1#ifndef ROSE_Cxx_GrammarDeclarations_H
2#define ROSE_Cxx_GrammarDeclarations_H
3// #line 2988 "/workspace/src/ROSETTA/src/grammar.C"
4#include <RoseFirst.h>
5class SgAbsOp;
14class SgAdaDelayStmt;
22class SgAdaEntryDecl;
24class SgAdaExitStmt;
25class SgAdaFloatVal;
28class SgAdaFormalType;
38class SgAdaLoopStmt;
41class SgAdaOthersExp;
62class SgAdaSelectStmt;
64class SgAdaSubtype;
65class SgAdaTaskBody;
67class SgAdaTaskRefExp;
68class SgAdaTaskSpec;
70class SgAdaTaskSymbol;
71class SgAdaTaskType;
75class SgAdaUnitRefExp;
79class SgAddOp;
80class SgAddressOfOp;
82class SgAliasSymbol;
83class SgAlignOfOp;
85class SgAndAssignOp;
86class SgAndOp;
88class SgArrayType;
89class SgArrowExp;
90class SgArrowStarOp;
93class SgAsmBinaryAdd;
95class SgAsmBinaryAsr;
100class SgAsmBinaryLsl;
101class SgAsmBinaryLsr;
102class SgAsmBinaryMod;
103class SgAsmBinaryMsl;
107class SgAsmBinaryRor;
109class SgAsmBlock;
110class SgAsmByteOrder;
111class SgAsmCilAssembly;
125class SgAsmCilConstant;
132class SgAsmCilEvent;
133class SgAsmCilEventMap;
139class SgAsmCilField;
144class SgAsmCilFieldRVA;
147class SgAsmCilFile;
153class SgAsmCilImplMap;
162class SgAsmCilMetadata;
174class SgAsmCilModule;
180class SgAsmCilNode;
181class SgAsmCilParam;
183class SgAsmCilProperty;
189class SgAsmCilTypeDef;
191class SgAsmCilTypeRef;
193class SgAsmCilTypeSpec;
197class SgAsmCliHeader;
198class SgAsmCoffStrtab;
199class SgAsmCoffSymbol;
230class SgAsmDwarfFriend;
239class SgAsmDwarfLabel;
241class SgAsmDwarfLine;
243class SgAsmDwarfMacro;
245class SgAsmDwarfMember;
246class SgAsmDwarfModule;
296class SgAsmElfSection;
303class SgAsmElfStrtab;
304class SgAsmElfSymbol;
321class SgAsmExprListExp;
322class SgAsmExpression;
323class SgAsmFloatType;
325class SgAsmFunction;
326class SgAsmGenericDLL;
328class SgAsmGenericFile;
340class SgAsmInstruction;
342class SgAsmIntegerType;
350class SgAsmJvmClass;
359class SgAsmJvmField;
371class SgAsmJvmMethod;
376class SgAsmJvmNestHost;
378class SgAsmJvmNode;
387class SgAsmLENameTable;
388class SgAsmLEPageTable;
391class SgAsmLESection;
401class SgAsmNENameTable;
404class SgAsmNESection;
408class SgAsmNode;
410class SgAsmOp;
411class SgAsmOperandList;
424class SgAsmPESection;
428class SgAsmPointerType;
433class SgAsmScalarType;
435class SgAsmStatement;
436class SgAsmStaticData;
437class SgAsmStmt;
443class SgAsmType;
445class SgAsmUnaryMinus;
446class SgAsmUnaryPlus;
447class SgAsmUnaryRrx;
453class SgAsmVectorType;
454class SgAsmVoidType;
456class SgAssertStmt;
458class SgAssignOp;
463class SgAsyncStmt;
464class SgAtExp;
465class SgAtOp;
466class SgAtStmt;
467class SgAtomicStmt;
468class SgAttribute;
470class SgAutoType;
473class SgBaseClass;
475class SgBasicBlock;
478class SgBinaryOp;
479class SgBitAndOp;
480class SgBitAttribute;
482class SgBitEqvOp;
483class SgBitOrOp;
484class SgBitXorOp;
486class SgBoolValExp;
488class SgBreakStmt;
492class SgCallExpression;
493class SgCaseOptionStmt;
494class SgCastExp;
497class SgChar16Val;
498class SgChar32Val;
499class SgCharVal;
501class SgClassDecl_attr;
504class SgClassExp;
506class SgClassSymbol;
507class SgClassType;
511class SgCloseStatement;
512class SgColonShapeExp;
513class SgCommaOpExp;
514class SgCommonBlock;
516class SgCommonSymbol;
517class SgComplexVal;
521class SgComprehension;
524class SgConditionalExp;
525class SgConjugateOp;
529class SgContinueStmt;
538class SgDeclType;
543class SgDefaultSymbol;
545class SgDeleteExp;
549class SgDictionaryExp;
552class SgDirectory;
553class SgDirectoryList;
554class SgDivAssignOp;
555class SgDivideOp;
556class SgDoWhileStmt;
557class SgDotDotExp;
558class SgDotExp;
559class SgDotStarOp;
560class SgDoubleVal;
566class SgElementwiseOp;
576class SgEntryStatement;
579class SgEnumSymbol;
580class SgEnumType;
581class SgEnumVal;
582class SgEqualityOp;
585class SgExecStatement;
586class SgExpBaseClass;
589class SgExprListExp;
590class SgExprStatement;
591class SgExpression;
592class SgExpressionRoot;
593class SgFile;
594class SgFileList;
595class SgFinishExp;
596class SgFinishStmt;
597class SgFloat128Val;
598class SgFloat80Val;
599class SgFloatVal;
600class SgFlushStatement;
601class SgFoldExpression;
604class SgForStatement;
605class SgFormatItem;
606class SgFormatItemList;
609class SgFortranDo;
612class SgFuncDecl_attr;
621class SgFunctionRefExp;
622class SgFunctionSymbol;
623class SgFunctionType;
626class SgGlobal;
627class SgGotoStatement;
628class SgGraph;
629class SgGraphEdge;
630class SgGraphEdgeList;
631class SgGraphNode;
632class SgGraphNodeList;
634class SgGreaterThanOp;
635class SgHeaderFileBody;
637class SgHereExp;
639class SgIOStatement;
642class SgIfStmt;
645class SgImagPartOp;
648class SgImpliedDo;
653class SgIncludeFile;
656class SgInitializer;
659class SgIntVal;
662class SgInterfaceBody;
666class SgIorAssignOp;
667class SgIsNotOp;
668class SgIsOp;
669class SgJavaAnnotation;
689class SgJavaUnionType;
693class SgJovialBitType;
694class SgJovialBitVal;
705class SgJvmComposite;
706class SgKeyDatumPair;
707class SgLabelRefExp;
708class SgLabelStatement;
709class SgLabelSymbol;
710class SgLambdaCapture;
712class SgLambdaExp;
713class SgLambdaRefExp;
714class SgLeftDivideOp;
715class SgLessOrEqualOp;
716class SgLessThanOp;
721class SgListExp;
722class SgLocatedNode;
724class SgLockStatement;
725class SgLongDoubleVal;
726class SgLongIntVal;
727class SgLongLongIntVal;
728class SgLshiftAssignOp;
729class SgLshiftOp;
730class SgMagicColonExp;
732class SgMatrixExp;
738class SgMembershipOp;
740class SgMinusAssignOp;
741class SgMinusMinusOp;
742class SgMinusOp;
743class SgModAssignOp;
744class SgModOp;
745class SgModifier;
746class SgModifierNodes;
747class SgModifierType;
749class SgModuleSymbol;
750class SgMultAssignOp;
751class SgMultiplyOp;
752class SgName;
753class SgNameGroup;
754class SgNamedType;
760class SgNaryBooleanOp;
762class SgNaryOp;
763class SgNewExp;
764class SgNode;
765class SgNoexceptOp;
768class SgNonrealDecl;
769class SgNonrealRefExp;
770class SgNonrealSymbol;
771class SgNonrealType;
772class SgNotEqualOp;
773class SgNotOp;
774class SgNullExpression;
775class SgNullStatement;
777class SgNullptrValExp;
782class SgOmpBeginClause;
784class SgOmpClause;
794class SgOmpDoStatement;
795class SgOmpEndClause;
797class SgOmpFinalClause;
802class SgOmpIfClause;
806class SgOmpMapClause;
836class SgOpenStatement;
838class SgOptions;
839class SgOrOp;
843class SgPassStatement;
844class SgPlusAssignOp;
845class SgPlusPlusOp;
846class SgPntrArrRefExp;
850class SgPointerType;
851class SgPowerOp;
852class SgPragma;
854class SgPrintStatement;
858class SgProject;
862class SgQualifiedName;
865class SgRangeExp;
866class SgRangeType;
867class SgReadStatement;
868class SgRealPartOp;
869class SgRefExp;
870class SgReferenceExp;
871class SgReferenceType;
872class SgRemOp;
873class SgRenamePair;
874class SgRenameSymbol;
875class SgReplicationOp;
876class SgReturnStmt;
878class SgRshiftAssignOp;
879class SgRshiftOp;
881class SgScopeOp;
882class SgScopeStatement;
883class SgScopedRefExp;
884class SgScopedType;
887class SgShortVal;
888class SgSizeOfOp;
889class SgSourceFile;
890class SgSpaceshipOp;
891class SgSpawnStmt;
893class SgStatement;
901class SgStringVal;
904class SgSubtractOp;
905class SgSuperExp;
906class SgSupport;
908class SgSymbol;
909class SgSymbolTable;
936class SgTemplateSymbol;
937class SgTemplateType;
943class SgThisExp;
944class SgThrowOp;
945class SgToken;
946class SgTryStmt;
947class SgTupleExp;
948class SgType;
949class SgTypeBool;
950class SgTypeCAFTeam;
951class SgTypeChar;
952class SgTypeChar16;
953class SgTypeChar32;
954class SgTypeComplex;
956class SgTypeDefault;
957class SgTypeDouble;
958class SgTypeEllipse;
959class SgTypeExpression;
960class SgTypeFixed;
961class SgTypeFloat;
962class SgTypeFloat128;
963class SgTypeFloat80;
964class SgTypeGlobalVoid;
965class SgTypeIdOp;
966class SgTypeImaginary;
967class SgTypeInt;
968class SgTypeLabel;
969class SgTypeLong;
970class SgTypeLongDouble;
971class SgTypeLongLong;
972class SgTypeMatrix;
973class SgTypeModifier;
974class SgTypeNullptr;
975class SgTypeOfType;
976class SgTypeRefExp;
977class SgTypeShort;
979class SgTypeSignedChar;
980class SgTypeSignedInt;
981class SgTypeSignedLong;
984class SgTypeString;
985class SgTypeSymbol;
986class SgTypeTable;
988class SgTypeTuple;
989class SgTypeUnknown;
996class SgTypeVoid;
997class SgTypeWchar;
999class SgTypedefSeq;
1000class SgTypedefSymbol;
1001class SgTypedefType;
1003class SgUnaryAddOp;
1004class SgUnaryOp;
1008class SgUnknownFile;
1009class SgUnlockStatement;
1010class SgUnparse_Info;
1011class SgUnsignedCharVal;
1012class SgUnsignedIntVal;
1014class SgUnsignedLongVal;
1015class SgUnsignedShortVal;
1022class SgUpcMythread;
1024class SgUpcThreads;
1025class SgUpcWaitStatement;
1026class SgUseStatement;
1031class SgValueExp;
1032class SgVarArgCopyOp;
1033class SgVarArgEndOp;
1034class SgVarArgOp;
1036class SgVarArgStartOp;
1037class SgVarRefExp;
1040class SgVariableSymbol;
1042class SgVariantStatement;
1043class SgVoidVal;
1044class SgWaitStatement;
1046class SgWcharVal;
1047class SgWhenStmt;
1048class SgWhereStatement;
1049class SgWhileStmt;
1050class SgWithStatement;
1051class SgWriteStatement;
1052class SgXorAssignOp;
1053class SgYieldExpression;
1054class Sg_File_Info;
Operand referencing a Co-processor.
String associated with a binary file.
Expression that adds two operands.
Expression that performs an arithmetic, sign-bit preserving right shift.
Expression that concatenates two values to form a wider value.
Expression that divides the first operand by the second.
Base class for binary expressions.
Expression that performs a logical left shift operation.
Expression that performs a logical, sign-bit non-preserving right shift.
Expression that returns the remainder when dividing the first operand by the second.
Expression that performs a logical left shift operation filling low-order bits with one.
Expression that multiplies two operands.
Expression that represents an update to a storage location.
Expression that represents an update to a storage location.
Expression that performs a right rotate.
Expression that subtracts the second operand from the first.
Instruction basic block.
Byte order specification.
CIL AssemblyOS tables.
CIL AssemblyOS node (II.22.3).
CIL AssemblyProcessor tables.
CIL AssemblyProcessor node (II.22.4).
CIL AssemblyRefOS tables.
CIL AssemblyRefOS node (II.22.6).
CIL AssemblyRefProcessor tables.
CIL AssemblyRefProcessor node (II.22.7).
CIL AssemblyRef tables.
CIL AssemblyRef node (II.22.5).
CIL Assembly tables.
CIL Assembly node (II.22.2).
CIL ClassLayout tables.
CIL ClassLayout node (II.22.8).
CIL Constant tables.
CIL Constant node (II.22.9).
CIL CustomAttribute tables.
CIL CustomAttribute node (II.22.10).
Base class for CIL branch of binary analysis IR nodes.
CIL DeclSecurity tables.
CIL DeclSecurity node (II.22.11).
CIL EventMap tables.
CIL EventMap node (II.22.12).
CIL Event node (II.22.13).
Property class representing CIL Exception clauses (II.25.4.6).
CIL ExportedType tables.
CIL ExportedType node (II.22.14).
CIL FieldLayout tables.
CIL FieldLayout node (II.22.16).
CIL FieldMarshal tables.
CIL FieldMarshal node (II.22.17).
CIL FieldRVA tables.
CIL FieldRVA node (II.22.18).
CIL Field node (II.22.15).
CIL File node (II.22.19).
CIL GenericParamConstraint tables.
CIL GenericParamConstraint node (II.22.21).
CIL GenericParam tables.
CIL GenericParam node (II.22.20).
CIL ImplMap tables.
CIL ImplMap node (II.22.22).
CIL InterfaceImpl tables.
CIL InterfaceImpl node (II.22.23).
CIL ManifestResource tables.
CIL ManifestResource node (II.22.24).
CIL MemberRef tables.
CIL MemberRef node (II.22.25).
CIL SgAsmCilMetadataHeap node.
CIL SgAsmCilMetadataRoot.
Base class for CIL branch of binary analysis IR nodes.
Property class representing CIL Extra Sections (II.25.4.5).
CIL MethodDef tables.
CIL MethodDef node (II.22.26).
CIL MethodImpl tables.
CIL MethodImpl node (II.22.27).
CIL MethodSemantics tables.
CIL MethodSemantics node (II.22.28).
CIL MethodSpec tables.
CIL MethodSpec node (II.22.29).
CIL ModuleRef tables.
CIL ModuleRef node (II.22.31).
CIL Module node (II.22.30).
CIL NestedClass tables.
CIL NestedClass node (II.22.32).
Base class for CIL branch of binary analysis IR nodes.
CIL Param node (II.22.33).
CIL PropertyMap tables.
CIL PropertyMap node (II.22.35).
CIL Property tables.
CIL Property node (II.22.34).
CIL StandAloneSig tables.
CIL StandAloneSig node (II.22.36).
CIL TypeDef tables.
CIL TypeDef node (II.22.37).
CIL TypeRef tables.
CIL TypeRef node (II.22.38).
CIL TypeSpec tables.
CIL TypeSpec node (II.22.39).
Base class for CIL branch of binary analysis IR nodes.
Base class for CIL branch of binary analysis IR nodes.
CIL Managed Code section.
COFF symbol string table.
List of COFF symbols.
Base class for constants.
Represents the file header for DOS executables.
Expression representing a machine register.
List of dynamic linking section entries.
One entry from the dynamic linking table.
ELF section containing dynamic linking information.
List of ELF EH frame CI entries.
ELF error handling frame entry, common information entry.
List of ELF error handling frame descriptor entries.
ELF error handling frame entry frame description entry.
Represents an ELF EH frame section.
Represents the file header of an ELF binary container.
Node to hold list of ELF note entries.
One entry of an ELF notes table.
List of ELF relocation entries.
One entry of an ELF relocation table.
Represents an ELF relocation section.
Represents one entry in an ELF section table.
Represents an ELF section table.
Base class for ELF file sections.
Represents one entry of a segment table.
Represents an ELF segment table.
ELF string table section.
ELF string table.
ELF file section containing symbols.
Represents a single ELF symbol.
List of symbol version aux entries.
Auxiliary data for an ELF Symbol Version.
List of entries for the ELF symbol version definition table.
One entry from an ELF symbol version definition table.
The GNU symbol version definitions.
List of entries from a symbol version table.
Entry in an ELF symbol version table.
Hods a list of symbol version aux entries.
Auxiliary info for needed symbol version.
List of symbol version needed entries.
One entry of the ELF symbol version needed table.
GNU symbol version requirements table.
The ELF symbol version table.
Base class for many binary analysis nodes.
List of expression nodes.
Base class for expressions.
Floating point types.
Represents a synthesized function.
List of pointers to other nodes.
Base class for dynamically linked library information.
List of AST file node pointers.
Base class for binary files.
Basic information about an executable container.
List of generic file headers.
Base class for container file headers.
List of pointers to file sections.
Contiguous region of a file.
Base class for strings related to binary specimens.
Base class for string tables.
Node to hold a list of symbol node pointers.
Registers accessed indirectly.
List of SgAsmInstruction nodes.
Base class for machine instructions.
Base class for integer values.
Represents an interpretation of a binary container.
Represents a JVM attribute_info table/array.
Base class for a JVM attribute.
The BootstrapMethods attribute is a variable-length attribute in the attributes table of a ClassFile ...
Represents an entry in a JVM constant pool.
Represents an JVM constant pool.
JVM ConstantValue attribute.
JVM EnclosingMethod attribute.
Represents a JVM exception_info table/array.
JVM Exceptions attribute.
Represents a JVM field_info table/array.
Represents the file header of an JVM binary container.
A JVM InnerClasses attribute array entry.
Represents a JVM InnerClasses attribute.
Represents one JVS machine instruction.
JVM LineNumberTable attribute.
JVM LocalVariableEntry.
JVM LocalVariableTable attribute.
JVM LocalVariableTypeEntry.
JVM LocalVariableTypeTable attribute.
JVM MethodParametersEntry.
JVM MethodParameters attribute.
Represents a JVM method_info table/array.
JVM ModuleMainClass attribute.
JVM NestHost attribute.
JVM NestMembers attribute.
Base class for JVM branch of binary analysis IR nodes.
JVM Signature attribute.
JVM SourceFile attribute.
Represents a frame in a stack map table.
The StackMapTable attribute is a variable-length attribute in the attributes table of a Code attribut...
Represents an entry in a stack map table.
Reference to memory locations.
Represents one MIPS machine instruction.
Base class for all binary analysis IR nodes.
List of operands for an instruction.
List of pointers to other AST nodes.
Export file section.
Windows PE file header.
A list of PE Import Directories.
One import directory per library.
A list of imported items.
A single imported object.
Portable Executable Import Section.
List of SgAsmPERVASizePair AST nodes.
Base class for PE sections.
Represents one PowerPC machine instruction.
An ordered list of registers.
Base class for references to a machine register.
Static representation of instruction semantics.
Base class for scalar types.
Base class for references to a machine register.
Base class for statement-like subclasses.
Represents static data in an executable.
This class represents the concept of a C Assembler statement.
Strings stored in an ELF or PE container.
Strings stored in an ELF or PE container.
Declaration-like nodes that encapsulate multiple instructions.
Base class for synthesized declarations.
Base class for binary types.
Base class for unary expressions.
Expression represting negation.
Expression representing a (no-op) unary plus operation.
Expression representing sign extending.
Expression representing truncation.
Expression representing unsigned extending.
Instructions defined at runtime.
Base class for values.
Base class for vector types.
A type that doesn't represent any data.
Represents one Intel x86 machine instruction.
This class represents the rhs of a variable declaration which includes an optional assignment (e....
This class represents the concept of a block (not a basic block from control flow analysis).
This class represents the notion of a binary operator. It is derived from a SgExpression because oper...
This class represents a boolean value (expression value).
This class represents the notion of a break statement (typically used in a switch statment).
This class represents the concept of a generic call expression.
This class represents the concept of a C and C++ case option (used within a switch statement).
This class represents a cast of one type to another.
This class represents the concept of a catch within a try-catch construct used in C++ exception handl...
This class represents the concept of a C++ sequence of catch statements.
This class represents the concept of a class declaration statement. It includes the concept of an ins...
This class represents the concept of a class definition in C++.
This class represents the concept of a C++ expression built from a class name.
This class represents the concept of a class name within the compiler.
This class represents the concept of a C style extern "C" declaration. But such information (linkage)...
This class represents the concept of a C trinary conditional expression (e.g. "test ?...
This class represents the call of a class constructor to initialize a variable. For example "Foo foo;...
This class represents the concept of a C or C++ continue statement.
This class represents the concept of a contructor initializer list (used in constructor (member funct...
This class represents modifiers for SgDeclaration (declaration statements).
This class represents the concept of a declaration statement.
This class represents the concept of a C or C++ default case within a switch statement.
This class represents the concept of a C++ call to the delete operator.
This class represents a directory within a projects file structure of files and directories.
This class represents the concept of a do-while statement.
This class represents the notion of an value (expression value).
This class represents the concept of an enum declaration.
This class represents the concept of the dynamic execution of a string, file, or code object....
This class represents the concept of a C and C++ expression list.
This class represents the concept of a C or C++ statement which contains a expression.
This class represents the notion of an expression. Expressions are derived from SgLocatedNodes,...
This class represents a source file for a project (which may contian many source files and or directo...
This class represents the notion of an value (expression value).
This class represents the variable declaration or variable initialization withn a for loop.
This class represents the concept of a for loop.
This class represents the concept of a C++ function call (which is an expression).
This class represents the concept of a function declaration statement.
This class represents the concept of a scope in C++ (e.g. global scope, fuction scope,...
This class represents the concept of a declaration list.
This class represents the function being called and must be assembled in the SgFunctionCall with the ...
This class represents the concept of a name and a type. It may be renamed in the future to SgTypeSymb...
This class represents the function type table (stores all function types so that they can be shared i...
This class represents a type for all functions.
This class represents the concept of a namespace definition.
This class represents the concept of a C or C++ goto statement.
This class represents the concept of an "if" construct.
This class represents the notion of a declared variable.
This class represents the notion of an initializer for a variable declaration or expression in a func...
This class represents the physical disequality (often called pointer disequality) operator for langua...
This class represents the physical equality (often called pointer equality) operator for languages th...
This class represents the concept of a C or C++ label statement.
This class represents a lambda expression.
This class represents a list display.
This class represents the notion of an expression or statement which has a position within the source...
This class represents the notion of an value (expression value).
This class represents the concept of a member function declaration statement.
This class represents the member function being called and must be assembled in the SgFunctionCall wi...
This class represents the numeric negation of a value. Not to be confused with SgSubtractOp.
This class is not used in ROSE, but is intended to represent a list of SgModifierTypes (similar to th...
This class represents the base class of a number of IR nodes define modifiers within the C++ grammar.
This class represents strings within the IR nodes.
This class represents the concept of a C++ namespace alias declaration statement.
This class represents the concept of a C++ namespace declaration.
This class represents the concept of a namespace definition.
This class represents the concept of a namespace name within the compiler.
This class represents the notion of an n-ary boolean operation. This node is intended for use with Py...
This class represents the notion of an n-ary comparison operation. This node is intended for use with...
This class represents the notion of an n-ary operator. This node is intended for use with Python.
This class represents the concept of a C++ call to the new operator.
This class represents the base class for all IR nodes within Sage III.
This class represents an object used to initialize the unparsing.
This class represents a Fortran pointer assignment. It is not some weird compound assignment operator...
This class represents the concept of a C Assembler statement (untested).
This class represents a source project, with a list of SgFile objects and global information about th...
This class represents the concept of a 'global' stmt in Python.
This class represents a OLD concept of the structure require for qualified names when they were in th...
This class represents a OLD concept of the structure require for qualified names when they were in th...
This class represents the "&" operator (applied to any lvalue).
This class represents the concept of a C Assembler statement (untested).
This class was part of CC++ support from a long time ago.
This class represents the concept of a scope in C++ (e.g. global scope, fuction scope,...
This class represents the "sizeof()" operator (applied to any type).
This class is part of the older CC++ concept. It is not a part of C or C++ (this IR node is not used ...
This class represents the GNU extension "statement expression" (thus is non-standard C and C++).
This class represents the notion of a statement.
This class is intended to be a wrapper around SgStatements, allowing them to exist in scopes that onl...
This class represents modifiers specific to storage.
This class represents the conversion of an arbitrary expression to a string. This node is intended fo...
This class represents the base class of a numbr of IR nodes that don't otherwise fit into the existin...
This class represents the concept of a switch.
This class represents the symbol tables used in both SgScopeStatement and the SgFunctionTypeSymbolTab...
This class represents the concept of a name within the compiler.
This class represents template argument within the use of a template to build an instantiation.
This class represents the concept of a template declaration.
This class represents the concept of an instantiated class template.
This class represents the concept of a class definition in C++.
This class represents the concept of a C++ template instantiation directive.
This class represents the concept of an instantiation of function template.
This class represents the concept of an instantiation of member function template or a member functio...
This class represents the "this" operator (can be applied to any member data).
This class represents the C++ throw expression (handled as a unary operator).
This class represents the concept of try statement within the try-catch support for exception handlin...
This class represents a tuple display.
This class represents a C99 complex type.
This class represents a default type used for some IR nodes (see below).
This class represents a C99 complex type.
This class represents a string type used for SgStringVal IR node.
This class represents the base class for all types.
This class represents the notion of a typedef declaration.
This class represents a list of associated typedefs for the SgType IR nodes which reference this list...
This class represents the notion of a unary operator. It is derived from a SgExpression because opera...
This class represents the concept of a C++ using declaration.
This class represents the concept of a C++ using directive.
This class represents the notion of an value (expression value).
This class represents the variable refernece in expressions.
This class represents the concept of a C or C++ variable declaration.
This class represents the definition (initialization) of a variable.
This class represents the concept of a variable name within the compiler (a shared container for the ...
This class represents the concept of a do-while statement.
This class represents the location of the code associated with the IR node in the original source cod...