [2/4]

void SageInterface::insertHeader ( SgStatement stmt,
PreprocessingInfo newheader,
bool  asLastHeader 

Insert a new header right before stmt, if there are existing headers attached to stmt, insert it as the last or first header as specified by asLastHeader.

Definition at line 16538 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgLocatedNode::addToAttachedPreprocessingInfo(), and SgLocatedNode::getAttachedPreprocessingInfo().

◆ insertHeader() [3/4]

PreprocessingInfo * SageInterface::insertHeader ( SgSourceFile source_file,
const std::string &  header_file_name,
bool  isSystemHeader = false,
PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType  position = PreprocessingInfo::before 

Insert #include "filename" or #include <filename> (system header) onto the global scope of a source file.

Definition at line 16257 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgLocatedNode::addToAttachedPreprocessingInfo(), SageBuilder::buildEmptyDeclaration(), SgLocatedNode::get_endOfConstruct(), SgLocatedNode::get_startOfConstruct(), and Sg_File_Info::setTransformation().

◆ insertHeader() [4/4]

PreprocessingInfo * SageInterface::insertHeader ( const std::string &  filename,
PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType  position = PreprocessingInfo::after,
bool  isSystemHeader = false,
SgScopeStatement scope = NULL 

◆ moveUpPreprocessingInfo()

void SageInterface::moveUpPreprocessingInfo ( SgStatement stmt_dst,
SgStatement stmt_src,
PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType  src_position = PreprocessingInfo::undef,
PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType  dst_position = PreprocessingInfo::undef,
bool  usePrepend = false 

Identical to movePreprocessingInfo(), except for the stale name and confusing order of parameters. It will be deprecated soon.

Definition at line 17066 of file sageInterface.C.

References movePreprocessingInfo().

Referenced by replaceStatement().

◆ movePreprocessingInfo()

void SageInterface::movePreprocessingInfo ( SgStatement stmt_src,
SgStatement stmt_dst,
PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType  src_position = PreprocessingInfo::undef,
PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType  dst_position = PreprocessingInfo::undef,
bool  usePrepend = false 

Move preprocessing information of stmt_src to stmt_dst, Only move preprocessing information from the specified source-relative position to a specified target position, otherwise move all preprocessing information with position information intact. The preprocessing information is appended to the existing preprocessing information list of the target node by default. Prepending is used if usePreprend is set to true. Optionally, the relative position can be adjust after the moving using dst_position.

Definition at line 16872 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgLocatedNode::addToAttachedPreprocessingInfo(), SgStatement::class_name(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_definingDeclaration(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_firstNondefiningDeclaration(), SgNode::get_isModified(), SgLocatedNode::getAttachedPreprocessingInfo(), SgLocatedNode::insertToAttachedPreprocessingInfo(), printOutComments(), and SgNode::set_isModified().

Referenced by insertStatementBeforeFirstNonDeclaration(), mergeAssignmentWithDeclaration(), mergeDeclarationWithAssignment(), moveUpPreprocessingInfo(), replaceDefiningFunctionDeclarationWithFunctionPrototype(), and replaceStatement().

◆ cutPreprocessingInfo()

void SageInterface::cutPreprocessingInfo ( SgLocatedNode src_node,
PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType  pos,
AttachedPreprocessingInfoType &  save_buf 

Cut preprocessing information from a source node and save it into a buffer. Used in combination of pastePreprocessingInfo(). The cut-paste operation is similar to moveUpPreprocessingInfo() but it is more flexible in that the destination node can be unknown during the cut operation.

Cut preprocessing information from a source node and save it into a buffer. Used in combination of pastePreprocessingInfo(). The cut-paste operation is similar to moveUpPreprocessingInfo() but it is more flexible in that the destination node only need to be known until the paste action.

Definition at line 17097 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ pastePreprocessingInfo()

void SageInterface::pastePreprocessingInfo ( SgLocatedNode dst_node,
PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType  pos,
AttachedPreprocessingInfoType &  saved_buf 

Paste preprocessing information from a buffer to a destination node. Used in combination of cutPreprocessingInfo()

Cut preprocessing information from a source node and save it into a buffer. Used in combination of pastePreprocessingInfo()

Definition at line 17140 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ attachArbitraryText()

PreprocessingInfo * SageInterface::attachArbitraryText ( SgLocatedNode target,
const std::string &  text,
PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType  position = PreprocessingInfo::before 

Attach an arbitrary string to a located node. A workaround to insert irregular statements or vendor-specific attributes.

Attach an arbitrary string to a located node. A workaround to insert irregular statements or vendor-specific attributes. We abuse CpreprocessorDefineDeclaration for this purpose.

Definition at line 16745 of file sageInterface.C.

References Sg_File_Info::setTransformation().

◆ replaceMacroCallsWithExpandedStrings()

void SageInterface::replaceMacroCallsWithExpandedStrings ( SgPragmaDeclaration target)

Check if a pragma declaration node has macro calls attached, if yes, replace macro calls within the pragma string with expanded strings. This only works if -rose:wave is turned on.

Check if a target node has MacroCall attached, if yes, replace them with expanded strings.

Definition at line 16777 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildPragma().

◆ attachComment() [1/2]

PreprocessingInfo * SageInterface::attachComment ( SgSourceFile source_file,
const std::string &  content,
PreprocessingInfo::DirectiveType  directive_type = PreprocessingInfo::C_StyleComment,
PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType  position = PreprocessingInfo::before 

Build and attach comment onto the global scope of a source file.

Definition at line 16055 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgLocatedNode::addToAttachedPreprocessingInfo(), and Sg_File_Info::setTransformation().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildComment(), and loopUnrolling().

◆ attachComment() [2/2]

PreprocessingInfo * SageInterface::attachComment ( SgLocatedNode target,
const std::string &  content,
PreprocessingInfo::RelativePositionType  position = PreprocessingInfo::before,
PreprocessingInfo::DirectiveType  dtype = PreprocessingInfo::CpreprocessorUnknownDeclaration 

Build and attach comment, comment style is inferred from the language type of the target node if not provided.

Definition at line 16075 of file sageInterface.C.

References is_Ada_language(), is_C99_language(), is_C_language(), is_CAF_language(), is_Cxx_language(), is_Fortran_language(), is_Java_language(), is_Jovial_language(), and Sg_File_Info::setTransformation().

◆ addTextForUnparser()

void SageInterface::addTextForUnparser ( SgNode astNode,
std::string  s,
AstUnparseAttribute::RelativePositionType  inputlocation 

Add a string to be unparsed to support code generation for back-end specific tools or compilers.

Definition at line 6610 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::addNewAttribute(), SgNode::attributeExists(), and SgNode::getAttribute().

◆ guardNode()

void SageInterface::guardNode ( SgLocatedNode target,
std::string  guard 

Add preproccessor guard around a given node.

It surrounds the node with "#if guard" and "#endif"

Definition at line 16174 of file sageInterface.C.

References Sg_File_Info::setTransformation().

◆ moveUpInnerDanglingIfEndifDirective()

int SageInterface::moveUpInnerDanglingIfEndifDirective ( SgLocatedNode lnode)

Extract sequences like " #endif #endif ... #if | #ifdef| #ifndef" buried inside subtree of lnode.

Definition at line 27806 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgLocatedNode::addToAttachedPreprocessingInfo(), RoseAst::begin(), RoseAst::end(), eraseNullPreprocessingInfo(), SgLocatedNode::getAttachedPreprocessingInfo(), and preOrderCollectPreprocessingInfo().

Referenced by removeStatement(), and replaceStatement().

◆ eraseNullPreprocessingInfo()

int SageInterface::eraseNullPreprocessingInfo ( SgLocatedNode lnode)

Dumps a located node's preprocessing information.

Definition at line 27679 of file sageInterface.C.

References RoseAst::begin(), RoseAst::end(), and SgLocatedNode::getAttachedPreprocessingInfo().

Referenced by moveUpInnerDanglingIfEndifDirective().

◆ preOrderCollectPreprocessingInfo()

void SageInterface::preOrderCollectPreprocessingInfo ( SgNode current,
std::vector< PreprocessingInfo * > &  infoList,
int  depth 

Dumps a located node's preprocessing information.

Definition at line 27732 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_traversalSuccessorContainer(), and preOrderCollectPreprocessingInfo().

Referenced by moveUpInnerDanglingIfEndifDirective(), and preOrderCollectPreprocessingInfo().

◆ setSourcePositionAtRootAndAllChildren()

void SageInterface::setSourcePositionAtRootAndAllChildren ( SgNode root)

◆ setSourcePositionAsTransformation()

void SageInterface::setSourcePositionAsTransformation ( SgNode node)

◆ setSourcePositionPointersToNull()

void SageInterface::setSourcePositionPointersToNull ( SgNode node)

◆ setOneSourcePositionNull()

void SageInterface::setOneSourcePositionNull ( SgNode node)

Set current node's source position as NULL.

Definition at line 7317 of file sageInterface.C.

References setSourcePosition().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildActualArgumentExpression_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildAggregateInitializer_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildAlignOfOp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildAlignOfOp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildAsmStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildAssertStmt_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildAwaitExpression_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildBasicBlock_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildBoolValExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildBracedInitializer_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildBreakStmt_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildCaseOptionStmt_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildCastExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildChar16Val_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildChar32Val_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildCharVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildChooseExpression_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildClassDefinition_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildClassExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildClassNameRefExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildColonShapeExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildComplexVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildCompoundInitializer_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildCompoundLiteralExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildComprehension_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildConditionalExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildConstructorInitializer_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildContinueStmt_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildCtorInitializerList_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildCudaKernelCallExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildCudaKernelExecConfig_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildDefaultOptionStmt_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildDeleteExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildDictionaryComprehension_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildDictionaryExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildDoubleVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildDoWhileStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildDoWhileStmt_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildEnumDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildEnumVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildExecStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildExprListExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildExprListExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildExprStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildFloat128Val_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildFloat80Val_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildFloatVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildFloatVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildFoldExpression_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildForStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildForStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildFortranContinueStmt_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildFortranDo_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildFunctionCallExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildFunctionParameterList_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildFunctionParameterRefExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildFunctionRefExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildGotoStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildGotoStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildImaginaryVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildInitializedName_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildIntVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildIntVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildJovialBitVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildJovialForThenStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildKeyDatumPair_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildLambdaCapture_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildLambdaCaptureList_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildLambdaExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildListComprehension(), SageBuilder::buildListExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildLongDoubleVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildLongIntVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildLongLongIntVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildMemberFunctionRefExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildNamespaceDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildNaryBooleanOp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildNaryComparisonOp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildNoexceptOp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildNondefiningClassDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildNondefiningEnumDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildNonrealRefExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildNullExpression_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildNullptrValExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildNullStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildPassStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildPythonGlobalStmt_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildPythonPrintStmt_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildRangeBasedForStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildReturnStmt_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildSetComprehension_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildShortVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildSizeOfOp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildSizeOfOp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildStatementExpression_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildStmtDeclarationStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildStringConversion_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildStringVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildSuperExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildSwitchStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateFunctionRefExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateInstantiationTypedefDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateMemberFunctionRefExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateParameterVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateTypedefDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateVariableDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateVariableInstantiation_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildThisExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildTupleExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildTypedefDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildUnsignedCharVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildUnsignedIntVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildUnsignedLongLongIntVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildUnsignedLongVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildUnsignedShortVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildUpcBarrierStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildUpcFenceStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildUpcForAllStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildUpcForAllStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildUpcMythread_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildUpcNotifyStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildUpcThreads_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildUpcWaitStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildVarArgOp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildVariableDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildVarRefExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildVoidVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildWcharVal_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildWhileStmt_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildWithStatement_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildYieldExpression_nfi(), initializeIfStmt(), and initializeWhileStatement().

◆ setSourcePositionForTransformation()

void SageInterface::setSourcePositionForTransformation ( SgNode root)

Recursively set source position info(Sg_File_Info) as transformation generated.

Definition at line 7388 of file sageInterface.C.

References setOneSourcePositionForTransformation(), and setSourcePositionAtRootAndAllChildren().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildNondefiningTemplateClassDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateClassDeclaration(), deepCopyNode(), and loopInterchange().

◆ insideSystemHeader()

bool SageInterface::insideSystemHeader ( SgLocatedNode node)

Set source position info(Sg_File_Info) as transformation generated for all SgNodes in memory pool.

Check if a node is from a system header file

Definition at line 25687 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgLocatedNode::get_file_info().

◆ insideHeader()

bool SageInterface::insideHeader ( SgLocatedNode node)

Check if a node is from a header file.

Definition at line 25714 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgLocatedNode::class_name(), Sg_File_Info::get_col(), SgLocatedNode::get_file_info(), and Sg_File_Info::get_line().

◆ getBoolType()

SgType * SageInterface::getBoolType ( SgNode n)

Get the right bool type according to C or C++ language input.

Definition at line 7951 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgTypeInt::createType(), SgTypeBool::createType(), and SgFile::e_C_language.

Referenced by replaceExpressionWithStatement().

◆ isStrictIntegerType()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::isStrictIntegerType ( SgType t)

Check if a type is an integral type, only allowing signed/unsigned short, int, long, long long. /! /! There is another similar function named SgType::isIntegerType(), which allows additional types char, wchar, and bool to be treated as integer types.

Check if a type is an integral type, only allowing signed/unsigned short, int, long, long long.

There is another similar function named SgType::isIntegerType(), which allows additional types char, wchar, and bool.

Referenced by isCanonicalDoLoop(), and isCanonicalForLoop().

◆ isPureVirtualClass()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::isPureVirtualClass ( SgType type,
const ClassHierarchyWrapper classHierarchy 

Check if a class type is a pure virtual class.

True means that there is at least one pure virtual function that has not been overridden. In the case of an incomplete class type (forward declaration), this function returns false.

◆ isPointerToNonConstType()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::isPointerToNonConstType ( SgType type)

Is this a pointer to a non-const type? Note that this function will return true for const pointers pointing to non-const types.

For example, (int* const y) points to a modifiable int, so this function returns true. Meanwhile, it returns false for (int const * x) and (int const * const x) because these types point to a const int. Also, only the outer layer of nested pointers is unwrapped. So the function returns true for (const int ** y), but returns false for const (int * const * x)

◆ isScalarType()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::isScalarType ( SgType t)

Is this a scalar type?

We define the following SgType as scalar types: char, short, int, long , void, Wchar, Float, double, long long, string, bool, complex, imaginary

Referenced by ReductionRecognition().

◆ get_C_array_dimensions() [1/3]

std::vector< SgExpression * > SageInterface::get_C_array_dimensions ( const SgArrayType arrtype)

returns the array dimensions in an array as defined for arrtype

arrtypethe type of a C/C++ array
an array that contains an expression indicating each dimension's size. OWNERSHIP of the expressions is TRANSFERED TO the CALLER (which becomes responsible for freeing the expressions). Note, the first entry of the array is a SgNullExpression, iff the first array dimension was not specified.
int x[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
note, the expression does not have to be a constant
int x[i*5];
return-value.empty() == false
return-value[*] != NULL (no nullptr in the returned vector)

Definition at line 23269 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ get_C_array_dimensions() [2/3]

std::vector< SgExpression * > SageInterface::get_C_array_dimensions ( const SgArrayType arrtype,
const SgVarRefExp varref 

returns the array dimensions in an array as defined for arrtype

arrtypethe type of a C/C++ array
varrefa reference to an array variable (the variable of type arrtype)
an array that contains an expression indicating each dimension's size. OWNERSHIP of the expressions is TRANSFERED TO the CALLER (which becomes responsible for freeing the expressions). If the first array dimension was not specified an expression that indicates that size is generated.
int x[][3] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
the entry for the first dimension will be:
// 3 ... size of 2nd dimension
sizeof(x) / (sizeof(int) * 3)
arrtype is the array-type of varref
return-value.empty() == false
return-value[*] != NULL (no nullptr in the returned vector)

Definition at line 23275 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ get_C_array_dimensions() [3/3]

std::vector< SgExpression * > SageInterface::get_C_array_dimensions ( const SgArrayType arrtype,
SgInitializedName initname 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

see get_C_array_dimensions for SgVarRefExp for details.

Definition at line 23281 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ hasUpcSharedType()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::hasUpcSharedType ( SgType t,
SgModifierType **  mod_type_out = NULL 

Has a UPC shared type of any kinds (shared-to-shared, private-to-shared, shared-to-private, shared scalar/array)? An optional parameter, mod_type_out, stores the first SgModifierType with UPC access information.

Note: we classify private-to-shared as 'has shared' type for convenience here. It is indeed a private type in strict sense. AST graph for some examples:

◆ isUpcSharedType()

ROSE_DLL_API bool SageInterface::isUpcSharedType ( SgType t,
SgModifierType **  mod_type_out = NULL 

Check if a type is a UPC shared type, including shared array, shared pointers etc. Exclude private pointers to shared types. Optionally return the modifier type with the UPC shared property.

ROSE uses SgArrayType of SgModifierType to represent shared arrays, not SgModifierType points to SgArrayType. Also typedef may cause a chain of nodes before reach the actual SgModifierType with UPC shared property.

◆ lookupNamedTypeInParentScopes()

SgType * SageInterface::lookupNamedTypeInParentScopes ( const std::string &  type_name,
SgScopeStatement scope = NULL 

Lookup a named type based on its name, bottomup searching from a specified scope. Note name collison might be allowed for c (not C++) between typedef and enum/struct. Only the first matched named type will be returned in this case. typedef is returned as it is, not the base type it actually refers to.

Definition at line 6673 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgSymbol::get_type(), lookupSymbolInParentScopes(), and SageBuilder::topScopeStack().

◆ templateArgumentEquivalence()

bool SageInterface::templateArgumentEquivalence ( SgTemplateArgument arg1,
SgTemplateArgument arg2 

◆ templateArgumentListEquivalence()

bool SageInterface::templateArgumentListEquivalence ( const SgTemplateArgumentPtrList &  list1,
const SgTemplateArgumentPtrList &  list2 

Verify that 2 SgTemplateArgumentPtrList are equivalent.

Definition at line 8116 of file sageInterface.C.

References templateArgumentEquivalence().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildDefiningFunctionDeclaration_T().

◆ isEquivalentType()

bool SageInterface::isEquivalentType ( const SgType lhs,
const SgType rhs 

◆ findFunctionType()

SgFunctionType * SageInterface::findFunctionType ( SgType return_type,
SgFunctionParameterTypeList typeList 

Find the function type matching a function signature plus a given return type.

Definition at line 25749 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_globalFunctionTypeTable(), and SgFunctionType::get_mangled().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildNondefiningFunctionDeclaration().

◆ isEquivalentFunctionType()

bool SageInterface::isEquivalentFunctionType ( const SgFunctionType lhs,
const SgFunctionType rhs 

Test if two types are equivalent SgFunctionType nodes.

This is necessary for template function types They may differ in one SgTemplateType pointer but identical otherwise.

This is necessary for template function types They may differ in one SgTemplateType pointer but identical otherwise. The algorithm is to compare return type and all argument types

Definition at line 25767 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgFunctionType::get_arguments(), and isEquivalentType().

◆ addStepToLoopBody()

void SageInterface::addStepToLoopBody ( SgScopeStatement loopStmt,
SgStatement step 

Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.

For example: while (a < 5) {if (a < -3) continue;} (adding "a++" to end) becomes while (a < 5) {if (a < -3) goto label; label: a++;}

Definition at line 8167 of file sageInterface.C.

References appendStatement(), SageBuilder::buildBasicBlock(), SageBuilder::buildLabelStatement(), changeContinuesToGotos(), gensym_counter, getEnclosingProcedure(), getLoopBody(), and setLoopBody().

Referenced by moveForStatementIncrementIntoBody(), and replaceExpressionWithStatement().

◆ moveForStatementIncrementIntoBody()

void SageInterface::moveForStatementIncrementIntoBody ( SgForStatement f)

Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.

For example: while (a < 5) {if (a < -3) continue;} (adding "a++" to end) becomes while (a < 5) {if (a < -3) goto label; label: a++;}

Definition at line 8185 of file sageInterface.C.

References addStepToLoopBody(), SageBuilder::buildExprStatement(), SageBuilder::buildNullExpression(), and SgNode::set_parent().

Referenced by convertForToWhile().

◆ convertForToWhile()

void SageInterface::convertForToWhile ( SgForStatement f)

Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.

For example: while (a < 5) {if (a < -3) continue;} (adding "a++" to end) becomes while (a < 5) {if (a < -3) goto label; label: a++;}

Definition at line 8210 of file sageInterface.C.

References appendStatement(), SageBuilder::buildBasicBlock(), SageBuilder::buildBoolValExp(), SageBuilder::buildExprStatement(), SageBuilder::buildWhileStmt(), SgForStatement::get_for_init_stmt(), SgForInitStatement::get_init_stmt(), SgForStatement::get_loop_body(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgBasicBlock::get_statements(), moveForStatementIncrementIntoBody(), and SgStatement::replace_statement().

Referenced by convertAllForsToWhiles().

◆ convertAllForsToWhiles()

void SageInterface::convertAllForsToWhiles ( SgNode top)

Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.

For example: while (a < 5) {if (a < -3) continue;} (adding "a++" to end) becomes while (a < 5) {if (a < -3) goto label; label: a++;}

Definition at line 8230 of file sageInterface.C.

References convertForToWhile().

◆ changeContinuesToGotos()

void SageInterface::changeContinuesToGotos ( SgStatement stmt,
SgLabelStatement label 

Change continue statements in a given block of code to gotos to a label.

Definition at line 7962 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildGotoStatement(), and findContinueStmts().

Referenced by addStepToLoopBody().

◆ getLoopIndexVariable()

SgInitializedName * SageInterface::getLoopIndexVariable ( SgNode loop)

Return the loop index variable for a for loop.

Return the loop index variable for a C/C++ for or Fortran Do loop.

Definition at line 12502 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgStatement::class_name(), SgLocatedNode::get_file_info(), SgBinaryOp::get_lhs_operand(), SgVariableDeclaration::get_variables(), isAssignmentStatement(), and SgNode::unparseToString().

Referenced by isLoopIndexVariable().

◆ isLoopIndexVariable()

bool SageInterface::isLoopIndexVariable ( SgInitializedName ivar,
SgNode subtree_root 

Check if a SgInitializedName is used as a loop index within a AST subtree This function will use a bottom-up traverse starting from the subtree_root to find all enclosing loops and check if ivar is used as an index for either of them.

Check if a SgInitializedName is used as a loop index within a AST subtree This function will use a bottom-up traverse starting from the subtree to find all enclosing loops and check if ivar is used as an index for either of them.

Definition at line 12599 of file sageInterface.C.

References findEnclosingLoop(), SgNode::get_parent(), getEnclosingStatement(), and getLoopIndexVariable().

◆ hasMultipleInitStatmentsOrExpressions()

bool SageInterface::hasMultipleInitStatmentsOrExpressions ( SgForStatement loop)

Check if a for loop uses C99 style initialization statement with multiple expressions like for (int i=0, j=0; ..) or for (i=0,j=0;...)

for (int i=0, j=0; ..) is stored as two variable declarations under SgForInitStatement's init_stmt member for (i=0,j=0;...) is stored as a single expression statement, with comma expression (i=0,j=0).

Definition at line 12626 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ getLoopBody()

SgStatement * SageInterface::getLoopBody ( SgScopeStatement loop)

Routines to get and set the body of a loop.

Definition at line 11628 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgWhileStmt::get_body(), SgDoWhileStmt::get_body(), and SgForStatement::get_loop_body().

Referenced by addStepToLoopBody(), and changeBreakStatementsToGotos().

◆ setLoopBody()

void SageInterface::setLoopBody ( SgScopeStatement loop,
SgStatement body 

Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.

For example: while (a < 5) {if (a < -3) continue;} (adding "a++" to end) becomes while (a < 5) {if (a < -3) goto label; label: a++;}

Definition at line 11637 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgWhileStmt::set_body(), SgDoWhileStmt::set_body(), SgForStatement::set_loop_body(), and SgNode::set_parent().

Referenced by addStepToLoopBody().

◆ getLoopCondition()

SgStatement * SageInterface::getLoopCondition ( SgScopeStatement loop)

Routines to get the condition of a loop. It recognize While-loop, For-loop, and Do-While-loop.

Definition at line 11650 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgWhileStmt::get_condition(), and SgDoWhileStmt::get_condition().

◆ setLoopCondition()

void SageInterface::setLoopCondition ( SgScopeStatement loop,
SgStatement cond 

Set the condition statement of a loop, including While-loop, For-loop, and Do-While-loop.

Definition at line 11659 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgWhileStmt::set_condition(), SgDoWhileStmt::set_condition(), and SgNode::set_parent().

◆ isCanonicalForLoop()

bool SageInterface::isCanonicalForLoop ( SgNode loop,
SgInitializedName **  ivar = NULL,
SgExpression **  lb = NULL,
SgExpression **  ub = NULL,
SgExpression **  step = NULL,
SgStatement **  body = NULL,
bool *  hasIncrementalIterationSpace = NULL,
bool *  isInclusiveUpperBound = NULL 

Check if a for-loop has a canonical form, return loop index, bounds, step, and body if requested.

Based on AstInterface::IsFortranLoop() and ASTtools::getLoopIndexVar()

A canonical form is defined as : one initialization statement, a test expression, and an increment expression , loop index variable should be of an integer type. IsInclusiveUpperBound is true when <= or >= is used for loop condition

Definition at line 12831 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildIntVal(), SgBinaryOp::get_lhs_operand(), SgForStatement::get_loop_body(), SgAssignInitializer::get_operand(), SgBinaryOp::get_rhs_operand(), SgInitializedName::get_symbol_from_symbol_table(), SgForStatement::get_test_expr(), SgVariableDeclaration::get_variables(), isAssignmentStatement(), isStrictIntegerType(), SgExpression::variantT(), and SgBinaryOp::variantT().

Referenced by loopCollapsing(), loopTiling(), loopUnrolling(), and ReductionRecognition().

◆ isCanonicalDoLoop()

bool SageInterface::isCanonicalDoLoop ( SgFortranDo loop,
SgInitializedName **  ivar,
SgExpression **  lb,
SgExpression **  ub,
SgExpression **  step,
SgStatement **  body,
bool *  hasIncrementalIterationSpace,
bool *  isInclusiveUpperBound 

Check if a Fortran Do loop has a complete canonical form: Do I=1, 10, 1.

Get Fortran Do loop's key features.

Definition at line 12650 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildIntVal(), SgBinaryOp::get_lhs_operand(), SgBinaryOp::get_rhs_operand(), SgInitializedName::get_symbol_from_symbol_table(), isStrictIntegerType(), SgExpression::variantT(), and SgBinaryOp::variantT().

◆ setLoopLowerBound()

void SageInterface::setLoopLowerBound ( SgNode loop,
SgExpression lb 

Set the lower bound of a loop header for (i=lb; ...)

Set the lower bound of a loop header.

Definition at line 13013 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), SgExpression::get_lvalue(), SgBinaryOp::get_rhs_operand(), SgExpression::set_lvalue(), SgNode::set_parent(), and SgBinaryOp::set_rhs_operand().

◆ setLoopUpperBound()

void SageInterface::setLoopUpperBound ( SgNode loop,
SgExpression ub 

Set the upper bound of a loop header,regardless the condition expression type. for (i=lb; i op up, ...)

Definition at line 13068 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), SgNode::set_parent(), and SgBinaryOp::set_rhs_operand().

◆ setLoopStride()

void SageInterface::setLoopStride ( SgNode loop,
SgExpression stride 

◆ normalizeForLoopInitDeclaration()

bool SageInterface::normalizeForLoopInitDeclaration ( SgForStatement loop)

Normalize loop init stmt by promoting the single variable declaration statement outside of the for loop header's init statement, e.g. for (int i=0;) becomes int i_x; for (i_x=0;..) and rewrite the loop with the new index variable, if necessary.

Promote the single variable declaration statement outside of the for loop header's init statement, e.g. for (int i=0;) becomes int i_x; for (i_x=0;..) and rewrite the loop with the new index variable.

Definition at line 11688 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildAssignStatement(), SageBuilder::buildVariableDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildVarRefExp(), deepCopy(), gensym_counter, SgFunctionDefinition::get_body(), SgForStatement::get_for_init_stmt(), SgAssignInitializer::get_operand(), SgVariableDeclaration::get_variables(), getEnclosingFunctionDefinition(), getFirstVarSym(), lookupVariableSymbolInParentScopes(), prependStatement(), removeStatement(), and SgNode::set_parent().

Referenced by forLoopNormalization().

◆ unnormalizeForLoopInitDeclaration()

bool SageInterface::unnormalizeForLoopInitDeclaration ( SgForStatement loop)

Undo the normalization of for loop's C99 init declaration. Previous record of normalization is used to ease the reverse transformation.

Definition at line 11773 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgForStatement::get_for_init_stmt(), getFirstVarSym(), removeStatement(), and SgNode::set_parent().

◆ forLoopNormalization()

bool SageInterface::forLoopNormalization ( SgForStatement loop,
bool  foldConstant = true 

Normalize a for loop, return true if successful.

Normalize a for loop, part of migrating Qing's loop handling into SageInterface.

Generated constants will be fold by default.

Translations are : For the init statement: for (int i=0;... ) becomes int i; for (i=0;..) For test expression: i<x is normalized to i<= (x-1) and i>x is normalized to i>= (x+1) For increment expression: i++ is normalized to i+=1 and i– is normalized to i+=-1 i-=s is normalized to i+= -s

Definition at line 11951 of file sageInterface.C.

References constantFolding(), ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfFor(), normalizeForLoopIncrement(), normalizeForLoopInitDeclaration(), and normalizeForLoopTest().

Referenced by loopCollapsing(), loopTiling(), and loopUnrolling().

◆ normalizeForLoopTest()

bool SageInterface::normalizeForLoopTest ( SgForStatement loop)

◆ normalizeForLoopIncrement()

bool SageInterface::normalizeForLoopIncrement ( SgForStatement loop)

Add a step statement to the end of a loop body Add a new label to the end of the loop, with the step statement after it; then change all continue statements in the old loop body into jumps to the label.

For example: while (a < 5) {if (a < -3) continue;} (adding "a++" to end) becomes while (a < 5) {if (a < -3) goto label; label: a++;}

Definition at line 11878 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildIntVal(), SageBuilder::buildMultiplyOp(), SageBuilder::buildPlusAssignOp(), copyExpression(), deepCopy(), SgBinaryOp::get_lhs_operand(), SgBinaryOp::get_rhs_operand(), SgForStatement::get_test_expr(), replaceExpression(), and SgExpression::variantT().

Referenced by forLoopNormalization().

◆ doLoopNormalization()

bool SageInterface::doLoopNormalization ( SgFortranDo loop)

Normalize a Fortran Do loop. Make the default increment expression (1) explicit.

Definition at line 11986 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildIntVal(), and SgNode::set_parent().

◆ loopUnrolling()

bool SageInterface::loopUnrolling ( SgForStatement loop,
size_t  unrolling_factor 

◆ loopInterchange()

bool SageInterface::loopInterchange ( SgForStatement loop,
size_t  depth,
size_t  lexicoOrder 

Interchange/permutate a n-level perfectly-nested loop rooted at 'loop' using a lexicographical order number within (0,depth!).

Interchange/Permutate a n-level perfectly-nested loop rooted at 'loop' using a lexicographical order number within [0,depth!)

Definition at line 12435 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgForStatement::get_for_init_stmt(), SgForStatement::set_for_init_stmt(), SgNode::set_parent(), and setSourcePositionForTransformation().

◆ loopTiling()

bool SageInterface::loopTiling ( SgForStatement loopNest,
size_t  targetLevel,
size_t  tileSize 

◆ loopCollapsing()

SgExprListExp * SageInterface::loopCollapsing ( SgForStatement target_loop,
size_t  collapsing_factor 

◆ getForLoopInformations()

bool SageInterface::getForLoopInformations ( SgForStatement for_loop,
SgVariableSymbol *&  iterator,
SgExpression *&  lower_bound,
SgExpression *&  upper_bound,
SgExpression *&  stride 

◆ querySubTree()

template<typename NodeType >
std::vector< NodeType * > SageInterface::querySubTree ( SgNode top,
VariantT  variant = (VariantT)NodeType::static_variant 

Query a subtree to get all nodes of a given type, with an appropriate downcast.

Definition at line 1300 of file sageInterface.h.

◆ generateFileList()

std::vector< SgFile * > SageInterface::generateFileList ( )

Returns STL vector of SgFile IR node pointers.

Demonstrates use of restricted traversal over just SgFile IR nodes.

Definition at line 5195 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgSourceFile::traverseMemoryPoolNodes(), and SgBinaryComposite::traverseMemoryPoolNodes().

◆ getProject() [1/2]

SgProject * SageInterface::getProject ( )

Get the current SgProject IR Node.

The library should never have more than one project and it asserts such. If no project has been created yet then this function returns the null pointer.

Definition at line 5242 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgProject::visitRepresentativeNode().

Referenced by getSgNodeFromAbstractHandleString(), and sortSgNodeListBasedOnAppearanceOrderInSource().

◆ getProject() [2/2]

SgProject * SageInterface::getProject ( const SgNode node)
the project associated with a node

Definition at line 5269 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ serialize()

void SageInterface::serialize ( SgNode node,
std::string &  prefix,
bool  hasRemaining,
std::ostringstream &  out,
std::string &  edgeLabel 

we have two serialize() functions, one for a single node, the other for a list of pointers

Definition at line 25348 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), SgFunctionSymbol::get_name(), SgScopeStatement::get_qualified_name(), SgNode::get_traversalSuccessorContainer(), SgNode::get_traversalSuccessorNamesContainer(), and serialize_list().

◆ serialize_list()

template<typename T >
void SageInterface::serialize_list ( T &  plist,
std::string  T_name,
std::string &  prefix,
bool  hasRemaining,
std::ostringstream &  out,
std::string &  edgeLabel 

Query a subtree to get all nodes of a given type, with an appropriate downcast.

Definition at line 1375 of file sageInterface.h.

Referenced by serialize().

◆ findMain()

SgFunctionDeclaration * SageInterface::findMain ( SgNode currentNode)

top-down traversal from current node to find the main() function declaration

Definition at line 7886 of file sageInterface.C.

References findMain(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_definingDeclaration(), SgNode::get_traversalSuccessorContainer(), and isMain().

Referenced by findMain().

◆ findLastDeclarationStatement()

SgStatement * SageInterface::findLastDeclarationStatement ( SgScopeStatement scope,
bool  includePragma = false 

Find the last declaration statement within a scope (if any). This is often useful to decide where to insert another variable declaration statement. Pragma declarations are not treated as a declaration by default in this context.

iterate through the statement within a scope, find the last declaration statement (if any) after which

Definition at line 7909 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::generateStatementList().

Referenced by insertStatementAfterLastDeclaration(), and loopCollapsing().

◆ getSymbolsUsedInExpression()

vector< SgVariableSymbol * > SageInterface::getSymbolsUsedInExpression ( SgExpression expr)

Find referenced symbols within an expression.

Definition at line 8623 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ findBreakStmts()

vector< SgBreakStmt * > SageInterface::findBreakStmts ( SgStatement code,
const std::string &  fortranLabel = "" 

Find break statements inside a particular statement, stopping at nested loops or switches.

loops or switch statements defines their own contexts for break statements. The function will stop immediately if run on a loop or switch statement. If fortranLabel is non-empty, breaks (EXITs) to that label within nested loops are included in the returned list.

Definition at line 8550 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by changeBreakStatementsToGotos().

◆ findContinueStmts()

vector< SgContinueStmt * > SageInterface::findContinueStmts ( SgStatement code,
const std::string &  fortranLabel = "" 

Find all continue statements inside a particular statement, stopping at nested loops.

Nested loops define their own contexts for continue statements. The function will stop immediately if run on a loop statement. If fortranLabel is non-empty, continues (CYCLEs) to that label within nested loops are included in the returned list.

Definition at line 8592 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by changeContinuesToGotos().

◆ findGotoStmts()

vector< SgGotoStatement * > SageInterface::findGotoStmts ( SgStatement scope,
SgLabelStatement l 

Query a subtree to get all nodes of a given type, with an appropriate downcast.

Definition at line 8238 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgGotoStatement::get_label().

◆ getSwitchCases()

vector< SgStatement * > SageInterface::getSwitchCases ( SgSwitchStatement sw)

Query a subtree to get all nodes of a given type, with an appropriate downcast.

Definition at line 8281 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgSwitchStatement::get_body().

◆ collectVarRefs()

void SageInterface::collectVarRefs ( SgLocatedNode root,
std::vector< SgVarRefExp * > &  result 

Collect all variable references in a subtree.

Definition at line 13463 of file sageInterface.C.

References collectVariableReferencesInArrayTypes().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildDefiningFunctionDeclaration_T().

◆ findDeclarationStatement()

template<typename T >
T * SageInterface::findDeclarationStatement ( SgNode root,
std::string  name,
SgScopeStatement scope,
bool  isDefining 

Topdown traverse a subtree from root to find the first declaration given its name, scope (optional, can be NULL), and defining or nondefining flag.

Definition at line 1445 of file sageInterface.h.

References SgSymbol::get_name(), and SgNode::get_traversalSuccessorContainer().

◆ findFunctionDeclaration()

SgFunctionDeclaration * SageInterface::findFunctionDeclaration ( SgNode root,
std::string  name,
SgScopeStatement scope,
bool  isDefining 

Topdown traverse a subtree from root to find the first function declaration matching the given name, scope (optional, can be NULL), and defining or nondefining flag. This is an instantiation of findDeclarationStatement<T>.

Definition at line 8646 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ getEnclosingNode()

template<typename NodeType >
NodeType * SageInterface::getEnclosingNode ( const SgNode astNode,
const bool  includingSelf = false 

Find a node by type using upward traversal.

Traverse backward through a specified node's ancestors, starting with the node's parent and progressing to more distant ancestors, to find the first node matching the specified or derived type. If includingSelf is true then the starting node, astNode, is returned if its type matches, otherwise the search starts at the parent of astNode.

For the purposes of this function, the parent (P) of an SgDeclarationStatement node (N) is considered to be the first non-defining declaration of N if N has both a defining declaration and a first non-defining declaration and the defining declaration is different than the first non-defining declaration.

If no ancestor of the requisite type of subtypes is found then this function returns a null pointer.

If astNode is the null pointer, then the return value is a null pointer. That is, if there is no node, then there cannot be an enclosing node of the specified type.

Definition at line 1570 of file sageInterface.h.

References SgNode::class_name(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_definingDeclaration(), SgNode::get_file_info(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_firstNondefiningDeclaration(), and SgNode::get_parent().

◆ getEnclosingSourceFile()

SgSourceFile * SageInterface::getEnclosingSourceFile ( SgNode n,
const bool  includingSelf = false 

Find enclosing source file node.

Definition at line 8641 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by insertHeader(), resetInternalMapsForTargetStatement(), and statementCanBeTransformed().

◆ getScope()

SgScopeStatement * SageInterface::getScope ( const SgNode astNode)

Get the closest scope from astNode. Return astNode if it is already a scope.

Definition at line 8309 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_definingDeclaration(), SgNode::get_parent(), and SgStatement::get_scope().

Referenced by fixVariableReferences(), getEnclosingScope(), and loopCollapsing().

◆ getEnclosingScope()

SgScopeStatement * SageInterface::getEnclosingScope ( SgNode n,
const bool  includingSelf = false 

Get the enclosing scope from a node n.

Definition at line 8296 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent(), and getScope().

Referenced by moveVariableDeclaration().

◆ getGlobalScope()

SgGlobal * SageInterface::getGlobalScope ( const SgNode astNode)

Traverse back through a node's parents to find the enclosing global scope.

Definition at line 8673 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildFunctionRefExp(), SageBuilder::buildFunctionRefExp(), fixFunctionDeclaration(), fixStatement(), insertHeader(), and loopCollapsing().

◆ hasSameGlobalScope()

bool SageInterface::hasSameGlobalScope ( SgStatement statement_1,
SgStatement statement_2 

This is supporting the recognition of functions in header files from two different ASTs.

Definition at line 962 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgStatement::class_name(), SgGlobal::class_name(), SgNode::get_parent(), and SgFile::getFileName().

Referenced by SageBuilder::findAssociatedDeclarationInTargetAST().

◆ getEnclosingProcedure()

SgFunctionDefinition * SageInterface::getEnclosingProcedure ( SgNode n,
const bool  includingSelf = false 

Find the function definition.

Definition at line 8652 of file sageInterface.C.

References getEnclosingFunctionDefinition().

Referenced by addStepToLoopBody(), and SageBuilder::buildVariableDeclaration().

◆ getEnclosingFunctionDefinition()

SgFunctionDefinition * SageInterface::getEnclosingFunctionDefinition ( SgNode astNode,
const bool  includingSelf = false 

Find a node by type using upward traversal.

Traverse backward through a specified node's ancestors, starting with the node's parent and progressing to more distant ancestors, to find the first node matching the specified or derived type. If includingSelf is true then the starting node, astNode, is returned if its type matches, otherwise the search starts at the parent of astNode.

For the purposes of this function, the parent (P) of an SgDeclarationStatement node (N) is considered to be the first non-defining declaration of N if N has both a defining declaration and a first non-defining declaration and the defining declaration is different than the first non-defining declaration.

If no ancestor of the requisite type of subtypes is found then this function returns a null pointer.

If astNode is the null pointer, then the return value is a null pointer. That is, if there is no node, then there cannot be an enclosing node of the specified type.

Definition at line 8658 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by collectReadWriteRefs(), fixLabelStatement(), getEnclosingProcedure(), normalizeForLoopInitDeclaration(), and setFortranNumericLabel().

◆ getEnclosingStatement()

SgStatement * SageInterface::getEnclosingStatement ( SgNode n)

Find the closest enclosing statement, including the given node.

Definition at line 9723 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent().

Referenced by insertAfterUsingCommaOp(), isLoopIndexVariable(), and set_name().

◆ findEnclosingSwitch()

SgSwitchStatement * SageInterface::findEnclosingSwitch ( SgStatement s)

Find the closest switch outside a given statement (normally used for case and default statements)

Definition at line 11431 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent().

◆ findEnclosingOmpClauseBodyStatement()

SgOmpClauseBodyStatement * SageInterface::findEnclosingOmpClauseBodyStatement ( SgStatement s)

Find enclosing OpenMP clause body statement from s. If s is already one, return it directly.

Definition at line 11440 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent().

◆ findEnclosingLoop()

SgScopeStatement * SageInterface::findEnclosingLoop ( SgStatement s,
const std::string &  fortranLabel = "",
bool  stopOnSwitches = false 

Find the closest loop outside the given statement; if fortranLabel is not empty, the Fortran label of the loop must be equal to it.

Definition at line 11451 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent(), and SgStatement::variantT().

Referenced by isLoopIndexVariable().

◆ getEnclosingFunctionDeclaration()

SgFunctionDeclaration * SageInterface::getEnclosingFunctionDeclaration ( SgNode astNode,
const bool  includingSelf = false 

Find the enclosing function declaration, including its derived instances like isSgProcedureHeaderStatement, isSgProgramHeaderStatement, and isSgMemberFunctionDeclaration.

Definition at line 8664 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by convertRefToInitializedName().

◆ getEnclosingFileNode()

SgFile * SageInterface::getEnclosingFileNode ( SgNode astNode)

◆ getInitializerOfExpression()

SgInitializer * SageInterface::getInitializerOfExpression ( SgExpression n)

Get the initializer containing an expression if it is within an initializer.

Definition at line 8604 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent(), and SgExpression::sage_class_name().

◆ getEnclosingClassDefinition()

SgClassDefinition * SageInterface::getEnclosingClassDefinition ( SgNode astnode,
const bool  includingSelf = false 

Get the closest class definition enclosing the specified AST node,.

Definition at line 8679 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ getEnclosingClassDeclaration()

SgClassDeclaration * SageInterface::getEnclosingClassDeclaration ( SgNode astNode)

Get the closest class declaration enclosing the specified AST node,.

Definition at line 8685 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ getEnclosingExprListExp()

SgExprListExp * SageInterface::getEnclosingExprListExp ( SgNode astNode,
const bool  includingSelf = false 

Get the enclosing SgExprListExp (used as part of function argument index evaluation in subexpressions).

Definition at line 8692 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ isInSubTree()

bool SageInterface::isInSubTree ( SgExpression subtree,
SgExpression exp 

Find a node by type using upward traversal.

Traverse backward through a specified node's ancestors, starting with the node's parent and progressing to more distant ancestors, to find the first node matching the specified or derived type. If includingSelf is true then the starting node, astNode, is returned if its type matches, otherwise the search starts at the parent of astNode.

For the purposes of this function, the parent (P) of an SgDeclarationStatement node (N) is considered to be the first non-defining declaration of N if N has both a defining declaration and a first non-defining declaration and the defining declaration is different than the first non-defining declaration.

If no ancestor of the requisite type of subtypes is found then this function returns a null pointer.

If astNode is the null pointer, then the return value is a null pointer. That is, if there is no node, then there cannot be an enclosing node of the specified type.

Definition at line 8697 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ getFunctionDeclaration()

SgFunctionDeclaration * SageInterface::getFunctionDeclaration ( SgFunctionCallExp functionCallExp)

Find a node by type using upward traversal.

Traverse backward through a specified node's ancestors, starting with the node's parent and progressing to more distant ancestors, to find the first node matching the specified or derived type. If includingSelf is true then the starting node, astNode, is returned if its type matches, otherwise the search starts at the parent of astNode.

For the purposes of this function, the parent (P) of an SgDeclarationStatement node (N) is considered to be the first non-defining declaration of N if N has both a defining declaration and a first non-defining declaration and the defining declaration is different than the first non-defining declaration.

If no ancestor of the requisite type of subtypes is found then this function returns a null pointer.

If astNode is the null pointer, then the return value is a null pointer. That is, if there is no node, then there cannot be an enclosing node of the specified type.

Definition at line 8727 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgBinaryOp::get_rhs_operand(), SgFunctionRefExp::getAssociatedFunctionDeclaration(), and SgMemberFunctionRefExp::getAssociatedMemberFunctionDeclaration().

◆ isDataMemberReference()

bool SageInterface::isDataMemberReference ( SgVarRefExp varRefExp)

Find a node by type using upward traversal.

Traverse backward through a specified node's ancestors, starting with the node's parent and progressing to more distant ancestors, to find the first node matching the specified or derived type. If includingSelf is true then the starting node, astNode, is returned if its type matches, otherwise the search starts at the parent of astNode.

For the purposes of this function, the parent (P) of an SgDeclarationStatement node (N) is considered to be the first non-defining declaration of N if N has both a defining declaration and a first non-defining declaration and the defining declaration is different than the first non-defining declaration.

If no ancestor of the requisite type of subtypes is found then this function returns a null pointer.

If astNode is the null pointer, then the return value is a null pointer. That is, if there is no node, then there cannot be an enclosing node of the specified type.

Definition at line 9364 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent(), SgStorageModifier::isStatic(), and isStatic().

Referenced by getClassTypeChainForMemberReference().

◆ isAddressTaken()

bool SageInterface::isAddressTaken ( SgExpression refExp)

Find a node by type using upward traversal.

Traverse backward through a specified node's ancestors, starting with the node's parent and progressing to more distant ancestors, to find the first node matching the specified or derived type. If includingSelf is true then the starting node, astNode, is returned if its type matches, otherwise the search starts at the parent of astNode.

For the purposes of this function, the parent (P) of an SgDeclarationStatement node (N) is considered to be the first non-defining declaration of N if N has both a defining declaration and a first non-defining declaration and the defining declaration is different than the first non-defining declaration.

If no ancestor of the requisite type of subtypes is found then this function returns a null pointer.

If astNode is the null pointer, then the return value is a null pointer. That is, if there is no node, then there cannot be an enclosing node of the specified type.

Definition at line 9472 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent().

◆ isMemberFunctionMemberReference()

bool SageInterface::isMemberFunctionMemberReference ( SgMemberFunctionRefExp memberFunctionRefExp)

Find a node by type using upward traversal.

Traverse backward through a specified node's ancestors, starting with the node's parent and progressing to more distant ancestors, to find the first node matching the specified or derived type. If includingSelf is true then the starting node, astNode, is returned if its type matches, otherwise the search starts at the parent of astNode.

For the purposes of this function, the parent (P) of an SgDeclarationStatement node (N) is considered to be the first non-defining declaration of N if N has both a defining declaration and a first non-defining declaration and the defining declaration is different than the first non-defining declaration.

If no ancestor of the requisite type of subtypes is found then this function returns a null pointer.

If astNode is the null pointer, then the return value is a null pointer. That is, if there is no node, then there cannot be an enclosing node of the specified type.

Definition at line 9291 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent(), SgFunctionDeclaration::get_scope(), SgStorageModifier::isStatic(), and isStatic().

Referenced by getClassTypeChainForMemberReference().

◆ getClassTypeChainForMemberReference()

std::list< SgClassType * > SageInterface::getClassTypeChainForMemberReference ( SgExpression refExp)

Find a node by type using upward traversal.

Traverse backward through a specified node's ancestors, starting with the node's parent and progressing to more distant ancestors, to find the first node matching the specified or derived type. If includingSelf is true then the starting node, astNode, is returned if its type matches, otherwise the search starts at the parent of astNode.

For the purposes of this function, the parent (P) of an SgDeclarationStatement node (N) is considered to be the first non-defining declaration of N if N has both a defining declaration and a first non-defining declaration and the defining declaration is different than the first non-defining declaration.

If no ancestor of the requisite type of subtypes is found then this function returns a null pointer.

If astNode is the null pointer, then the return value is a null pointer. That is, if there is no node, then there cannot be an enclosing node of the specified type.

Definition at line 8787 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), SgType::class_name(), SgClassType::class_name(), SgScopeStatement::class_name(), SgClassDefinition::class_name(), SgDeclarationStatement::class_name(), SgClassDeclaration::class_name(), SgExpression::class_name(), SgSymbol::class_name(), SgClassDefinition::get_declaration(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_definingDeclaration(), SgBinaryOp::get_lhs_operand(), SgSymbol::get_name(), SgVariableSymbol::get_name(), get_name(), SgUnaryOp::get_operand(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl::get_templateDeclaration(), SgExpression::get_type(), SgCastExp::get_type(), isDataMemberReference(), isMemberFunctionMemberReference(), and SgType::stripType().

◆ getFrontendSpecificNodes()

std::set< SgNode * > SageInterface::getFrontendSpecificNodes ( )

Find a node by type using upward traversal.

Traverse backward through a specified node's ancestors, starting with the node's parent and progressing to more distant ancestors, to find the first node matching the specified or derived type. If includingSelf is true then the starting node, astNode, is returned if its type matches, otherwise the search starts at the parent of astNode.

For the purposes of this function, the parent (P) of an SgDeclarationStatement node (N) is considered to be the first non-defining declaration of N if N has both a defining declaration and a first non-defining declaration and the defining declaration is different than the first non-defining declaration.

If no ancestor of the requisite type of subtypes is found then this function returns a null pointer.

If astNode is the null pointer, then the return value is a null pointer. That is, if there is no node, then there cannot be an enclosing node of the specified type.

Definition at line 9635 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_file_info(), and SgNode::returnDataMemberPointers().

◆ outputSharedNodes()

void SageInterface::outputSharedNodes ( SgNode node)

Find a node by type using upward traversal.

Traverse backward through a specified node's ancestors, starting with the node's parent and progressing to more distant ancestors, to find the first node matching the specified or derived type. If includingSelf is true then the starting node, astNode, is returned if its type matches, otherwise the search starts at the parent of astNode.

For the purposes of this function, the parent (P) of an SgDeclarationStatement node (N) is considered to be the first non-defining declaration of N if N has both a defining declaration and a first non-defining declaration and the defining declaration is different than the first non-defining declaration.

If no ancestor of the requisite type of subtypes is found then this function returns a null pointer.

If astNode is the null pointer, then the return value is a null pointer. That is, if there is no node, then there cannot be an enclosing node of the specified type.

Definition at line 9693 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), SgNode::get_file_info(), and Sg_File_Info::isShared().

◆ displayScope()

void SageInterface::displayScope ( SgScopeStatement scope)

Find a node by type using upward traversal.

Traverse backward through a specified node's ancestors, starting with the node's parent and progressing to more distant ancestors, to find the first node matching the specified or derived type. If includingSelf is true then the starting node, astNode, is returned if its type matches, otherwise the search starts at the parent of astNode.

For the purposes of this function, the parent (P) of an SgDeclarationStatement node (N) is considered to be the first non-defining declaration of N if N has both a defining declaration and a first non-defining declaration and the defining declaration is different than the first non-defining declaration.

If no ancestor of the requisite type of subtypes is found then this function returns a null pointer.

If astNode is the null pointer, then the return value is a null pointer. That is, if there is no node, then there cannot be an enclosing node of the specified type.

Definition at line 26833 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgStatement::class_name(), SgScopeStatement::class_name(), SgScopeStatement::generateStatementList(), and get_name().

◆ getFirstGlobalScope()

SgGlobal * SageInterface::getFirstGlobalScope ( SgProject project)

return the first global scope under current project

Definition at line 7627 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ getLastStatement()

SgStatement * SageInterface::getLastStatement ( SgScopeStatement scope)

get the last statement within a scope, return NULL if it does not exit

Definition at line 7655 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::containsOnlyDeclarations(), SgScopeStatement::getDeclarationList(), and SgScopeStatement::getStatementList().

◆ getFirstStatement()

SgStatement * SageInterface::getFirstStatement ( SgScopeStatement scope,
bool  includingCompilerGenerated = false 

Get the first statement within a scope, return NULL if it does not exist. Skip compiler-generated statement by default. Count transformation-generated ones, but excluding those which are not to be outputted in unparsers.

Definition at line 7688 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::containsOnlyDeclarations(), SgLocatedNode::get_file_info(), SgNode::get_file_info(), SgScopeStatement::getDeclarationList(), SgScopeStatement::getStatementList(), Sg_File_Info::isOutputInCodeGeneration(), and Sg_File_Info::isTransformation().

Referenced by loopCollapsing().

◆ findFirstDefiningFunctionDecl()

SgFunctionDeclaration * SageInterface::findFirstDefiningFunctionDecl ( SgScopeStatement scope)

◆ getNextStatement()

SgStatement * SageInterface::getNextStatement ( SgStatement currentStmt)

Get next statement within the same scope of current statement.

Definition at line 11328 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by findSurroundingStatementFromSameFile(), loopCollapsing(), mergeDeclarationWithAssignment(), and moveDeclarationToAssociatedNamespace().

◆ getPreviousStatement()

SgStatement * SageInterface::getPreviousStatement ( SgStatement currentStmt,
bool  climbOutScope = true 

Get previous statement of the current statement. It may return a previous statement of a parent scope by default (climbOutScope is true), otherwise only a previous statement of the same scope is returned.

Definition at line 11334 of file sageInterface.C.

References Rose::getPreviousStatement().

Referenced by findSurroundingStatementFromSameFile(), and moveDeclarationToAssociatedNamespace().

◆ listHeaderFiles()

void SageInterface::listHeaderFiles ( SgIncludeFile includeFile)

return path prefix for subtree of include files.

Definition at line 1418 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name().

◆ scopeHasStatementsFromSameFile()

bool SageInterface::scopeHasStatementsFromSameFile ( SgScopeStatement scope)

This function supports the token-based unparsing when used with unparsing of header files to know when the scope can be unparsed via it's token stream, even though a statement from a header file may contain a transformation. returns true if there is a statement in the scope that has to be unparsed (is from the same file as the scope). returns false if the scope is empty or contains only statements associated with one or more header files.

Definition at line 1445 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::containsOnlyDeclarations(), SgLocatedNode::get_file_info(), SgScopeStatement::getDeclarationList(), and SgScopeStatement::getStatementList().

◆ isEqualToIntConst()

bool SageInterface::isEqualToIntConst ( SgExpression e,
int  value 

Check if a SgIntVal node has a given value.

Definition at line 11339 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ isSameFunction()

bool SageInterface::isSameFunction ( SgFunctionDeclaration func1,
SgFunctionDeclaration func2 

Check if two function declarations refer to the same one. Two function declarations are the same when they are a) identical, b) same name in C c) same qualified named and mangled name in C++. A nondefining (prototype) declaration and a defining declaration of a same function are treated as the same.

There is a similar function bool compareFunctionDeclarations(SgFunctionDeclaration *f1, SgFunctionDeclaration *f2) from Classhierarchy.C

Definition at line 11343 of file sageInterface.C.

References is_C99_language(), is_C_language(), is_Cuda_language(), is_Cxx_language(), is_Fortran_language(), is_Java_language(), is_OpenCL_language(), is_PHP_language(), and is_Python_language().

Referenced by updateDefiningNondefiningLinks().

◆ isLastStatement()

bool SageInterface::isLastStatement ( SgStatement stmt)

◆ deleteAST()

void SageInterface::deleteAST ( SgNode node)

◆ deleteAllNodes()

void SageInterface::deleteAllNodes ( )

Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result.

Definition at line 160 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name().

◆ deleteExpressionTreeWithOriginalExpressionSubtrees()

void SageInterface::deleteExpressionTreeWithOriginalExpressionSubtrees ( SgNode root)

Special purpose function for deleting AST expression tress containing valid original expression trees in constant folded expressions (for internal use only).

Definition at line 21401 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ moveStatementsBetweenBlocks() [1/4]

void SageInterface::moveStatementsBetweenBlocks ( SgBasicBlock sourceBlock,
SgBasicBlock targetBlock 

Move statements in first block to the second block (preserves order and rebuilds the symbol table).

Definition at line 21829 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ moveStatementsBetweenBlocks() [2/4]

void SageInterface::moveStatementsBetweenBlocks ( SgAdaPackageSpec sourceBlock,
SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement targetBlock 

Move statements in Ada's package spec into C++ namespace's definition.

Definition at line 21809 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent().

◆ moveStatementsBetweenBlocks() [3/4]

void SageInterface::moveStatementsBetweenBlocks ( SgAdaPackageBody sourceBlock,
SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement targetBlock 

Move statements in Ada's package body into C++ namespace's definition.

Definition at line 21816 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent().

◆ moveStatementsBetweenBlocks() [4/4]

void SageInterface::moveStatementsBetweenBlocks ( SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement sourceBlock,
SgNamespaceDefinitionStatement targetBlock 

Move statements between C++ namespace's definitions.

Definition at line 21823 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ isLambdaFunction()

bool SageInterface::isLambdaFunction ( SgFunctionDeclaration func)

Check if a function declaration is a C++11 lambda function.

Definition at line 21836 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent().

Referenced by convertRefToInitializedName().

◆ isLambdaCapturedVariable()

bool SageInterface::isLambdaCapturedVariable ( SgVarRefExp varRef)

check if a variable reference is this->a[i] inside of a lambda function

Definition at line 21852 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent().

Referenced by convertRefToInitializedName().

◆ moveVariableDeclaration()

void SageInterface::moveVariableDeclaration ( SgVariableDeclaration decl,
SgScopeStatement target_scope 

Move a variable declaration to a new scope, handle symbol, special scopes like For loop, etc.

Move a variable declaration from its original scope to a new scope, assuming original scope != target_scope.

Definition at line 24235 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildAssignInitializer(), SgScopeStatement::class_name(), copyExpression(), deepDelete(), SgVariableSymbol::get_name(), SgBinaryOp::get_rhs_operand(), SgStatement::get_scope(), getEnclosingScope(), getFirstInitializedName(), getFirstVarSym(), SgScopeStatement::insert_symbol(), prependStatement(), removeStatement(), SgNode::set_parent(), and SgScopeStatement::variantT().

◆ appendStatement() [1/2]

void SageInterface::appendStatement ( SgStatement stmt,
SgScopeStatement scope = NULL 

◆ appendStatement() [2/2]

void SageInterface::appendStatement ( SgStatement stmt,
SgForInitStatement for_init_stmt 

Append a statement to the end of SgForInitStatement.

Definition at line 14129 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgStatement::class_name(), SgScopeStatement::class_name(), and resetInternalMapsForTargetStatement().

◆ appendStatementList()

void SageInterface::appendStatementList ( const std::vector< SgStatement * > &  stmt,
SgScopeStatement scope = NULL 

Append a list of statements to the end of the current scope, handle side effect of appending statements, e.g. preprocessing info, defining/nondefining pointers etc.

Definition at line 14156 of file sageInterface.C.

References appendStatement().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildBasicBlock_nfi(), and insertStatementListBeforeFirstNonDeclaration().

◆ appendStatementWithDependentDeclaration()

void SageInterface::appendStatementWithDependentDeclaration ( SgDeclarationStatement decl,
SgGlobal scope,
SgStatement original_statement,
bool  excludeHeaderFiles 

◆ prependStatement() [1/2]

void SageInterface::prependStatement ( SgStatement stmt,
SgScopeStatement scope = NULL 

◆ prependStatement() [2/2]

void SageInterface::prependStatement ( SgStatement stmt,
SgForInitStatement for_init_stmt 

Prepend a statement to the beginning of SgForInitStatement.

Definition at line 14267 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgStatement::class_name(), SgScopeStatement::class_name(), and resetInternalMapsForTargetStatement().

◆ prependStatementList()

void SageInterface::prependStatementList ( const std::vector< SgStatement * > &  stmt,
SgScopeStatement scope = NULL 

prepend a list of statements to the beginning of the current scope, handling side effects as appropriate

Definition at line 14293 of file sageInterface.C.

References prependStatement().

Referenced by loopCollapsing().

◆ hasSimpleChildrenList()

bool SageInterface::hasSimpleChildrenList ( SgScopeStatement scope)

Check if a scope statement has a simple children statement list so insert additional statements under the scope is straightforward and unambiguous .

Check if a scope statement has a simple children statement list (SgStatementPtrList) so insert additional statements under the scope is straightforward and unambiguous .

for example, SgBasicBlock has a simple statement list while IfStmt does not.

Definition at line 14304 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::variantT().

◆ insertStatement()

void SageInterface::insertStatement ( SgStatement targetStmt,
SgStatement newStmt,
bool  insertBefore = true,
bool  autoMovePreprocessingInfo = true 

◆ insertStatementList()

void SageInterface::insertStatementList ( SgStatement targetStmt,
const std::vector< SgStatement * > &  newStmts,
bool  insertBefore = true 

Insert a list of statements before or after the target statement within the.

Definition at line 14719 of file sageInterface.C.

References insertStatementAfter(), and insertStatementBefore().

Referenced by insertStatementListAfter(), and insertStatementListBefore().

◆ insertStatementBefore()

void SageInterface::insertStatementBefore ( SgStatement targetStmt,
SgStatement newStmt,
bool  autoMovePreprocessingInfo = true 

◆ insertStatementListBefore()

void SageInterface::insertStatementListBefore ( SgStatement targetStmt,
const std::vector< SgStatement * > &  newStmts 

Insert a list of statements before a target statement.

Definition at line 14811 of file sageInterface.C.

References insertStatementList().

Referenced by insertStatementListBeforeFirstNonDeclaration().

◆ insertStatementAfter()

void SageInterface::insertStatementAfter ( SgStatement targetStmt,
SgStatement newStmt,
bool  autoMovePreprocessingInfo = true 

Insert a statement after a target statement, Move around preprocessing info automatically by default.

Definition at line 14737 of file sageInterface.C.

References insertStatement().

Referenced by insertStatementAfterLastDeclaration(), insertStatementAfterLastDeclaration(), insertStatementList(), loopUnrolling(), and splitVariableDeclaration().

◆ insertStatementListAfter()

void SageInterface::insertStatementListAfter ( SgStatement targetStmt,
const std::vector< SgStatement * > &  newStmt 

Insert a list of statements after a target statement.

Definition at line 14742 of file sageInterface.C.

References insertStatementList().

◆ insertStatementAfterLastDeclaration() [1/2]

void SageInterface::insertStatementAfterLastDeclaration ( SgStatement stmt,
SgScopeStatement scope 

Insert a statement after the last declaration within a scope. The statement will be prepended to the scope if there is no declaration statement found.

Definition at line 14748 of file sageInterface.C.

References findLastDeclarationStatement(), insertStatementAfter(), and prependStatement().

Referenced by insertStatementAfterLastDeclaration().

◆ insertStatementAfterLastDeclaration() [2/2]

void SageInterface::insertStatementAfterLastDeclaration ( std::vector< SgStatement * >  stmt_list,
SgScopeStatement scope 

Insert a list of statements after the last declaration within a scope. The statement will be prepended to the scope if there is no declaration statement found.

Definition at line 14761 of file sageInterface.C.

References insertStatementAfter(), and insertStatementAfterLastDeclaration().

◆ insertStatementBeforeFirstNonDeclaration()

void SageInterface::insertStatementBeforeFirstNonDeclaration ( SgStatement newStmt,
SgScopeStatement scope,
bool  movePreprocessingInfo = true 

Insert a statement before the first non-declaration statement in a scope. If the scope has no non-declaration statements.

Definition at line 14781 of file sageInterface.C.

References appendStatement(), SgScopeStatement::generateStatementList(), insertStatementBefore(), and movePreprocessingInfo().

◆ insertStatementListBeforeFirstNonDeclaration()

void SageInterface::insertStatementListBeforeFirstNonDeclaration ( const std::vector< SgStatement * > &  newStmts,
SgScopeStatement scope 

Insert statements before the first non-declaration statement in a scope. If the scope has no non-declaration statements.

Definition at line 14794 of file sageInterface.C.

References appendStatementList(), SgScopeStatement::generateStatementList(), and insertStatementListBefore().

◆ lastFrontEndSpecificStatement()

SgStatement * SageInterface::lastFrontEndSpecificStatement ( SgGlobal globalScope)

Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result.

Definition at line 14341 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgStatement::class_name(), and SgGlobal::get_declarations().

◆ removeStatement()

void SageInterface::removeStatement ( SgStatement stmt,
bool  autoRelocatePreprocessingInfo = true 

Remove a statement from its attach point of the AST. Automatically keep its associated preprocessing information at the original place after the removal. The statement is still in memory and it is up to the users to decide if the removed one will be inserted somewhere else or released from memory (deleteAST()).

Remove a statement: TODO consider side effects for symbol tables.

Definition at line 9999 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgStatement::class_name(), findSurroundingStatementFromSameFile(), get_name(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgLocatedNode::getAttachedPreprocessingInfo(), moveCommentsToNewStatement(), moveUpInnerDanglingIfEndifDirective(), SgStatement::remove_statement(), and resetInternalMapsForTargetStatement().

Referenced by appendStatement(), loopTiling(), loopUnrolling(), mergeAssignmentWithDeclaration(), mergeDeclarationWithAssignment(), moveVariableDeclaration(), normalizeForLoopInitDeclaration(), setBaseTypeDefiningDeclaration(), and unnormalizeForLoopInitDeclaration().

◆ deepDelete()

void SageInterface::deepDelete ( SgNode root)

Deep delete a sub AST tree. It uses postorder traversal to delete each child node. Users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result. This is identical to deleteAST()

Deep delete a sub AST tree. It uses postorder traversal to delete each child node.

Definition at line 10574 of file sageInterface.C.

References deleteAST(), and AstSimpleProcessing::traverse().

Referenced by moveVariableDeclaration(), and replaceExpression().

◆ replaceStatement()

void SageInterface::replaceStatement ( SgStatement oldStmt,
SgStatement newStmt,
bool  movePreprocessinInfo = false 

◆ replaceWithPattern()

SgNode * SageInterface::replaceWithPattern ( SgNode anchor,
SgNode new_pattern 

Replace an anchor node with a specified pattern subtree with optional SgVariantExpression. All SgVariantExpression in the pattern will be replaced with copies of the anchor node.

Replace an anchor node with a specified pattern subtree with optional SgVariantExpression.

Definition at line 10913 of file sageInterface.C.

References deepCopy(), replaceExpression(), and SgExpression::variantT().

◆ replaceVariableReferences()

void SageInterface::replaceVariableReferences ( SgVariableSymbol old_sym,
SgVariableSymbol new_sym,
SgScopeStatement scope 

Replace all variable references to an old symbol in a scope to being references to a new symbol.

Definition at line 24146 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ statementCanBeTransformed()

bool SageInterface::statementCanBeTransformed ( SgStatement stmt)

If header file unparsing and token-based unparsing are used, then some statements in header files used with the same name and different include syntax can't be transformed.

This is currently because there is no way to generally test the resulting transformed code generated by ROSE.

This is currently because there is no way to generally test the resulting transformed code generated by ROSE. NOTE: This is demonstrated by test8 in the unparse headers tests directory.

Definition at line 24169 of file sageInterface.C.

References getEnclosingSourceFile().

Referenced by set_name().

◆ createTempVariableForExpression()

std::pair< SgVariableDeclaration *, SgExpression * > SageInterface::createTempVariableForExpression ( SgExpression expression,
SgScopeStatement scope,
bool  initializeInDeclaration,
SgAssignOp **  reEvaluate = NULL 

Given an expression, generates a temporary variable whose initializer optionally evaluates that expression.

Then, the var reference expression returned can be used instead of the original expression. The temporary variable created can be reassigned to the expression by the returned SgAssignOp; this can be used when the expression the variable represents needs to be evaluated. NOTE: This handles reference types correctly by using pointer types for the temporary.

expressionExpression which will be replaced by a variable
scopescope in which the temporary variable will be generated
reEvaluatean assignment op to reevaluate the expression. Leave NULL if not needed
declaration of the temporary variable, and a a variable reference expression to use instead of the original expression.

Definition at line 10975 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildAddressOfOp(), SageBuilder::buildAssignInitializer(), SageBuilder::buildAssignOp(), SageBuilder::buildPointerDerefExp(), SageBuilder::buildPointerType(), SageBuilder::buildReferenceType(), SageBuilder::buildVariableDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildVarRefExp(), copyExpression(), generateUniqueVariableName(), SgExpression::get_type(), isReferenceType(), SgExpression::set_lvalue(), and SgType::stripType().

◆ createTempVariableAndReferenceForExpression()

std::pair< SgVariableDeclaration *, SgExpression * > SageInterface::createTempVariableAndReferenceForExpression ( SgExpression expression,
SgScopeStatement scope 

Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result.

Definition at line 11051 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildAssignInitializer(), SageBuilder::buildPointerType(), SageBuilder::buildVariableDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildVarRefExp(), copyExpression(), generateUniqueVariableName(), and SgExpression::get_type().

◆ appendArg()

SgVariableSymbol * SageInterface::appendArg ( SgFunctionParameterList paraList,
SgInitializedName initName 

Append an argument to SgFunctionParameterList, transparently set parent,scope, and symbols for arguments when possible.

We recommend to build SgFunctionParameterList before building a function declaration However, it is still allowed to append new arguments for existing function declarations.

Definition at line 13905 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildFunctionParameterList(), SageBuilder::buildFunctionParameterList(), and SageBuilder::buildFunctionParameterList_nfi().

◆ prependArg()

SgVariableSymbol * SageInterface::prependArg ( SgFunctionParameterList paraList,
SgInitializedName initName 

Prepend an argument to SgFunctionParameterList.

Definition at line 13910 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ appendExpression()

void SageInterface::appendExpression ( SgExprListExp expList,
SgExpression exp 

◆ appendExpressionList()

void SageInterface::appendExpressionList ( SgExprListExp expList,
const std::vector< SgExpression * > &  exp 

Append an expression list to a SgExprListExp, set the parent pointers also.

Definition at line 13790 of file sageInterface.C.

References appendExpression().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildListExp(), SageBuilder::buildListExp_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildTupleExp(), and SageBuilder::buildTupleExp_nfi().

◆ setParameterList()

template<class actualFunction >
void SageInterface::setParameterList ( actualFunction *  func,
SgFunctionParameterList paralist 

Set parameter list for a function declaration, considering existing parameter list etc.

Definition at line 2196 of file sageInterface.h.

References SgFunctionParameterList::get_args(), SgNode::get_parent(), is_Ada_language(), and SgNode::set_parent().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildDefiningFunctionDeclaration_T().

◆ setPragma()

void SageInterface::setPragma ( SgPragmaDeclaration decl,
SgPragma pragma 

Set a pragma of a pragma declaration. handle memory release for preexisting pragma, and set parent pointer.

Definition at line 13915 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::set_parent().

◆ replaceExpression()

void SageInterface::replaceExpression ( SgExpression oldExp,
SgExpression newExp,
bool  keepOldExp = false 

◆ replaceExpressionWithStatement()

void SageInterface::replaceExpressionWithStatement ( SgExpression from,
SageInterface::StatementGenerator to 

◆ replaceSubexpressionWithStatement()

void SageInterface::replaceSubexpressionWithStatement ( SgExpression from,
SageInterface::StatementGenerator to 

Similar to replaceExpressionWithStatement, but with more restrictions.

Replace a given expression with a list of statements produced by a generator.

Assumptions: from is not within the test of a loop or ifStmt, not currently traversing from or the statement it is in

The generator, when given a variable as input, must produce some code which leaves its result in the given variable. The output from the generator is then inserted into the original program in such a way that whenever the expression had previously been evaluated, the statements produced by the generator are run instead and their result is used in place of the expression. Assumptions: not currently traversing from or the statement it is in

Definition at line 18190 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgBinaryOp::get_lhs_operand(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::replace_statement(), SgNode::set_parent(), and splitExpression().

Referenced by replaceExpressionWithStatement().

◆ setOperand()

void SageInterface::setOperand ( SgExpression target,
SgExpression operand 

Set operands for expressions with single operand, such as unary expressions. handle file info, lvalue, pointer downcasting, parent pointer etc.

Definition at line 14819 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgAssignInitializer::set_operand(), SgUnaryOp::set_operand_i(), and SgNode::set_parent().

◆ setLhsOperand()

void SageInterface::setLhsOperand ( SgExpression target,
SgExpression lhs 

set left hand operand for binary expressions, transparently downcasting target expressions when necessary

Definition at line 14862 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgBinaryOp::get_rhs_operand(), SgBinaryOp::set_lhs_operand(), and SgNode::set_parent().

◆ setRhsOperand()

void SageInterface::setRhsOperand ( SgExpression target,
SgExpression rhs 

set left hand operand for binary expression

Definition at line 14901 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgBinaryOp::get_lhs_operand(), SgNode::set_parent(), and SgBinaryOp::set_rhs_operand().

◆ removeAllOriginalExpressionTrees()

void SageInterface::removeAllOriginalExpressionTrees ( SgNode top)

Set original expression trees to NULL for SgValueExp or SgCastExp expressions, so you can change the value and have it unparsed correctly.

Definition at line 11412 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ moveToSubdirectory()

void SageInterface::moveToSubdirectory ( std::string  directoryName,
SgFile file 

Move file to be generated in a subdirectory (will be generated by the unparser).

Definition at line 14940 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent(), and SgNode::set_parent().

◆ findSurroundingStatementFromSameFile()

SgStatement * SageInterface::findSurroundingStatementFromSameFile ( SgStatement targetStmt,
bool &  surroundingStatementPreceedsTargetStatement 

Supporting function to comment relocation in insertStatement() and removeStatement().

Remove a statement: TODO consider side effects for symbol tables.

Definition at line 10370 of file sageInterface.C.

References Sg_File_Info::BAD_FILE_ID, SgStatement::class_name(), SgLocatedNode::get_file_info(), Sg_File_Info::get_line(), get_name(), getNextStatement(), getPreviousStatement(), and Sg_File_Info::TRANSFORMATION_FILE_ID.

Referenced by removeStatement().

◆ moveCommentsToNewStatement()

void SageInterface::moveCommentsToNewStatement ( SgStatement sourceStatement,
const std::vector< int > &  indexList,
SgStatement destinationStatement,
bool  destinationStatementPreceedsSourceStatement 

◆ moveDeclarationToAssociatedNamespace()

void SageInterface::moveDeclarationToAssociatedNamespace ( SgDeclarationStatement declarationStatement)

Relocate the declaration to be explicitly represented in its associated namespace (required for some backend compilers to process template instantiations).

Definition at line 10665 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), SgStatement::class_name(), SgScopeStatement::class_name(), SgDeclarationStatement::class_name(), SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement::get_name(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), getNextStatement(), and getPreviousStatement().

Referenced by wrapAllTemplateInstantiationsInAssociatedNamespaces().

◆ isTemplateInstantiationNode()

bool SageInterface::isTemplateInstantiationNode ( SgNode node)

Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result.

Definition at line 10818 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by wrapAllTemplateInstantiationsInAssociatedNamespaces().

◆ wrapAllTemplateInstantiationsInAssociatedNamespaces()

void SageInterface::wrapAllTemplateInstantiationsInAssociatedNamespaces ( SgProject root)

Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result.

Definition at line 10867 of file sageInterface.C.

References RoseAst::begin(), RoseAst::end(), isTemplateInstantiationNode(), and moveDeclarationToAssociatedNamespace().

◆ resetInternalMapsForTargetStatement()

void SageInterface::resetInternalMapsForTargetStatement ( SgStatement sourceStatement)

Reset internal data structures used for token-based unparsing and macro summaries based on modifications to this statement.

Definition at line 10114 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgStatement::class_name(), SgLocatedNode::get_file_info(), getEnclosingSourceFile(), SgLocatedNode::setOutputInCodeGeneration(), and SgLocatedNode::setTransformation().

Referenced by appendStatement(), prependStatement(), prependStatement(), and removeStatement().

◆ convertFunctionDefinitionsToFunctionPrototypes()

void SageInterface::convertFunctionDefinitionsToFunctionPrototypes ( SgNode node)

XXX This function operates on the new file used to support outlined function definitions. We use a copy of the file where the code will be outlined FROM, so that if there are references to declarations in the outlined code we can support the outpiled code with those references. This approach has the added advantage of also supporting the same include file tree as the original file where the outlined code is being taken from.

Definition at line 27376 of file sageInterface.C.

References generateFunctionDefinitionsList(), and replaceDefiningFunctionDeclarationWithFunctionPrototype().

◆ replaceDefiningFunctionDeclarationWithFunctionPrototype()

SgFunctionDeclaration * SageInterface::replaceDefiningFunctionDeclarationWithFunctionPrototype ( SgFunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration)

Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result.

Definition at line 27245 of file sageInterface.C.

References buildFunctionPrototype(), SgLocatedNode::get_file_info(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgLocatedNode::getAttachedPreprocessingInfo(), SgStorageModifier::isStatic(), movePreprocessingInfo(), printOutComments(), and replaceStatement().

Referenced by convertFunctionDefinitionsToFunctionPrototypes().

◆ generateFunctionDefinitionsList()

std::vector< SgFunctionDeclaration * > SageInterface::generateFunctionDefinitionsList ( SgNode node)

Function to delete AST subtree's nodes only, users must take care of any dangling pointers, symbols or types that result.

Definition at line 27328 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgDeclarationStatement::get_definingDeclaration(), and SgNode::get_parent().

Referenced by convertFunctionDefinitionsToFunctionPrototypes().

◆ buildFunctionPrototype()

SgFunctionDeclaration * SageInterface::buildFunctionPrototype ( SgFunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration)

◆ fixVariableReferences()

int SageInterface::fixVariableReferences ( SgNode root,
bool  cleanUnusedSymbol = true 

Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.

In AST translation, it is possible to build a variable reference before the variable is being declared. buildVarRefExp() will use fake initialized name and symbol as placeholders to get the work done. Users should call fixVariableReference() when AST is complete and all variable declarations are in place.

Definition at line 15274 of file sageInterface.C.

References clearUnusedVariableSymbols(), SgTypeUnknown::createType(), fixVariableReferences(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_definingDeclaration(), SgNode::get_parent(), getScope(), lookupVariableSymbolInParentScopes(), and SgType::stripType().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildForStatement(), fixVariableDeclaration(), and fixVariableReferences().

◆ fixVariableDeclaration()

void SageInterface::fixVariableDeclaration ( SgVariableDeclaration varDecl,
SgScopeStatement scope 

Patch up symbol, scope, and parent information when a SgVariableDeclaration's scope is known.

It is possible to build a variable declaration without knowing its scope information during bottom-up construction of AST, though top-down construction is recommended in general. In this case, we have to patch up symbol table, scope and parent information when the scope is known. This function is usually used internally within appendStatment(), insertStatement().

Definition at line 15183 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::appendTemplateArgumentsToName(), SgScopeStatement::class_name(), SgVariableSymbol::class_name(), fixVariableReferences(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgVariableDeclaration::get_variables(), SgScopeStatement::insert_symbol(), is_Fortran_language(), SgNode::set_parent(), and SageBuilder::topScopeStack().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildForStatement(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateVariableDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildTemplateVariableInstantiation_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildVariableDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildVariableDeclaration_nfi(), and fixStatement().

◆ fixStructDeclaration()

void SageInterface::fixStructDeclaration ( SgClassDeclaration structDecl,
SgScopeStatement scope 

◆ fixClassDeclaration()

void SageInterface::fixClassDeclaration ( SgClassDeclaration classDecl,
SgScopeStatement scope 

Fix symbols, parent and scope pointers. Used internally within appendStatment(), insertStatement() etc when a class declaration was built without knowing its target scope.

Definition at line 15128 of file sageInterface.C.

References fixStructDeclaration().

Referenced by fixStatement().

◆ fixNamespaceDeclaration()

void SageInterface::fixNamespaceDeclaration ( SgNamespaceDeclarationStatement structDecl,
SgScopeStatement scope 

◆ fixLabelStatement()

void SageInterface::fixLabelStatement ( SgLabelStatement label_stmt,
SgScopeStatement scope 

Fix symbol table for SgLabelStatement. Used Internally when the label is built without knowing its target scope. Both parameters cannot be NULL.

fixup symbol table for SgLableStatement. Used Internally when the label is built without knowing its target scope. Both parameters cannot be NULL.

Definition at line 15484 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgLabelStatement::get_label(), SgLabelSymbol::get_name(), getEnclosingFunctionDefinition(), SgScopeStatement::insert_symbol(), is_Ada_language(), and SgLabelStatement::set_scope().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildLabelStatement(), SageBuilder::buildLabelStatement_nfi(), and fixStatement().

◆ setFortranNumericLabel()

void SageInterface::setFortranNumericLabel ( SgStatement stmt,
int  label_value,
SgLabelSymbol::label_type_enum  label_type = SgLabelSymbol::e_start_label_type,
SgScopeStatement label_scope = NULL 

Set a numerical label for a Fortran statement. The statement should have a enclosing function definition already. SgLabelSymbol and SgLabelRefExp are created transparently as needed.

Set a numerical label for a Fortran statement. The statement should have a enclosing function definition already. SgLabelSymbol and SgLabelR.

Definition at line 15520 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildLabelRefExp(), getEnclosingFunctionDefinition(), SgScopeStatement::insert_symbol(), Rose::StringUtility::numberToString(), and SgNode::set_parent().

◆ suggestNextNumericLabel()

int SageInterface::suggestNextNumericLabel ( SgFunctionDefinition func_def)

Suggest next usable (non-conflicting) numeric label value for a Fortran function definition scope.

Definition at line 15578 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::get_symbol_table(), SgSymbolTable::get_symbols(), and is_Fortran_language().

◆ fixFunctionDeclaration()

void SageInterface::fixFunctionDeclaration ( SgFunctionDeclaration stmt,
SgScopeStatement scope 

◆ fixTemplateDeclaration()

void SageInterface::fixTemplateDeclaration ( SgTemplateDeclaration stmt,
SgScopeStatement scope 

Fix the symbol table and set scope (only if scope in declaration is not already set).

fixup symbol table for SgFunctionDeclaration (and template instantiations, member functions, and member function template instantiations). Used Internally when the function is built without knowing its target scope. Both parameters cannot be NULL.

Definition at line 15746 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by fixStatement().

◆ fixStatement()

void SageInterface::fixStatement ( SgStatement stmt,
SgScopeStatement scope 

◆ collectTransformedStatements()

std::set< SgStatement * > SageInterface::collectTransformedStatements ( SgNode node)

This collects the statements that are marked as transformed (useful in debugging).

Definition at line 24686 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgLocatedNode::isTransformation().

◆ collectModifiedStatements()

std::set< SgStatement * > SageInterface::collectModifiedStatements ( SgNode node)

This collects the statements that are marked as modified (a flag automatically set by all set_* generated functions) (useful in debugging).

Definition at line 24717 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), and SgNode::get_isModified().

Referenced by reportModifiedStatements().

◆ collectModifiedLocatedNodes()

std::set< SgLocatedNode * > SageInterface::collectModifiedLocatedNodes ( SgNode node)

This collects the SgLocatedNodes that are marked as modified (a flag automatically set by all set_* generated functions) (useful in debugging).

Definition at line 24799 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), SgLocatedNode::class_name(), and SgNode::get_isModified().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildFile(), SageBuilder::buildSourceFile(), and reportModifiedLocatedNodes().

◆ resetModifiedLocatedNodes()

void SageInterface::resetModifiedLocatedNodes ( const std::set< SgLocatedNode * > &  modifiedNodeSet)

Use the set of IR nodes and set the isModified flag in each IR node to true.

Definition at line 24839 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgLocatedNode::class_name(), and SgNode::set_isModified().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildFile().

◆ reportModifiedStatements()

void SageInterface::reportModifiedStatements ( const std::string &  label,
SgNode node 

Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.

In AST translation, it is possible to build a variable reference before the variable is being declared. buildVarRefExp() will use fake initialized name and symbol as placeholders to get the work done. Users should call fixVariableReference() when AST is complete and all variable declarations are in place.

Definition at line 24862 of file sageInterface.C.

References collectModifiedStatements(), SgNode::get_parent(), and SgFile::getFileName().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildFile().

◆ reportModifiedLocatedNodes()

void SageInterface::reportModifiedLocatedNodes ( const std::string &  label,
SgNode node 

Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.

In AST translation, it is possible to build a variable reference before the variable is being declared. buildVarRefExp() will use fake initialized name and symbol as placeholders to get the work done. Users should call fixVariableReference() when AST is complete and all variable declarations are in place.

Definition at line 24934 of file sageInterface.C.

References collectModifiedLocatedNodes(), SgNode::get_parent(), and SgFile::getFileName().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildFile().

◆ translateToUseCppDeclarations()

void SageInterface::translateToUseCppDeclarations ( SgNode n)

Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.

In AST translation, it is possible to build a variable reference before the variable is being declared. buildVarRefExp() will use fake initialized name and symbol as placeholders to get the work done. Users should call fixVariableReference() when AST is complete and all variable declarations are in place.

Definition at line 25245 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), SgScopeStatement::class_name(), and translateScopeToUseCppDeclarations().

◆ translateScopeToUseCppDeclarations()

void SageInterface::translateScopeToUseCppDeclarations ( SgScopeStatement scope)

Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.

In AST translation, it is possible to build a variable reference before the variable is being declared. buildVarRefExp() will use fake initialized name and symbol as placeholders to get the work done. Users should call fixVariableReference() when AST is complete and all variable declarations are in place.

Definition at line 25109 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgStatement::class_name(), SgScopeStatement::class_name(), SgScopeStatement::containsOnlyDeclarations(), SgLocatedNode::getAttachedPreprocessingInfo(), SgScopeStatement::getDeclarationList(), SgScopeStatement::getStatementList(), SgStatement::insert_statement(), skipTranslateToUseCppDeclaration(), and translateStatementToUseCppDeclarations().

Referenced by translateToUseCppDeclarations().

◆ translateStatementToUseCppDeclarations()

std::vector< SgC_PreprocessorDirectiveStatement * > SageInterface::translateStatementToUseCppDeclarations ( SgStatement statement,
SgScopeStatement scope 

Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.

In AST translation, it is possible to build a variable reference before the variable is being declared. buildVarRefExp() will use fake initialized name and symbol as placeholders to get the work done. Users should call fixVariableReference() when AST is complete and all variable declarations are in place.

Definition at line 25077 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgLocatedNode::getAttachedPreprocessingInfo(), and skipTranslateToUseCppDeclaration().

Referenced by translateScopeToUseCppDeclarations().

◆ printOutComments()

void SageInterface::printOutComments ( SgLocatedNode locatedNode)

Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.

In AST translation, it is possible to build a variable reference before the variable is being declared. buildVarRefExp() will use fake initialized name and symbol as placeholders to get the work done. Users should call fixVariableReference() when AST is complete and all variable declarations are in place.

Definition at line 25009 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgLocatedNode::class_name(), and SgLocatedNode::getAttachedPreprocessingInfo().

Referenced by moveCommentsToNewStatement(), movePreprocessingInfo(), and replaceDefiningFunctionDeclarationWithFunctionPrototype().

◆ skipTranslateToUseCppDeclaration()

bool SageInterface::skipTranslateToUseCppDeclaration ( PreprocessingInfo currentPreprocessingInfo)

Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.

In AST translation, it is possible to build a variable reference before the variable is being declared. buildVarRefExp() will use fake initialized name and symbol as placeholders to get the work done. Users should call fixVariableReference() when AST is complete and all variable declarations are in place.

Definition at line 25055 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by translateScopeToUseCppDeclarations(), and translateStatementToUseCppDeclarations().

◆ outputFileIds()

void SageInterface::outputFileIds ( SgNode node)

Connect variable reference to the right variable symbols when feasible, return the number of references being fixed.

In AST translation, it is possible to build a variable reference before the variable is being declared. buildVarRefExp() will use fake initialized name and symbol as placeholders to get the work done. Users should call fixVariableReference() when AST is complete and all variable declarations are in place.

Definition at line 24753 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::class_name(), SgLocatedNode::class_name(), SgInitializedName::class_name(), SgLocatedNode::get_file_info(), SgNode::get_file_info(), and SgNode::get_isModified().

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildFile().

◆ updateDefiningNondefiningLinks()

void SageInterface::updateDefiningNondefiningLinks ( SgFunctionDeclaration func,
SgScopeStatement scope 

Update defining and nondefining links due to a newly introduced function declaration. Should be used after inserting the function into a scope.

This function not only set the defining and nondefining links of the newly introduced function declaration inside a scope, but also update other same function declarations' links accordingly if there are any. Assumption: The function has already inserted/appended/prepended into the scope before calling this function.

Liao, 7/3/2008 Update a list of function declarations inside a scope according to a newly introduced one

Algorithm: iterate declaration list for the same functions func is defining: set_defining for all func is nondefining: is first ? set_first_nondefining for all not the first ? set first nondefining for itself only

Definition at line 15915 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgScopeStatement::class_name(), SgDeclarationStatement::class_name(), SgScopeStatement::containsOnlyDeclarations(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_definingDeclaration(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_firstNondefiningDeclaration(), SgStatement::get_scope(), SgScopeStatement::getDeclarationList(), SgScopeStatement::getStatementList(), isSameFunction(), SgDeclarationStatement::set_definingDeclaration(), and SgDeclarationStatement::set_firstNondefiningDeclaration().

Referenced by appendStatement(), insertStatement(), and prependStatement().

◆ collectReadWriteRefs()

bool SageInterface::collectReadWriteRefs ( SgStatement stmt,
std::vector< SgNode * > &  readRefs,
std::vector< SgNode * > &  writeRefs,
bool  useCachedDefUse = false 

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

Definition at line 22128 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgFunctionDefinition::get_body(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_definingDeclaration(), and getEnclosingFunctionDefinition().

Referenced by collectReadWriteVariables().

◆ collectReadWriteVariables()

bool SageInterface::collectReadWriteVariables ( SgStatement stmt,
std::set< SgInitializedName * > &  readVars,
std::set< SgInitializedName * > &  writeVars,
bool  coarseGrain = true 

Collect unique variables which are read or written within a statement. Note that a variable can be both read and written. The statement can be either of a function, a scope, or a single line statement. For accesses to members of aggregate data, we return the coarse grain aggregate mem obj by default.

Collect unique variables which are read or written within a statement. Note that a variable can be both read and written. The statement can be either of a function, a scope, or a single line statement.

Definition at line 22234 of file sageInterface.C.

References collectReadWriteRefs(), and convertRefToInitializedName().

Referenced by collectReadOnlyVariables().

◆ collectReadOnlyVariables()

void SageInterface::collectReadOnlyVariables ( SgStatement stmt,
std::set< SgInitializedName * > &  readOnlyVars,
bool  coarseGrain = true 

Collect read only variables within a statement. The statement can be either of a function, a scope, or a single line statement. For accesses to members of aggregate data, we return the coarse grain aggregate mem obj by default.

Collect read only variables within a statement. The statement can be either of a function, a scope, or a single line statement.

Definition at line 22272 of file sageInterface.C.

References RoseAst::begin(), collectReadWriteVariables(), RoseAst::end(), and isConstType().

Referenced by collectReadOnlySymbols().

◆ collectReadOnlySymbols()

void SageInterface::collectReadOnlySymbols ( SgStatement stmt,
std::set< SgVariableSymbol * > &  readOnlySymbols,
bool  coarseGrain = true 

Collect read only variable symbols within a statement. The statement can be either of a function, a scope, or a single line statement. For accesses to members of aggregate data, we return the coarse grain aggregate mem obj by default.

Collect read only variable symbols within a statement. The statement can be either of a function, a scope, or a single line statement.

Definition at line 22300 of file sageInterface.C.

References collectReadOnlyVariables().

◆ isUseByAddressVariableRef()

bool SageInterface::isUseByAddressVariableRef ( SgVarRefExp ref)

Check if a variable reference is used by its address: including &a expression and foo(a) when type2 foo(Type& parameter) in C++.

Definition at line 22317 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent(), SgBinaryOp::get_rhs_operand_i(), and is_Cxx_language().

Referenced by collectUseByAddressVariableRefs().

◆ collectUseByAddressVariableRefs()

void SageInterface::collectUseByAddressVariableRefs ( const SgStatement s,
std::set< SgVarRefExp * > &  varSetB 

Collect variable references involving use by address: including &a expression and foo(a) when type2 foo(Type& parameter) in C++.

Collect variable references involving use by address: including &a expression and foo(a) when foo(Type& parameter) in C++.

Definition at line 22396 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent(), is_Cxx_language(), and isUseByAddressVariableRef().

◆ call_liveness_analysis()

LivenessAnalysis * SageInterface::call_liveness_analysis ( SgProject project,
bool  debug = false 

Call liveness analysis on an entire project.

Definition at line 22450 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgFunctionDefinition::class_name().

◆ getLiveVariables()

void SageInterface::getLiveVariables ( LivenessAnalysis *  liv,
SgForStatement loop,
std::set< SgInitializedName * > &  liveIns,
std::set< SgInitializedName * > &  liveOuts 

get liveIn and liveOut variables for a for loop from liveness analysis result liv.

Get liveIn and liveOut variables for a for loop.

Definition at line 22517 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ ReductionRecognition()

void SageInterface::ReductionRecognition ( SgForStatement loop,
std::set< std::pair< SgInitializedName *, OmpSupport::omp_construct_enum > > &  results 

Recognize and collect reduction variables and operations within a C/C++ loop, following OpenMP 3.0 specification for allowed reduction variable types and operation types.

Definition at line 22911 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgForStatement::get_loop_body(), isAncestor(), isCanonicalForLoop(), and isScalarType().

◆ constantFolding()

void SageInterface::constantFolding ( SgNode r)

Constant folding an AST subtree rooted at 'r' (replacing its children with their constant values, if applicable). Please be advised that constant folding on floating point computation may decrease the accuracy of floating point computations!

a wrapper for ConstantFolding::constantFoldingOptimization ()

It is a wrapper function for ConstantFolding::constantFoldingOptimization(). Note that only r's children are replaced with their corresponding constant values, not the input SgNode r itself. You have to call this upon an expression's parent node if you want to fold the expression.

Definition at line 22982 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by forLoopNormalization(), loopCollapsing(), and loopTiling().

◆ instrumentEndOfFunction()

int SageInterface::instrumentEndOfFunction ( SgFunctionDeclaration func,
SgStatement s 

Instrument(Add a statement, often a function call) into a function right before the return points, handle multiple return statements (with duplicated statement s) and return expressions with side effects. Return the number of statements inserted.

Useful when adding a runtime library call to terminate the runtime system right before the end of a program, especially for OpenMP and UPC runtime systems. Return with complex expressions with side effects are rewritten using an additional assignment statement.

Definition at line 18247 of file sageInterface.C.

References appendStatement(), copyStatement(), SgFunctionDefinition::get_body(), insertStatementBefore(), and splitExpression().

◆ removeJumpsToNextStatement()

void SageInterface::removeJumpsToNextStatement ( SgNode top)

Remove jumps whose label is immediately after the jump. Used to clean up inlined code fragments.

Definition at line 11509 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgGotoStatement::get_label(), and SgBasicBlock::get_statements().

◆ removeUnusedLabels()

void SageInterface::removeUnusedLabels ( SgNode top,
bool  keepChild = false 

Remove labels which are not targets of any goto statements: its child statement is also removed by default.

Definition at line 11606 of file sageInterface.C.

References findUnusedLabels(), myRemoveStatement(), and replaceStatement().

◆ findUnusedLabels()

std::set< SgLabelStatement * > SageInterface::findUnusedLabels ( SgNode top)

Find unused labels which are not targets of any goto statements.

Definition at line 11570 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by removeUnusedLabels().

◆ removeConsecutiveLabels()

void SageInterface::removeConsecutiveLabels ( SgNode top)

◆ mergeDeclarationAndAssignment()

bool SageInterface::mergeDeclarationAndAssignment ( SgVariableDeclaration decl,
SgExprStatement assign_stmt,
bool  removeAssignStmt = true 

Merge a variable assignment statement into a matching variable declaration statement. Callers should make sure the merge is semantically correct (by not introducing compilation errors). This function simply does the merge transformation, without eligibility check.

e.g. int i; i=10; becomes int i=10; the original i=10 will be deleted after the merge if success, return true, otherwise return false (e.g. variable declaration does not match or already has an initializer) The original assignment stmt will be removed by default This function is a bit ambiguous about the merge direction, to be phased out.

Definition at line 13274 of file sageInterface.C.

References mergeAssignmentWithDeclaration().

◆ mergeAssignmentWithDeclaration()

bool SageInterface::mergeAssignmentWithDeclaration ( SgExprStatement assign_stmt,
SgVariableDeclaration decl,
bool  removeAssignStmt = true 

Merge an assignment into its upstream declaration statement. Callers should make sure the merge is semantically correct.

Merge a variable assignment statement into a matching variable declaration statement.

e.g. int i; i=10; becomes int i=10; the original i=10 will be deleted after the merge if success, return true, otherwise return false (e.g. variable declaration does not match or already has an initializer)

Definition at line 13283 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildAssignInitializer(), copyExpression(), SgBinaryOp::get_lhs_operand(), SgVariableSymbol::get_name(), SgBinaryOp::get_rhs_operand(), SgInitializedName::get_symbol_from_symbol_table(), getFirstInitializedName(), movePreprocessingInfo(), removeStatement(), and SgNode::set_parent().

Referenced by mergeDeclarationAndAssignment().

◆ mergeDeclarationWithAssignment()

bool SageInterface::mergeDeclarationWithAssignment ( SgVariableDeclaration decl,
SgExprStatement assign_stmt 

Merge a declaration statement into a matching followed variable assignment. Callers should make sure the merge is semantically correct (by not introducing compilation errors). This function simply does the merge transformation, without eligibility check.

e.g. int i; i=10; becomes int i=10; the original int i; will be deleted after the merge

Definition at line 13337 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildAssignInitializer(), copyExpression(), SgBinaryOp::get_lhs_operand(), SgVariableSymbol::get_name(), SgBinaryOp::get_rhs_operand(), SgInitializedName::get_symbol_from_symbol_table(), getFirstInitializedName(), getNextStatement(), insertStatementBefore(), movePreprocessingInfo(), removeStatement(), and SgNode::set_parent().

◆ splitVariableDeclaration() [1/2]

SgExprStatement * SageInterface::splitVariableDeclaration ( SgVariableDeclaration decl)

Split a variable declaration with an rhs assignment into two statements: a declaration and an assignment.

Return the generated assignment statement, if any e.g. int i =10; becomes int i; i=10; This can be seen as a normalization of declarations

Definition at line 13410 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildAssignStatement(), SageBuilder::buildVarRefExp(), deepCopy(), getFirstInitializedName(), and insertStatementAfter().

Referenced by splitVariableDeclaration().

◆ splitVariableDeclaration() [2/2]

ROSE_DLL_API int SageInterface::splitVariableDeclaration ( SgScopeStatement scope,
bool  topLevelOnly = true 

Split declarations within a scope into declarations and assignment statements, by default only top level declarations are considered. Return the number of declarations split.

Split declarations within a scope into declarations and assignment statements, by default only top level declarations are considered.

Definition at line 13437 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgStatement::get_scope(), and splitVariableDeclaration().

◆ splitExpression()

SgAssignInitializer * SageInterface::splitExpression ( SgExpression from,
std::string  newName = "" 

Replace an expression with a temporary variable and an assignment statement.

Merged from replaceExpressionWithStatement.C.

Add a new temporary variable to contain the value of 'from'. Change reference to 'from' to use this new variable. Assumptions: (1)'from' is not within the test of a loop or 'if'; (2)not currently traversing 'from' or the statement it is in. Return value: the new temp variable declaration's assign initializer containing the from expression.

Definition at line 13584 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildAssignInitializer(), SageBuilder::buildVariableDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildVarRefExp(), gensym_counter, SgConditionalExp::get_conditional_exp(), SgBinaryOp::get_lhs_operand(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgExpression::get_type(), getFirstVarSym(), isBodyStatement(), isCopyConstructible(), makeSingleStatementBodyToBlock(), replaceExpressionWithStatement(), SgNode::set_parent(), splitExpression(), and SgNode::unparseToString().

Referenced by instrumentEndOfFunction(), replaceSubexpressionWithStatement(), and splitExpression().

◆ splitExpressionIntoBasicBlock()

void SageInterface::splitExpressionIntoBasicBlock ( SgExpression expr)

Split long expressions into blocks of statements.

This generalizes the normal splitExpression to allow loop tests and.

Definition at line 13677 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildAssignStatement(), SageBuilder::buildBasicBlock(), and replaceExpressionWithStatement().

◆ removeLabeledGotos()

void SageInterface::removeLabeledGotos ( SgNode top)

Remove labeled goto statements.

Definition at line 13690 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgGotoStatement::get_label(), SgNode::get_parent(), SgBasicBlock::get_statements(), and SgGotoStatement::set_label().

◆ changeBreakStatementsToGotos()

void SageInterface::changeBreakStatementsToGotos ( SgStatement loopOrSwitch)

If the given statement contains any break statements in its body, add a new label below the statement and change the breaks into gotos to that new label.

Definition at line 16821 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildBasicBlock(), SageBuilder::buildGotoStatement(), SageBuilder::buildLabelStatement(), findBreakStmts(), SgSwitchStatement::get_body(), SgNode::get_parent(), getLoopBody(), insertStatement(), Rose::StringUtility::numberToString(), SgStatement::replace_statement(), and SgNode::set_parent().

◆ ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfFor()

SgBasicBlock * SageInterface::ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfFor ( SgForStatement fs)

◆ ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfUpcForAll()

SgBasicBlock * SageInterface::ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfUpcForAll ( SgUpcForAllStatement fs)

Check if the body of a 'upc_forall' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.

Definition at line 17279 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by changeAllBodiesToBlocks(), and makeSingleStatementBodyToBlock().

◆ ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfWhile()

SgBasicBlock * SageInterface::ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfWhile ( SgWhileStmt ws)

Check if the body of a 'while' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.

Definition at line 17286 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildBasicBlock(), SgWhileStmt::get_body(), recordNormalizations(), SgWhileStmt::set_body(), and SgNode::set_parent().

Referenced by changeAllBodiesToBlocks(), and makeSingleStatementBodyToBlock().

◆ ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfDoWhile()

SgBasicBlock * SageInterface::ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfDoWhile ( SgDoWhileStmt ws)

Check if the body of a 'do .. while' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.

Definition at line 17300 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildBasicBlock(), SgDoWhileStmt::get_body(), recordNormalizations(), SgDoWhileStmt::set_body(), and SgNode::set_parent().

Referenced by changeAllBodiesToBlocks(), and makeSingleStatementBodyToBlock().

◆ ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfSwitch()

SgBasicBlock * SageInterface::ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfSwitch ( SgSwitchStatement ws)

Check if the body of a 'switch' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.

Definition at line 17314 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildBasicBlock(), SgSwitchStatement::get_body(), recordNormalizations(), SgSwitchStatement::set_body(), and SgNode::set_parent().

Referenced by changeAllBodiesToBlocks(), and makeSingleStatementBodyToBlock().

◆ ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfCaseOption()

SgBasicBlock * SageInterface::ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfCaseOption ( SgCaseOptionStmt cs)

Check if the body of a 'case option' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.

Definition at line 17249 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildBasicBlock(), SgCaseOptionStmt::get_body(), recordNormalizations(), SgCaseOptionStmt::set_body(), and SgNode::set_parent().

Referenced by makeSingleStatementBodyToBlock().

◆ ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfDefaultOption()

SgBasicBlock * SageInterface::ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfDefaultOption ( SgDefaultOptionStmt cs)

Check if the body of a 'default option' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.

Definition at line 17264 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildBasicBlock(), SgDefaultOptionStmt::get_body(), recordNormalizations(), SgDefaultOptionStmt::set_body(), and SgNode::set_parent().

Referenced by makeSingleStatementBodyToBlock().

◆ ensureBasicBlockAsTrueBodyOfIf()

SgBasicBlock * SageInterface::ensureBasicBlockAsTrueBodyOfIf ( SgIfStmt ifs)

Check if the true body of a 'if' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.

Definition at line 17328 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildBasicBlock(), SgIfStmt::get_true_body(), recordNormalizations(), SgNode::set_parent(), and SgIfStmt::set_true_body().

Referenced by changeAllBodiesToBlocks(), and makeSingleStatementBodyToBlock().

◆ ensureBasicBlockAsFalseBodyOfIf()

SgBasicBlock * SageInterface::ensureBasicBlockAsFalseBodyOfIf ( SgIfStmt ifs,
bool  createEmptyBody = true 

Check if the false body of a 'if' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not when the flag is true.

Definition at line 17541 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildBasicBlock(), SgIfStmt::get_false_body(), recordNormalizations(), SgIfStmt::set_false_body(), and SgNode::set_parent().

Referenced by changeAllBodiesToBlocks(), and makeSingleStatementBodyToBlock().

◆ ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfCatch()

SgBasicBlock * SageInterface::ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfCatch ( SgCatchOptionStmt cos)

Check if the body of a 'catch' statement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.

Definition at line 17558 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildBasicBlock(), SgCatchOptionStmt::get_body(), SgCatchOptionStmt::set_body(), and SgNode::set_parent().

Referenced by changeAllBodiesToBlocks(), and makeSingleStatementBodyToBlock().

◆ ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfOmpBodyStmt()

SgBasicBlock * SageInterface::ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfOmpBodyStmt ( SgOmpBodyStatement ompbodyStmt)

Check if the body of a SgOmpBodyStatement is a SgBasicBlock, create one if not.

Definition at line 17569 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildBasicBlock(), and SgNode::set_parent().

Referenced by changeAllBodiesToBlocks(), and makeSingleStatementBodyToBlock().

◆ cleanupNontransformedBasicBlockNode()

void SageInterface::cleanupNontransformedBasicBlockNode ( )

◆ recordNormalizations()

void SageInterface::recordNormalizations ( SgStatement s)

Record where normalization have been done so that we can preform denormalizations as required for the token-based unparsing to generate minimal diffs.

Definition at line 17346 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfCaseOption(), ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfDefaultOption(), ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfDoWhile(), ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfFor(), ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfSwitch(), ensureBasicBlockAsBodyOfWhile(), ensureBasicBlockAsFalseBodyOfIf(), and ensureBasicBlockAsTrueBodyOfIf().

◆ normalizeArrowExpWithAddressOfLeftOperand()

int SageInterface::normalizeArrowExpWithAddressOfLeftOperand ( SgNode root,
bool  transformationGeneratedOnly = true 

Convert all code within root matching the patern of (&left)->right, and translate them into left.right. Return the number of matches of the pattern. Be default, only transformation generated nodes will be normalized.

Convert all code within root matching the patern of (&left)->right, and translate them into left.right. Return the number of matches of the pattern.

Definition at line 27501 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildDotExp(), deepCopy(), SgExpression::get_file_info(), SgBinaryOp::get_lhs_operand(), SgBinaryOp::get_rhs_operand(), Sg_File_Info::isTransformation(), and replaceExpression().

◆ isBodyStatement()

bool SageInterface::isBodyStatement ( SgStatement s)

Check if a statement is a (true or false) body of a container-like parent, such as For, Upc_forall, Do-while, switch, If, Catch, OmpBodyStmt, etc.

Definition at line 17581 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgNode::get_parent(), and SgLocatedNode::variantT().

Referenced by loopTiling(), makeSingleStatementBodyToBlock(), and splitExpression().

◆ changeAllBodiesToBlocks()

void SageInterface::changeAllBodiesToBlocks ( SgNode top,
bool  createEmptyBody = true 

◆ makeSingleStatementBodyToBlock()

SgBasicBlock * SageInterface::makeSingleStatementBodyToBlock ( SgStatement singleStmt)

◆ getIntegerConstantValue()

unsigned long long SageInterface::getIntegerConstantValue ( SgValueExp expr)

Get the constant value from a constant integer expression; abort on everything else.

Note that signed long longs are converted to unsigned.

Definition at line 18350 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgValueExp::class_name(), and SgValueExp::variantT().

◆ getDependentDeclarations()

std::vector< SgDeclarationStatement * > SageInterface::getDependentDeclarations ( SgStatement stmt)

Get a statement's dependent declarations which declares the types used in the statement. The returned vector of declaration statements are sorted according to their appearance order in the original AST. Any reference to a class or template class from a namespace will treated as a reference to the enclosing namespace.

Please call this instead of calling getDependentDeclarations ( SgStatement* stmt, vector<SgDeclarationStatement*> & declarationList, vector<SgSymbol*> & symbolList )

Definition at line 19098 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgStatement::class_name(), getDependentDeclarations(), sortSgNodeListBasedOnAppearanceOrderInSource(), and AstSimpleProcessing::traverse().

Referenced by appendStatementWithDependentDeclaration(), and getDependentDeclarations().

◆ insertBeforeUsingCommaOp()

SgCommaOpExp * SageInterface::insertBeforeUsingCommaOp ( SgExpression new_exp,
SgExpression anchor_exp 

Insert an expression (new_exp )before another expression (anchor_exp) has possible side effects, without changing the original semantics. This is achieved by using a comma operator: (new_exp, anchor_exp). The comma operator is returned.

Insert an expression (new_exp )before another expression (anchor_exp) has possible side effects, with minimum changes to the original semantics. This is achieved by using a comma operator: (new_exp, anchor_exp). The comma operator is returned.

Definition at line 19897 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildCommaOpExp(), SgNode::get_parent(), replaceExpression(), SgNode::set_parent(), and SgBinaryOp::set_rhs_operand().

◆ insertAfterUsingCommaOp()

SgCommaOpExp * SageInterface::insertAfterUsingCommaOp ( SgExpression new_exp,
SgExpression anchor_exp,
SgStatement **  temp_decl = NULL,
SgVarRefExp **  temp_ref = NULL 

Insert an expression (new_exp ) after another expression (anchor_exp) has possible side effects, without changing the original semantics. This is done by using two comma operators: type T1; ... ((T1 = anchor_exp, new_exp),T1) )... , where T1 is a temp variable saving the possible side effect of anchor_exp. The top level comma op exp is returned. The reference to T1 in T1 = anchor_exp is saved in temp_ref.

Insert an expression (new_exp ) after another expression (anchor_exp) has possible side effects, with minimum changes to the original semantics. This is done by using two comma operators: type T1; ... ((T1 = anchor_exp, new_exp),T1) )... , where T1 is a temp variable saving the possible side effect of anchor_exp. The top level comma op exp is returned. The reference to T1 in T1 = anchor_exp is saved in temp_ref.

Definition at line 19918 of file sageInterface.C.

References SageBuilder::buildAssignOp(), SageBuilder::buildCommaOpExp(), SageBuilder::buildVariableDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildVarRefExp(), deepCopy(), gensym_counter, SgNode::get_parent(), SgStatement::get_scope(), SgExpression::get_type(), getEnclosingStatement(), getFirstVarSym(), insertStatementBefore(), Rose::StringUtility::numberToString(), and replaceExpression().

◆ wrapFunction() [1/2]

std::pair< SgStatement *, SgInitializedName * > SageInterface::wrapFunction ( SgFunctionDeclaration definingDeclaration,
SgName  newName 

moves the body of a function f to a new function f; f's body is replaced with code that forwards the call to f.

a pair indicating the statement containing the call of f and an initialized name refering to the temporary variable holding the result of f. In case f returns void the initialized name is NULL.
definingDeclarationthe defining function declaration of f
newNamethe name of function f \details f's new body becomes { f(...); } and { int res = f<tt>(...); return res; } for functions returning void and a value, respectively. two function declarations are inserted in f's enclosing scope \code result_type f(...); <— (1) result_type f (...) { forward call to f} result_type f(...) { original code } <— (2) Calls to f are not updated, thus in the transformed code all calls will continue calling f (this is also true for recursive function calls from within the body of f). After the function has created the wrapper, definingDeclaration becomes the wrapper function The definition of f is the next entry in the statement list; the forward declaration of f` is the previous entry in the statement list.
definingDeclaration must be a defining declaration of a free standing function. typeid(SgFunctionDeclaration) == typeid(definingDeclaration) i.e., this function is NOT implemented for class member functions, template functions, procedures, etc.

Referenced by wrapFunction().

◆ wrapFunction() [2/2]

template<class NameGen >
std::pair< SgStatement *, SgInitializedName * > SageInterface::wrapFunction ( SgFunctionDeclaration definingDeclaration,
NameGen  nameGen 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

Template Parameters
NameGenfunctor that generates a new name based on the old name. interface: SgName nameGen(const SgName&)
nameGenname generator

see wrapFunction for details

Definition at line 2657 of file sageInterface.h.

References wrapFunction().

◆ getFirstVariable()

SgInitializedName & SageInterface::getFirstVariable ( SgVariableDeclaration vardecl)

convenience function that returns the first initialized name in a list of variable declarations.

Definition at line 23018 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgVariableDeclaration::get_variables().

◆ hasTemplateSyntax()

bool SageInterface::hasTemplateSyntax ( const SgName name)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

Definition at line 610 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by SageBuilder::buildClassDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildDefiningClassDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildNondefiningClassDeclaration(), SageBuilder::buildNondefiningClassDeclaration_nfi(), SageBuilder::buildNondefiningEnumDeclaration_nfi(), and SageBuilder::setTemplateNameInTemplateInstantiations().

◆ collectSourceSequenceNumbers()

set< unsigned int > SageInterface::collectSourceSequenceNumbers ( SgNode astNode)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

Definition at line 23312 of file sageInterface.C.

References AstSimpleProcessing::traverse().

◆ HasNoThrowAssign()

bool SageInterface::HasNoThrowAssign ( const SgType *const  inputType)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ HasNoThrowCopy()

bool SageInterface::HasNoThrowCopy ( const SgType *const  inputType)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ HasNoThrowConstructor()

bool SageInterface::HasNoThrowConstructor ( const SgType *const  inputType)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ HasTrivialAssign()

bool SageInterface::HasTrivialAssign ( const SgType *const  inputType)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ HasTrivialCopy()

bool SageInterface::HasTrivialCopy ( const SgType *const  inputType)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ HasTrivialConstructor()

bool SageInterface::HasTrivialConstructor ( const SgType *const  inputType)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ HasTrivialDestructor()

bool SageInterface::HasTrivialDestructor ( const SgType *const  inputType)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ HasVirtualDestructor()

bool SageInterface::HasVirtualDestructor ( const SgType *const  inputType)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ IsBaseOf()

bool SageInterface::IsBaseOf ( const SgType *const  inputBaseType,
const SgType *const  inputDerivedType 

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ IsAbstract()

bool SageInterface::IsAbstract ( const SgType *const  inputType)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ IsEmpty()

bool SageInterface::IsEmpty ( const SgType *const  inputType)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ IsEnum()

bool SageInterface::IsEnum ( const SgType *const  inputType)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ IsPod()

bool SageInterface::IsPod ( const SgType *const  inputType)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ IsPolymorphic()

bool SageInterface::IsPolymorphic ( const SgType *const  inputType)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ IsStandardLayout()

bool SageInterface::IsStandardLayout ( const SgType *const  inputType)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ IsLiteralType()

bool SageInterface::IsLiteralType ( const SgType *const  inputType)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ IsTrivial()

bool SageInterface::IsTrivial ( const SgType *const  inputType)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ IsUnion()

bool SageInterface::IsUnion ( const SgType *const  inputType)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ UnderlyingType()

SgType * SageInterface::UnderlyingType ( SgType type)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

◆ isStructurallyEquivalentAST()

bool SageInterface::isStructurallyEquivalentAST ( SgNode tree1,
SgNode tree2 

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

Definition at line 23649 of file sageInterface.C.

References RoseAst::begin(), and RoseAst::end().

Referenced by SageBuilder::fixupCopyOfAstFromSeparateFileInNewTargetAst().

◆ evaluateConstIntegerExpression()

struct SageInterface::const_int_expr_t SageInterface::evaluateConstIntegerExpression ( SgExpression expr)

The function tries to evaluate const integer expressions (such as are used in array dimension sizes). It follows variable symbols, and requires constness.

Definition at line 24465 of file sageInterface.C.

References AstBottomUpProcessing< SynthesizedAttributeType >::traverse().

Referenced by checkTypesAreEqual().

◆ checkTypesAreEqual()

bool SageInterface::checkTypesAreEqual ( SgType typeA,
SgType typeB 

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

Definition at line 24471 of file sageInterface.C.

References RoseAst::begin(), RoseAst::end(), evaluateConstIntegerExpression(), SgFunctionParameterTypeList::get_arguments(), SgFunctionType::get_arguments(), SgNamedType::get_qualified_name(), SgModifierType::get_typeModifier(), isRestrictType(), isVolatileType(), SgType::stripType(), and SgNode::variantT().

◆ getTempDirectory()

string SageInterface::getTempDirectory ( SgProject project)

Create a temporary directory if it does not yet exist and return its name.

Definition at line 23863 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ destroyTempDirectory()

void SageInterface::destroyTempDirectory ( std::string  directory_name)

Use the system command to remove a temporary directory and all its containing files.

Definition at line 23882 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ processFile()

SgFile * SageInterface::processFile ( SgProject project,
std::string  filename,
bool  unparse = false 

Invoke JavaRose to translate a given file and put the resulting AST in the global space of the project.

Definition at line 23892 of file sageInterface.C.

References CommandlineProcessing::generateSourceFilenames(), and CommandlineProcessing::removeAllFileNamesExcept().

Referenced by preprocessCompilationUnit(), preprocessImport(), and preprocessPackage().

◆ preprocessPackage()

string SageInterface::preprocessPackage ( SgProject project,
std::string  package_name 

Using the package_name, create a file with a package statement, translate it in order to load the package into the project.

Definition at line 23931 of file sageInterface.C.

References processFile().

Referenced by findOrInsertJavaPackage().

◆ preprocessImport()

string SageInterface::preprocessImport ( SgProject project,
std::string  import_string 

Using the import_string parameter, create a file with the relevant import statement; translate the file and add its AST to the project.

Definition at line 23956 of file sageInterface.C.

References processFile().

Referenced by findOrImportJavaClass().

◆ preprocessCompilationUnit()

SgFile * SageInterface::preprocessCompilationUnit ( SgProject project,
std::string  file_name,
std::string  file_content,
bool  unparse = true 

Using the file_content string, create a file with the content in question; build its AST and add it to the project.

Definition at line 23981 of file sageInterface.C.

References processFile().

◆ findJavaPackage()

SgClassDefinition * SageInterface::findJavaPackage ( SgScopeStatement scope,
std::string  package_name 

Look for a qualified package name in the given scope and return its package definition.

Definition at line 24002 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by findOrInsertJavaPackage().

◆ findOrInsertJavaPackage()

SgClassDefinition * SageInterface::findOrInsertJavaPackage ( SgProject project,
std::string  package_name,
bool  create_directory = false 

Process a qualified package name, if needed, and return its package definition.

Definition at line 24035 of file sageInterface.C.

References findJavaPackage(), and preprocessPackage().

Referenced by findOrImportJavaClass().

◆ findOrImportJavaClass() [1/3]

SgClassDeclaration * SageInterface::findOrImportJavaClass ( SgProject project,
SgClassDefinition package_definition,
std::string  class_name 

If the class_name already exists in the scope, return it.

Otherwise, import it.

Definition at line 24059 of file sageInterface.C.

References preprocessImport().

Referenced by findOrImportJavaClass(), and findOrImportJavaClass().

◆ findOrImportJavaClass() [2/3]

SgClassDeclaration * SageInterface::findOrImportJavaClass ( SgProject project,
std::string  package_name,
std::string  class_name 

If the class_name already exists in the scope, return it.

Otherwise, import it.

Definition at line 24082 of file sageInterface.C.

References findOrImportJavaClass(), and findOrInsertJavaPackage().

◆ findOrImportJavaClass() [3/3]

SgClassDeclaration * SageInterface::findOrImportJavaClass ( SgProject project,
SgClassType class_type 

If the class_name already exists in the scope, return it.

Otherwise, import it.

Definition at line 24090 of file sageInterface.C.

References findOrImportJavaClass(), and get_name().

◆ findJavaMain() [1/2]

SgMemberFunctionDeclaration * SageInterface::findJavaMain ( SgClassDefinition class_definition)

◆ findJavaMain() [2/2]

SgMemberFunctionDeclaration * SageInterface::findJavaMain ( SgClassType class_type)

Find a main method in a Java class.

Definition at line 24133 of file sageInterface.C.

References findJavaMain().

◆ isTemplateInstantiationFromTemplateDeclarationSatisfyingFilter()

template<class T >
bool SageInterface::isTemplateInstantiationFromTemplateDeclarationSatisfyingFilter ( SgFunctionDeclaration function,
T *  filter 

This function detects template instantiations that are relevant when filters are used.

EDG normalizes some in-class template functions and member functions to be redefined outside of a class. this causes the associated template instantiations to be declared outside of the class, and to be marked as compiler generated (since the compiler generated form outside of the class declaration). ROSE captures the function definitions, but in the new location (defined outside of the class declaration). This can confuse some simple tests for template instantiations that are a part of definitions in a file, thus we have this function to detect this specific normalization.

Definition at line 2996 of file sageInterface.h.

References SgFunctionDeclaration::class_name(), SgDeclarationStatement::get_firstNondefiningDeclaration(), SgTemplateInstantiationMemberFunctionDecl::get_templateDeclaration(), and SgTemplateInstantiationFunctionDecl::get_templateDeclaration().

◆ detectCycleInType()

void SageInterface::detectCycleInType ( SgType type,
const std::string &  from 

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

Definition at line 26652 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgType::class_name(), and SgTypedefType::get_base_type().

◆ checkForInitializers()

void SageInterface::checkForInitializers ( SgNode node)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

Definition at line 27397 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgExpression::class_name(), and getFirstInitializedName().

◆ clearSharedGlobalScopes()

void SageInterface::clearSharedGlobalScopes ( SgProject project)

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement. Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++.

Collect all read and write references within stmt, which can be a function, a scope statement, or a single statement.

Note that a reference can be both read and written, like i++ This is a wrapper function to Qing's side effect analysis from loop optimization Liao, 2/26/2009 Returns true if the side effect analysis was complete, false otherwise. Note that a false result is expected if any functions are called in the body

Definition at line 27465 of file sageInterface.C.

References SgFunctionTypeTable::get_function_type_table(), SgNode::get_globalFunctionTypeTable(), SgNode::get_globalTypeTable(), and SgScopeStatement::get_symbol_table().

◆ setSourcePositionToDefault()

template<class T >
void SageInterface::setSourcePositionToDefault ( T *  node)

Definition at line 7116 of file sageInterface.C.

Variable Documentation

◆ trans_records

Transformation_Record SageInterface::trans_records

Definition at line 138 of file sageInterface.C.

◆ gensym_counter

int SageInterface::gensym_counter = 0

An internal counter for generating unique SgName.

Definition at line 592 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by addStepToLoopBody(), insertAfterUsingCommaOp(), loopUnrolling(), normalizeForLoopInitDeclaration(), and splitExpression().

◆ local_name_collision_map

std::map< std::string, int > SageInterface::local_name_collision_map

◆ local_name_to_node_map

std::map< std::string, SgNode * > SageInterface::local_name_to_node_map

Global map of name collisions to support generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier() function.

Definition at line 131 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by computeUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier(), generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier(), and reset_name_collision_map().

◆ local_node_to_name_map

std::map< SgNode *, std::string > SageInterface::local_node_to_name_map

Global map of name collisions to support generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier() function.

Definition at line 132 of file sageInterface.C.

Referenced by computeUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier(), generateUniqueNameForUseAsIdentifier(), and reset_name_collision_map().

◆ addedBasicBlockNodes

vector<SgBasicBlock*> SageInterface::addedBasicBlockNodes

Definition at line 153 of file sageInterface.C.